コード例 #1
 def add_message_to_cluster(self, message):
     rep = message.get_tokenrepresentation()
     c = self.get_cluster(rep)
     if c==None:
         c = Cluster(rep, "initial")
コード例 #2
def perform_recursive_clustering(cluster_collection, startAt):
    Performs a recursive clustering on a list of clusters given via cluster_collection.
    The recursion is performed according to the Discoverer paper by Cui et al.
    At first new number of distinct values for each token are calculated in each cluster and
    if this number is lower than a configurable number, the token is considered a FD.
    Then the number of subclusters that would be generated is calculated. If these subclusters
    contain at least one cluster containing more than a configurable amount of messages, the clustering
    is performed and the token is considered a FD. Then the recursion is performed on each of the new clusters
    with the next token.
    # Scan for FD token, Phase 1
    clusters = cluster_collection.get_all_cluster()[:] # <-- "[:]" Very very important... otherwise our iterated list will change because of deletions...
    # Save startAt information over cluster iteration
    __startAt = startAt
    for cluster in clusters:
        if Globals.getConfig().debug:
            print "Starting processing for next cluster ({0} messages)".format(len(cluster.get_messages()))
        startAt = __startAt
        #tokenValue = token.get_token()
        # Check distinct number of values of token
        foundFD = False
        maxTokenIdx = len(cluster.get_messages()[0].get_tokenlist())
        while not foundFD and startAt<maxTokenIdx:
            l = []
            #print "Analyzing token %s" % startAt
            # Check whether this might be a length token
            if "lengthfield" in set(cluster.get_semantics_for_token(startAt)):
                # Current token is a length token. Do not treat as FD
                startAt += 1
            if not Globals.getConfig().allowAdjacentFDs:
                if startAt>0:
                    if "FD"in set(cluster.get_semantics_for_token(startAt-1)): # We have an adjacent FD
                        print "Two adjacent FDs forbidden by configuration, skipping to next token"
            for message in cluster.get_messages():
            numOfDistinctValuesForToken = len(set(l))
            if Globals.getConfig().minDistinctFDValues < numOfDistinctValuesForToken <= Globals.getConfig().maxDistinctFDValues:
                # FD candidate found
                # Check number of potential clusters
                sumUp = Counter(l)
                wouldCluster = False
                for key in sumUp.keys():
                    if sumUp.get(key)>Globals.getConfig().minimumClusterSize: # Minimum cluster size of at least one cluster
                        wouldCluster = True
                if wouldCluster:
                    # Check if adjacent text/text FDs are allowed in text protocols
                    if Globals.getProtocolClassification()==Globals.protocolText:
                        if not Globals.getConfig().allowAdjacentTextFDs:
                            if startAt>0:
                                # Check whether the previous one is a text FD (type text and no semantic numeric)
                                if "FD" in set(cluster.get_semantics_for_token(startAt-1)):
                                    if cluster.get_format(startAt-1)==Message.typeText and (
                                        cluster.get_format(startAt)==Message.typeText and ("numeric" not in cluster.get_semantics_for_token(startAt-1))):
                                        print "Two adjacent text FDs forbidden by configuration, skipping to next token"
                    # Create new cluster
                    if Globals.getConfig().debug:
                        print "Subcluster prerequisites fulfilled. Adding FD semantic, splitting cluster and entering recursion"
                    # Senseless here: message.get_tokenAt(startAt).add_semantic("FD")
                    newCollection = ClusterCollection()
                    for key in sumUp.keys():
                            messagesWithValue = cluster.get_messages_with_value_at(startAt,key)
                            newCluster = Cluster(messagesWithValue[0].get_tokenrepresentation(), "recursion")
                            newCluster.add_semantic_for_token(startAt, "FD")
                    if Globals.getConfig().debug:
                        print "{0} sub clusters generated".format(len(sumUp.keys()))
                    # Perform format inference on new cluster collection
                    # Merge clusters with same format
                    while newCollection.mergeClustersWithSameFormat():
                    # Perform needle wunsch
                    # Edit 20120120 - not here
                    # cluster1 = newCollection.get_random_cluster()
                    # cluster2 = newCollection.get_random_cluster()
                    # format1 = cluster1.get_formats()
                    # format2 = cluster2.get_formats()
                    # needlewunsch.needlewunsch(format1, format2)
                    # Perform recursive step
                    perform_recursive_clustering(newCollection, startAt+1)
                    # Remove old parent cluster
                    foundFD = True
                    #print "Subclustering prerequisites not fulfilled. Will not sub-cluster"
        if Globals.getConfig().debug:
            print "Recursive clustering analysis for cluster finished"
コード例 #3
def perform_recursive_clustering(cluster_collection, startAt):
    Performs a recursive clustering on a list of clusters given via cluster_collection.
    The recursion is performed according to the Discoverer paper by Cui et al.
    At first new number of distinct values for each token are calculated in each cluster and
    if this number is lower than a configurable number, the token is considered a FD.
    Then the number of subclusters that would be generated is calculated. If these subclusters
    contain at least one cluster containing more than a configurable amount of messages, the clustering
    is performed and the token is considered a FD. Then the recursion is performed on each of the new clusters
    with the next token.

    # Scan for FD token, Phase 1
    clusters = cluster_collection.get_all_cluster(
    )[:]  # <-- "[:]" Very very important... otherwise our iterated list will change because of deletions...

    # Save startAt information over cluster iteration
    __startAt = startAt

    for cluster in clusters:
        if Globals.getConfig().debug:
            print "Starting processing for next cluster ({0} messages)".format(

        startAt = __startAt
        #tokenValue = token.get_token()
        # Check distinct number of values of token
        foundFD = False
        maxTokenIdx = len(cluster.get_messages()[0].get_tokenlist())
        while not foundFD and startAt < maxTokenIdx:
            l = []
            #print "Analyzing token %s" % startAt
            # Check whether this might be a length token
            if "lengthfield" in set(cluster.get_semantics_for_token(startAt)):
                # Current token is a length token. Do not treat as FD
                startAt += 1
            if not Globals.getConfig().allowAdjacentFDs:
                if startAt > 0:
                    if "FD" in set(cluster.get_semantics_for_token(
                            startAt - 1)):  # We have an adjacent FD
                        print "Two adjacent FDs forbidden by configuration, skipping to next token"

            for message in cluster.get_messages():
            numOfDistinctValuesForToken = len(set(l))

            if Globals.getConfig(
            ).minDistinctFDValues < numOfDistinctValuesForToken <= Globals.getConfig(
                # FD candidate found
                # Check number of potential clusters
                sumUp = Counter(l)
                wouldCluster = False
                for key in sumUp.keys():
                    if sumUp.get(key) > Globals.getConfig(
                    ).minimumClusterSize:  # Minimum cluster size of at least one cluster
                        wouldCluster = True
                if wouldCluster:
                    # Check if adjacent text/text FDs are allowed in text protocols
                    if Globals.getProtocolClassification(
                    ) == Globals.protocolText:
                        if not Globals.getConfig().allowAdjacentTextFDs:
                            if startAt > 0:
                                # Check whether the previous one is a text FD (type text and no semantic numeric)
                                if "FD" in set(
                                            startAt - 1)):
                                    if cluster.get_format(
                                            startAt -
                                            1) == Message.typeText and (
                                                == Message.typeText and
                                                ("numeric" not in cluster.
                                                     startAt - 1))):
                                        print "Two adjacent text FDs forbidden by configuration, skipping to next token"
                    # Create new cluster
                    if Globals.getConfig().debug:
                        print "Subcluster prerequisites fulfilled. Adding FD semantic, splitting cluster and entering recursion"
                    # Senseless here: message.get_tokenAt(startAt).add_semantic("FD")
                    cluster.add_semantic_for_token(startAt, "FD")
                    newCollection = ClusterCollection()
                    for key in sumUp.keys():
                        messagesWithValue = cluster.get_messages_with_value_at(
                            startAt, key)
                        newCluster = Cluster(
                        newCluster.add_semantic_for_token(startAt, "FD")
                    if Globals.getConfig().debug:
                        print "{0} sub clusters generated".format(

                    # Perform format inference on new cluster collection

                    # Merge clusters with same format
                    while newCollection.mergeClustersWithSameFormat():

                    # Perform needle wunsch
                    # Edit 20120120 - not here
                    # cluster1 = newCollection.get_random_cluster()
                    # cluster2 = newCollection.get_random_cluster()
                    # format1 = cluster1.get_formats()
                    # format2 = cluster2.get_formats()
                    # needlewunsch.needlewunsch(format1, format2)
                    # Perform recursive step
                    perform_recursive_clustering(newCollection, startAt + 1)
                    # Remove old parent cluster
                    foundFD = True
                    #print "Subclustering prerequisites not fulfilled. Will not sub-cluster"
            startAt += 1
        if Globals.getConfig().debug:
            print "Recursive clustering analysis for cluster finished"
コード例 #4
    def mergeClustersWithSameFormat(self):
        # This code performs cluster comparision not as described in the paper, as
        # it uses the explicit format for finding identical clusters. It does however not
        # * check whether "constant" in cluster A is the same as in cluster B (in this case they should obviously not be merged!)
        # * and it does not perform variable/constant considerations as described in the paper
        # print "Trying to merge clusters"
        # l = []
        # for cluster in self.__cluster:
        #    l.append(tuple(cluster.get_format_inference()))
        # sumUp = Counter(l) # Counts identical format inference tuples
        # cntMerged = 0
        # for key in sumUp.keys(): # Iterate all existing format inference tuples
        #    if sumUp.get(key)>1: # There are clusters with the same format inferred
        #        target = None
        #        for cluster in self.__cluster:
        #            if tuple(cluster.get_format_inference())==key:
        #                if target == None:
        #                    target = cluster
        #                else:
        #                    target.add_messages(cluster.get_messages())
        #                    self.__cluster.remove(cluster)
        #                    cntMerged += 1    
        #        # self.__cluster.append(target) Not necessary: target is already in cluster
        #        print "Merged ", cntMerged, " clusters with the same format"
        # Different approach
        # Iterate collection and compare each and every cluster representation explicitly
        # Do not use needle-wunsch here
        # Tag each mergable cluster with reference to the first cluster and put a merged version of these into the tempcollection
        # once the whole collection has been traversed. Then remove them from the collection. Continue as long as there is still an item left
        # in the original collection.
        # tempCollection will contain all the merged clusters and the unmergable cluster left in the end
        if len(self.__cluster)==1:
            return False # We cannot merge a single cluster
        if not Globals.getConfig().mergeSimilarClusters:
            logging.info("Cluster merging disabled via configuration")

            return False
        copiedCollection = self.__cluster[:]  
        ori_len = len(copiedCollection)
        tempCollection = ClusterCollection()

        while len(copiedCollection)>0:            
            mergeCandidates = []            
            cluster1 = copiedCollection[0]
            idx_inner = 1
            while (idx_inner < len(copiedCollection)):             
            #for idx_inner in range(1,len(copiedCollection)-1):    
                cluster2 = copiedCollection[idx_inner]
                format1 = cluster1.get_formats()
                format2 = cluster2.get_formats()
                if not len(format1)==len(format2):
                    idx_inner += 1
                    continue # The two clusters have different length [should not happen within subclusters]
                # Perform token check
                shouldMerge = True
                for format_token_idx in range(0,len(format1)-1):
                    token1 = cluster1.get_format(format_token_idx)
                    token2 = cluster2.get_format(format_token_idx)
                    representation = token1[0]
                    fmt_infer = token1[1]
                    semantics = token1[2]
                    if not representation == token2[0]: # Token mismatch --> will not merge
                        shouldMerge = False
                    checkValues = False
                    if semantics == token2[2]:
                        if len(semantics)==0: # They match because there are no semantics... :-(
                            checkValues = True 
                    else: # Semantics mismatch --> will not merge
                        shouldMerge = False
                    if checkValues:
                        if fmt_infer.getType() == token2[1].getType():
                            # Check constant/variable cover
                            if fmt_infer.getType()=='const': 
                                # Check instance of const value
                                # FIX: Each cluster must have at least 1 message!
                                if not cluster1.get_messages()[0].get_tokenAt(format_token_idx).get_token() == cluster2.get_messages()[0].get_tokenAt(format_token_idx).get_token():
                                    # Const value mismatch --> will not merge
                                    shouldMerge = False
                                # Check variable/variable instances
                                # Check for overlap in values. If there is no overlap -> Mismatch
                                allvalues1 = cluster1.get_values_for_token(format_token_idx)
                                allvalues2 = cluster2.get_values_for_token(format_token_idx)
                                if len(set(allvalues1).intersection(set(allvalues2)))==0:
                                    # No overlap -> Mismatch
                                    shouldMerge = False
                            # Variable/Constant format inference
                            # Check whether variable token takes value of constant one at least once
                            found = True
                            if fmt_infer.getType() == 'const':
                                # Search for cluster1's value in cluster2
                                cluster1val = cluster1.get_messages()[0].get_tokenAt(format_token_idx).get_token()
                                hits = cluster2.get_messages_with_value_at(format_token_idx,cluster1val)
                                found = len(hits)>0
                                # Search for cluster2's value in cluster1
                                cluster2val = cluster2.get_messages()[0].get_tokenAt(format_token_idx).get_token()
                                hits = cluster1.get_messages_with_value_at(format_token_idx,cluster2val)
                                found = len(hits)>0
                            if not found:
                                # No instance of variable in const mismatch --> will not merge
                                shouldMerge = False
                # End of token iteration
                if shouldMerge:    
                idx_inner += 1     
            # End of for each clusterloop
            newCluster = Cluster(cluster1.get_representation(), "mergeDestination")
            splitpoint = ""
            for cluster in mergeCandidates:                    
                splitpoint = "{0}, {1}".format(splitpoint, cluster.getSplitpoint())
            # TODO: Build up new semantic information in newCluster
        # Clear own collection
        self.__cluster = []
        # Copy all clusters from tempCollection to our self
        if ori_len == len(self.__cluster):
            logging.info("No mergable clusters within collection identified")
            return False
            logging.info("Cluster collection shrunk from {0} to {1} by merging".format(ori_len, len(self.__cluster)))
            return True