コード例 #1
ファイル: object.py プロジェクト: eugeneai/recms
    def save(self, set_modified=True, pull_parent_from_old_files=True):
        if set_modified:
            self._modified = dateutil.utcnow()
            if not getattr(self, '_created', None): self._created = self._modified
        doc = self._get_nonschema_mongo_save_document()

        old_file_ids = []
        new_file_ids = []
        gridfs = dbutil.get_gridfs(self.request)
        if self._id:
            doc['_id'] =  self._id
            for item in gridfs._GridFS__files.find({'parents':self._id}, fields=[]):

        schema_values = _prep_schema_values_for_save(self.get_schema_values(), gridfs, new_file_ids)

        _id = self._get_collection().save(doc, safe=True)
        if not self._id: self._id = _id

        # Update file parents:
        # FIXME: Reduce to at most 2 updates by using "$in" queries for "_id".

        if pull_parent_from_old_files:
            for id in old_file_ids:
                if id not in new_file_ids:
                    gridfs._GridFS__files.update({'_id':id}, {"$pull":{"parents":self._id}})
        for id in new_file_ids:
            if id not in old_file_ids:
                gridfs._GridFS__files.update({'_id':id}, {"$addToSet":{"parents":self._id}})
コード例 #2
ファイル: history.py プロジェクト: eugeneai/recms
 def log_history(self, action, ids, **kwargs):
     doc = dict(
         time = utcnow(),
         user = authenticated_userid(self.request),
         action = action,
         ids = ids,
     self._get_collection().save(doc, safe=True)
コード例 #3
ファイル: trash.py プロジェクト: eugeneai/recms
 def move_child(self, obj):
     if obj.__parent__._id == self._id: return
     orig_parent = obj.__parent__
     orig_name = obj.__name__
     obj._memento = dict(
         orig_name = orig_name,
         orig_parent_id = orig_parent._id,
         orig_parent_path = orig_parent.resource_path(),
         trashed_at = utcnow(),
         trashed_by = authenticated_userid(self.request),
     obj.__parent__ = self
     obj.__name__ = str(obj._id)
     obj.save()  # FIXME: set_modified=False?
     unindex_recursively(obj, include_self=True)
     # Notify old parent that child was moved (gives ordered folders an opportunity to update their ordered name list).
コード例 #4
ファイル: dummy.py プロジェクト: eugeneai/recms
def populate(folder, request):
    # Read a file containing 100 paragraphs of lorem ipsum text.
    f = open('lorem.txt')
    raw = f.read()
    lorem = [x for x in raw.split('\n') if x]

    for n in range(50):
        num = n+1
        p1 = lorem[n*2]
        p2 = lorem[(n*2)+1]
        title = "Article %s" % num
        body = "<p>%s</p>\n<p>%s</p>" % (p1, p2)
        name = "article-%s" %num
        dateline = utcnow(zero_seconds=True)
        #obj = Article(request, title=title, body=body, dateline=dateline, description='meh', attachments=[], list_attachments=False)
        #folder.add_child(name, obj)
        command.create(request, folder, Article, name, dict(title=title, body=body, dateline=dateline, description='meh', attachments=[], list_attachments=False))
コード例 #5
ファイル: users.py プロジェクト: eugeneai/recms
 def set_last_logged_in(self, timestamp=None):
     if not timestamp: timestamp = utcnow()
     self.last_logged_in = timestamp
コード例 #6
ファイル: article.py プロジェクト: eugeneai/recms
    def get_class_schema(cls, request=None):
        schema = Content.get_class_schema(request)
        #schema.add(colander.SchemaNode(colander_types.DateUS(), name='dateline', default=today_for_request_tz(request)))
        schema.add(colander.SchemaNode(colander_types.DateTimeUS(get_timezone_for_request(request)), name='dateline', default=utcnow()))
        schema.add(colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), name='body', widget=widgets.get_html_widget()))
        # Single file upload:
        #schema.add(colander.SchemaNode(deform.FileData(), name='attachment', widget=widgets.get_fileupload_widget(request)))

        # Sequence of file uploads:
        schema.add(colander.SchemaNode(colander.Sequence(), colander.SchemaNode(deform.FileData(), widget=widgets.get_fileupload_widget(request)), name='attachments', missing=[], default=[]))
        schema.add(colander.SchemaNode(colander.Boolean(), name='list_attachments', title="List attachments after body?", default=False, missing=False))

        return schema