def _skeletonize_id_block(blocking, block_id, ds_in, ds_out, sizes, bb_min, bb_max, resolution, size_threshold, method): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) id_begin, id_end = block.begin[0], block.end[0] # we don't compute the skeleton for id 0, which is reserved for the ignore label id_begin = 1 if id_begin == 0 else id_begin # skeletonize ids in range and serialize skeletons for seg_id in range(id_begin, id_end): if size_threshold is not None: if sizes[seg_id] < size_threshold: continue bb = tuple( slice(mi, ma) for mi, ma in zip(bb_min[seg_id], bb_max[seg_id])) obj = ds_in[bb] == seg_id # try to skeletonize the object, skip if any exception is thrown try: nodes, edges = skel_impl(obj, resolution=resolution, method=method) except Exception: continue offsets = [b.start for b in bb] skelio.write_n5(ds_out, seg_id, nodes, edges, offsets) fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _compute_meshes_id_block(blocking, block_id, ds_in, output_path, sizes, bb_min, bb_max, resolution, size_threshold, smoothing_iterations, output_format): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) id_begin, id_end = block.begin[0], block.end[0] # we don't compute the skeleton for id 0, which is reserved for the ignore label id_begin = 1 if id_begin == 0 else id_begin # compute_meshes ids in range and serialize skeletons for seg_id in range(id_begin, id_end): if size_threshold is not None: if sizes[seg_id] < size_threshold: continue bb = tuple( slice(mi, ma) for mi, ma in zip(bb_min[seg_id], bb_max[seg_id])) obj = ds_in[bb] == seg_id # try to compute_meshes the object, skip if any exception is thrown verts, faces, normals = marching_cubes( obj, smoothing_iterations=smoothing_iterations, resolution=resolution) offsets = [b.start * res for b, res in zip(bb, resolution)] verts += np.array(offsets) if output_format == 'npy': out_path = os.path.join(output_path, '%i.npz' % seg_id) meshio.write_numpy(out_path, verts, faces, normals) else: out_path = os.path.join(output_path, '%.obj' % seg_id) meshio.write_obj(out_path, verts, faces, normals) fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _cc_block(block_id, blocking, ds_in, ds_out, threshold, threshold_mode, channel): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) if channel is None: input_ = input_[bb] else: block_shape = tuple(b.stop - b.start for b in bb) input_ = np.zeros(block_shape, dtype=ds_in.dtype) channel_ = [channel] if isinstance(channel, int) else channel for chan in channel_: bb_inp = (slice(chan, chan + 1), ) + bb input_ += ds_in[bb_inp].squeeze() if threshold_mode == 'greater': input_ = input_ > threshold elif threshold_mode == 'less': input_ = input_ < threshold elif threshold_mode == 'equal': input_ = input_ == threshold else: raise RuntimeError("Thresholding Mode %s not supported" % threshold_mode) if np.sum(input_) == 0: fu.log_block_success(block_id) return 0 components = label(input_) ds_out[bb] = components fu.log_block_success(block_id) return int(components.max()) + 1
def _threshold_block(block_id, blocking, ds_in, ds_out, threshold, threshold_mode, channel, sigma): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) if channel is None: input_ = ds_in[bb] else: channel_ = [channel] if isinstance(channel, int) else channel in_shape = (len(channel_), ) + tuple(b.stop - b.start for b in bb) input_ = np.zeros(in_shape, dtype=ds_in.dtype) for chan_id, chan in enumerate(channel_): bb_inp = (slice(chan, chan + 1), ) + bb input_[chan_id] = ds_in[bb_inp].squeeze() input_ = np.mean(input_, axis=0) input_ = vu.normalize(input_) if sigma > 0: input_ = vu.apply_filter(input_, 'gaussianSmoothing', sigma) input_ = vu.normalize(input_) if threshold_mode == 'greater': input_ = input_ > threshold elif threshold_mode == 'less': input_ = input_ < threshold elif threshold_mode == 'equal': input_ = input_ == threshold else: raise RuntimeError("Thresholding Mode %s not supported" % threshold_mode) ds_out[bb] = input_.astype('uint8') fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _stitch_faces(block_id, blocking, halo, overlap_prefix, overlap_threshold, offsets, empty_blocks, ignore_label): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) if block_id in empty_blocks: fu.log_block_success(block_id) return None assignments = [ _stitch_face(offsets, overlap_prefix, block_a, block_b, face_a, face_b, overlap_threshold, ignore_label) for _, face_a, face_b, block_a, block_b in vu.iterate_faces(blocking, block_id, return_only_lower=True, empty_blocks=empty_blocks, halo=halo) ] assignments = [ass for ass in assignments if ass is not None] # all assignments might be None, so we need to check for that if assignments: assignments = np.concatenate(assignments, axis=0) else: assignments = None fu.log_block_success(block_id) return assignments
def _predict_block(block_id, blocking, input_path, input_key, output_prefix, halo, ilastik_folder, ilastik_project): fu.log("Start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlockWithHalo(block_id, halo).outerBlock _predict_block_impl(block_id, block, input_path, input_key, output_prefix, ilastik_folder, ilastik_project) fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _scale_block(block_id, blocking, ds_in, ds_bd, ds_out, offset, erode_by, erode_3d, channel): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) # load the block with halo set to 'erode_by' halo = compute_halo(erode_by, erode_3d) block = blocking.getBlockWithHalo(block_id, halo) in_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block.outerBlock) out_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlock) local_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlockLocal) obj = ds_in[in_bb] # don't scale if block is empty if np.sum(obj != 0) == 0: fu.log_block_success(block_id) return # load boundary map and fit obj to it if ds_bd.ndim == 4: in_bb = (slice(channel, channel + 1),) + in_bb hmap = ds_bd[in_bb].squeeze() obj, _ = vu.fit_to_hmap(obj, hmap, erode_by, erode_3d) obj = obj[local_bb] fg_mask = obj != 0 obj[fg_mask] += offset # load previous output volume, insert obj into it and save again out = ds_out[out_bb] out[fg_mask] += obj[fg_mask] ds_out[out_bb] = out # log block success fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _create_multiset_block(blocking, block_id, ds_in, ds_out): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) labels = ds_in[bb] # we can't encode the paintra ignore label paintera_ignore_label = 18446744073709551615 pignore_mask = labels == paintera_ignore_label if pignore_mask.sum() > 0: labels[pignore_mask] = 0 if labels.sum() == 0: fu.log("block %i is empty" % block_id) fu.log_block_success(block_id) return # compute multiset from input labels multiset = create_multiset_from_labels(labels) ser = serialize_multiset(multiset) chunk_id = tuple(bs // ch for bs, ch in zip(block.begin, ds_out.chunks)) ds_out.write_chunk(chunk_id, ser, True) fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _upsample_block(block_id, blocking, halo, ds_in, ds_out, ds_skel, scale_factor, pixel_pitch): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) if halo is None: block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) inner_bb = outer_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) local_bb = np.s_[:] else: block = blocking.getBlockWithHalo(block_id, halo) inner_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlock) outer_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block.outerBlock) local_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlockLocal) # load the segmentation seg = ds_in[outer_bb] skels_out = np.zeros_like(seg, dtype='uint64') # find the bounding box for downsampled skeletons skel_bb = tuple(slice(b.start // scale, int(ceil(b.stop / scale))) for b, scale in zip(outer_bb, scale_factor)) skels = ds_skel[skel_bb] # get ids of skeletons in this block (excluding zeros) ids = np.unique(skels)[1:] for skel_id in ids: upsampled_skel = _upsample_skeleton(skel_id, seg, skels, scale_factor) skels_out += upsampled_skel ds_skel[inner_bb] = skels_out[local_bb] # log block success fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _embedding_distances_block(block_id, blocking, input_datasets, ds, offsets, norm): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) halo = np.max(np.abs(offsets), axis=0) block = blocking.getBlockWithHalo(block_id, halo.tolist()) outer_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block.outerBlock) inner_bb = (slice(None),) + vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlock) local_bb = (slice(None),) + vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlockLocal) bshape = tuple(ob.stop - ob.start for ob in outer_bb) # TODO support multi-channel input data n_inchannels = len(input_datasets) in_shape = (n_inchannels,) + bshape in_data = np.zeros(in_shape, dtype='float32') for chan, inds in enumerate(input_datasets): in_data[chan] = inds[outer_bb] # TODO support thresholding the embedding before distance caclulation distance = compute_embedding_distances(in_data, offsets, norm) ds[inner_bb] = distance[local_bb] fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _ws_block(blocking, block_id, ds_in, ds_out, config, pass_): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) input_bb, inner_bb, output_bb = _get_bbs(blocking, block_id, config) input_ = _read_data(ds_in, input_bb, config) # apply distance transform dt = _apply_dt(input_, config) # get offset to make new seeds unique between blocks # (we need to relabel later to make processing efficient !) offset = block_id * # check which pass we are in and apply the according watershed if pass_ in (1, None): # single-pass watershed or first pass of two-pass watershed: # -> apply normal ws and write the results to the inner volume ws = _apply_watershed(input_, dt, offset, config) ds_out[output_bb] = ws[inner_bb] else: # second pass of two pass watershed -> apply ws with initial seeds # write the results to the inner volume if len(input_bb) == 4: input_bb = input_bb[1:] initial_seeds = ds_out[input_bb] ws = _apply_watershed_with_seeds(input_, dt, offset, initial_seeds, config) ds_out[output_bb] = ws[inner_bb] # log block success fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _transform_block(ds_in, ds_out, transformation, blocking, block_id, mask=None): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) if mask is not None: bb_mask = mask[bb].astype('bool') if bb_mask.sum() == 0: fu.log_block_success(block_id) return else: bb_mask = None data = ds_in[bb] if len(transformation) == 2: data = _transform_data(data, transformation['a'], transformation['b'], bb_mask) else: z_offset = block.begin[0] for z in range(data.shape[0]): trafo = transformation[z + z_offset] data[z] = _transform_data(data[z], trafo['a'], trafo['b'], bb_mask[z]) ds_out[bb] = data fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _failing_block(block_id, blocking, ds, n_retries): # fail for odd block ids if we are in the first try if n_retries == 0 and block_id % 2 == 1: raise RuntimeError("Fail") bb = vu.block_to_bb(blocking.getBlock(block_id)) ds[bb] = 1 fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _copy_blocks(ds_in, ds_out, blocking, block_list, roi_begin, reduce_function): dtype = ds_out.dtype for block_id in block_list: fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) bb = tuple(slice(beg, end) for beg, end in zip(block.begin, block.end)) if ds_in.ndim == 4: bb = (slice(None), ) + bb data = ds_in[bb] # don't write empty blocks if sum(data).sum() == 0: fu.log_block_success(block_id) continue # if we have a roi begin, we need to substract it # from the output bounding box, because in this case # the output shape has been fit to the roi if roi_begin is not None: bb = tuple( slice(b.start - off, b.stop - off) for b, off in zip(bb, roi_begin)) if reduce_function is not None and data.ndim == 4: data = reduce_function(data[0:3], axis=0) bb = bb[1:] ds_out[bb] = cast_type(data, dtype) fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _morphology_for_block(block_id, blocking, ds_in, output_path, output_key): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) # read labels and input in this block block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) seg = ds_in[bb] # check if segmentation block is empty if seg.sum() == 0: fu.log("block %i is empty" % block_id) fu.log_block_success(block_id) return chunk_id = tuple(beg // ch for beg, ch in zip(block.begin, blocking.blockShape)) # extract and save simple morphology: # - size of segments 1 # - center of mass of segments 2:5 # - minimum coordinates of segments 5:8 # - maximum coordinates of segments 8:11 # [:,0] is the label id ndist.computeAndSerializeMorphology(seg, block.begin, output_path, output_key, chunk_id) fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _mws_block_pass1(block_id, blocking, ds_in, ds_out, mask, offsets, strides, randomize_strides, halo, noise_level, max_block_id, tmp_folder): fu.log("(Pass1) start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlockWithHalo(block_id, halo) in_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block.outerBlock) if mask is None: bb_mask = None else: bb_mask = mask[in_bb].astype('bool') if np.sum(bb_mask) == 0: fu.log_block_success(block_id) return aff_bb = (slice(None), ) + in_bb affs = vu.normalize(ds_in[aff_bb]) seg = mutex_watershed(affs, offsets, strides=strides, mask=bb_mask, randomize_strides=randomize_strides, noise_level=noise_level) out_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlock) local_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlockLocal) seg = seg[local_bb] # FIXME once vigra supports uint64 or we implement our own ... # seg = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(seg) # offset with lowest block coordinate offset_id = block_id * vigra.analysis.relabelConsecutive(seg, start_label=offset_id, keep_zeros=True, out=seg) ds_out[out_bb] = seg # get the state of the segmentation of this block grid_graph = compute_grid_graph(seg.shape, mask=bb_mask) affs = affs[(slice(None), ) + local_bb] # FIXME this function yields incorrect uv-ids ! state_uvs, state_weights, state_attractive = grid_graph.compute_state_for_segmentation( affs, seg, offsets, n_attractive_channels=3, ignore_label=True) # serialize the states save_path = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'seg_state_block%i.h5' % block_id) with vu.file_reader(save_path) as f: f.create_dataset('edges', data=state_uvs) f.create_dataset('weights', data=state_weights) f.create_dataset('attractive_edge_mask', data=state_attractive) # write max-id for the last block if block_id == max_block_id: _write_nlabels(ds_out, seg) # log block success fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _write_block_res(ds_in, ds_out, block_id, blocking, block_res): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) ws = ds_in[bb] seg = nt.takeDict(block_res, ws) ds_out[bb] = seg fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def stack_block(block_id, blocking, ds_raw, ds_pred, ds_out, dtype): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) bb = vu.block_to_bb(blocking.getBlock(block_id)) raw = cast(ds_raw[bb], dtype) bb = (slice(None), ) + bb pred = cast(ds_pred[bb], dtype) out = np.concatenate([raw[None], pred], axis=0) ds_out[bb] = out fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _minfilter_block(block_id, blocking, halo, ds_in, ds_out, filter_shape): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlockWithHalo(block_id, halo) outer_roi = vu.block_to_bb(block.outerBlock) inner_roi = vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlock) local_roi = vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlockLocal) mask = ds_in[outer_roi] min_filter_mask = minimum_filter(mask, size=filter_shape) ds_out[inner_roi] = min_filter_mask[local_roi] fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _insert_affinities_block(block_id, blocking, ds_in, ds_out, objects, offsets, erode_by, erode_3d, zero_objects_list, dilate_by): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) halo = np.max(np.abs(offsets), axis=0).tolist() if erode_3d: halo = [max(ha, erode_by) for axis, ha in enumerate(halo)] else: halo = [ha if axis == 0 else max(ha, erode_by) for axis, ha in enumerate(halo)] block = blocking.getBlockWithHalo(block_id, halo) outer_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block.outerBlock) inner_bb = (slice(None),) + vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlock) local_bb = (slice(None),) + vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlockLocal) # load objects and check if we have any in this block # catch run-time error for singleton dimension try: objs = objects[outer_bb] obj_sum = objs.sum() except RuntimeError: obj_sum = 0 # if we don't have objs, just copy the affinities if obj_sum == 0: ds_out[inner_bb] = ds_in[inner_bb] fu.log_block_success(block_id) return outer_bb = (slice(None),) + outer_bb affs = ds_in[outer_bb] # fit object to hmap derived from affinities via shrinking and watershed if erode_by > 0: objs, obj_ids = vu.fit_to_hmap(objs, affs[0].copy(), erode_by, erode_3d) else: obj_ids = np.unique(objs) if 0 in obj_ids: obj_ids = obj_ids[1:] # insert affinities to objs into the original affinities affs = _insert_affinities(affs, objs.astype('uint64'), offsets, dilate_by) # zero out some affs if necessary if zero_objects_list is not None: zero_ids = obj_ids[np.in1d(obj_ids, zero_objects_list)] if zero_ids.size: for zero_id in zero_ids: # erode the mask to avoid ugly boundary artifacts zero_mask = binary_erosion(objs == zero_id, iterations=4) affs[:, zero_mask] = 0 ds_out[inner_bb] = affs[local_bb] fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _apply_filter(blocking, block_id, ds_in, ds_out, halo, filter_name, sigma, apply_in_2d): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlockWithHalo(block_id, halo) bb_in = vu.block_to_bb(block.outerBlock) input_ = vu.normalize(ds_in[bb_in]) response = vu.apply_filter(input_, filter_name, sigma, apply_in_2d) bb_out = vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlock) inner_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block.innerBlockLocal) ds_out[bb_out] = response[inner_bb] fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _block_features(block_id, blocking, ds_in, ds_labels, ds_out, ignore_label, channel, feature_names): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) labels = ds_labels[bb] # check if we have an ignore label and return # if this block is purely ignore label if ignore_label is not None: if np.sum(labels != ignore_label) == 0: fu.log_block_success(block_id) return # get global normalization values min_val = 0 max_val = 255. if ds_in.dtype == np.dtype('uint8') else 1. bb_in = bb if channel is None else (channel, ) + bb input_ = ds_in[bb_in] input_ = vu.normalize(input_, min_val, max_val) ids = np.unique(labels) if ids[0] == 0: feat_slice = np.s_[:] exp_len = len(ids) else: feat_slice = np.s_[1:] exp_len = len(ids) + 1 # relabel consecutive in order to save memory labels = relabel_sequential(labels, ids) feats = vigra.analysis.extractRegionFeatures(input_, labels.astype('uint32'), features=feature_names, ignoreLabel=ignore_label) assert len( feats['count']) == exp_len, "%i, %i" % (len(feats['count']), exp_len) # make serialization n_cols = len(feature_names) + 1 data = np.zeros(n_cols * len(ids), dtype='float32') # write the ids data[::n_cols] = ids.astype('float32') # write all the features for feat_id, feat_name in enumerate(feature_names, 1): data[feat_id::n_cols] = feats[feat_name][feat_slice] chunks = blocking.blockShape chunk_id = tuple(b.start // ch for b, ch in zip(bb, chunks)) ds_out.write_chunk(chunk_id, data, True) fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _label_to_block_mapping(input_path, input_key, output_path, output_key, blocking, block_list): for block_id in block_list: id_space_block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) id_start, id_stop = id_space_block.begin[0], id_space_block.end[0] fu.log("serializing ids in block %i with labels from %i to %i" % (block_id, id_start, id_stop)) ndist.serializeBlockMapping(os.path.join(input_path, input_key), os.path.join(output_path, output_key), id_start, id_stop) fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _upsample_block(blocking, block_id, ds_in, ds_out, scale_factor, sampler): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) # load the block (output dataset / upscaled) coordinates block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) local_bb = np.s_[:] in_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) out_bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) out_shape = block.shape # upsample the input bounding box if isinstance(scale_factor, int): in_bb = tuple( slice(int(ib.start // scale_factor), min(int(ceil(ib.stop / scale_factor)), sh)) for ib, sh in zip(in_bb, ds_in.shape)) else: in_bb = tuple( slice(int(ib.start // sf), min(int(ceil(ib.stop // sf)), sh)) for ib, sf, sh in zip(in_bb, scale_factor, ds_in.shape)) x = ds_in[in_bb] # don't sample empty blocks if np.sum(x != 0) == 0: fu.log_block_success(block_id) return dtype = x.dtype if np.dtype(dtype) != np.dtype('float32'): x = x.astype('float32') if isinstance(scale_factor, int): out = sampler(x, shape=out_shape) else: out = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype='float32') for z in range(out_shape[0]): out[z] = sampler(x[z], shape=out_shape[1:]) if np.dtype(dtype) in (np.dtype('uint8'), np.dtype('uint16')): max_val = np.iinfo(np.dtype(dtype)).max np.clip(out, 0, max_val, out=out) np.round(out, out=out) try: ds_out[out_bb] = out[local_bb].astype(dtype) except IndexError as e: raise (IndexError("%s, %s, %s" % (str(out_bb), str(local_bb), str(out.shape)))) # log block success fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _merge_subblocks(block_id, blocking, previous_blocking, graph_path, scale): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) input_key = 'sub_graphs/s%i/block_' % (scale - 1, ) output_key = 'sub_graphs/s%i/block_%i' % (scale, block_id) block_list = previous_blocking.getBlockIdsInBoundingBox( roiBegin=block.begin, roiEnd=block.end, blockHalo=[0, 0, 0]) ndist.mergeSubgraphs(graph_path, blockPrefix=input_key, blockIds=block_list.tolist(), outKey=output_key) # log block success fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _write_block(ds_in, ds_out, blocking, block_id, node_labels): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) seg = ds_in[bb] # check if this block is empty and don't write if it is if np.sum(seg != 0) == 0: fu.log_block_success(block_id) return seg = _apply_node_labels(seg, node_labels) ds_out[bb] = seg fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def uniques_in_block(block_id, blocking, ds, return_counts): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) labels = ds[bb] if return_counts: uniques, counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True) fu.log_block_success(block_id) return uniques, counts else: uniques = nt.unique(labels) fu.log_block_success(block_id) return uniques
def _merge_subblocks(block_id, blocking, previous_blocking, graph_path, output_key, scale): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) input_key = 's%i/sub_graphs' % (scale - 1, ) block_list = previous_blocking.getBlockIdsInBoundingBox( roiBegin=block.begin, roiEnd=block.end, blockHalo=[0, 0, 0]) ndist.mergeSubgraphs(graph_path, subgraphKey=input_key, blockIds=block_list.tolist(), outKey=output_key, serializeToVarlen=True) # log block success fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _write_block_with_offsets(ds_in, ds_out, blocking, block_id, node_labels, offsets): fu.log("start processing block %i" % block_id) off = offsets[block_id] block = blocking.getBlock(block_id) bb = vu.block_to_bb(block) seg = ds_in[bb] seg[seg != 0] += off # choose the appropriate function for array or dictionary if isinstance(node_labels, np.ndarray): seg = nt.take(node_labels, seg) else: seg = nt.takeDict(node_labels, seg) ds_out[bb] = seg fu.log_block_success(block_id)
def _uniques_default(ds, ds_out, blocking, block_list): for block_id in block_list: block_coord = blocking.getBlock(block_id).begin chunk_id = tuple(bl // ch for bl, ch in zip(block_coord, ds.chunks)) labels = ds.read_chunk(chunk_id) if labels is None: # TODO can we skip blocks with only 0 as label in paintera format ?? # fu.log_block_success(block_id) # return uniques = np.zeros(1, dtype='uint64') else: uniques = np.unique(labels) ds_out.write_chunk(chunk_id, uniques, True) fu.log_block_success(block_id)