コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, cb_id, ner_model_id):
     init global variables
     self.cb_id = cb_id
     self.ner_model_id = ner_model_id
     self.bilstmcrf_model = PredictNetBiLstmCrf()
コード例 #2
    def post(self, request, type, nnid, ver):
        - desc : insert cnn configuration data
            if (ver == 'active'):
                if (type == 'w2v'):
                    return_data = PredictNetW2V().run(nnid, request.data)
                elif (type == "d2v"):
                    return_data = PredictNetD2V().run(nnid, request.data)
                elif (type == "cnn"):
                    # TO-DO : need predict function for active taged version
                    raise Exception("on developing now !")
                elif (type == "wdnn"):
                    return_data = PredictNetWdnn().run(nnid, ver,
                elif (type == "seq2seq"):
                    return_data = PredictNetSeq2Seq().run(nnid, request.data)
                elif (type == "autoencoder"):
                    return_data = PredictNetAutoEncoder().run(
                        nnid, request.data)
                elif (type == "renet"):
                    #return_data = PredictNetRenet().run(nnid, ver, request.FILES)
                    # TO-DO : need to create PredictNetRenet class first
                    raise Exception("on developing now !")
                elif (type == "anomaly"):
                    return_data = PredictNetAnomaly().run(nnid, request.data)
                elif (type == "wcnn"):
                    return_data = PredictNetWcnn().run(nnid, request.data)
                elif (type == "bilstmcrf"):
                    return_data = PredictNetBiLstmCrf().run(nnid, request.data)
                    raise Exception("Not defined type error")
                if (type == 'w2v'):
                    # TO-DO : need predict function for specific  version
                    raise Exception("on developing now !")
                elif (type == "d2v"):
                    # TO-DO : need predict function for specific  version
                    raise Exception("on developing now !")
                elif (type == "cnn"):
                    return_data = PredictNetCnn().run(nnid, ver, request.FILES)
                elif (type == "wdnn"):
                    return_data = PredictNetWdnn().run(nnid, ver,
                elif (type == "seq2seq"):
                    # TO-DO : need predict function for specific  version
                    raise Exception("on developing now !")
                elif (type == "renet"):
                    return_data = PredictNetRenet().run(
                        nnid, ver, request.FILES)
                    raise Exception("Not defined type error")

            return Response(json.dumps(return_data))
        except Exception as e:
            return_data = {"status": "404", "result": str(e)}
            return Response(json.dumps(return_data))
コード例 #3
    def post(self, request, type, nnid, ver):
        Request Deep Neural Network to predict result with given data   \n
        input formats can be varies on type of networks     \n
        but usually you can use it with parm input_data     \n
        # Class Name : ServiceManagerPredict

        # Description:
            request predict service via rest service
            It caches the model and vectors on first request
            It may can take some time at first for caching, after than we can response the request
            within 1.0 sec
            if ver == 'active':
                condition = {'nn_id': nnid}
                ver = NNCommonManager().get_nn_info(

            if (type == "resnet" or type == "inceptionv4"):
                return_data = PredictNetImage().run(nnid, ver, request)
            elif (type == 'w2v'):
                return_data = PredictNetW2V().run(nnid, request.data)
            elif (type == "d2v"):
                return_data = PredictNetD2V().run(nnid, request.data)
            elif (type == "cnn"):
                return_data = PredictNetCnn().run(nnid, ver, request.FILES)
            elif (type == "wdnn"):
                return_data = PredictNetWdnn().run(nnid, ver, request)
            elif (type == "seq2seq"):
                return_data = PredictNetSeq2Seq().run(nnid, request.data)
            elif (type == "autoencoder"):
                return_data = PredictNetAutoEncoder().run(nnid, request.data)
            elif (type == "anomaly"):
                return_data = PredictNetAnomaly().run(nnid, request.data)
            elif (type == "wcnn"):
                return_data = PredictNetWcnn().run(nnid, request.data)
            elif (type == "bilstmcrf"):
                return_data = PredictNetBiLstmCrf().run(nnid, request.data)
            elif (type == "ngram_mro"):
                return_data = PredictNetNgram().run(type, nnid, ver,
            elif (type == "xgboost_reg"):
                return_data = PredictNetXgboost().run(nnid, ver, request.FILES)

            return Response(return_data)
        except Exception as e:
            return_data = {"status": "404", "result": str(e)}
            return Response(json.dumps(return_data))
コード例 #4
class EntityRecognizer(ShareData):

    def __init__(self, cb_id, ner_model_id):
        init global variables
        self.cb_id = cb_id
        self.ner_model_id = ner_model_id
        self.bilstmcrf_model = PredictNetBiLstmCrf()

    def parse(self, share_data):
        if self.ner_model_id != '':
            logging.info("■■■■■■■■■■ NER 분석 전 : " + str(share_data.get_morphed_data()))
            ner_data = self._get_ner_data(' '.join(share_data.get_morphed_data()))
            share_data, ner_data = self._match_ngram_dict(share_data, share_data.get_morphed_data(), ner_data)
            self._get_convert_data(ner_data, share_data)
            logging.info("■■■■■■■■■■ NER 분석 결과 : " + str(ner_data))
        return share_data

    def _get_convert_data(self, ner_data, share_data):
        make sentence for charn cnn intent prediction
        :param ner_data:
        :param share_data:
        buff_list = []
        for val_a, val_b in zip(ner_data, share_data.get_morphed_data()):
            if val_a == 'O':
        share_data.set_convert_data(sorted(set(buff_list), key=lambda x: buff_list.index(x)))

    def _get_ner_data(self, input_sentence):
        result = self.bilstmcrf_model.run(self.ner_model_id, {"input_data": input_sentence, "num": 0, "clean_ans": False})
        return result

    def _match_ngram_dict(self, share_data, input_sentence, ner_data_input):
        match ngram dict with ner analized
            result = {}
            ner_data = ner_data_input.copy()
            if len(input_sentence) != len(ner_data):
                logging.info("■■■■■■■■■■ 길이 차이로 NER 처리 불가 ■■■■■■■■■■")

            cb_data = ChatKnowledgeMemDict.ngram.get(self.cb_id)
            cb_data_order = ChatKnowledgeMemDict.ngram_order.get(self.cb_id)
            cb_data_th = ChatKnowledgeMemDict.ngram_conf.get(self.cb_id)
            dist_keys = dict(Counter(ner_data))
            index = 0
            for key, val in zip(ner_data, input_sentence):
                if key == 'O':
                if result.get(key):
                if cb_data.get(key) is None:

                model = ngram.NGram(key=self.lower)

                if dist_keys.get(key) > 1:
                    ner_conv = ' '.join(list(map(lambda x: x[0], list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == key, zip(input_sentence, ner_data))))))
                    result[key] = list(map(lambda x: x[0], model.search(ner_conv.replace(' ', '').lower(), threshold=1.0)))
                    if len(result[key]) == 0:
                        result[key] = list(map(lambda x: x[0], model.search(ner_conv.replace(' ', '').lower(), threshold=cb_data_th[key])))[0:4]
                    if len(result[key]) == 0:
                        logging.info("■■■■■■■■■■ NER 오류로 전수 조사 시작 (시간소요발생) ■■■■■■■■■■")
                        data, id = self.check_all_dict(ner_conv.replace(' ', '').lower(), cb_data, cb_data_order, cb_data_th)
                        if id is not None:
                            result[id] = data
                            key = id
                            ner_data_input[index] = id
                    ner_conv = val
                    result[key] = list(map(lambda x: x[0], model.search(ner_conv.lower(), threshold=1.0)))
                    if len(result[key]) == 0:
                        result[key] = list(map(lambda x: x[0], model.search(ner_conv.lower(), threshold=cb_data_th[key])))[0:4]
                    if len(result[key]) == 0:
                        logging.info("■■■■■■■■■■ NER 오류로 전수 조사 시작 (시간소요발생) ■■■■■■■■■■")
                        data, id = self.check_all_dict(ner_conv.lower(), cb_data, cb_data_order, cb_data_th)
                        if id is not None:
                            result[id] = data
                            key = id
                            ner_data_input[index] = id

                if len(result[key]) == 0:
                    del result[key]
                    if key is not None and key in ['tagorg', 'tagname']:
                        share_data.set_story_ner_entity(key, [ner_conv] + result[key])
                        share_data.set_story_ner_entity(key, result[key])

                index = index + 1
            return share_data, ner_data_input
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("Error on matching ngram afger bilstm crf : {0}".format(e))

    def check_all_dict(self, ner_conv, cb_data, cb_data_order, cb_data_th):
        check other dict when failed to find matching value
        :param ner_conv:
        result = []
        for key in cb_data_order:
            model = ngram.NGram(key=self.lower)
            result = list(map(lambda x: x[0], model.search(ner_conv, threshold=cb_data_th[key])))[0:4]
            if len(result) > 0:
                return result, key
        return result, None

    def lower(self, s):
        return s.lower()
コード例 #5
    def post(self, request, type, nnid, ver):
        Request Deep Neural Network to predict result with given data   \n
        input formats can be varies on type of networks     \n
        but usually you can use it with parm input_data     \n
        # Class Name : ServiceManagerPredict

        # Description:
            request predict service via rest service
            It caches the model and vectors on first request
            It may can take some time at first for caching, after than we can response the request
            within 1.0 sec
            if (ver == 'active'):
                if (type == 'w2v'):
                    return_data = PredictNetW2V().run(nnid, request.data)
                elif (type == "d2v"):
                    return_data = PredictNetD2V().run(nnid, request.data)
                elif (type == "cnn"):
                    # TO-DO : need predict function for active taged version
                    raise Exception("on developing now !")
                elif (type == "wdnn"):
                    return_data = PredictNetWdnn().run(nnid, ver,
                elif (type == "seq2seq"):
                    return_data = PredictNetSeq2Seq().run(nnid, request.data)
                elif (type == "autoencoder"):
                    return_data = PredictNetAutoEncoder().run(
                        nnid, request.data)
                elif (type == "renet"):
                    #return_data = PredictNetRenet().run(nnid, ver, request.FILES)
                    # TO-DO : need to create PredictNetRenet class first
                    raise Exception("on developing now !")
                elif (type == "anomaly"):
                    return_data = PredictNetAnomaly().run(nnid, request.data)
                elif (type == "wcnn"):
                    return_data = PredictNetWcnn().run(nnid, request.data)
                elif (type == "bilstmcrf"):
                    return_data = PredictNetBiLstmCrf().run(nnid, request.data)
                    raise Exception("Not defined type error")
                if (type == 'w2v'):
                    # TO-DO : need predict function for specific  version
                    raise Exception("on developing now !")
                elif (type == "d2v"):
                    # TO-DO : need predict function for specific  version
                    raise Exception("on developing now !")
                elif (type == "cnn"):
                    return_data = PredictNetCnn().run(nnid, ver, request.FILES)
                elif (type == "wdnn"):
                    return_data = PredictNetWdnn().run(nnid, ver,
                elif (type == "seq2seq"):
                    # TO-DO : need predict function for specific  version
                    raise Exception("on developing now !")
                elif (type == "renet"):
                    return_data = PredictNetRenet().run(
                        nnid, ver, request.FILES)
                    raise Exception("Not defined type error")

            return Response(json.dumps(return_data))
        except Exception as e:
            return_data = {"status": "404", "result": str(e)}
            return Response(json.dumps(return_data))