コード例 #1
ファイル: test_filters.py プロジェクト: hasgeek/baseframe
    def test_avatar_url(self):
        # user object doesn't have an email or an avatar by default
        avatar_url = filters.avatar_url(self.user)

        # testing what if the user has an avatar already
        avatar_url = filters.avatar_url(self.user, self.avatar_size)
            self.avatar_url + '?size=' + 'x'.join(self.avatar_size))

        # what if the user doesn't have an avatar but has an email
        avatar_url = filters.avatar_url(self.user, self.avatar_size)
        ehash = md5sum(self.user.email)
            '//www.gravatar.com/avatar/' + ehash + '?d=mm&s=' +
コード例 #2
def avatar_url(user: Any,
               size: Union[str, List[int], Tuple[int, int]] = None) -> str:
    """Generate an avatar for the given user."""
    if isinstance(size, (list, tuple)):
        size = 'x'.join(str(s) for s in size)
    if user.avatar:
        if size:
            # TODO: Use a URL parser
            if '?' in user.avatar:
                return user.avatar + '&size=' + str(size)
                return user.avatar + '?size=' + str(size)
            return user.avatar
    email = user.email
    if email:
        if isinstance(email, str):
            # Flask-Lastuser's User model has email as a string
            ehash = md5sum(user.email)
            # Lastuser's User model has email as a UserEmail object
            ehash = email.md5sum
        gravatar = '//www.gravatar.com/avatar/' + ehash + '?d=mm'
        if size:
            gravatar += '&s=' + str(size)
        return gravatar
    # Return Gravatar's missing man image
    return '//www.gravatar.com/avatar/00000000000000000000000000000000?d=mm'
コード例 #3
def avatar_url(user, size=None):
    if isinstance(size, (list, tuple)):
        size = u'x'.join(size)
    if user.avatar:
        if size:
            # TODO: Use a URL parser
            if u'?' in user.avatar:
                return user.avatar + u'&size=' + unicode(size)
                return user.avatar + u'?size=' + unicode(size)
            return user.avatar
    email = user.email
    if email:
        if isinstance(email, basestring):
            hash = md5sum(
            )  # Flask-Lastuser's User model has email as a string
            hash = email.md5sum  # Lastuser's User model has email as a UserEmail object
        gravatar = u'//www.gravatar.com/avatar/' + hash + u'?d=mm'
        if size:
            gravatar += u'&s=' + unicode(size)
        return gravatar
    # Return Gravatar's missing man image
    return u'//www.gravatar.com/avatar/00000000000000000000000000000000?d=mm'
コード例 #4
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/baseframe
def avatar_url(user, size=None):
    if isinstance(size, (list, tuple)):
        size = 'x'.join(size)
    if user.avatar:
        if size:
            # TODO: Use a URL parser
            if '?' in user.avatar:
                return user.avatar + '&size=' + six.text_type(size)
                return user.avatar + '?size=' + six.text_type(size)
            return user.avatar
    email = user.email
    if email:
        if isinstance(email, six.string_types):
            # Flask-Lastuser's User model has email as a string
            ehash = md5sum(user.email)
            # Lastuser's User model has email as a UserEmail object
            ehash = email.md5sum
        gravatar = '//www.gravatar.com/avatar/' + ehash + '?d=mm'
        if size:
            gravatar += '&s=' + six.text_type(size)
        return gravatar
    # Return Gravatar's missing man image
    return '//www.gravatar.com/avatar/00000000000000000000000000000000?d=mm'
コード例 #5
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/baseframe
def is_public_email_domain(email_or_domain, default=None, timeout=30):
    Checks if the given domain (or domain of given email) is known to offer public email accounts.
    All MX lookup results are cached for one day. An exception is raised if timeout happens
    before the check is completed or domain lookup fails, and no default is provided.

    :param email_or_domain: Email address or domain name to check
    :param default: Default value to return in case domain lookup fails
    :param timeout: Lookup timeout
    :raises MXLookupException: If a DNS lookup error happens and no default is specified
    if six.PY2:
        cache_key = b'mxrecord/' + md5sum(
            if isinstance(email_or_domain, six.text_type)
            else email_or_domain
        cache_key = 'mxrecord/' + md5sum(email_or_domain)

        sniffedmx = asset_cache.get(cache_key)
    except ValueError:  # Possible error from Py2 vs Py3 pickle mismatch
        sniffedmx = None

    if sniffedmx is None or not isinstance(sniffedmx, dict):
        # Cache entry missing or corrupted; fetch a new result and update cache
            sniffedmx = mxsniff(email_or_domain, timeout=timeout)
            asset_cache.set(cache_key, sniffedmx, timeout=86400)  # cache for a day
        except MXLookupException as e:
            # Domain lookup failed
            if default is None:
                raise e
                return default

    if any(p['public'] for p in sniffedmx['providers']):
        return True
        return False
コード例 #6
 def test_useremailclaim(self):
     crusoe = self.fixtures.crusoe
     domain = 'batdogs.ca'
     new_email = 'crusoe@' + domain
     emd5sum = md5sum(new_email)
     result = models.UserEmailClaim(email=new_email, user=crusoe)
     self.assertIsInstance(result, models.UserEmailClaim)
     self.assertEqual(emd5sum, result.md5sum)
     self.assertEqual(domain, result.domain)
     self.assertEqual(crusoe, result.user)
     assert '<UserEmailClaim {email} of {user}>'.format(
         email=new_email, user=repr(crusoe)[1:-1]) in (repr(result))
コード例 #7
    def test_useremail_get(self):
        Test for verifying UserEmail's get that should return a UserEmail object with matching email or md5sum
        crusoe = self.fixtures.crusoe
        email = crusoe.email.email
        email_md5 = md5sum(email)
        # scenario 1: when both email and md5sum are not passed
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

        # scenario 2: when email is passed
        get_by_email = models.UserEmail.get(email=email)
        self.assertIsInstance(get_by_email, models.UserEmail)
        self.assertEqual(get_by_email.user, crusoe)

        # scenario 3: when md5sum is passed
        get_by_md5sum = models.UserEmail.get(md5sum=email_md5)
        self.assertIsInstance(get_by_md5sum, models.UserEmail)
        self.assertEqual(get_by_md5sum.user, crusoe)
コード例 #8
def is_public_email_domain(
    email_or_domain: str, default: Optional[bool] = None, timeout: int = 30
) -> bool:
    Return True if the given email domain is known to offer public email accounts.

    Looks up a list of known public email providers, both directly via their domains
    (for popular domains like gmail.com) and via their MX records for services offering
    email on multiple domains. All MX lookup results are cached for one day. An
    exception is raised if timeout happens before the check is completed or domain
    lookup fails, and no default is provided.

    :param email_or_domain: Email address or domain name to check
    :param default: Default value to return in case domain lookup fails
    :param timeout: Lookup timeout in seconds
    :raises MxLookupError: If a DNS lookup error happens and no default is specified
    cache_key = 'mxrecord/' + md5sum(email_or_domain)

        sniffedmx = asset_cache.get(cache_key)
    except ValueError:  # Possible error from Py2 vs Py3 pickle mismatch
        sniffedmx = None

    if sniffedmx is None or not isinstance(sniffedmx, dict):
        # Cache entry missing or corrupted; fetch a new result and update cache
            sniffedmx = mxsniff(email_or_domain, timeout=timeout)
            asset_cache.set(cache_key, sniffedmx, timeout=86400)  # cache for a day
        except MxLookupError as e:
            # Domain lookup failed
            if default is None:
                raise e
            return default

    if any(p['public'] for p in sniffedmx['providers']):
        return True
        return False
コード例 #9
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: garimap3/new
def avatar_url(user, size=None):
    if isinstance(size, (list, tuple)):
        size = u'x'.join(size)
    if user.avatar:
        if size:
            # TODO: Use a URL parser
            if u'?' in user.avatar:
                return user.avatar + u'&size=' + unicode(size)
                return user.avatar + u'?size=' + unicode(size)
            return user.avatar
    email = user.email
    if email:
        if isinstance(email, basestring):
            hash = md5sum(user.email)  # Flask-Lastuser's User model has email as a string
            hash = email.md5sum   # Lastuser's User model has email as a UserEmail object
        gravatar = u'//www.gravatar.com/avatar/' + hash + u'?d=mm'
        if size:
            gravatar += u'&s=' + unicode(size)
        return gravatar
    # Return Gravatar's missing man image
    return u'//www.gravatar.com/avatar/00000000000000000000000000000000?d=mm'
コード例 #10
ファイル: listing.py プロジェクト: abijith-kp/hasjob
def editjob(hashid, key, domain=None, form=None, validated=False, newpost=None):
    if form is None:
        form = forms.ListingForm(request.form)
        form.job_type.choices = JobType.choices(g.board)
        form.job_category.choices = JobCategory.choices(g.board)
        if g.board and not g.board.require_pay:
            form.job_pay_type.choices = [(-1, u'Confidential')] + PAY_TYPE.items()

    post = None
    no_email = False

    if not newpost:
        post = JobPost.query.filter_by(hashid=hashid).first_or_404()
        if not ((key is None and g.user is not None and post.admin_is(g.user)) or (key == post.edit_key)):

        # Once this post is published, require editing at /domain/<hashid>/edit
        if not key and post.status not in POSTSTATUS.UNPUBLISHED and post.email_domain != domain:
            return redirect(post.url_for('edit'), code=301)

        # Don't allow editing jobs that aren't on this board as that may be a loophole when
        # the board allows no pay (except in the 'www' root board, where editing is always allowed)
        with db.session.no_autoflush:
            if g.board and g.board.not_root and post.link_to_board(g.board) is None and request.method == 'GET':
                blink = post.postboards.first()
                if blink:
                    return redirect(post.url_for('edit', subdomain=blink.board.name, _external=True))
                    return redirect(post.url_for('edit', subdomain=None, _external=True))

        # Don't allow email address to be changed once it's confirmed
        if post.status in POSTSTATUS.POSTPENDING:
            no_email = True

    if request.method == 'POST' and post and post.status in POSTSTATUS.POSTPENDING:
        # del form.poster_name  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
        form.poster_email.data = post.email
    if request.method == 'POST' and (validated or form.validate()):
        form_description = bleach.linkify(bleach.clean(form.job_description.data, tags=ALLOWED_TAGS))
        form_perks = bleach.linkify(bleach.clean(form.job_perks_description.data, tags=ALLOWED_TAGS)) if form.job_perks.data else ''
        form_how_to_apply = form.job_how_to_apply.data
        form_email_domain = get_email_domain(form.poster_email.data)
        form_words = get_word_bag(u' '.join((form_description, form_perks, form_how_to_apply)))

        similar = False
        with db.session.no_autoflush:
            for oldpost in JobPost.query.filter(db.or_(
                    JobPost.email_domain == form_email_domain,
                JobPost.status == POSTSTATUS.SPAM)).filter(
                    JobPost.datetime > datetime.utcnow() - agelimit).all():
                if not post or (oldpost.id != post.id):
                    if oldpost.words:
                        s = SequenceMatcher(None, form_words, oldpost.words)
                        if s.ratio() > 0.6:
                            similar = True

        if similar:
            flash("This post is very similar to an earlier post. You may not repost the same job "
                "in less than %d days." % agelimit.days, category='interactive')
            if newpost:
                post = JobPost(**newpost)
                if g.board:
                    if g.board.not_root:

            post.headline = form.job_headline.data
            post.headlineb = form.job_headlineb.data
            post.type_id = form.job_type.data
            post.category_id = form.job_category.data
            post.location = form.job_location.data
            post.relocation_assist = form.job_relocation_assist.data
            post.description = form_description
            post.perks = form_perks
            post.how_to_apply = form_how_to_apply
            post.company_name = form.company_name.data
            post.company_url = form.company_url.data
            post.hr_contact = form.hr_contact.data
            post.twitter = form.twitter.data

            post.pay_type = form.job_pay_type.data
            if post.pay_type == -1:
                post.pay_type = None

            if post.pay_type is not None and post.pay_type != PAY_TYPE.NOCASH:
                post.pay_currency = form.job_pay_currency.data
                post.pay_cash_min = form.job_pay_cash_min.data
                post.pay_cash_max = form.job_pay_cash_max.data
                post.pay_currency = None
                post.pay_cash_min = None
                post.pay_cash_max = None
            if form.job_pay_equity.data:
                post.pay_equity_min = form.job_pay_equity_min.data
                post.pay_equity_max = form.job_pay_equity_max.data
                post.pay_equity_min = None
                post.pay_equity_max = None

            post.admins = form.collaborators.data

            # Allow name and email to be set only on non-confirmed posts
            if not no_email:
                # post.fullname = form.poster_name.data  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
                if post.email != form.poster_email.data:
                    # Change the email_verify_key if the email changes
                    post.email_verify_key = random_long_key()
                post.email = form.poster_email.data
                post.email_domain = form_email_domain
                post.md5sum = md5sum(post.email)
                with db.session.no_autoflush:
                    # This is dependent on the domain's DNS validity already being confirmed
                    # by the form's email validator
                    post.domain = Domain.get(post.email_domain, create=True)
            # To protect from gaming, don't allow words to be removed in edited posts once the post
            # has been confirmed. Just add the new words.
            if post.status in POSTSTATUS.POSTPENDING:
                prev_words = post.words or u''
                prev_words = u''
            post.words = get_word_bag(u' '.join((prev_words, form_description, form_perks, form_how_to_apply)))

            post.language, post.language_confidence = identify_language(post)

            if post.status == POSTSTATUS.MODERATED:
                post.status = POSTSTATUS.CONFIRMED

            if request.files['company_logo']:
                # The form's validator saved the processed logo in g.company_logo.
                thumbnail = g.company_logo
                logofilename = uploaded_logos.save(thumbnail, name='%s.' % post.hashid)
                post.company_logo = logofilename
                if form.company_logo_remove.data:
                    post.company_logo = None

            tag_jobpost.delay(post.id)    # Keywords
            tag_locations.delay(post.id)  # Locations
            session.pop('userkeys', None)  # Remove legacy userkeys dict
            session.permanent = True
            return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        flash("Please review the indicated issues", category='interactive')
    elif request.method == 'GET':
    return render_template('postjob.html', form=form, no_email=no_email)
コード例 #11
ファイル: listing.py プロジェクト: longkt90/hasjob
def editjob(hashid, key, form=None, post=None, validated=False):
    if form is None:
        form = forms.ListingForm(request.form)
        form.job_type.choices = JobType.choices(g.board)
        form.job_category.choices = JobCategory.choices(g.board)
        if g.board and not g.board.require_pay:
            form.job_pay_type.choices = [(-1, u'Confidential')] + PAY_TYPE.items()
    if post is None:
        post = JobPost.query.filter_by(hashid=hashid).first_or_404()
    if not ((key is None and g.user is not None and post.admin_is(g.user)) or (key == post.edit_key)):

    # Don't allow editing jobs that aren't on this board as that may be a loophole when
    # the board allows no pay.
    if g.board and post.link_to_board(g.board) is None and request.method == 'GET':
        blink = post.postboards.first()
        if blink:
            return redirect(url_for('editjob', hashid=post.hashid, subdomain=blink.board.name, _external=True))
            return redirect(url_for('editjob', hashid=post.hashid, subdomain=None, _external=True))

    # Don't allow email address to be changed once it's confirmed
    if post.status in POSTSTATUS.POSTPENDING:
        no_email = True
        no_email = False

    if request.method == 'POST' and post.status in POSTSTATUS.POSTPENDING:
        # del form.poster_name  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
        form.poster_email.data = post.email
    if request.method == 'POST' and (validated or form.validate()):
        form_description = bleach.linkify(bleach.clean(form.job_description.data, tags=ALLOWED_TAGS))
        form_perks = bleach.linkify(bleach.clean(form.job_perks_description.data, tags=ALLOWED_TAGS)) if form.job_perks.data else ''
        form_how_to_apply = form.job_how_to_apply.data
        form_email_domain = get_email_domain(form.poster_email.data)
        form_words = get_word_bag(u' '.join((form_description, form_perks, form_how_to_apply)))

        similar = False
        for oldpost in JobPost.query.filter(db.or_(
                JobPost.email_domain == form_email_domain,
            JobPost.status == POSTSTATUS.SPAM)).filter(
                JobPost.datetime > datetime.utcnow() - agelimit).all():
            if oldpost.id != post.id:
                if oldpost.words:
                    s = SequenceMatcher(None, form_words, oldpost.words)
                    if s.ratio() > 0.6:
                        similar = True

        if similar:
            flash("This listing is very similar to an earlier listing. You may not relist the same job "
                "in less than %d days." % agelimit.days, category='interactive')
            post.headline = form.job_headline.data
            post.type_id = form.job_type.data
            post.category_id = form.job_category.data
            post.location = form.job_location.data
            post.relocation_assist = form.job_relocation_assist.data
            post.description = form_description
            post.perks = form_perks
            post.how_to_apply = form_how_to_apply
            post.company_name = form.company_name.data
            post.company_url = form.company_url.data
            post.hr_contact = form.hr_contact.data

            post.pay_type = form.job_pay_type.data
            if post.pay_type == -1:
                post.pay_type = None

            if post.pay_type is not None and post.pay_type != PAY_TYPE.NOCASH:
                post.pay_currency = form.job_pay_currency.data
                post.pay_cash_min = form.job_pay_cash_min.data
                post.pay_cash_max = form.job_pay_cash_max.data
                post.pay_currency = None
                post.pay_cash_min = None
                post.pay_cash_max = None
            if form.job_pay_equity.data:
                post.pay_equity_min = form.job_pay_equity_min.data
                post.pay_equity_max = form.job_pay_equity_max.data
                post.pay_equity_min = None
                post.pay_equity_max = None

            post.admins = form.collaborators.data

            # Allow name and email to be set only on non-confirmed posts
            if not no_email:
                # post.fullname = form.poster_name.data  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
                post.email = form.poster_email.data
                post.email_domain = form_email_domain
                post.md5sum = md5sum(post.email)
            # To protect from gaming, don't allow words to be removed in edited listings once the post
            # has been confirmed. Just add the new words.
            if post.status in POSTSTATUS.POSTPENDING:
                prev_words = post.words or u''
                prev_words = u''
            post.words = get_word_bag(u' '.join((prev_words, form_description, form_perks, form_how_to_apply)))

            post.language = identify_language(post)

            if post.status == POSTSTATUS.MODERATED:
                post.status = POSTSTATUS.CONFIRMED

            if request.files['company_logo']:
                # The form's validator saved the processed logo in g.company_logo.
                thumbnail = g.company_logo
                logofilename = uploaded_logos.save(thumbnail, name='%s.' % post.hashid)
                post.company_logo = logofilename
                if form.company_logo_remove.data:
                    post.company_logo = None

            userkeys = session.get('userkeys', [])
            session['userkeys'] = userkeys
            session.permanent = True
            return redirect(url_for('jobdetail', hashid=post.hashid), code=303)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        flash("Please correct the indicated errors", category='interactive')
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        # Populate form from model
        form.job_headline.data = post.headline
        form.job_type.data = post.type_id
        form.job_category.data = post.category_id
        form.job_location.data = post.location
        form.job_relocation_assist.data = post.relocation_assist
        form.job_description.data = post.description
        form.job_perks.data = True if post.perks else False
        form.job_perks_description.data = post.perks
        form.job_how_to_apply.data = post.how_to_apply
        form.company_name.data = post.company_name
        form.company_url.data = post.company_url
        # form.poster_name.data = post.fullname  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
        form.poster_email.data = post.email
        form.hr_contact.data = int(post.hr_contact or False)
        form.collaborators.data = post.admins

        form.job_pay_type.data = post.pay_type
        if post.pay_type is None:
            # This kludge required because WTForms doesn't know how to handle None in forms
            form.job_pay_type.data = -1
        form.job_pay_currency.data = post.pay_currency
        form.job_pay_cash_min.data = post.pay_cash_min
        form.job_pay_cash_max.data = post.pay_cash_max
        form.job_pay_equity.data = bool(post.pay_equity_min and post.pay_equity_max)
        form.job_pay_equity_min.data = post.pay_equity_min
        form.job_pay_equity_max.data = post.pay_equity_max

    return render_template('postjob.html', form=form, no_email=no_email)
コード例 #12
ファイル: listing.py プロジェクト: iamsudip/hasjob
def editjob(hashid, key, form=None, post=None, validated=False):
    if form is None:
        form = forms.ListingForm(request.form)
        form.job_type.choices = [(ob.id, ob.title) for ob in JobType.query.filter_by(public=True).order_by('seq')]
        form.job_category.choices = [(ob.id, ob.title) for ob in JobCategory.query.filter_by(public=True).order_by('seq')]
    if post is None:
        post = JobPost.query.filter_by(hashid=hashid).first_or_404()
    if not ((key is None and g.user is not None and post.admin_is(g.user)) or (key == post.edit_key)):

    # Don't allow email address to be changed once its confirmed
    if post.status in POSTSTATUS.POSTPENDING:
        no_email = True
        no_email = False

    if request.method == 'POST' and post.status in POSTSTATUS.POSTPENDING:
        # del form.poster_name  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
        form.poster_email.data = post.email
    if request.method == 'POST' and (validated or form.validate()):
        form_description = bleach.linkify(bleach.clean(form.job_description.data, tags=ALLOWED_TAGS))
        form_perks = bleach.linkify(bleach.clean(form.job_perks_description.data, tags=ALLOWED_TAGS)) if form.job_perks.data else ''
        form_how_to_apply = form.job_how_to_apply.data
        form_email_domain = get_email_domain(form.poster_email.data)
        form_words = get_word_bag(u' '.join((form_description, form_perks, form_how_to_apply)))

        similar = False
        for oldpost in JobPost.query.filter(db.or_(
                JobPost.email_domain == form_email_domain,
            JobPost.status == POSTSTATUS.SPAM)).filter(
                JobPost.datetime > datetime.utcnow() - agelimit).all():
            if oldpost.id != post.id:
                if oldpost.words:
                    s = SequenceMatcher(None, form_words, oldpost.words)
                    if s.ratio() > 0.6:
                        similar = True

        if similar:
            flash("This listing is very similar to an earlier listing. You may not relist the same job "
                "in less than %d days." % agelimit.days, category='interactive')
            post.headline = form.job_headline.data
            post.type_id = form.job_type.data
            post.category_id = form.job_category.data
            post.location = form.job_location.data
            post.relocation_assist = form.job_relocation_assist.data
            post.description = form_description
            post.perks = form_perks
            post.how_to_apply = form_how_to_apply
            post.company_name = form.company_name.data
            post.company_url = form.company_url.data
            post.hr_contact = form.hr_contact.data

            post.pay_type = form.job_pay_type.data
            if post.pay_type != PAY_TYPE.NOCASH:
                post.pay_currency = form.job_pay_currency.data
                post.pay_cash_min = form.job_pay_cash_min.data  # TODO: Sanitize
                post.pay_cash_max = form.job_pay_cash_max.data  # TODO: Sanitize
                post.pay_currency = None
                post.pay_cash_min = None
                post.pay_cash_max = None
            if form.job_pay_equity.data:
                post.pay_equity_min = form.job_pay_equity_min.data  # TODO: Sanitize
                post.pay_equity_max = form.job_pay_equity_max.data  # TODO: Sanitize
                post.pay_equity_min = None
                post.pay_equity_max = None

            if form.collaborators.data:
                post.admins = []
                userdata = lastuser.getuser_by_userids(form.collaborators.data)
                for userinfo in userdata:
                    if userinfo['type'] == 'user':
                        user = User.query.filter_by(userid=userinfo['buid']).first()
                        if not user:
                            # New user on Hasjob. Don't set username right now. It's not relevant
                            # until first login and we don't want to deal with conflicts
                            user = User(userid=userinfo['buid'], fullname=userinfo['title'])

            # Allow name and email to be set only on non-confirmed posts
            if not no_email:
                # post.fullname = form.poster_name.data  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
                post.email = form.poster_email.data
                post.email_domain = form_email_domain
                post.md5sum = md5sum(post.email)
            # To protect from gaming, don't allow words to be removed in edited listings once the post
            # has been confirmed. Just add the new words.
            if post.status in POSTSTATUS.POSTPENDING:
                prev_words = post.words or u''
                prev_words = u''
            post.words = get_word_bag(u' '.join((prev_words, form_description, form_perks, form_how_to_apply)))

            post.language = identify_language(post)

            if post.status == POSTSTATUS.MODERATED:
                post.status = POSTSTATUS.CONFIRMED

            if request.files['company_logo']:
                # The form's validator saved the processed logo in g.company_logo.
                thumbnail = g.company_logo
                logofilename = uploaded_logos.save(thumbnail, name='%s.' % post.hashid)
                post.company_logo = logofilename
                if form.company_logo_remove.data:
                    post.company_logo = None

            userkeys = session.get('userkeys', [])
            session['userkeys'] = userkeys
            session.permanent = True
            return redirect(url_for('jobdetail', hashid=post.hashid), code=303)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        flash("Please correct the indicated errors", category='interactive')
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        # Populate form from model
        form.job_headline.data = post.headline
        form.job_type.data = post.type_id
        form.job_category.data = post.category_id
        form.job_location.data = post.location
        form.job_relocation_assist.data = post.relocation_assist
        form.job_description.data = post.description
        form.job_perks.data = True if post.perks else False
        form.job_perks_description.data = post.perks
        form.job_how_to_apply.data = post.how_to_apply
        form.company_name.data = post.company_name
        form.company_url.data = post.company_url
        # form.poster_name.data = post.fullname  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
        form.poster_email.data = post.email
        form.hr_contact.data = int(post.hr_contact or False)
        form.collaborators.data = [u.userid for u in post.admins]

        form.job_pay_type.data = post.pay_type
        form.job_pay_currency.data = post.pay_currency
        form.job_pay_cash_min.data = post.pay_cash_min
        form.job_pay_cash_max.data = post.pay_cash_max
        form.job_pay_equity.data = bool(post.pay_equity_min and post.pay_equity_max)
        form.job_pay_equity_min.data = post.pay_equity_min
        form.job_pay_equity_max.data = post.pay_equity_max

    return render_template('postjob.html', form=form, no_email=no_email,
コード例 #13
ファイル: validators.py プロジェクト: hasgeek/baseframe
    def check_url(
        url: str,
        allowed_schemes: AllowedList,
        allowed_domains: AllowedList,
        invalid_urls: InvalidUrlPatterns,
        text: Union[str, None] = None,
        Inner method to actually check the URL.

        This method accepts ``allowed_schemes``, ``allowed_domains`` and
        ``invalid_urls`` as direct parameters despite their availability via `self`
        because they may be callables, and in :class:`AllUrlsValid` we call
        :meth:`check_url` repeatedly. The callables should be called only once. This
        optimization has no value in the base class :class:`ValidUrl`.

        As the validator is instantiated once per form field, it cannot mutate itself
        at runtime to cache the callables' results, and must instead pass them from one
        method to the next.
        urlparts = urlparse(url)
        if allowed_schemes:
            if urlparts.scheme not in allowed_schemes:
                return self.message_schemes.format(
                    url=url, schemes=_(', ').join(allowed_schemes))
        if allowed_domains:
            if urlparts.netloc.lower() not in allowed_domains:
                return self.message_domains.format(
                    url=url, domains=_(', ').join(allowed_domains))

        if urlparts.scheme not in ('http', 'https') or not self.visit_url:
            # The rest of this function only validates HTTP urls.

        cache_key = 'linkchecker/' + md5sum(url)
            cache_check = asset_cache.get(cache_key)
        except ValueError:  # Possible error from a broken pickle
            cache_check = None
        # Read from cache, but assume cache may be broken since Flask-Cache stores data
        # as a pickle, which is version-specific
        if cache_check and isinstance(cache_check, dict):
            rurl = cache_check.get('url')
            code = cache_check.get('code')
            rurl = None  # rurl is the response URL after following redirects
            code = None

        # TODO: Also honour the robots.txt protocol and stay off URLs that aren't meant
        # to be checked. https://docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.robotparser.html
        if not rurl or not code:
                r = requests.get(
                    verify=False,  # skipcq: BAN-B501
                    headers={'User-Agent': self.user_agent},
                code = r.status_code
                rurl = r.url
            except (
                    # Still a relative URL? Must be broken
                    # Name resolution or connection failed
                    # Didn't respond in time
                code = None
            except Exception as e:  # NOQA: B902
                code = None

        if (rurl is not None and code is not None and code in (
                403,  # For Cloudflare
                999,  # For LinkedIn
            # Cloudflare returns HTTP 403 for urls behind its bot protection.
            # Hence we're accepting 403 as an acceptable code.
            # 999 is a non-standard too-many-requests error. We can't look past it to
            # check a URL, so we let it pass

            # The URL works, so now we check if it's in a reject list. This part
            # runs _after_ attempting to load the URL as we want to catch redirects.
            for patterns, message in invalid_urls:
                for pattern in patterns:
                    # For text patterns, do a substring search. For regex patterns
                    # (assumed so if not text), do a regex search. Test with the final
                    # URL from the response, after redirects, but report errors using
                    # the URL the user provided
                    if (pattern in rurl if isinstance(
                            pattern, str) else pattern.search(rurl) is
                            not None  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
                        return message.format(url=url, text=text)
            # All good. The URL works and isn't invalid, so save to cache and return
            # without an error message
            asset_cache.set(cache_key, {
                'url': rurl,
                'code': code
            if text is not None and url != text:
                return self.message_urltext.format(url=url, text=text)
                return self.message.format(url=url)
コード例 #14
ファイル: validators.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/baseframe
    def check_url(self,
        Inner method to actually check the URL.

        This method accepts ``allowed_schemes``, ``allowed_domains`` and
        ``invalid_urls`` as direct parameters despite their availability via `self`
        because they may be callables, and in :class:`AllUrlsValid` we call
        :meth:`check_url` repeatedly. The callables should be called only once. This
        optimization has no value in the base class :class:`ValidUrl`.

        As the validator is instantiated once per form field, it cannot mutate itself
        at runtime to cache the callables' results, and must instead pass them from one
        method to the next.
        urlparts = urlparse(url)
        if allowed_schemes:
            if urlparts.scheme not in allowed_schemes:
                return self.message_schemes.format(
                    url=url, schemes=_(', ').join(allowed_schemes))
        if allowed_domains:
            if urlparts.netloc.lower() not in allowed_domains:
                return self.message_domains.format(
                    url=url, domains=_(', ').join(allowed_domains))

        if urlparts.scheme not in ('http', 'https') or not self.visit_url:
            # The rest of this function only validates HTTP urls.

        if six.PY2:
            cache_key = b'linkchecker/' + md5sum(
                url.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(url, six.text_type) else url)
            cache_key = 'linkchecker/' + md5sum(url)
            cache_check = asset_cache.get(cache_key)
        except ValueError:  # Possible error from a broken pickle
            cache_check = None
        # Read from cache, but assume cache may be broken
        # since Flask-Cache stores data as a pickle,
        # which is version-specific
        if cache_check and isinstance(cache_check, dict):
            rurl = cache_check.get('url')
            code = cache_check.get('code')
            rurl = None  # rurl is the response URL after following redirects

        if not rurl or not code:
                r = requests.get(
                    headers={'User-Agent': self.user_agent},
                code = r.status_code
                rurl = r.url
            except (
                    # Still a relative URL? Must be broken
                    # Name resolution or connection failed
                    # Didn't respond in time
                code = None
            except Exception as e:
                code = None

        if rurl is not None and code in (
            # 999 is a non-standard too-many-requests error. We can't look past it to
            # check a URL, so we let it pass

            # The URL works, so now we check if it's in a reject list. This part
            # runs _after_ attempting to load the URL as we want to catch redirects.
            for patterns, message in invalid_urls:
                for pattern in patterns:
                    # For text patterns, do a substring search. For regex patterns
                    # (assumed so if not text), do a regex search. Test with the final
                    # URL from the response, after redirects, but report errors using
                    # the URL the user provided
                    if (pattern in rurl
                            if isinstance(pattern, six.string_types) else
                            pattern.search(rurl) is not None):
                        return message.format(url=url, text=text)
            # All good. The URL works and isn't invalid, so save to cache and return
            # without an error message
            asset_cache.set(cache_key, {
                'url': rurl,
                'code': code
            if text is not None and url != text:
                return self.message_urltext.format(url=url, text=text)
                return self.message.format(url=url)
コード例 #15
 def __init__(self, email, **kwargs):
     super(UserEmailClaim, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self.verification_code = newsecret()
     self._email = email.lower()
     self.md5sum = md5sum(self._email)
     self.domain = email.split('@')[-1]
コード例 #16
 def __init__(self, email, **kwargs):
     super(UserEmail, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self._email = email.lower()
     self.md5sum = md5sum(self._email)
     self.domain = email.split('@')[-1]
コード例 #17
 def email(self, value):
     self._email = value.lower()
     self.md5sum = md5sum(value)
コード例 #18
ファイル: listing.py プロジェクト: venkatsethu/hasjob
def editjob(hashid,
    if form is None:
        form = forms.ListingForm(request.form)
        form.job_type.choices = JobType.choices(g.board)
        form.job_category.choices = JobCategory.choices(g.board)
        if g.board and not g.board.require_pay:
            form.job_pay_type.choices = [(-1, u'Confidential')
                                         ] + PAY_TYPE.items()

    post = None
    no_email = False

    if not newpost:
        post = JobPost.query.filter_by(hashid=hashid).first_or_404()
        if not ((key is None and g.user is not None and post.admin_is(g.user))
                or (key == post.edit_key)):

        # Once this post is published, require editing at /domain/<hashid>/edit
        if not key and post.status not in POSTSTATUS.UNPUBLISHED and post.email_domain != domain:
            return redirect(post.url_for('edit'), code=301)

        # Don't allow editing jobs that aren't on this board as that may be a loophole when
        # the board allows no pay (except in the 'www' root board, where editing is always allowed)
        with db.session.no_autoflush:
            if g.board and g.board.not_root and post.link_to_board(
                    g.board) is None and request.method == 'GET':
                blink = post.postboards.first()
                if blink:
                    return redirect(
                    return redirect(
                        post.url_for('edit', subdomain=None, _external=True))

        # Don't allow email address to be changed once it's confirmed
        if post.status in POSTSTATUS.POSTPENDING:
            no_email = True

    if request.method == 'POST' and post and post.status in POSTSTATUS.POSTPENDING:
        # del form.poster_name  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
        form.poster_email.data = post.email
    if request.method == 'POST' and (validated or form.validate()):
        form_description = bleach.linkify(
            bleach.clean(form.job_description.data, tags=ALLOWED_TAGS))
        form_perks = bleach.linkify(
                         tags=ALLOWED_TAGS)) if form.job_perks.data else ''
        form_how_to_apply = form.job_how_to_apply.data
        form_email_domain = get_email_domain(form.poster_email.data)
        form_words = get_word_bag(u' '.join(
            (form_description, form_perks, form_how_to_apply)))

        similar = False
        with db.session.no_autoflush:
            for oldpost in JobPost.query.filter(
                        db.and_(JobPost.email_domain == form_email_domain,
                        JobPost.status == POSTSTATUS.SPAM)).filter(
                            JobPost.datetime > datetime.utcnow() -
                if not post or (oldpost.id != post.id):
                    if oldpost.words:
                        s = SequenceMatcher(None, form_words, oldpost.words)
                        if s.ratio() > 0.6:
                            similar = True

        if similar:
                "This post is very similar to an earlier post. You may not repost the same job "
                "in less than %d days." % agelimit.days,
            if newpost:
                post = JobPost(**newpost)
                if g.board:
                    if g.board.not_root:

            post.headline = form.job_headline.data
            post.headlineb = form.job_headlineb.data
            post.type_id = form.job_type.data
            post.category_id = form.job_category.data
            post.location = form.job_location.data
            post.relocation_assist = form.job_relocation_assist.data
            post.description = form_description
            post.perks = form_perks
            post.how_to_apply = form_how_to_apply
            post.company_name = form.company_name.data
            post.company_url = form.company_url.data
            post.hr_contact = form.hr_contact.data
            post.twitter = form.twitter.data

            post.pay_type = form.job_pay_type.data
            if post.pay_type == -1:
                post.pay_type = None

            if post.pay_type is not None and post.pay_type != PAY_TYPE.NOCASH:
                post.pay_currency = form.job_pay_currency.data
                post.pay_cash_min = form.job_pay_cash_min.data
                post.pay_cash_max = form.job_pay_cash_max.data
                post.pay_currency = None
                post.pay_cash_min = None
                post.pay_cash_max = None
            if form.job_pay_equity.data:
                post.pay_equity_min = form.job_pay_equity_min.data
                post.pay_equity_max = form.job_pay_equity_max.data
                post.pay_equity_min = None
                post.pay_equity_max = None

            post.admins = form.collaborators.data

            # Allow name and email to be set only on non-confirmed posts
            if not no_email:
                # post.fullname = form.poster_name.data  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
                post.email = form.poster_email.data
                post.email_domain = form_email_domain
                post.md5sum = md5sum(post.email)
                with db.session.no_autoflush:
                    # This is dependent on the domain's DNS validity already being confirmed
                    # by the form's email validator
                    post.domain = Domain.get(post.email_domain, create=True)
            # To protect from gaming, don't allow words to be removed in edited posts once the post
            # has been confirmed. Just add the new words.
            if post.status in POSTSTATUS.POSTPENDING:
                prev_words = post.words or u''
                prev_words = u''
            post.words = get_word_bag(u' '.join(
                (prev_words, form_description, form_perks, form_how_to_apply)))

            post.language, post.language_confidence = identify_language(post)

            if post.status == POSTSTATUS.MODERATED:
                post.status = POSTSTATUS.CONFIRMED

            if request.files['company_logo']:
                # The form's validator saved the processed logo in g.company_logo.
                thumbnail = g.company_logo
                logofilename = uploaded_logos.save(thumbnail,
                                                   name='%s.' % post.hashid)
                post.company_logo = logofilename
                if form.company_logo_remove.data:
                    post.company_logo = None

            tag_jobpost.delay(post.id)  # Keywords
            tag_locations.delay(post.id)  # Locations
            session.pop('userkeys', None)  # Remove legacy userkeys dict
            session.permanent = True
            return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        flash("Please review the indicated issues", category='interactive')
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        # Populate form from model
        form.job_headline.data = post.headline
        form.job_headlineb.data = post.headlineb
        form.job_type.data = post.type_id
        form.job_category.data = post.category_id
        form.job_location.data = post.location
        form.job_relocation_assist.data = post.relocation_assist
        form.job_description.data = post.description
        form.job_perks.data = True if post.perks else False
        form.job_perks_description.data = post.perks
        form.job_how_to_apply.data = post.how_to_apply
        form.company_name.data = post.company_name
        form.company_url.data = post.company_url
        # form.poster_name.data = post.fullname  # Deprecated 2013-11-20
        form.poster_email.data = post.email
        form.twitter.data = post.twitter
        form.hr_contact.data = int(post.hr_contact or False)
        form.collaborators.data = post.admins

        form.job_pay_type.data = post.pay_type
        if post.pay_type is None:
            # This kludge required because WTForms doesn't know how to handle None in forms
            form.job_pay_type.data = -1
        form.job_pay_currency.data = post.pay_currency
        form.job_pay_cash_min.data = post.pay_cash_min
        form.job_pay_cash_max.data = post.pay_cash_max
        form.job_pay_equity.data = bool(post.pay_equity_min
                                        and post.pay_equity_max)
        form.job_pay_equity_min.data = post.pay_equity_min
        form.job_pay_equity_max.data = post.pay_equity_max

    return render_template('postjob.html', form=form, no_email=no_email)