def insert_type(data: dict): """ HTTP `POST` route for insert a single type resource. Args: data (TypeModel.SCHEMA): Insert data of a new type. Raises: ManagerGetError: If the inserted resource could not be found after inserting. ManagerInsertError: If something went wrong during insertion. Returns: InsertSingleResponse: Insert response with the new type and its public_id. """ type_manager = TypeManager(database_manager=current_app.database_manager) data.setdefault('creation_time', datetime.utcnow()) try: result_id: PublicID = type_manager.insert(data) raw_doc = type_manager.get(public_id=result_id) except ManagerGetError as err: return abort(404, err.message) except ManagerInsertError as err: return abort(400, err.message) api_response = InsertSingleResponse(result_id, raw=TypeModel.to_json(raw_doc), url=request.url, model=TypeModel.MODEL) return api_response.make_response(prefix='types')
def get_type(public_id: int): """ HTTP `GET`/`HEAD` route for a single type resource. Args: public_id (int): Public ID of the type. Raises: ManagerGetError: When the selected type does not exists. Returns: GetSingleResponse: Which includes the json data of a TypeModel. """ type_manager = TypeManager(database_manager=current_app.database_manager) body = request.method == 'HEAD' try: type_ = type_manager.get(public_id) except ManagerGetError as err: return abort(404, err.message) api_response = GetSingleResponse(TypeModel.to_json(type_), url=request.url, model=TypeModel.MODEL, body=body) return api_response.make_response()
def verify_import_access(user: UserModel, _type: TypeModel, _manager: TypeManager): """Validate if a user has access to objects of this type.""" location = 'acl.groups.includes.' + str(user.group_id) query = {'$and': [{'$or': [ {'$or': [ {'acl': {'$exists': False}}, {'acl.activated': False}] }, {'$and': [ {'acl.activated': True}, {'$and': [ {location: {'$exists': True}}, {location: {'$all': [ AccessControlPermission.READ.value, AccessControlPermission.CREATE.value, AccessControlPermission.UPDATE.value] } } ] } ] }] }, {'public_id': _type.public_id}]} types_ = _manager.iterate(filter=query, limit=1, skip=0, sort='public_id', order=1) if len([TypeModel.to_json(_) for _ in types_.results]) == 0: raise AccessDeniedError(f'The objects of the type `{}` are protected by ACL permission!')
def update_type(self, data: (TypeModel, dict)): if isinstance(data, TypeModel): update_type = data elif isinstance(data, dict): update_type = TypeModel.from_data(data) else: raise WrongInputFormatError(TypeModel, data, "Possible data: dict or TypeModel") ack = self._update(collection=TypeModel.COLLECTION, public_id=update_type.get_public_id(), data=TypeModel.to_json(update_type)) if self._event_queue: event = Event("cmdb.core.objecttype.updated", {"id": update_type.get_public_id()}) self._event_queue.put(event) return ack
def get_types_by(self, sort='public_id', **requirements): try: return [ TypeModel.from_data(data) for data in self._get_many( collection=TypeModel.COLLECTION, sort=sort, **requirements) ] except Exception as err: raise ObjectManagerGetError(err=err)
def get_all_types(self) -> List[TypeModel]: try: raw_types: List[dict] = self._get_many(collection=TypeModel.COLLECTION) except Exception as err: raise ObjectManagerGetError(err=err) try: return [TypeModel.from_data(type) for type in raw_types] except Exception as err: raise ObjectManagerInitError(err=err)
def get_type(self, public_id: int): try: return TypeModel.from_data( self.dbm.find_one(collection=TypeModel.COLLECTION, public_id=public_id)) except RequiredInitKeyNotFoundError as err: raise ObjectManagerInitError(err=err.message) except Exception as err: raise ObjectManagerGetError(err=err)
def get_type_by(self, **requirements) -> TypeModel: try: found_type_list = self._get_many(collection=TypeModel.COLLECTION, limit=1, **requirements) if len(found_type_list) > 0: return TypeModel.from_data(found_type_list[0]) else: raise ObjectManagerGetError( err='More than 1 type matches this requirement') except (CMDBError, Exception) as e: raise ObjectManagerGetError(err=e)
def get_type_aggregate(self, arguments): """This method does not actually performs the find() operation but instead returns a objects sorted by value of the documents that meet the selection criteria. Args: arguments: query search for Returns: returns the list of CMDB Types sorted by value of the documents """ type_list = [] cursor = self.dbm.aggregate(TypeModel.COLLECTION, arguments) for document in cursor: put_data = json.loads(json_util.dumps(document), object_hook=object_hook) type_list.append(TypeModel.from_data(put_data)) return type_list
def get_types(params: CollectionParameters): """ HTTP `GET`/`HEAD` route for getting a iterable collection of resources. Args: params (CollectionParameters): Passed parameters over the http query string Returns: GetMultiResponse: Which includes a IterationResult of the TypeModel. Example: You can pass any parameter based on the CollectionParameters. Optional parameters are passed over the function declaration. Raises: FrameworkIterationError: If the collection could not be iterated. ManagerGetError: If the collection could not be found. """ type_manager = TypeManager(database_manager=current_app.database_manager) body = request.method == 'HEAD' try: iteration_result: IterationResult[TypeModel] = type_manager.iterate( filter=params.filter, limit=params.limit, skip=params.skip, sort=params.sort, order=params.order) types = [TypeModel.to_json(type) for type in iteration_result.results] api_response = GetMultiResponse(types,, params=params, url=request.url, model=TypeModel.MODEL, body=body) except FrameworkIterationError as err: return abort(400, err.message) except ManagerGetError as err: return abort(404, err.message) return api_response.make_response()
def delete_type(public_id: int): """ HTTP `DELETE` route for delete a single type resource. Args: public_id (int): Public ID of the deletable type Raises: ManagerGetError: When the type with the `public_id` was not found. ManagerDeleteError: When something went wrong during the deletion. Notes: Deleting the type will also delete all objects in this type! Returns: DeleteSingleResponse: Delete result with the deleted type as data. """ type_manager = TypeManager(database_manager=current_app.database_manager) from cmdb.framework.cmdb_object_manager import CmdbObjectManager deprecated_object_manager = CmdbObjectManager( database_manager=current_app.database_manager) try: objects_ids = [ object_.get_public_id() for object_ in deprecated_object_manager.get_objects_by_type(public_id) ] deprecated_object_manager.delete_many_objects({'type_id': public_id}, objects_ids, None) deleted_type = type_manager.delete(public_id=PublicID(public_id)) api_response = DeleteSingleResponse( raw=TypeModel.to_json(deleted_type), model=TypeModel.MODEL) except ManagerGetError as err: return abort(404, err.message) except ManagerDeleteError as err: return abort(400, err.message) except Exception as err: return abort(400, str(err)) return api_response.make_response()