コード例 #1
def test_words():
    EXPECTED = 135093
    w = cmudict.words()
    COUNT = len(w)
    if (COUNT != EXPECTED):
        raise AssertionError(
            'cmudict.raw(): Expected {0} bytes, got {1}.'.format(
                EXPECTED, COUNT))
コード例 #2
def getPsuedoKeyword(target_phone, already_present):
    a = cmudict.dict()
    b = cmudict.words()
    found = False
    for word in b:
        for lst in a[word]:
            for phone in lst:
                if(target_phone == phone and already_present.get(word) == None):
                    already_present[word] = 1
                    return word
                if(re.search(target_phone,phone) and len(target_phone) !=1 and already_present.get(word) == None):
                    already_present[word] =1
                    return word
コード例 #3
foo = open(

# First we are simply finding words of length 8 with 3 i letters
# -- some preprocessing of the dictionary entries is involved --
for bar in foo:
    bar = bar.split("/")[0]
    if "\n" in bar:
        bar = bar[:-2]
    bar = bar.lower()
    if len(bar) == 8 and three_i(bar):
        # now we look at pronunciation with cmudict...
        temp = 0
            temp = cmudict.words().index(bar)
            temp = -1
        if temp >= 0:
            temp = cmudict.entries()[temp]
            temp = temp[1]
            #now check each syllable...
            no_i_sound = True
            for syl in temp:
                if "IH" in syl or "AY" in syl:
                    no_i_sound = False
            if no_i_sound:
                # finally we want to get rid of names or obscure words by just checking
                # to see if PyDictionary recognizes it...
                meaning = pydict.meaning(bar, disable_errors=True)