コード例 #1
ファイル: test_cmath.py プロジェクト: Darriall/pypy
 def test_isnan(self):
     import cmath
     assert not cmath.isnan(2+3j)
     assert cmath.isnan(float("nan"))
     assert cmath.isnan(complex("nanj"))
     assert cmath.isnan(complex("inf+nanj"))
     assert cmath.isnan(complex("nan+infj"))
コード例 #2
ファイル: support.py プロジェクト: genba/numba
    def assertPreciseEqual(self, first, second, prec='exact', msg=None):
        Test that two scalars have similar types and are equal up to
        a computed precision.
        If the scalars are instances of exact types or if *prec* is
        'exact', they are compared exactly.
        If the scalars are instances of inexact types (float, complex)
        and *prec* is not 'exact', then the number of significant bits
        is computed according to the value of *prec*: 53 bits if *prec*
        is 'double', 24 bits if *prec* is single.

        Any value of *prec* other than 'exact', 'single' or 'double'
        will raise an error.
        for tp in self._exact_typesets:
            # One or another could be the expected, the other the actual;
            # test both.
            if isinstance(first, tp) or isinstance(second, tp):
                self.assertIsInstance(first, tp)
                self.assertIsInstance(second, tp)
                exact_comparison = True
            for tp in self._approx_typesets:
                if isinstance(first, tp) or isinstance(second, tp):
                    self.assertIsInstance(first, tp)
                    self.assertIsInstance(second, tp)
                    exact_comparison = False
                # Assume these are non-numeric types: we will fall back
                # on regular unittest comparison.
                self.assertIs(first.__class__, second.__class__)
                exact_comparison = True

        # If a Numpy scalar, check the dtype is exactly the same too
        # (required for datetime64 and timedelta64).
        if hasattr(first, 'dtype') and hasattr(second, 'dtype'):
            self.assertEqual(first.dtype, second.dtype)

            if cmath.isnan(first) and cmath.isnan(second):
                # The NaNs will compare unequal, skip regular comparison
        except TypeError:
            # Not floats.

        if not exact_comparison and prec != 'exact':
            if prec == 'single':
                k = 2**-24
            elif prec == 'double':
                k = 2**-53
                raise ValueError("unsupported precision %r" % (prec,))
            delta = k * (abs(first) + abs(second))
            self.assertAlmostEqual(first, second, delta=delta, msg=msg)
            self.assertEqual(first, second, msg=msg)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_primitives.py プロジェクト: flowdas/meta
def test_complex():
    class X(meta.Entity):
        p = meta.Complex()

    success = [False, True, 0, 1, long_type(1), 1.0, 0.1, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1, -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - 1, 1 + 1j, 1j,
               [1, 1], (1, 1)]
    failure = ['한', u'한', b'\xed\x95\x9c', [1], (1,), ['a'], ('b',), {'a': 1}, entity,
               float('nan'), float('inf'), float('-inf'), [], [1], [1, 2, 3], [1, 'a']]

    x = X()

    for value in success:
        x.p = value
        assert isinstance(x.p, complex)
        if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
            assert x.p == complex(*value)
            assert x.p == value

        encoded = X.p.dump(x.p)
        decoded = X.p.load(encoded)
        if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
            assert decoded == complex(*value)
            assert decoded == value

    for value in failure:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            x.p = value

    # allow_nan

    class X(meta.Entity):
        p = meta.Complex(allow_nan=True)

    x = X()

    nans = (float('nan'), float('inf'), float('-inf'))
    values = list(nans)
    values.extend(complex(1, x) for x in nans)
    values.extend(complex(x, 1) for x in nans)
    values.extend(complex(x, y) for x in nans for y in nans)

    for value in values:
        x.p = value
        if cmath.isnan(value):
            assert cmath.isnan(x.p)
            assert x.p == value
コード例 #4
 def test_isnan(self):
     self.assert_(cmath.isnan(complex(NAN, 0)))
     self.assert_(cmath.isnan(complex(0, NAN)))
     self.assert_(cmath.isnan(complex(NAN, NAN)))
     self.assert_(cmath.isnan(complex(NAN, INF)))
     self.assert_(cmath.isnan(complex(INF, NAN)))
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_cmath.py プロジェクト: Britefury/jython
 def test_isnan(self):
     self.assertTrue(cmath.isnan(complex(NAN, 0)))
     self.assertTrue(cmath.isnan(complex(0, NAN)))
     self.assertTrue(cmath.isnan(complex(NAN, NAN)))
     self.assertTrue(cmath.isnan(complex(NAN, INF)))
     self.assertTrue(cmath.isnan(complex(INF, NAN)))
コード例 #6
ファイル: Preprocess.py プロジェクト: JeongSeonGyo/EnergyData
def interpolation_rule(idx, value):
    - 감지된 nan 에 정해진 규칙에 따라 적당한 interpolation 값을 계산하여 반환해주는 함수

    :param idx:
        nan 의 index
        - type: integer
    :param value:
        value data
        - type: np.array
            - shape: (length, 1)
        계산된 interpolation 값
        - type: float
    denominator = 1

    for i in xrange(idx, len(value)):
        if math.isnan(value[i]):
            denominator += 1
            nominator = value[i] - value[idx - 1]

    interpolated_value = value[idx - 1] + nominator / denominator

    return interpolated_value
コード例 #7
ファイル: Similarity.py プロジェクト: JeongSeonGyo/EnergyData
    def nan_score_filter(file_1, file_2, score):
        if math.isnan(score):
            print 'nan covariance occurred between'
            print '\t' + file_1
            print '\t' + file_2

        return score
コード例 #8
ファイル: newton.py プロジェクト: estansifer/newtonfractal
    def converge(self, z):
        self.total_queries += 1
        go = self.func.eval_NR
        epsilon = self.epsilon

        steps = 0
        while steps < self.max_steps:
            if cmath.isnan(z):

            for i, t in enumerate(self.targets):
                if abs(z - t) < epsilon:
                    c = self.target_c[i]
                    fsteps = steps - log(log(c * abs(z - t)) / log(c * epsilon)) / log(2)

                    self.total_steps += steps
                    self.most_steps = max(self.most_steps, steps)
                    return (i, fsteps)

            z = z - go(z)
            steps += 1

        self.total_steps += steps
        self.num_failed += 1
        return None
コード例 #9
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: roukaour/birdiescript
def is_integral(x):
	"""Return whether the argument is equal to its integer part."""
	if isinstance(x, complex):
		if x.imag:
			return False
		x = x.real
	return not cmath.isinf(x) and not cmath.isnan(x) and x == int(x)
コード例 #10
def scaleZ_inv(T):
    try: zx = Z(1./T)
    except: return MAXV
    if isnan(zx) or isinf(zx): return MAXV
    vx = abs(zx)
    s = log(vx)/10
    return zx * (s/vx)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_case.py プロジェクト: nekobon/static-frame
    def assertEqualWithNaN(
        v1: object,
        v2: object,
    ) -> None:
        if ((isinstance(v1, float) or isinstance(v1, np.floating))
                and np.isnan(v1)
                and (isinstance(v2, float) or isinstance(v2, np.floating))
                and np.isnan(v2)):

        if ((isinstance(v1, complex) or isinstance(v1, np.complexfloating))
                and cmath.isnan(v1) and
            (isinstance(v2, complex) or isinstance(v1, np.complexfloating))
                and cmath.isnan(v2)  # type: ignore
        return self.assertEqual(v1, v2)
コード例 #12
ファイル: 01test.py プロジェクト: LemonCutie/KGCode
def computeMean(dataset, sexname, column='Title'):
    sum = 0
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(dataset[column])):
        if dataset[column][i] == sexname:
            if not cmath.isnan(dataset['Age'][i]):
                sum += float(dataset['Age'][i])
                count += 1
    aver = sum / count
    return aver
コード例 #13
def scaleZ_inv(beta):
        zx = Z(1./beta)
    except: return MAXV
    if isnan(zx) or isinf(zx): return MAXV
    vx = abs(zx)
    s = log(vx)/5
    #s = vx
    return zx * (s/vx)
コード例 #14
ファイル: punum.py プロジェクト: eruffaldi/cppPosit
 def convert(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, numbers.Rational):
         return self._searchvalue(float(value))
         if cmath.isinf(value):
             return self.inf()
         elif cmath.isnan(value):
             raise Exception("cannot cast nan to pnum")
             return self._searchvalue(value)
コード例 #15
def float32_to_bfloat16(fval: float, truncate: bool = False) -> int:
    ival = int.from_bytes(struct.pack('<f', fval), 'little')
    if truncate:
        return ival >> 16
    # NaN requires at least 1 significand bit set
    if isnan(fval):
        return 0x7FC0  # sign=0, exp=all-ones, sig=0b1000000
    # drop bottom 16-bits
    # round remaining bits using round-to-nearest-even
    round = ((ival >> 16) & 1) + 0x7fff
    return (ival + round) >> 16
コード例 #16
def scaleZ_inv(beta):
        zx = Z(1. / beta)
        return MAXV
    if isnan(zx) or isinf(zx): return MAXV

    vx = abs(zx)
    s = log(vx) / 5
    #s = vx
    return zx * (s / vx)
コード例 #17
ファイル: circuit.py プロジェクト: dmh43/AutoSchaum
 def current_is_defined(self):
     if self.current == 0:
         return True
     elif isinstance(self.current, float) and math.isnan(self.current):
         return False
     elif isinstance(self.current, complex) and cmath.isnan(self.current):
         return False
     elif self.current:
         return True
         return False
コード例 #18
    def changeWeight(self):
        print "R: " + str(self.R)
        print "A: " + str(self.a)
        print self.bestActionSet
        #print self.bestActionSet
        for d in range(0, self.rank):
            if self.a[d] == self.bestActionSet[0]:

                #print self.R[d],self.a[d]
                r1 = self.R[d]
                #r1 = max(self.R)
                xj = [0.0 for col in range(0, self.numActions)]
                xj[self.a[d]] = r1 / self.prob[0][self.a[d]]
                for col in range(0, self.numActions):
                    #self.weights[0][col] = min(self.weights[0][col]*math.exp(self.gamma*xj[col]/self.numActions),2.8e+290)
                    self.weights[0][col] = self.weights[0][col] * math.exp(
                        self.gamma * xj[col] / self.numActions)
                sum1 = sum(self.weights[0]) 
                for col in range(0,self.numActions):
                    self.weights[0][col] = self.weights[0][col]/sum1
            #if self.a[0] = self.a[1]:
            elif self.a[d] == self.bestActionSet[1]:
                #min_index = max(range(0,self.rank), key=lambda col: self.R[col])

                #r2 = max(self.R) - self.R[min_index]
                #r2 = self.R[min_index]
                r2 = self.R[d]
                xj = [0.0 for col in range(0, self.numActions)]
                xj[self.a[d]] = r2 / self.prob[1][self.a[d]]
                for col in range(0, self.numActions):
                    #self.weights[1][col] = min(self.weights[1][col]*math.exp(self.gamma*xj[col]/self.numActions),2.8e+290)
                    self.weights[1][col] = self.weights[1][col] * math.exp(
                        self.gamma * xj[col] / self.numActions)
                sum1 = sum(self.weights[1]) 
                for col in range(0,self.numActions):
                    self.weights[1][col] = self.weights[1][col]/sum1

        if isnan(sum(self.prob[0])) == True:
            print self.R
            print self.a
            print self.bestActionSet
            print self.prob
            print self.weights

コード例 #19
def PassFail(RMSE_pp, RMSE_tt):
    check = 'Failed'
    if ((cmath.isnan(RMSE_pp)) or (cmath.isnan(RMSE_tt))):  #Catch nan errors
        print 'NaN Encountered.'
        check = 'Failed'
    elif ((abs(RMSE_pp) >= THRESHOLD)
          or (abs(RMSE_tt) >= THRESHOLD)):  # Catch if greather than threshold
        print 'At least one of the RMSE values is incorrect'
        print 'RMSE_pp=%7.5e' % RMSE_pp.real + '+%7.5e' % RMSE_pp.imag + 'j'
        print 'RMSE_tt=%7.5e' % RMSE_tt.real + '+%7.5e' % RMSE_tt.imag + 'j'
        check = 'Failed'
    elif ((abs(RMSE_pp) < THRESHOLD)
          or (abs(RMSE_tt) < THRESHOLD)):  # Check values
        print 'RMSE_pp=%7.5e' % RMSE_pp.real + '+%7.5e' % RMSE_pp.imag + 'j'
        print 'RMSE_tt=%7.5e' % RMSE_tt.real + '+%7.5e' % RMSE_tt.imag + 'j'
        check = 'Passed'
        print 'Unexpected Error. Review Log Files.'
        check = 'Failed'
    return check
コード例 #20
ファイル: circuit.py プロジェクト: dmh43/AutoSchaum
 def voltage_is_defined(self):
     # TODO check that Voltage class is compatible with this. otherwise consider modifying it.
     if self.voltage == 0:
         return True
     elif isinstance(self.voltage, float) and math.isnan(self.voltage):
         return False
     elif isinstance(self.voltage, complex) and cmath.isnan(self.voltage):
         return False
     elif self.voltage:
         return True
         return False
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_Well.py プロジェクト: c8zhuang/Ginebig
    def test_divergence_discharge(self):
        """Test divergence discharge."""

        zo = complex(10, 10)
        we = Well(zo, 2 * cmath.pi, 1)

        z = complex(10, 20)
        div = Well.divergence_discharge(we, z)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(div, float(0))

        z = zo
        div = Well.divergence_discharge(we, z)
コード例 #22
ファイル: math.py プロジェクト: vigilance91/pypp-cli
def call(cb):
    for a in angles:
        res = cb(a)
        aStr = str(a)

        if isinf(res):
            print('angle: ' + aStr + ', value: Infinity')
        elif isnan(res):
            print('angle: ' + aStr + ', value: NaN')

        print('angle: ' + aStr + ', value: ' + str(res))
コード例 #23
def PassFail(RMSE_pp, RMSE_tt, RMSE_pp_rel, RMSE_tt_rel, freqs):
    check = 'Passed'
    i = 0
    #Catch nan errors
    for item in freqs:
        i = i + 1
        if ((cmath.isnan(RMSE_pp[item])) or (cmath.isnan(RMSE_tt[item]))):
            print 'NaN Encountered.'
            check = 'Failed'
        #Catch if greater than threshold
        elif ((abs(RMSE_pp[item]) >= THRESHOLD)
              or (abs(RMSE_tt[item]) >= THRESHOLD)):
            print 'At least one of the RMSE values is unexpectedly high'
            print '                                                           +------------------------------'
            print '    Phi-Phi Error (Rel. Error) = {0:.4e}'.format(
                RMSE_pp[item].real), '( {0:.4e}'.format(
                    RMSE_pp_rel[item].real), ') | RMS Error at', item, 'GHz'
            print 'Theta-Theta Error (Rel. Error) = {0:.4e}'.format(
                RMSE_tt[item].real), '( {0:.4e}'.format(
                    RMSE_tt_rel[item].real), ') | 100% inc/scatter coverage'
            if (i == len(freqs)):
                print '                                                           +------------------------------'
            check = 'Failed'
        #Check values
        elif ((abs(RMSE_pp[item]) < THRESHOLD)
              or (abs(RMSE_tt[item]) < THRESHOLD)):
            print '                                                           +------------------------------'
            print '    Phi-Phi Error (Rel. Error) = {0:.4e}'.format(
                RMSE_pp[item].real), '( {0:.4e}'.format(
                    RMSE_pp_rel[item].real), ') | RMS Error at', item, 'GHz'
            print 'Theta-Theta Error (Rel. Error) = {0:.4e}'.format(
                RMSE_tt[item].real), '( {0:.4e}'.format(
                    RMSE_tt_rel[item].real), ') | 100% inc/scatter coverage'
            if (i == len(freqs)):
                print '                                                           +------------------------------'
            print 'Unexpected Error. Review Log Files.'
            check = 'Failed'
    return check
コード例 #24
ファイル: admath.py プロジェクト: kumarremoa/Goferbot
def isnan(x):
    Return True if the real or imaginary part of x is not a number (NaN).
    #    try:
    #        return [isnan(xi) for xi in x]
    #    except TypeError:
    if isinstance(x, ADF):
        return isnan(x.x)
        if x.imag:
            return cmath.isnan(x)
            return math.isnan(x.real)
コード例 #25
ファイル: admath.py プロジェクト: glider-gun/ad
def isnan(x):
    Return True if the real or imaginary part of x is not a number (NaN).
#    try:
#        return [isnan(xi) for xi in x]
#    except TypeError:
    if isinstance(x, ADF):
        return isnan(x.x)
        if x.imag:
            return cmath.isnan(x)
            return math.isnan(x.real)
コード例 #26
ファイル: windows.py プロジェクト: idanre1/gQuant
def sum_window(shared, history_len, future_len, out_arr, window_size,
               forward_window_size, arr_len, offset, min_size):
    This function is to compute the sum for the window
    See `window_kernel` for detailed arguments
    first = False
    s = 0.0
    average_size = 0
    for i in range(arr_len):
        if i + history_len < window_size - 1:
            out_arr[i] = np.nan
        elif future_len - i < forward_window_size + 1:
            out_arr[i] = np.nan
            if not first:
                for j in range(0, window_size + forward_window_size):
                    if not (cmath.isnan(
                            shared[offset + i - j + forward_window_size])):
                        s += shared[offset + i - j + forward_window_size]
                        average_size += 1
                if average_size >= min_size:
                    out_arr[i] = s
                    out_arr[i] = np.nan
                first = True
                if not (cmath.isnan(shared[offset + i + forward_window_size])):
                    s += shared[offset + i + forward_window_size]
                    average_size += 1
                if not (cmath.isnan(shared[offset + i - window_size])):
                    s -= shared[offset + i - window_size]
                    average_size -= 1
                if average_size >= min_size:
                    out_arr[i] = s
                    out_arr[i] = np.nan
コード例 #27
def tt_subscheck(subs):
    """Check whether the given list of subscripts are valid. Used for sptensor"""
    if (subs.size == 0):
        return True
    if (subs.ndim != 2):
        raise ValueError("Subscript dimensions is incorrect")
    for i in range(0, (subs.size / subs[0].size)):
        for j in range(0, (subs[0].size)):
            val = subs[i][j];
            #print subs[i][j], val
            if( cmath.isnan(val) or cmath.isinf(val) or val < 0 or val != round(val) ):
                raise ValueError("Subscripts must be a matrix of non-negative integers");

    return True;
コード例 #28
ファイル: stdtypes.py プロジェクト: flowdas/meta
 def _load_(self, value, context):
     if isinstance(value, complex):
     elif isinstance(value, (integer_types, float)):
         value = complex(value)
     elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
         if len(value) != 2:
             raise ValueError()
         if not isinstance(value[0], (integer_types, float)) or not isinstance(value[1], (integer_types, float)):
             raise ValueError()
         value = complex(value[0], value[1])
         raise ValueError()
     if not self.get_options().allow_nan and (cmath.isnan(value) or cmath.isinf(value)):
         raise ValueError()
     return value
コード例 #29
ファイル: windows.py プロジェクト: idanre1/gQuant
def forward_shift_window(shared, history_len, future_len, out_arr, window_size,
                         forward_window_size, arr_len, offset, min_size):
    This function is to compute the forward element difference.
    See `window_kernel` for detailed arguments
    for i in range(arr_len):
        if i + history_len < window_size - 1:
            out_arr[i] = np.nan
        elif future_len - i < forward_window_size + 1:
            out_arr[i] = np.nan
            if (cmath.isnan(shared[offset + i + forward_window_size])):
                out_arr[i] = np.nan
                out_arr[i] = shared[offset + i + forward_window_size]
コード例 #30
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: yangjichen/ExpCP
def tt_sizecheck(size):
    """Check whether the given size is valid. Used for Sptensor"""
    size = np.array(size)
    isOk = True

    if size.ndim != 1:
        isOk = False
        for i in range(0, len(size)):
            val = size[i]
            if cmath.isnan(val) or cmath.isinf(val) or val <= 0 or val != round(val):
                isOk = False

    if not isOk:
        raise ValueError("size must be a row vector of real positive integers")
    return isOk
コード例 #31
ファイル: Preprocess.py プロジェクト: JeongSeonGyo/EnergyData
def interpolation(data_dictionary):
    - nan 이 존재하는 data 를 interpolation 해주는 함수

    :param data_dictionary:
        nan 이 존재하는 data_dictionary
        - type: dictionary
        nan 이 interpolate 된 data_dictionary
        - type: dictionary
    for i in xrange(0, len(data_dictionary['value'])):
        if math.isnan(data_dictionary['value'][i]):
            data_dictionary['value'][i] = interpolation_rule(i, data_dictionary['value'])

    return data_dictionary
コード例 #32
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: smileyk/tensor_analysis
def tt_sizecheck(size):
    """Check whether the given size is valid. Used for sptensor"""
    size = numpy.array(size)
    isOk = True

    if size.ndim != 1:
        isOk = False
        for i in range(0, len(size)):
            val = size[i]
            if cmath.isnan(val) or cmath.isinf(val) or val <= 0 or val != round(val):
                isOk = False

    if not isOk:
        raise ValueError("size must be a row vector of real positive integers")
    return isOk
コード例 #33
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: smileyk/tensor_analysis
def tt_subscheck(subs):
    """Check whether the given list of subscripts are valid. Used for sptensor"""
    if subs.size == 0:
        return TRUE

    if subs.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError("Subscript dimensions is incorrect")

    for i in range(0, (subs.size / subs[0].size)):
        for j in range(0, (subs[0].size)):
            val = subs[i][j]
            # print subs[i][j], val
            if cmath.isnan(val) or cmath.isinf(val) or val < 0 or val != round(val):
                raise ValueError("Subscripts must be a matrix of non-negative integers")

    return True
コード例 #34
ファイル: PLSA.py プロジェクト: pjmore/ECE471Project
def logLiklihood_jit(P_TopicGivenDocument, Co_OccurenceTable,
                     P_TopicGivenDocumentWord, P_WordGivenTopic) -> float:
    ll = 0.0
    NTopics = P_TopicGivenDocumentWord.shape[0]
    NWords = P_TopicGivenDocumentWord.shape[2]
    NDocs = P_TopicGivenDocumentWord.shape[1]
    for N in prange(NDocs):
        for M in range(NWords):
            partial_sum = 0.0
            for K in range(NTopics):
                Nan_test = P_TopicGivenDocumentWord[K, N, M] * np.log(
                    P_WordGivenTopic[M, K] * P_TopicGivenDocument[K, N])
                if not cmath.isnan(Nan_test):
                    partial_sum += Nan_test

            ll += partial_sum * Co_OccurenceTable[N, M]
    return ll
コード例 #35
ファイル: windows.py プロジェクト: idanre1/gQuant
def backward_shift_window(shared, history_len, future_len, out_arr,
                          window_size, forward_window_size, arr_len, offset,
    This function is to shfit elements backward
    See `window_kernel` for detailed arguments
    for i in range(arr_len):
        if i + history_len < window_size - 1:
            out_arr[i] = np.nan
        elif future_len - i < forward_window_size + 1:
            out_arr[i] = np.nan
            if (cmath.isnan(shared[offset + i - window_size + 1])):
                out_arr[i] = np.nan
                out_arr[i] = shared[offset + i - window_size + 1]
コード例 #36
def conv_window(shared, history_len, out_arr, window_size, arr_len, offset,
                offset2, min_size):
    This function is to do convolution for one thread

     shared: numba.cuda.DeviceNDArray
        3 chunks of data are stored in the shared memory
        the first [0, window_size) elements is the chunk of data that is
        necessary to compute the first convolution element.
        then [window_size, window_size + thread_tile * blockDim) elements
        are the inputs allocated for this block of threads
        the last [window_size + thread_tile,
        window_size + thread_tile + window_size) is to store the kernel values
     history_len: int
        total number of historical elements available for this chunk of data
     out_arr: numba.cuda.DeviceNDArray
        output gpu_array of size of `thread_tile`
     window_size: int
        the number of elements in the kernel
     arr_len: int
        the chunk array length, same as `thread_tile`
     offset: int
        indicate the starting index of the chunk array in the shared for
        this thread.
     offset: int
        indicate the starting position of the weights/kernel array
     min_size: int
         the minimum number of non-na elements
    for i in range(arr_len):
        if i + history_len < window_size - 1:
            out_arr[i] = np.nan
            s = 0.0
            average_size = 0
            for j in range(0, window_size):
                if not (cmath.isnan(shared[offset + i - j])):
                    s += (shared[offset + i - j] *
                          shared[offset2 + window_size - 1 - j])
                    average_size += 1
            if average_size >= min_size:
                out_arr[i] = s
                out_arr[i] = np.nan
コード例 #37
    def changeWeight(self):
        print self.R
        print self.a
        print self.bestActionSet
        for d in range(0, self.rank):
            if self.a[d] == self.bestActionSet[0]:

                #print self.R[d],self.a[d]
                r1 = self.R[d]
                xj = [0.0 for col in range(0, self.numActions)]
                xj[self.a[d]] = r1 / self.prob[0][self.a[d]]
                for col in range(0, self.numActions):
                    self.weights[0][col] = self.weights[0][col] * math.exp(
                        self.gamma * xj[col] / self.numActions)

            #if self.a[0] = self.a[1]:
            elif self.a[d] == self.bestActionSet[1]:
                r2 = max(self.R) - self.R[d]
                xj = [0.0 for col in range(0, self.numActions)]
                xj[self.a[d]] = r2 / self.prob[1][self.a[d]]
                for col in range(0, self.numActions):
                    self.weights[1][col] = self.weights[1][col] * math.exp(
                        self.gamma * xj[col] / self.numActions)
                #r2 = max(self.R) - self.R[d]
                r2 = self.R[d]
                xj = [0.0 for col in range(0,self.numActions)]
                xj[self.a[d]] = r2/self.prob[0][self.a[d]]
                for col in range(0,self.numActions):
                    self.weights[0][col] = self.weights[0][col]*math.exp(self.gamma*xj[col]/self.numActions)
                xj = [0.0 for col in range(0,self.numActions)]
                xj[self.a[d]] = r2/self.prob[1][self.a[d]]
                for col in range(0,self.numActions):
                    self.weights[1][col] = self.weights[1][col]*math.exp(self.gamma*xj[col]/self.numActions)
        if isnan(sum(self.prob[0])) == True:
            print self.R
            print self.a
            print self.bestActionSet

コード例 #38
def tt_sizecheck(size):
    """Check whether the given size is valid. Used for sptensor"""
    size = numpy.array(size);
    isOk = True;
    if(size.ndim != 1):
        isOk = False;
        for i in range(0, len(size)):
            val = size[i];
            if(cmath.isnan(val) or cmath.isinf(val)
                or val <= 0 or val != round(val)):
                isOk = False;
    if(not isOk):
        raise ValueError("size must be a row vector of real positive integers");
    return isOk;
コード例 #39
ファイル: earnings.py プロジェクト: apokrif333/Test
    def filter_volume(self, events: list) -> list:
        result = []
        for event in events:
            bar = self.get_day_data(event.ticker, self.date_current)
            if cmath.isnan(bar.vol_avg):
                self.log_warn('Skipped event for %s, no volume data' % event.ticker)

            if bar.vol_avg < self.min_avg_volume:
                self.small_avg_volume_skipped += 1
                    'Skipped event for %s, average volume %d < %d' %
                    (event.ticker, bar.vol_avg, self.min_avg_volume))


        return result
コード例 #40
def isnan(x, /) -> bool:
    '''Return True if x is nan in any way'''
    # C methods
        return _math.isnan(x)
    except Exception:
        return _cmath.isnan(x)
    except Exception:

    # allow for customized types
        return bool(x.isnan())
    except Exception:
    raise TypeError(f'invalid type, type {type(x).__name__}')
コード例 #41
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: blechta/COFFEE
 def _formatter(self, v):
     """Format a complex into a string, showing up to ``precision`` decimal digits.
     This function is partly extracted from the open_source "FFC: the FEniCS Form
     Compiler", freely accessible at https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/ffc."""
     f = "%%.%dg" % self.precision
     f_int = "%%.%df" % 1
     eps = 10.0**(-self.precision)
     if not isinstance(v, numbers.Number):
         return v.gencode(not_scope=True)
     elif isnan(v):
         return "NAN"
     elif abs(v.real - round(v.real, 1)) < eps and abs(
             v.imag - round(v.imag, 1)) < eps:
         formatter = f_int
         formatter = f
     re, im, zero = map(lambda arg: formatter % arg, (v.real, v.imag, 0))
     return re if im == zero else re + ' + ' + im + ' * I'
コード例 #42
    def _print_nodes(self, nodes, node_id, img, overlaps):
        n = nodes[node_id]
        x = floor(n["x"] + n["width"] / 2)
        val = (n["key_cnt"] * 2 + len(n["children"]) +
               len(n["next_layer"])) / (2 * 8 + 9 + 8)
        y = n["y"]

        prev_val = img[y][x]
        if isnan(prev_val):
            img[y][x] = val
            img[y][x] += val
        overlaps[y][x] += 1

        for c in n["children"]:
            self._print_nodes(nodes, c, img, overlaps)
        for c in n["next_layer"]:
            self._print_nodes(nodes, c, img, overlaps)
コード例 #43
ファイル: coffee.py プロジェクト: tj-sun/tsfc
def _expression_scalar(expr, parameters):
    assert not expr.shape
    if isnan(expr.value):
        return coffee.Symbol("NAN")
        vr = expr.value.real
        rr = round(vr, 1)
        if rr and abs(vr - rr) < parameters.epsilon:
            vr = rr  # round to nonzero

        vi = expr.value.imag  # also checks if v is purely real
        if vi == 0.0:
            return coffee.Symbol(("%%.%dg" % parameters.precision) % vr)
        ri = round(vi, 1)

        if ri and abs(vi - ri) < parameters.epsilon:
            vi = ri
        return coffee.Symbol("({real:.{prec}g} + {imag:.{prec}g} * I)".format(
            real=vr, imag=vi, prec=parameters.precision))
コード例 #44
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: AspirinCode/mzOS
    def calculate_metabolites_score(self, feature):
        feature: peakel instance with several isotopes
        metabolites: list of metabolites
        for annot in feature.annotations:

            m = annot.metabolite
            # worst case

            if m.isotopic_pattern_neg is None:
                annot.score_isos = 'NA'

            ip = m.isotopic_pattern_pos if feature.polarity == 1 else m.isotopic_pattern_neg
            isotopic_pattern = [(float(a), float(b)) for a, b in eval(ip)]
            worst_rmsd, worst_mass_diff, peakel_index = self._calculate_worst_cases(
                feature, isotopic_pattern)

            # interpol_worst_rmsd, interpol_worst_mass_diff = 1.0, 1.0
            # as we interpolate al line y = x we use directly the result and pass
            # it to the model
            mass_diff = calculate_mass_diff_da(feature, m.mono_mass)
            interpol_mass_diff = mass_diff / worst_mass_diff
            ponderated_mass_diff = self.transform_score(
                self.model(interpol_mass_diff)) * self.metrics[1][1]

            rmsd = self._calculate_rmsd_2(feature, peakel_index,
            if isnan(rmsd) or rmsd == 0.0 or worst_rmsd == 0.0:
                # metab_with_score.append((m, ponderated_mass_diff))
                annot.score_isos = ponderated_mass_diff

            interpol_rmsd = rmsd / worst_rmsd
            ponderated_rmsd = self.transform_score(
                self.model(interpol_rmsd)) * self.metrics[0][1]

            final_score = (ponderated_mass_diff + ponderated_rmsd) / (
                self.metrics[0][1] + self.metrics[1][1])

            annot.score_isos = final_score
コード例 #45
def tt_subscheck(subs):
    """Check whether the given list of subscripts are valid. Used for sptensor"""
    isOk = True;
    if(subs.size == 0):
        isOk = True;
    elif(subs.ndim != 2):
        isOk = False;
        for i in range(0, (subs.size / subs[0].size)):
            for j in range(0, (subs[0].size)):
                val = subs[i][j];
                if( cmath.isnan(val) or cmath.isinf(val) or val < 0 or val != round(val) ):
                    isOk = False;
    if(not isOk):
        raise ValueError("Subscripts must be a matrix of non-negative integers");

    return isOk;
コード例 #46
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: gbrouwer/Tensor
def tt_subscheck(subs):
    """Check whether the given list of subscripts are valid. Used for sptensor"""
    isOk = True;
    if(subs.size == 0):
        isOk = True;
    elif(subs.ndim != 2):
        isOk = False;
        for i in range(0, (subs.size / subs[0].size)):
            for j in range(0, (subs[0].size)):
                val = subs[i][j];
                if( cmath.isnan(val) or cmath.isinf(val) or val < 0 or val != round(val) ):
                    isOk = False;
    if(not isOk):
        raise ValueError("Subscripts must be a matrix of non-negative integers");

    return isOk;
コード例 #47
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: yangjichen/ExpCP
def tt_subscheck(my_subs):
    """Check whether the given list of subscripts are valid. Used for Sptensor"""
    isOk = True
    if my_subs.size == 0:
        isOk = True

    elif my_subs.ndim != 2:
        isOk = False

        for i in range(0, (my_subs.size / my_subs[0].size)):
            for j in range(0, my_subs[0].size):
                val = my_subs[i][j]
                if cmath.isnan(val) or cmath.isinf(val) or val < 0 or val != round(val):
                    isOk = False

    if not isOk:
        raise ValueError("Subscripts must be a matrix of non-negative integers")

    return isOk
コード例 #48
ファイル: msutils.py プロジェクト: Marco-Sulla/ewa
def minDeep(arg, exclude=None, no_nan=False):
    Calculate min recursively for nested iterables, at any depth (arrays, 
    matrices, tensors...) and for any type of iterable (list of tuples, 
    tuple of sets, list of tuples of dictionaries...)

    inf = float("+Inf")

    if exclude is None:
        exclude = ()

    if not isinstance(exclude, Iterable):
        exclude = (exclude, )

    if isinstance(arg, tuple(exclude)):
        return inf

        if next(iter(arg)) is arg:  # avoid infinite loops
            return min(arg)
    except TypeError:
        return arg

        mins = map(lambda x: minDeep(x, exclude), arg.keys())
    except AttributeError:
            mins = map(lambda x: minDeep(x, exclude), arg)
        except TypeError:
            return inf

        if no_nan:
            res = min((x for x in mins if not cmath.isnan(x)))
            res = min(mins)
    except ValueError:
        res = inf

    return res
コード例 #49
ファイル: test_easyDAG.py プロジェクト: eDIMESLab/easyDAG
def test_eval_curry_hyp(name_a, name_b, value_a, value_b, op_math_function):
        expected = op_math_function(value_a, value_b)
    except Exception:
        is_nan_value = isnan(expected)
    except OverflowError:
        is_nan_value = False
    assume(not is_nan_value)
    assume(name_a != name_b)
    a = Step(name_a)
    b = Step(name_b)
    expr = Step(op_math_function, a, b)
    a_dict = {name_a: value_a}
    b_dict = {name_b: value_b}
    curried = do_eval(expr, **a_dict)
    assert isinstance(curried, Step)
    observed = do_eval(curried, **b_dict)
    assert isinstance(observed, type(expected))
    assert  observed == expected
コード例 #50
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: jerkos/mzOS
    def calculate_metabolites_score(self, feature):
        feature: peakel instance with several isotopes
        metabolites: list of metabolites
        for annot in feature.annotations:

            m = annot.metabolite
            # worst case

            if m.isotopic_pattern_neg is None:
                annot.score_isos = 'NA'

            ip = m.isotopic_pattern_pos if feature.polarity == 1 else m.isotopic_pattern_neg
            isotopic_pattern = [(float(a), float(b)) for a, b in eval(ip)]
            worst_rmsd, worst_mass_diff, peakel_index = self._calculate_worst_cases(feature, isotopic_pattern)

            # interpol_worst_rmsd, interpol_worst_mass_diff = 1.0, 1.0
            # as we interpolate al line y = x we use directly the result and pass
            # it to the model
            mass_diff = calculate_mass_diff_da(feature, m.mono_mass)
            interpol_mass_diff = mass_diff / worst_mass_diff
            ponderated_mass_diff = self.transform_score(self.model(interpol_mass_diff)) * self.metrics[1][1]

            rmsd = self._calculate_rmsd_2(feature, peakel_index, isotopic_pattern)
            if isnan(rmsd) or rmsd == 0.0 or worst_rmsd == 0.0:
                # metab_with_score.append((m, ponderated_mass_diff))
                annot.score_isos = ponderated_mass_diff

            interpol_rmsd = rmsd / worst_rmsd
            ponderated_rmsd = self.transform_score(self.model(interpol_rmsd)) * self.metrics[0][1]

            final_score = (ponderated_mass_diff + ponderated_rmsd) / (self.metrics[0][1] + self.metrics[1][1])

            annot.score_isos = final_score
コード例 #51
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: Certific-NET/edx-platform
def compare_with_tolerance(student_complex, instructor_complex, tolerance=default_tolerance, relative_tolerance=False):
    Compare student_complex to instructor_complex with maximum tolerance tolerance.

     - student_complex    :  student result (float complex number)
     - instructor_complex    :  instructor result (float complex number)
     - tolerance   :  float, or string (representing a float or a percentage)
     - relative_tolerance: bool, to explicitly use passed tolerance as relative

     Note: when a tolerance is a percentage (i.e. '10%'), it will compute that
     percentage of the instructor result and yield a number.

     If relative_tolerance is set to False, it will use that value and the
     instructor result to define the bounds of valid student result:
     instructor_complex = 10, tolerance = '10%' will give [9.0, 11.0].

     If relative_tolerance is set to True, it will use that value and both
     instructor result and student result to define the bounds of valid student
     instructor_complex = 10, student_complex = 20, tolerance = '10%' will give
     [8.0, 12.0].
     This is typically used internally to compare float, with a
     default_tolerance = '0.001%'.

     Default tolerance of 1e-3% is added to compare two floats for
     near-equality (to handle machine representation errors).
     Default tolerance is relative, as the acceptable difference between two
     floats depends on the magnitude of the floats.
        In [183]: 0.000016 - 1.6*10**-5
        Out[183]: -3.3881317890172014e-21
        In [212]: 1.9e24 - 1.9*10**24
        Out[212]: 268435456.0
    if isinstance(tolerance, str):
        if tolerance == default_tolerance:
            relative_tolerance = True
        if tolerance.endswith('%'):
            tolerance = evaluator(dict(), dict(), tolerance[:-1]) * 0.01
            if not relative_tolerance:
                tolerance = tolerance * abs(instructor_complex)
            tolerance = evaluator(dict(), dict(), tolerance)

    if relative_tolerance:
        tolerance = tolerance * max(abs(student_complex), abs(instructor_complex))

    if isinf(student_complex) or isinf(instructor_complex):
        # If an input is infinite, we can end up with `abs(student_complex-instructor_complex)` and
        # `tolerance` both equal to infinity. Then, below we would have
        # `inf <= inf` which is a fail. Instead, compare directly.
        return student_complex == instructor_complex

    # because student_complex and instructor_complex are not necessarily
    # complex here, we enforce it here:
    student_complex = complex(student_complex)
    instructor_complex = complex(instructor_complex)

    # if both the instructor and student input are real,
    # compare them as Decimals to avoid rounding errors
    if not (instructor_complex.imag or student_complex.imag):
        # if either of these are not a number, short circuit and return False
        if isnan(instructor_complex.real) or isnan(student_complex.real):
            return False
        student_decimal = Decimal(str(student_complex.real))
        instructor_decimal = Decimal(str(instructor_complex.real))
        tolerance_decimal = Decimal(str(tolerance))
        return abs(student_decimal - instructor_decimal) <= tolerance_decimal

        # v1 and v2 are, in general, complex numbers:
        # there are some notes about backward compatibility issue: see responsetypes.get_staff_ans()).
        return abs(student_complex - instructor_complex) <= tolerance
コード例 #52
print('sine =', cmath.sin(c))
print('cosine =', cmath.cos(c))
print('tangent =', cmath.tan(c))

# hyperbolic functions
c = 2 + 2j
print('inverse hyperbolic sine =', cmath.asinh(c))
print('inverse hyperbolic cosine =', cmath.acosh(c))
print('inverse hyperbolic tangent =', cmath.atanh(c))

print('hyperbolic sine =', cmath.sinh(c))
print('hyperbolic cosine =', cmath.cosh(c))
print('hyperbolic tangent =', cmath.tanh(c))

# classification functions
print(cmath.isfinite(2 + 2j))  # True
print(cmath.isfinite(cmath.inf + 2j))  # False

print(cmath.isinf(2 + 2j))  # False
print(cmath.isinf(cmath.inf + 2j))  # True
print(cmath.isinf(cmath.nan + 2j))  # False

print(cmath.isnan(2 + 2j))  # False
print(cmath.isnan(cmath.inf + 2j))  # False
print(cmath.isnan(cmath.nan + 2j))  # True

print(cmath.isclose(2+2j, 2.01+1.9j, rel_tol=0.05))  # True
print(cmath.isclose(2+2j, 2.01+1.9j, abs_tol=0.005))  # False
コード例 #53
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: roukaour/birdiescript
def nice_float(x):
	Return a short string representation of a floating point number.
	Taken from the python-nicefloat module <http://labix.org/python-nicefloat>,
	which is based on the paper "Printing Floating-Point Numbers Quickly and
	Accurately" by Robert G. Burger and R. Kent Dybvig.
	# Special cases for 0, infinity, and NaN
	if not x:
		return '0.'
	if cmath.isinf(x):
		if x < 0:
			return '-Inf'
		return 'Inf'
	if cmath.isnan(x):
		return 'Nan'
	# Copied from http://labix.org/python-nicefloat
	f, e = math.frexp(x)
	if x < 0:
		f = -f
	f = int(f * 2**53)
	e -= 53
	if e >= 0:
		be = 2**e
		if f != 2**52:
			r, s, mp, mm = f*be*2, 2, be, be
			be1 = be*2
			r, s, mp, mm = f*be1*2, 4, be1, be
	elif e == -1074 or f != 2**52:
		r, s, mp, mm = f*2, 2**(1-e), 1, 1
		r, s, mp, mm = f*4, 2**(2-e), 2, 1
	k = 0
	round = f % 2 == 0
	while not round and r+mp*10 <= s or r+mp*10 < s:
		r *= 10
		mp *= 10
		mm *= 10
		k -= 1
	while round and r+mp >= s or r+mp > s:
		s *= 10
		k += 1
	l = []
	while True:
		d, r = divmod(r*10, s)
		d = int(d)
		mp *= 10
		mm *= 10
		tc1 = round and r == mm or r < mm
		tc2 = round and r+mp == s or r+mp > s
		if not tc1:
			if not tc2:
		elif not tc2 or r*2 < s:
	if k <= 0:
		l.insert(0, '0' * abs(k))
		l.insert(0, '.')
	elif k < len(l):
		l.insert(k, '.')
		l.append('0' * (k - len(l)))
	n = ''.join(map(str, l))
	# Further shorten the string using scientific notation
	if n.startswith('.000'):
		n = n[1:]
		p = 0
		while n.startswith('0'):
			n = n[1:]
			p -= 1
		n1 = (n[0] + '.' + n[1:] + 'e' + str(p-1)).replace('.e', 'e')
		n2 = n + 'e' + str(p-len(n))
		n = n2 if len(n2) < len(n1) else n1
	elif n.endswith('00.'):
		n = n[:-1]
		p = 0
		while n.endswith('0'):
			n = n[:-1]
			p += 1
		n = n + 'e' + str(p)
	if x < 0:
		n = '-' + n
	return n
コード例 #54
ファイル: hypothesis_tests.py プロジェクト: di/talks
 def _is_nan(x):
     if isinstance(x, complex):
         return cmath.isnan(x)
     if isinstance(x, Decimal):
         return x.is_nan()
     return False
コード例 #55
ファイル: support.py プロジェクト: dboyliao/numba
    def _assertPreciseEqual(self, first, second, prec='exact', ulps=1,
        """Recursive workhorse for assertPreciseEqual()."""

        def _assertNumberEqual(first, second, delta=None):
            if (delta is None or first == second == 0.0
                or math.isinf(first) or math.isinf(second)):
                self.assertEqual(first, second, msg=msg)
                # For signed zeros
                    if math.copysign(1, first) != math.copysign(1, second):
                                                "%s != %s" % (first, second)))
                except TypeError:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(first, second, delta=delta, msg=msg)

        first_family = self._detect_family(first)
        second_family = self._detect_family(second)

        assertion_message = "Type Family mismatch. (%s != %s)" % (first_family, second_family)
        if msg:
            assertion_message += ': %s' % (msg,)
        self.assertEqual(first_family, second_family, msg=assertion_message)

        # We now know they are in the same comparison family
        compare_family = first_family

        # For recognized sequences, recurse
        if compare_family == "ndarray":
            dtype = self._fix_dtype(first.dtype)
            self.assertEqual(dtype, self._fix_dtype(second.dtype))
            self.assertEqual(first.ndim, second.ndim)
            self.assertEqual(first.shape, second.shape)
            self.assertEqual(first.itemsize, second.itemsize)
            self.assertEqual(self._fix_strides(first), self._fix_strides(second))
            if first.dtype != dtype:
                first = first.astype(dtype)
            if second.dtype != dtype:
                second = second.astype(dtype)
            for a, b in zip(first.flat, second.flat):
                self._assertPreciseEqual(a, b, prec, ulps, msg)

        if compare_family == "sequence":
            self.assertEqual(len(first), len(second), msg=msg)
            for a, b in zip(first, second):
                self._assertPreciseEqual(a, b, prec, ulps, msg)

        if compare_family == "exact":
            exact_comparison = True

        if compare_family in ["complex", "approximate"]:
            exact_comparison = False

        if compare_family == "unknown":
            # Assume these are non-numeric types: we will fall back
            # on regular unittest comparison.
            self.assertIs(first.__class__, second.__class__)
            exact_comparison = True

        # If a Numpy scalar, check the dtype is exactly the same too
        # (required for datetime64 and timedelta64).
        if hasattr(first, 'dtype') and hasattr(second, 'dtype'):
            self.assertEqual(first.dtype, second.dtype)

            if cmath.isnan(first) and cmath.isnan(second):
                # The NaNs will compare unequal, skip regular comparison
        except TypeError:
            # Not floats.

        exact_comparison = exact_comparison or prec == 'exact'

        if not exact_comparison and prec != 'exact':
            if prec == 'single':
                bits = 24
            elif prec == 'double':
                bits = 53
                raise ValueError("unsupported precision %r" % (prec,))
            k = 2 ** (ulps - bits - 1)
            delta = k * (abs(first) + abs(second))
            delta = None
        if isinstance(first, self._complex_types):
            _assertNumberEqual(first.real, second.real, delta)
            _assertNumberEqual(first.imag, second.imag, delta)
            _assertNumberEqual(first, second, delta)
コード例 #56
ファイル: support.py プロジェクト: johandroid/numba
    def _assertPreciseEqual(self, first, second, prec='exact', ulps=1,
        """Recursive workhorse for assertPreciseEqual()."""

        def _assertNumberEqual(first, second, delta=None):
            if (delta is None or first == second == 0.0
                or math.isinf(first) or math.isinf(second)):
                self.assertEqual(first, second, msg=msg)
                # For signed zeros
                    if math.copysign(1, first) != math.copysign(1, second):
                                                "%s != %s" % (first, second)))
                except TypeError:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(first, second, delta=delta, msg=msg)

        for tp in self._sequence_typesets:
            # For recognized sequences, recurse
            if isinstance(first, tp) or isinstance(second, tp):
                self.assertIsInstance(first, tp)
                self.assertIsInstance(second, tp)
                self.assertEqual(len(first), len(second), msg=msg)
                for a, b in zip(first, second):
                    self._assertPreciseEqual(a, b, prec, ulps, msg)
        for tp in self._exact_typesets:
            # One or another could be the expected, the other the actual;
            # test both.
            if isinstance(first, tp) or isinstance(second, tp):
                self.assertIsInstance(first, tp)
                self.assertIsInstance(second, tp)
                exact_comparison = True
            for tp in self._approx_typesets:
                if isinstance(first, tp) or isinstance(second, tp):
                    self.assertIsInstance(first, tp)
                    self.assertIsInstance(second, tp)
                    exact_comparison = False
                # Assume these are non-numeric types: we will fall back
                # on regular unittest comparison.
                self.assertIs(first.__class__, second.__class__)
                exact_comparison = True

        # If a Numpy scalar, check the dtype is exactly the same too
        # (required for datetime64 and timedelta64).
        if hasattr(first, 'dtype') and hasattr(second, 'dtype'):
            self.assertEqual(first.dtype, second.dtype)

            if cmath.isnan(first) and cmath.isnan(second):
                # The NaNs will compare unequal, skip regular comparison
        except TypeError:
            # Not floats.

        exact_comparison = exact_comparison or prec == 'exact'

        if not exact_comparison and prec != 'exact':
            if prec == 'single':
                bits = 24
            elif prec == 'double':
                bits = 53
                raise ValueError("unsupported precision %r" % (prec,))
            k = 2 ** (ulps - bits - 1)
            delta = k * (abs(first) + abs(second))
            delta = None
        if isinstance(first, self._complex_types):
            _assertNumberEqual(first.real, second.real, delta)
            _assertNumberEqual(first.imag, second.imag, delta)
            _assertNumberEqual(first, second, delta)
コード例 #57
ファイル: complex_usecases.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/numba
def isnan_usecase(x):
    return cmath.isnan(x)
コード例 #58
ファイル: support.py プロジェクト: cpcloud/numba
    def _assertPreciseEqual(self, first, second, prec='exact', ulps=1,
                            msg=None, ignore_sign_on_zero=False,
        """Recursive workhorse for assertPreciseEqual()."""

        def _assertNumberEqual(first, second, delta=None):
            if (delta is None or first == second == 0.0
                or math.isinf(first) or math.isinf(second)):
                self.assertEqual(first, second, msg=msg)
                # For signed zeros
                if not ignore_sign_on_zero:
                        if math.copysign(1, first) != math.copysign(1, second):
                                                    "%s != %s" %
                                                    (first, second)))
                    except TypeError:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(first, second, delta=delta, msg=msg)

        first_family = self._detect_family(first)
        second_family = self._detect_family(second)

        assertion_message = "Type Family mismatch. (%s != %s)" % (first_family,
        if msg:
            assertion_message += ': %s' % (msg,)
        self.assertEqual(first_family, second_family, msg=assertion_message)

        # We now know they are in the same comparison family
        compare_family = first_family

        # For recognized sequences, recurse
        if compare_family == "ndarray":
            dtype = self._fix_dtype(first.dtype)
            self.assertEqual(dtype, self._fix_dtype(second.dtype))
            self.assertEqual(first.ndim, second.ndim,
                             "different number of dimensions")
            self.assertEqual(first.shape, second.shape,
                             "different shapes")
            self.assertEqual(first.flags.writeable, second.flags.writeable,
                             "different mutability")
            # itemsize is already checked by the dtype test above
                self._fix_strides(second), "different strides")
            if first.dtype != dtype:
                first = first.astype(dtype)
            if second.dtype != dtype:
                second = second.astype(dtype)
            for a, b in zip(first.flat, second.flat):
                self._assertPreciseEqual(a, b, prec, ulps, msg,
                                         ignore_sign_on_zero, abs_tol)

        elif compare_family == "sequence":
            self.assertEqual(len(first), len(second), msg=msg)
            for a, b in zip(first, second):
                self._assertPreciseEqual(a, b, prec, ulps, msg,
                                         ignore_sign_on_zero, abs_tol)

        elif compare_family == "exact":
            exact_comparison = True

        elif compare_family in ["complex", "approximate"]:
            exact_comparison = False

        elif compare_family == "enum":
            self.assertIs(first.__class__, second.__class__)
            self._assertPreciseEqual(first.value, second.value,
                                     prec, ulps, msg,
                                     ignore_sign_on_zero, abs_tol)

        elif compare_family == "unknown":
            # Assume these are non-numeric types: we will fall back
            # on regular unittest comparison.
            self.assertIs(first.__class__, second.__class__)
            exact_comparison = True

            assert 0, "unexpected family"

        # If a Numpy scalar, check the dtype is exactly the same too
        # (required for datetime64 and timedelta64).
        if hasattr(first, 'dtype') and hasattr(second, 'dtype'):
            self.assertEqual(first.dtype, second.dtype)

        # Mixing bools and non-bools should always fail
        if (isinstance(first, self._bool_types) !=
            isinstance(second, self._bool_types)):
            assertion_message = ("Mismatching return types (%s vs. %s)"
                                 % (first.__class__, second.__class__))
            if msg:
                assertion_message += ': %s' % (msg,)

            if cmath.isnan(first) and cmath.isnan(second):
                # The NaNs will compare unequal, skip regular comparison
        except TypeError:
            # Not floats.

        # if absolute comparison is set, use it
        if abs_tol is not None:
            if abs_tol == "eps":
                rtol = np.finfo(type(first)).eps
            elif isinstance(abs_tol, float):
                rtol = abs_tol
                raise ValueError("abs_tol is not \"eps\" or a float, found %s"
                    % abs_tol)
            if abs(first - second) < rtol:

        exact_comparison = exact_comparison or prec == 'exact'

        if not exact_comparison and prec != 'exact':
            if prec == 'single':
                bits = 24
            elif prec == 'double':
                bits = 53
                raise ValueError("unsupported precision %r" % (prec,))
            k = 2 ** (ulps - bits - 1)
            delta = k * (abs(first) + abs(second))
            delta = None
        if isinstance(first, self._complex_types):
            _assertNumberEqual(first.real, second.real, delta)
            _assertNumberEqual(first.imag, second.imag, delta)
            _assertNumberEqual(first, second, delta)
コード例 #59
def measure_pearson (datafname, labelsfile, outfname, maskfname='', exclufname='', exclude_idx=-1):
   #reading label file
   labels = np.loadtxt(labelsfile, dtype=int)

   if exclufname:
      exclus = np.loadtxt(exclufname, dtype=int)

   #reading input volume
   vol = nib.load(datafname)
   n   = vol.get_shape()[3]

   if n != len(labels):
      err = 'Numbers do not match: ' + datafname + ' and ' + labelsfile
      raise IOError(err)
   elif exclufname:
      if n != len(exclus):
         err = 'Numbers do not match: ' + datafname + ' and ' + excludef
         raise IOError(err)

   exclude_log = ''
   if exclude_idx > -1:
      exclude_log = ' excluding subject ' + str(exclude_idx)

   au.log.debug ('Pearson correlation of ' + os.path.basename(datafname) + exclude_log)

   #reading volume
   data   = vol.get_data()

   #excluding subjects
   if exclufname and exclude_idx > -1:
      exclus[exclude_idx] = 1

   if exclufname:
      data   = data  [:,:,:,exclus == 0]
      labels = labels[exclus == 0]

   elif exclude_idx > -1:
      exclus = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)
      exclus[exclude_idx] = 1

      data   = data  [:,:,:,exclus == 0]
      labels = labels[exclus == 0]

   subsno = data.shape[3]

   #preprocessing data
   shape = data.shape[0:3]
   siz   = np.prod(shape)
   temp  = data.reshape(siz, subsno)
   ind   = range(len(temp))

   if maskfname:
      mask   = nib.load(maskfname)
      mskdat = mask.get_data()
      mskdat = mskdat.reshape(siz)
      ind    = np.where(mskdat!=0)[0]

   #creating output volume file
   odat = np.zeros(shape, dtype=vol.get_data_dtype())

   for i in range(len(ind)):
      idx = ind[i]
      x = temp[idx,:]
      p = stats.pearsonr (labels,x)[0];

      #ldemean = labels - np.mean(labels)
      #xdemean = x - np.mean(x)
      #p = np.sum(ldemean * xdemean) / (np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(ldemean))) * np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(xdemean))))

      if math.isnan (p): p = 0

      odat[np.unravel_index(idx, shape)] = p

   au.save_nibabel(outfname, odat, vol.get_affine())

   return outfname
コード例 #60
ファイル: test_cmath.py プロジェクト: aktech/eqpy
def test_isnan():
    assert cmath.isnan(float('inf')) == isnan(float('inf'))
    assert cmath.isnan(-float('inf')) == isnan(-float('inf'))
    assert cmath.isnan(float('nan')) == isnan(float('nan'))
    assert not isnan(sympy.oo)
    assert not isnan(-sympy.oo)
    assert isnan(sympy.nan)
    assert cmath.isnan(1.0) == isnan(1.0)
    assert cmath.isnan(0) == isnan(0)
    inf = float('inf')
    nan = float('nan')
    assert cmath.isnan(complex(inf)) == isnan(complex(inf))
    assert cmath.isnan(complex(1, inf)) == isnan(complex(1, inf))
    assert cmath.isnan(complex(1, -inf)) == isnan(complex(1, -inf))
    assert cmath.isnan(complex(inf, 1)) == isnan(complex(inf, 1))
    assert cmath.isnan(complex(inf, inf)) == isnan(complex(inf, inf))
    assert cmath.isnan(complex(1, nan)) == isnan(complex(1, nan))
    assert cmath.isnan(complex(nan, 1)) == isnan(complex(nan, 1))
    assert cmath.isnan(complex(nan, nan)) == isnan(complex(nan, nan))
    assert cmath.isnan(complex(inf, nan)) == isnan(complex(inf, nan))
    assert cmath.isnan(complex(nan, inf)) == isnan(complex(nan, inf))