コード例 #1
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def remind_multi_local(root, remote):
    """Check if the remote-tracking branch has multiple local branches. Remind if so."""
    if remote[:8] == "remotes/":
        remote = remote[8:]
    if remote[:7] != "origin/":
        assert False, "It's not an remote-tracking branch."
    cmd = "git branch -v -v"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    lines = []
    for line in out.splitlines():
        pattern = r"(\*?)\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\[" + remote + r"(\]|:)\s+"
        match = re.match(pattern, line)
        if match != None:

    if len(lines) > 1:
        print("Reminder: remote-tracking branch '" + remote + "' has multiple local branches:")
        i = 1
        for line in lines:
            print(str(i) + ": " + line)
            i = i + 1
コード例 #2
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def get_status(root):
    """Show any abnormal status to deal with"""
    cmd = "git status"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    # "nothing to commit (working directory clean)"
    match1 = re.search(r"nothing to commit \(working directory clean\)", out)
    # "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)"
    match2 = re.search(r"nothing to commit \(create/copy files", out)
    # "# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/st1' by 3 commits."
    match3 = re.search(r"is ahead of", out)
    # "# Your branch is behind 'origin/st1' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded."
    match4 = re.search(r"is behind", out)
    # "# Your branch and 'origin/st1' have diverged."   
    match5 = re.search(r"have diverged", out)

    if (match1 != None or match2 != None) and \
        (match3 == None and match4 == None and match5 == None):

    print("Something to deal with:")
コード例 #3
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def push(root, remote):

    if remote[:8] == "remotes/":
        remote = remote[8:]
    if remote[:7] != "origin/":
        assert False, "it's not a remote-tracking branch."
    print("Start push to branch '" + remote[7:] + "' in remote repository...")

    cmd = "git push origin HEAD:" + remote[7:]
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)

    match1 = re.search(r"fatal: ", err)
    match2 = re.search(r"error: ", err)
    match3 = re.search(r"Everything up-to-date", err)
    if match1 != None or match2 != None:
        print("Failed to push: " + cmd + "\n" + out + err)
        print("1: handled manually, pls continue\n2: quit")
        while True:
            choice = input("? ")
            if choice == '2':
            elif choice == '1':
    elif match3 != None:
        print("Nothing to do: Branch already up-to-date in remote repository.")
        print("Success to push.")
コード例 #4
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def push_tag(root, tag):

    if tag[:5] == "refs/":
        tag = tag[5:]
    if tag[:5] == "tags/":
        tag = tag[5:]
    print("Start push tag '" + tag + "' to remote repository...")

    cmd = "git push origin tag " + tag
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    match1 = re.search(r"fatal: ", err)
    match2 = re.search(r"error: ", err)
    match3 = re.search(r"Everything up-to-date", err)
    if match1 != None or match2 != None:
        print("Failed to push tag: " + cmd + "\n" + out + err)
        print("1: handled manually, pls continue\n2: quit")
        while True:
            choice = input("? ")
            if choice == '2':
            elif choice == '1':
    elif match3 != None:
        print("Nothing to do: Tag already exists in remote repository.")
        print("Success to push tag.")
コード例 #5
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def get_cmg_cfg(root):
    """To get CMG configurations from Git config file(s).
    `root' is the container's root. It means the CMG configs should be stored in
    the container's git cfg file, and / or user-specific git config file,
    and / or system-wide git config file.

    An example of config format in git config file:

            verbose = false
            gitrebase = true
            online = false
    All these configurations have default values in common.py.
    for key in list(common.cfgs.keys()):
        cmd = "git config cmg." + key
        (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
        if err:
            sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)
        if out.strip().lower() == "true":
            common.cfgs[key] = True
        if out.strip().lower() == "false":
            common.cfgs[key] = False
コード例 #6
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def create_new_tag(root, tag):
    cmd = "git tag " + tag
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    print("Created new tag '" + tag + "'.")
コード例 #7
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def fetch(root):
    """Call `git fetch origin'."""

    cmd = "git fetch origin"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err and err[:4] != 'From':
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)
コード例 #8
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def get_tag_annotation(root, tag):
    """Get content of tag annotation, which indicate the baseline configuation.""" 

    cmd = "git tag -n10000 -l " + tag
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)
    return re.sub(r"\S+\s+", "", out, 1)
コード例 #9
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def create_tag(root, tag, bl_cfg_fl_name):

    cmd = "git tag -F " + bl_cfg_fl_name + " " + tag
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    match = re.search(r"fatal: ", err)
    if match != None:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed to create tag: " + cmd + "\n" + out + err)

    print("Success to create tag '" + tag + "'.")
コード例 #10
ファイル: svn.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def add(root):    
    cmd = "svn status"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err or code != 0:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    new_files = []
    for line in out.splitlines():
        pattern = r"\?\s+(\S+)"
        match = re.match(pattern, line)
        if match != None:

    for new_file in new_files:
        cmd = "svn add " + new_file
        (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
        if err or code != 0:
            sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)
コード例 #11
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def set_remote(root, url, pushurl):
    """Set parameters of `origin' in Git config"""

    cmd = "git config remote.origin.url " + url
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    fetch = "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"
    cmd = "git config remote.origin.fetch " + fetch
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    cmd = "git config remote.origin.pushurl " + pushurl
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)
コード例 #12
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def get_current_revision(root):
    """Get current revision."""

    cmd = "git log --pretty=oneline -1 HEAD"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)
    match = re.match(r"(\S+)\s+", out)
    if match != None:
        return match.group(1)
コード例 #13
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def is_tag(root, tag):
    """Check if it is an existing tag."""

    cmd = "git tag -l " + tag
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)
    if out.strip() == tag:
        return True
    return False
コード例 #14
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def is_on_tag(root, tag):
    """Check if it is currently on a tag."""

    cmd = "git tag -l " + tag + " --contains HEAD"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    if out.strip() == tag:
        return True
    return False
コード例 #15
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def is_on_revision(root, revision):
    """Check if it is currently on this revision."""

    cmd = "git log --pretty=oneline -1 HEAD"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)
    match = re.match(revision, out)
    if match != None:
        return True

    return False
コード例 #16
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def checkout(root, point, type):
    """Checkout a branch or tag of the container / a component.
    `point' is the branch or tag's name. The value of `type' should be 'branch' or 'tag' or 'revision'.

    cmd = "git checkout " + point
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err and err[:8] != "Switched" and err[:7] != "Already" \
        and err[:5] != "Note:" and err[:4] != "HEAD" and err[:8] != "Previous":
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)
        print("Success to checkout " + type + " '" + point + "'.")
コード例 #17
ファイル: svn.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def get_status(root):
    """Show any abnormal status to deal with. Return True if anything be found out."""
    cmd = "svn status"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err or code != 0:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    if out.strip() != "":
        print("Something to deal with:")
        return True
    return False
コード例 #18
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def get_current_br_pair(root):
    """Find out local-remote branch pair of current checked out branch."""

    cmd = "git branch -v -v"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    for line in out.splitlines():
        match = re.match(r"\*\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\[(\S+?)(\]|:)\s+", line)
        if match != None:
            return (match.group(1), match.group(2))
    return ("", "")
コード例 #19
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def get_remote_br_via_local(root, local):
    """Get remote-tracking branch using local branch name as a hint."""

    cmd = "git branch -v -v"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    for line in out.splitlines():
        match = re.match(r"\*?\s+" + local + r"\s+\S+\s+\[(\S+?)(\]|:)\s+", line)
        if match != None:
            return match.group(1)
    return ""
コード例 #20
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def get_current_point(root, baseline):
    """Get (create if have to) a tag or revision for HEAD.
    `baseline' is the tag name of container.
    cmd = "git tag -l --contains HEAD"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    tags = []
    for line in out.splitlines():
    revision_now = get_current_revision(root)
    print("1: use revision for this component: " + revision_now)
    print("2: create a new tag for this component.")
    print("3: create a new tag with baseline name '" + baseline + "'.")

    i = 4
    if len(tags) != 0:
        for tag in tags:
            print(str(i) + ": select existing tag '" + tag + "'.")
            i = i + 1

    while True:
        choice = input("? ")
        if choice == '1':
            return (revision_now, "revision")
        elif choice == '2':
            new_tag = ""
            while True:
                new_tag = input("New tag name: ")
                if new_tag.strip() != "":
            create_new_tag(root, new_tag)
            return (new_tag, "tag")
        elif choice == '3':
            create_new_tag(root, baseline)
            return (baseline, "tag")
        for j in len(tags):
            if str(j+3) == choice:
                print("Selected existing tag '" + tags[j-1] + "'.")
                return (tags[j-1], "tag")
コード例 #21
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def create_default_local_br(root, branch):
    """Create local branch which has the same (base) name of remote-tracking branch"""
    local = branch
    if branch[:8] == "remotes/":
        local = branch[15:]
    elif branch[:7] == "origin/":
        local = branch[7:]

    cmd = "git branch " + local + ' origin/' + local
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    print("Success to create local branch " + local \
        + " to follow remote-tracking branch origin/" + local)
    return local
コード例 #22
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def get_local_br_via_remote(root, remote):
    """Get (select if several) an local branch using remote-tracking branch name as a hint."""
    if remote[:8] == "remotes/":
        remote = remote[8:]
    if remote[:7] != "origin/":
        return False
    cmd = "git branch -v -v"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    locals = []
    for line in out.splitlines():
        pattern = r"(\*?)\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\[" + remote + r"(\]|:)\s+"
        match = re.match(pattern, line)
        if match != None:
            if match.group(1) == "*": #the current branch, the favorite
                return match.group(2)

    if len(locals) == 0:
        return ""
    elif len(locals) == 1:
        return locals[0]
        print("Found multiple branch pairs you may mean:")
        i = 1
        for local in locals:
            print(str(i) + " local branch: " + local + " remote-tracking branch: " + remote)
            i = i + 1
        print(str(i) + " quit")
        while True:
            choice = input("? ")
            if choice == str(len(locals) + 1):
            for j in len(locals):
                if str(j) == choice:
                    return locals[j-1]
コード例 #23
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def init(root, url):
    """Create a component's local repository via `git clone'."""

    if not os.path.isdir(root):
#        except error as err:
#            sys.stderr.write("Failed: can not to create folder " + root + ":\n" + str(err))
#            sys.exit(2)
            sys.stderr.write("Failed: can not to create folder " + root + ":\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
    cmd = "git clone " + url + " " + root
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)
    print("Success to initialize the component via clone.")
コード例 #24
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def is_local_br_to_create(root, local):
    """Check if it is local branch that does not exist but has a corresponding remote-tracking branch."""
    if local[:8] == "remotes/":
        return False
    if local[:7] == "origin/":
        return False

    cmd = "git branch -r"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    for line in out.splitlines():
        match = re.match(r"\s+" + "origin/" + local + r"$", line)
        if match != None:
            return True

    return False
コード例 #25
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def is_local_br(root, local):
    """Check if it is an existing local branch."""
    if local[:8] == "remotes/":
        return False
    if local[:7] == "origin/":
        return False

    cmd = "git branch"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    for line in out.splitlines():
        match = re.match(r"\*?\s+" + local + r"$", line)
        if match != None:
            return True
    return False
コード例 #26
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def is_remote_br(root, remote):
    """Check if it is an existing remote-tracking branch."""
    if remote[:8] == "remotes/":
        remote = remote[8:]
    if remote[:7] != "origin/":
        return False

    cmd = "git branch -r"
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    for line in out.splitlines():
        match = re.match(r"\s+" + remote + r"$", line)
        if match != None:
            return True

    return False
コード例 #27
ファイル: svn.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def get_info(root, url):
    """Find out current url and revision of a working copy or remote url
    inputs: url is optional
    outputs: the current url and current revision
    cmd = "svn info " + url
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err or code != 0:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)

    current_url = current_revision = ""
    for line in out.splitlines():
        match = re.match(r"URL: (\S+)", line)
        if match != None:
            current_url = match.group(1)
        match = re.match(r"Revision: (\S+)", line)
        if match != None:
            current_revision = match.group(1)

    return (current_url, current_revision)
コード例 #28
ファイル: svn.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def init(root, url, revision):
    """Create a component's working copy via `svn co'."""

    if not os.path.isdir(root):
#        except error as err:
#            sys.stderr.write("Failed: can not to create folder " + root + ":\n" + str(err))
#            sys.exit(2)
            sys.stderr.write("Failed: can not to create folder '" + root + "':\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
    cmd = "svn co " + url + " " + root
    if revision != "":
        cmd = cmd + " -r " + revision
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    if err or code != 0:
        sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + cmd + "\n" + err)
    print("Success to initialize the component via 'svn co'.")
コード例 #29
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def merge(root, remote):
    """Run `git merge' to merge from remote-tracking branch to current local branch."""

    print("Start merge from remote-tracking branch '" + remote + "'...")
    cmd = "git merge " + remote
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)
    match1 = re.search(r"fatal: ", err)
    match2 = re.search(r"Automatic merge failed", out)
    match3 = re.search(r"Already up-to-date", out)
    if match1 != None or match2 != None:
        print("Failed to do merge fully automatically: " + cmd + "\n" + out + err)
        print("1: fixed the merge conflict and *committed*, " \
            + "pls continue\n2: quit")
        while True:
            choice = input("? ")
            if choice == '2':
            elif choice == '1':
    elif match3 != None:
        print("Nothing to do: Already up-to-date.")    
        print("Success to merge fully automatically.")
コード例 #30
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: dongyue/cmglue
def rebase(root, remote):
    """Run `git rebase' to rebase current local branch based on the tip of remote-tracking branch"""

    print("Start rebase from remote-tracking branch " + remote +"...")
    cmd = "git rebase " + remote
    (out, err, code) = common.command(cmd, root)

    match1 = re.search(r"fatal: ", err)
    match2 = re.search(r"When you have resolved this problem run ", out)
    match3 = re.search(r"Current branch \S+ is up to date.", out)
    if match1 != None or match2 != None:
        print("Failed to do rebase fullly automatically: " + cmd + "\n" + out + err)
        print("1: fixed the merge conflict and *finished all* for " \
            + "this rebase, pls continue\n2: quit")
        while True:
            choice = input("? ")
            if choice == '2':
            elif choice == '1':
    elif match3 != None:
        print("Nothing to do: Already up-to-date.")    
        print("Success to rebase fully automatically.")