def _valuespec_datadog_monitors_discovery() -> Dictionary: return Dictionary( [ ( "states_discover", DualListChoice( title=_("Only discover monitors in the following states"), choices=[ ( datadog_state, datadog_state, ) for datadog_state, _checkmk_state in _DEFAULT_DATADOG_AND_CHECKMK_STATES ], default_value=[ datadog_state for datadog_state, _checkmk_state in _DEFAULT_DATADOG_AND_CHECKMK_STATES ], rows=len(_DEFAULT_DATADOG_AND_CHECKMK_STATES) + 2, size=50, ), ), ], title=_("Discovery of Datadog monitors"), optional_keys=False, )
def valuespec(self): return DualListChoice( choices=defines.interface_port_types(), rows=4, enlarge_active=True, custom_order=True, )
def _vs_contactgroups(self): if self._contactgroups is None: # conditional caused by horrible API raise Exception("invalid contact groups") cg_choices = sorted([(cg_id, cg_attrs.get("alias", cg_id)) for cg_id, cg_attrs in self._contactgroups.items()], key=lambda x: x[1]) return DualListChoice(choices=cg_choices, rows=20, size=100)
def _parameter_valuespec_mssql_blocked_sessions(): return Dictionary(elements=[ ("state", MonitoringState( title=_("State if at least one blocked session"), default_value=2, )), ("waittime", Tuple( title=_("Levels for wait"), help=_("The threshholds for wait_duration_ms. Will " "overwrite the default state set above."), default_value=(0, 0), elements=[ Float(title=_("Warning at"), unit=_("seconds"), display_format="%.3f"), Float(title=_("Critical at"), unit=_("seconds"), display_format="%.3f"), ], )), ("ignore_waittypes", DualListChoice( title=_("Ignore wait types"), rows=40, choices=[(entry, entry) for entry in mssql_waittypes], )), ], )
def _valuespec_inv_parameters_inv_if(): return Dictionary( title=_("Parameters for switch port inventory"), elements=[ ("unused_duration", Age( title=_("Port down time until considered unused"), help= _("After this time in the state <i>down</i> a port is considered unused." ), default_value=30 * 86400, )), ("usage_port_types", DualListChoice( title=_("Port types to include in usage statistics"), choices=defines.interface_port_types(), autoheight=False, rows=40, enlarge_active=False, custom_order=True, default_value=[ '6', '32', '62', '117', '127', '128', '129', '180', '181', '182', '205', '229' ], )), ])
def _vs_individual_elements(self): if user.may("wato.edit_all_predefined_conditions"): admin_element: List[ValueSpec] = [ FixedValue( value=None, title=_("Administrators"), totext=_( "Administrators (having the permission " '"Write access to all predefined conditions")' ), ) ] else: admin_element = [] return [ ("conditions", vs_conditions()), ( "owned_by", Alternative( title=_("Editable by"), help=_( "Each predefined condition is owned by a group of users which are able to edit, " "delete and use existing predefined conditions." ), elements=admin_element + [ DropdownChoice( title=_("Members of the contact group:"), choices=lambda: self._contact_group_choices(only_own=True), invalid_choice="complain", empty_text=_( "You need to be member of at least one contact group to be able to " "create a predefined condition." ), invalid_choice_title=_("Group not existant or not member"), invalid_choice_error=_( "The choosen group is either not existant " "anymore or you are not a member of this " "group. Please choose another one." ), ), ], ), ), ( "shared_with", DualListChoice( title=_("Share with"), help=_( "By default only the members of the owner contact group are permitted " "to use a a predefined condition. It is possible to share it with " "other groups of users to make them able to use a predefined condition in rules." ), choices=self._contact_group_choices, autoheight=False, ), ), ]
def display(self, value: FilterHTTPVariables) -> None: html.open_div(class_="multigroup") DualListChoice(choices=self._options(, rows=4, enlarge_active=True).render_input( self.query_filter.request_vars[0], self.query_filter.selection(value) ) if self.query_filter.negateable: checkbox_component(self.query_filter.request_vars[1], value, _("negate")) html.close_div()
def valuespec(self) -> ValueSpec: sorted_choices = [(str(k), str(v)) for k, v in sorted( defines.interface_port_types().items(), key=lambda t: t[0])] return DualListChoice( choices=sorted_choices, rows=4, enlarge_active=True, custom_order=True, )
def _get_component_specific_checkmk_files_choices( self, title: str, checkmk_files: List[Tuple[str, CheckmkFileInfo]], ) -> ValueSpec: high_sensitive_files = [] sensitive_files = [] insensitive_files = [] for rel_filepath, file_info in checkmk_files: if file_info.sensitivity == CheckmkFileSensitivity.high_sensitive: high_sensitive_files.append((rel_filepath, file_info)) elif file_info.sensitivity == CheckmkFileSensitivity.sensitive: sensitive_files.append((rel_filepath, file_info)) else: insensitive_files.append((rel_filepath, file_info)) sorted_files = sorted(high_sensitive_files + sensitive_files + insensitive_files, key=lambda t: t[0]) sorted_non_high_sensitive_files = sorted(sensitive_files + insensitive_files, key=lambda t: t[0]) sorted_insensitive_files = sorted(insensitive_files, key=lambda t: t[0]) return CascadingDropdown( title=_(title), sorted=False, choices=[ ("all", _("Pack all files: High, Medium, Low sensitivity"), FixedValue( [f for f, fi in sorted_files], totext=self._list_of_files_to_text(sorted_files), )), ("non_high_sensitive", _("Pack only Medium and Low sensitivity files"), FixedValue( [f for f, fi in sorted_non_high_sensitive_files], totext=self._list_of_files_to_text( sorted_non_high_sensitive_files), )), ("insensitive", _("Pack only Low sensitivity files"), FixedValue( [f for f, fi in sorted_insensitive_files], totext=self._list_of_files_to_text( sorted_insensitive_files), )), ("explicit_list_of_files", _("Select individual files from list"), DualListChoice( choices=self._list_of_files_choices(sorted_files), size=80, rows=10, )), ], default_value="non_high_sensitive", )
def _vs_individual_elements(self): if config.user.may("wato.edit_all_passwords"): admin_element: List[ValueSpec] = [ FixedValue( None, title=_("Administrators"), totext=_("Administrators (having the permission " "\"Write access to all passwords\")"), ) ] else: admin_element = [] elements: List[DictionaryEntry] = [ ("password", PasswordSpec( title=_("Password"), allow_empty=False, )), ("owned_by", Alternative( title=_("Editable by"), help=_( "Each password is owned by a group of users which are able to edit, " "delete and use existing passwords."), style="dropdown", elements=admin_element + [ DropdownChoice( title=_("Members of the contact group:"), choices=lambda: self._contact_group_choices(only_own= True), invalid_choice="complain", empty_text=_( "You need to be member of at least one contact group to be able to " "create a password."), invalid_choice_title=_( "Group not existant or not member"), invalid_choice_error=_( "The choosen group is either not existant " "anymore or you are not a member of this " "group. Please choose another one."), ), ])), ("shared_with", DualListChoice( title=_("Share with"), help= _("By default only the members of the owner contact group are permitted " "to use a a configured password. It is possible to share a password with " "other groups of users to make them able to use a password in checks." ), choices=self._contact_group_choices, autoheight=False, )), ] return elements
def _vs_notify(): dest_choices: List[CascadingDropdownChoice] = [ ('broadcast', _('Everybody (Broadcast)')), ('list', _('A list of specific users'), DualListChoice( choices=sorted([(uid, u.get('alias', uid)) for uid, u in config.multisite_users.items()], key=lambda x: x[1].lower()), allow_empty=False, )), #('contactgroup', _('All members of a contact group')), ('online', _('All online users')), ] return Dictionary( elements=[ ('text', TextAreaUnicode( title=_('Text'), help=_('Insert the text to be sent to all reciepents.'), allow_empty=False, empty_text=_('You need to provide a text.'), cols=50, rows=10)), ('dest', CascadingDropdown( title=_('Send notification to'), help=_( 'You can send the notification to a list of multiple users, which ' 'can be choosen out of these predefined filters.'), choices=dest_choices, )), ('methods', ListChoice( title=_('How to notify'), allow_empty=False, choices=[(k, v['title']) for k, v in _notify_methods().items()], default_value=['popup'], )), ('valid_till', Optional( AbsoluteDate(include_time=True, ), title=_('Automatically invalidate notification'), label=_('Enable automatic invalidation at'), help= _('It is possible to automatically delete messages when the ' 'configured time is reached. This makes it possible to inform ' 'users about a scheduled event but suppress the notification ' 'after the event has happened.'), )), ], validate=_validate_msg, optional_keys=[], )
def _get_checkmk_config_files_choices( self) -> List[CascadingDropdownChoice]: sorted_checkmk_config_files = sorted(get_checkmk_config_files_map()) checkmk_config_files = [] global_settings = [] host_and_folders = [] for rel_config_file in sorted_checkmk_config_files: checkmk_config_files.append(rel_config_file) rel_config_file_path = Path(rel_config_file) rel_config_file_name = rel_config_file_parts = if (rel_config_file_name == "" or (rel_config_file_name == "" and rel_config_file_parts and rel_config_file_parts[0] == "conf.d")): global_settings.append(rel_config_file) if rel_config_file_name in [ "", "", "", ".wato" ]: host_and_folders.append(rel_config_file) return [ ("all", _("Pack all files"), FixedValue( checkmk_config_files, totext=self._list_of_files_to_text(checkmk_config_files), )), ("global_settings", _("Only global settings"), FixedValue( global_settings, totext=self._list_of_files_to_text(global_settings), )), ("hosts_and_folders", _("Only hosts and folders"), FixedValue( host_and_folders, totext=self._list_of_files_to_text(host_and_folders), )), ("explicit_list_of_files", _("Explicit list of files"), DualListChoice( choices=[(rel_filepath, rel_filepath) for rel_filepath in sorted_checkmk_config_files], size=80, rows=20, )), ]
def _vs_sites(self): return Alternative( title=_("Authorized sites"), help=_("The sites the user is authorized to see in the GUI."), default_value=None, elements=[ FixedValue( None, title=_("All sites"), totext=_("May see all sites"), ), DualListChoice( title=_("Specific sites"), choices=config.site_choices, ), ], )
def _valuespec_inventory_fujitsu_ca_ports(): return Dictionary( title=_("Discovery of Fujtsu storage CA ports"), elements=[ ("indices", ListOfStrings(title=_("CA port indices"))), ("modes", DualListChoice( title=_("CA port modes"), choices=[ ("CA", _("CA")), ("RA", _("RA")), ("CARA", _("CARA")), ("Initiator", _("Initiator")), ], rows=4, size=30, )), ], )
def _vs_contactgroups(self): cg_choices = sorted( [(cg_id, cg_attrs.get("alias", cg_id)) for cg_id, cg_attrs in self._contactgroups.items()], key=lambda x: x[1]) return DualListChoice(choices=cg_choices, rows=20, size=100)
def _vs_matching_conditions(): return CascadingDropdown( title=_("Conditions for this rule to apply"), help=_( "Here, you can define conditions for applying this rule. These conditions are evaluated " "on a per-interface basis. When discovering an interface, checkmk will first find all " "rules whose conditions match this interface. Then, these rules are merged together, " "whereby rules from subfolders overwrite rules from the main directory. Within a " "directory, the order of the rules matters, i.e., rules further below in the list are " "overwritten by rules further up."), choices=[ ( True, _("Match all interfaces"), FixedValue( {}, totext="", ), ), ( False, _("Specify matching conditions"), Dictionary(elements=[ ( "porttypes", DualListChoice( title=_("Match port types"), help=_("Apply this rule only to interfaces whose port type is listed " "below."), choices=defines.interface_port_types(), rows=40, default_value=[ '6', '32', '62', '117', '127', '128', '129', '180', '181', '182', '205', '229' ], ), ), ( "portstates", ListChoice( title=_("Match port states"), help=_("Apply this rule only to interfaces whose port state is listed " "below."), choices=defines.interface_oper_states(), toggle_all=True, default_value=['1'], ), ), ( "admin_states", ListChoice( title=_("Match admin states (SNMP with 64-bit counters only)"), help=_("Apply this rule only to interfaces whose admin state " "(<tt>ifAdminStatus</tt>) is listed below. " + _note_for_admin_state_options()), choices=_admin_states(), toggle_all=True, default_value=['1', '2', '3'], ), ), ( "match_index", _vs_regex_matching("index"), ), ( "match_alias", _vs_regex_matching("alias"), ), ( "match_desc", _vs_regex_matching("description"), ), ],), ), ], sorted=False, )
def _valuespec_inventory_if_rules(): return Transform( Dictionary( title=_("Network Interface and Switch Port Discovery"), elements=[ ('item_appearance', DropdownChoice( title=_("Appearance of network interface"), help= _("This option lets Check_MK use either the interface description, alias or " " port number as item. The port number is the fallback/default." "used anyway."), choices=[ ('descr', _('Use description')), ('alias', _('Use alias')), ('index', _('Use index')), ], default_value='index', )), ("pad_portnumbers", DropdownChoice( choices=[ (True, _('Pad port numbers with zeros')), (False, _('Do not pad')), ], title=_("Port numbers"), help= _("If this option is activated then Check_MK will pad port numbers of " "network interfaces with zeroes so that all port descriptions from " "all ports of a host or switch have the same length and thus sort " "currectly in the GUI. In versions prior to 1.1.13i3 there was no " "padding. You can switch back to the old behaviour by disabling this " "option. This will retain the old service descriptions and the old " "performance data."), )), ("match_alias", ListOfStrings( title=_("Match interface alias (regex)"), help= _("Only discover interfaces whose alias matches one of the configured " "regular expressions. The match is done on the beginning of the alias. " "This allows you to select interfaces based on the alias without having " "the alias be part of the service description."), orientation="horizontal", valuespec=RegExp( size=32, mode=RegExp.prefix, ), )), ("match_desc", ListOfStrings( title=_("Match interface description (regex)"), help= _("Only discover interfaces whose the description matches one of the configured " "regular expressions. The match is done on the beginning of the description. " "This allows you to select interfaces based on the description without having " "the alias be part of the service description."), orientation="horizontal", valuespec=RegExp( size=32, mode=RegExp.prefix, ), )), ("portstates", ListChoice( title=_("Network interface port states to discover"), help= _("When doing discovery on switches or other devices with network interfaces " "then only ports found in one of the configured port states will be added to the monitoring. " "Note: the state <i>admin down</i> is in fact not an <tt>ifOperStatus</tt> but represents the " "<tt>ifAdminStatus</tt> of <tt>down</tt> - a port administratively switched off. If you check this option " "then an alternate version of the check is being used that fetches the <tt>ifAdminState</tt> in addition. " "This will add about 5% of additional SNMP traffic."), choices=defines.interface_oper_states(), toggle_all=True, default_value=['1'], )), ("porttypes", DualListChoice( title=_("Network interface port types to discover"), help= _("When doing discovery on switches or other devices with network interfaces " "then only ports of the specified types will be created services for." ), choices=defines.interface_port_types(), rows=40, default_value=[ '6', '32', '62', '117', '127', '128', '129', '180', '181', '182', '205', '229' ], )), ("rmon", DropdownChoice( choices=[ (True, _("Create extra service with RMON statistics data (if available for the device)" )), (False, _('Do not create extra services')), ], title=_("Collect RMON statistics data"), help= _("If you enable this option, for every RMON capable switch port an additional service will " "be created which is always OK and collects RMON data. This will give you detailed information " "about the distribution of packet sizes transferred over the port. Note: currently " "this extra RMON check does not honor the inventory settings for switch ports. In a future " "version of Check_MK RMON data may be added to the normal interface service and not add " "an additional service."), )), ], help= _('This rule can be used to control the inventory for network ports. ' 'You can configure the port types and port states for inventory ' 'and the use of alias or description as service name.'), ), forth=_transform_discovery_if_rules, )
def _vs_matching_conditions(): return CascadingDropdown( title=_("Conditions for this rule to apply"), help= _("Here, you can define conditions for applying this rule. These conditions are evaluated " "on a per-interface basis. When discovering an interface, checkmk will first find all " "rules whose conditions match this interface. Then, these rules are merged together, " "whereby rules from subfolders overwrite rules from the main directory. Within a " "directory, the order of the rules matters, i.e., rules further below in the list are " "overwritten by rules further up."), choices=[ ( True, _("Match all interfaces"), FixedValue( {}, totext="", ), ), ( False, _("Specify matching conditions"), Dictionary(elements=[ ( "porttypes", DualListChoice( title=_("Match port types"), help=_( "Apply this rule only to interfaces whose port type is listed " "below."), choices=defines.interface_port_types(), rows=40, default_value=[ '6', '32', '62', '117', '127', '128', '129', '180', '181', '182', '205', '229' ], ), ), ( "portstates", ListChoice( title=_("Match port states"), help= _("Apply this rule only to interfaces whose port state is listed " "below. Note: the state <i>admin down</i> is in fact not a port " "state but represents an <tt>ifAdminStatus</tt> (SNMP only) of " "<tt>down</tt> - a port administratively switched off. If you check " "this option, <tt>ifAdminState</tt> will be fetched in addition, " "adding approximately 5% of additional SNMP traffic." ), choices=defines.interface_oper_states(), toggle_all=True, default_value=['1'], ), ), ( "match_index", _vs_regex_matching("index"), ), ( "match_alias", _vs_regex_matching("alias"), ), ( "match_desc", _vs_regex_matching("description"), ), ], ), ), ], sorted=False, )
def _vs_notify(): dest_choices: List[CascadingDropdownChoice] = [ ("broadcast", _("Everybody (Broadcast)")), ( "list", _("A list of specific users"), DualListChoice( choices=sorted( [(uid, u.get("alias", uid)) for uid, u in config.multisite_users.items()], key=lambda x: x[1].lower(), ), allow_empty=False, ), ), # ('contactgroup', _('All members of a contact group')), ("online", _("All online users")), ] return Dictionary( elements=[ ( "text", TextAreaUnicode( title=_("Text"), help=_("Insert the text to be sent to all reciepents."), allow_empty=False, empty_text=_("You need to provide a text."), cols=50, rows=10, ), ), ( "dest", CascadingDropdown( title=_("Send notification to"), help=_( "You can send the notification to a list of multiple users, which " "can be choosen out of these predefined filters." ), choices=dest_choices, ), ), ( "methods", ListChoice( title=_("How to notify"), allow_empty=False, choices=[(k, v["title"]) for k, v in _notify_methods().items()], default_value=["popup"], ), ), ( "valid_till", Optional( AbsoluteDate( include_time=True, ), title=_("Automatically invalidate notification"), label=_("Enable automatic invalidation at"), help=_( "It is possible to automatically delete messages when the " "configured time is reached. This makes it possible to inform " "users about a scheduled event but suppress the notification " "after the event has happened." ), ), ), ], validate=_validate_msg, optional_keys=[], )
def valuespec(self): # Drop Main directory represented by empty string, because it means # don't filter after any folder due to recursive folder filtering. choices = [(name, folder) for name, folder in self.choices() if name] return DualListChoice(choices=choices, rows=4, enlarge_active=True)