def cms_rm(arg): """ CMS rm command works with local files/dirs and CMS storate elements. Examples: cmssh> rm local_file cmssh> rm -rf local_dir cmssh> rm T3_US_Cornell:/xrootdfs/cms/store/user/user_name/file.root """ arg = arg.strip() try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if not arg: print_error("Usage: rm <options> source_file") dst = arg.split()[-1] if os.path.exists(dst) or len(glob.glob(dst)): cmd = "rm %s" % arg run(cmd) else: if pat_lfn.match(arg.split(':')[-1]): status = rm_lfn(arg, verbose=debug) print_status(status) else: if not os.path.exists(dst): print_error('File %s does not exists' % dst) else: raise Exception('Not implemented yet')
def github_issues(arg=None): """ Retrieve information about cmssh tickets, e.g. Examples: cmssh> tickets # list all cmssh tickets cmssh> ticket 14 # get details for given ticket id cmssh> ticket new # post new ticket from cmssh # or post it at """ if arg == 'new': msg = 'You can post new ticket via web interface at\n' msg += '\n' msg += 'otherwise it will be posted as anonymous gist ticket' print_info(msg) if not user_input('Proceed', default='N'): return email = raw_input('Your Email : ') if not email: msg = "You did your email address" print_error(msg) return desc = '' msg = 'Type your problem, attach traceback, etc. Once done print ' msg += msg_blue('EOF') + ' and hit ' + msg_blue('Enter') + '\n' print msg while True: try: uinput = raw_input() if uinput.strip() == 'EOF': break desc += uinput + '\n' except KeyboardInterrupt: break if not desc: msg = "You did not provide bug description" print_error(msg) return if not user_input('Send this ticket', default='N'): print_info('Aborting your action') return key = 'cmssh-%s' % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time())) files = {key: {'content': desc}} res = post_ticket(key, files) if res.has_key('html_url'): print_status('New gist ticket %s' % res['html_url']) title = 'cmssh gist %s' % res['html_url'] if isinstance(res, dict): ticket = pprint.pformat(res) else: ticket = res to_user = base64.decodestring('dmt1em5ldEBnbWFpbC5jb20=\n') send_email(to_user, email, title, ticket) else: res = get_tickets(arg) RESMGR.assign(res) pprint.pprint(res)
def cms_cp(arg): """ cmssh cp command copies local files/dirs to/from local files/dirs or CMS storate elements. Examples: cmssh> cp file1 file2 cmssh> cp file.root T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/name cmssh> cp /store/mc/file.root T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/name cmssh> cp T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/name/file.root T3_US_Omaha """ check_voms_proxy() background = False orig_arg = arg arg = arg.strip() try: last_arg = arg.split(' ')[-1].strip() if last_arg == '&': background = True arg = arg.replace('&', '').strip() src, dst = arg.rsplit(' ', 1) if dst.find('&') != -1: background = True dst = dst.replace('&', '').strip() if dst == '.': dst = os.getcwd() # check if src still has options and user asked for -f options = src.split(' ') if len(options) > 1 and options[0] == '-f': overwrite = True else: overwrite = False except: traceback.print_exc() return try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if not arg: print_error("Usage: cp <options> source_file target_{file,directory}") pat = pat_se orig = src.split(' ')[-1] if os.path.exists(orig) and not pat.match(dst): if background: cmd = 'cp %s' % orig_arg, shell=True) else: run("cp %s %s" % (src, dst)) else: try: status = copy_lfn(orig, dst, debug, background, overwrite) print_status(status) except: traceback.print_exc()
def cms_mkdir(arg): """ cmssh mkdir command creates directory on local filesystem or remote CMS storage element. Examples: cmssh> mkdir foo cmssh> mkdir T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/user_name/foo """ arg = arg.strip() try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if not arg: print_error("Usage: mkdir <options> dir") if arg.find(':') == -1: # not a SE:dir pattern run("mkdir %s" % arg) else: try: status = mkdir(arg, verbose=debug) print_status(status) except: traceback.print_exc()
def cms_rmdir(arg): """ cmssh rmdir command removes directory from local file system or CMS storage element. Examples: cmssh> rmdir foo cmssh> rmdir T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/user_name/foo """ arg = arg.strip() try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if not arg: print_error("Usage: rmdir <options> dir") if os.path.exists(arg): run("rmdir %s" % arg) else: try: status = rmdir(arg, verbose=debug) print_status(status) except: traceback.print_exc()