コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, group_id, api_user, api_key, api_host="https://cloud.mongodb.com"):
        An API client for RESTful interaction with the MongoDB CloudManager API

        :param group_id: CloudManager group_id
        :param api_user: CloudManager api_user
        :param api_key: CloudManager api_key associated with the provided user
        :param api_host: Optional endpoint host in the case it is required to override the default
        self.client = CloudManagerClient(group_id, api_user, api_key, api_host)
コード例 #2
class Api(object):
    MongoDB CloudManager API wrapper for CRUD operations on AlertConfigurations.

    Expected usage is as follows
    from cm_sdk.api import cm_api

    # keys and ids have been changed to representative,
    # but not real, values
    group_id = "JBAE4urukmv1GY3pukguksSZ8"

    api = cm_api.Api(group_id, principle, password)
    fetched = api.get_alert_configs()
        {"name": "AlertConfig", "status": "beta"},
        {"name": "Alert", "status": "alpha"},
        {"name": "BackupConfig", "status": "alpha"},
        {"name": "Host", "status": "alpha"}]

    def __init__(self, group_id, api_user, api_key, api_host="https://cloud.mongodb.com"):
        An API client for RESTful interaction with the MongoDB CloudManager API

        :param group_id: CloudManager group_id
        :param api_user: CloudManager api_user
        :param api_key: CloudManager api_key associated with the provided user
        :param api_host: Optional endpoint host in the case it is required to override the default
        self.client = CloudManagerClient(group_id, api_user, api_key, api_host)

    def get_alert_configs(self):
        Return all the CloudManager AlertConfig objects as a list of
        cm_sdk.models.alert_config.AlertConfig instances.
        to_return = []

        alert_configs = self.client.get("/groups/{group_id}/alertConfigs")
        for ac in alert_configs['results']:

        return to_return

    def get_alert_config(self, config_id):
        Return a single cm_sdk.models.alert_config.AlertConfig for a
        given id.
        fetched = self.client.get("/groups/{group_id}" + "/alertConfigs/{config_id}"
        return alert_config.AlertConfig.from_dict(fetched)

    def create_alert_config(self, to_create):
        Create a new CloudManager AlertConfig
        created = self.client.post("/groups/{group_id}/alertConfigs", to_create.to_json())
        return alert_config.AlertConfig.from_dict(created)

    def delete_alert_config(self, config_id):
        Delete a CloudManager AlertConfig given an AlertConfig id
        return self.client.delete("/groups/{group_id}" + "/alertConfigs/{config_id}".format(config_id=config_id))

    # Hosts

    def get_hosts(self):
        Return all the CloudManager Host objects as a list of
        cm_sdk.models.host.Host instances.
        to_return = []

        hosts = self.client.get("/groups/{group_id}/hosts")
        for item in hosts['results']:

        return to_return

    def create_host(self, to_create):
        Creates a new host in CloudManager
        ;:param to_create: an instance of host.Host
        created = self.client.post("/groups/{group_id}/hosts", to_create.to_json())
        return host.Host.from_dict(created)

    # BackupConfigs

    def get_backup_configs(self):
        Return all the CloudManager backupConfig objects.
        to_return = []
        backup_configs = self.client.get("/groups/{group_id}/backupConfigs")

        for item in backup_configs['results']:

        return to_return

    def create_backup_config(self, to_create):
        Creates a new BackupConfig in CloudManager
        :param to_create: an instance of backup_config.BackupConfig
        :return: the created BackupConfig
        created = self.client.post("/groups/{group_id}/backupConfigs", to_create.to_json())
        return backup_config.BackupConfig.from_dict(created)