コード例 #1
    def __init__(self):
        Configures the calibration node
        Reads configuration from parameter server or uses default values
        print "==> started " + NODE

        # get parameter from parameter server or set defaults
        self.pattern_size = rospy.get_param('~pattern_size', "9x6")
        self.square_size = rospy.get_param('~square_size', 0.03)

        self.alpha = rospy.get_param('~alpha', 0.0)
        self.verbose = rospy.get_param('~verbose', True)

        self.save_result = rospy.get_param('~save_result', False)

        # split pattern_size string into tuple, e.g '9x6' -> tuple(9,6)
        self.pattern_size = tuple((int(self.pattern_size.split("x")[0]),

        self.camera_info = CameraInfo()
        self.camera_info_received = False
        self.latest_image = Image()
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # set up Checkerboard and CheckerboardDetector
        self.board = Checkerboard(self.pattern_size, self.square_size)
        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(self.board)

        self.sss = simple_script_server()
        self.ts = TorsoState()
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self):
        Configures the calibration node
        Reads configuration from parameter server or uses default values

        # get parameter from parameter server or set defaults
        self.pattern_size = rospy.get_param('~pattern_size', "9x6")
        self.square_size = rospy.get_param('~square_size', 0.03)

        self.alpha = rospy.get_param('~alpha', 0.0)
        self.verbose = rospy.get_param('~verbose', True)

        self.save_result = rospy.get_param('~save_result', False)

        # split pattern_size string into tuple, e.g '9x6' -> tuple(9,6)
        self.pattern_size = tuple((int(self.pattern_size.split("x")[0]),

        self.camera_info = CameraInfo()
        self.camera_info_received = False
        self.latest_image = Image()
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # set up Checkerboard and CheckerboardDetector
        self.board = Checkerboard(self.pattern_size, self.square_size)
        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(self.board)

        self.sss = simple_script_server()

        topic_name = '/stereo/left/'
        # subscribe to /cam3d/rgb/camera_info for camera_matrix and distortion coefficients
        rospy.Subscriber(topic_name + 'camera_info', CameraInfo,
        # subscribe to /cam3d/rgb/image_raw for image data
        rospy.Subscriber(topic_name + 'image_color', Image,

        # wait until camera informations are recieved.
        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        while not (self.camera_info_received or rospy.is_shutdown()):
            if start_time + rospy.Duration(2.0) < rospy.Time.now():
                # print warning every 2 seconds if the message is stil missing
                print "--> still waiting for /cam3d/rgb/camera_info"
                start_time = rospy.Time.now()

        # convert camera matrix an distortion coefficients and store them
        camera_matrix = self.camera_info.K
        cm = np.asarray(camera_matrix)
        self.cm = np.reshape(cm, (3, 3))
        dist_coeffs = self.camera_info.D
        self.dc = np.asarray(dist_coeffs)
        self.frame = self.camera_info.header.frame_id
コード例 #3
 def test_detect_image_points_color_image(self):
     # create Checkerboard instance and read image
     c = Checkerboard((9, 6), 0.03)
     image = cv2.imread(CHECKERBOARD_IMAGE, 0)
     # create CheckerboardDetector instance and detect image points
     cd = CheckerboardDetector(c)
     points = cd.detect_image_points(image, True)
     #dump = {'points': points.flatten().tolist()}
     #yaml.dump(dump, open(CHECKERBOARD_IMAGE_EXPECTED_POINTS_YAML, "w"))
     # load expected points
     points_expected = yaml.load(file(CHECKERBOARD_IMAGE_EXPECTED_POINTS_YAML))['points']
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(points.flatten().tolist(), points_expected))
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self):
        pattern = rospy.get_param('~calibration_pattern')
        self.cameras = rospy.get_param('~cameras')
        pattern_string = pattern["pattern_size"].split("x")
        pattern_size = (int(pattern_string[0]), int(pattern_string[1]))
        cb = Checkerboard(pattern_size, pattern["square_size"])

        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(cb)

        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        self.pub = rospy.Publisher("cb_detections", MarkerArray)
        self.topics = [self.cameras["reference"]["topic"]]
        for camera in self.cameras["further"]:

        self.info_topics = [
            t.replace("image_raw", "camera_info") for t in self.topics
        self.info_topics = [
            t.replace("image_color", "camera_info") for t in self.info_topics
        print self.topics
        print self.info_topics

        self.images = dict.fromkeys(self.topics)
        self.camera_infos = dict.fromkeys(self.topics)
        self.colors = [ColorRGBA() for i in range(len(self.topics))]
        hue_values = np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.topics) + 1)
        for c, hue, topic in zip(self.colors, hue_values, self.topics):
            c.a = 1
            (c.r, c.g, c.b) = hsv_to_rgb(hue, 1, 1)
            print "Listening to: %s - Color RGB: (%d, %d, %d)" % (
                topic, c.r * 255, c.g * 255, c.b * 255)

        self.points = []
        for point in cb.get_pattern_points():
            p = Point()
            p.x = point[0]
            p.y = point[1]
            p.z = point[2]

        for topic, info_topic in zip(self.topics, self.info_topics):
            rospy.Subscriber(topic, Image, self.callback_image, topic)
            rospy.Subscriber(info_topic, CameraInfo, self.callback_info, topic)
コード例 #5
    def run_mono_calibration(self):
        Runs the calibration
        print "==> starting monocular calibration"

        # set up Checkerboard, CheckerboardDetector and MonoCalibrator
        board = Checkerboard(self.pattern_size, self.square_size)
        detector = CheckerboardDetector(board)
        calibrator = MonoCalibrator(board, detector, self.folder,

        # run calibration
        (rms, camera_matrix, projection_matrix, dist_coeffs, (h, w), _,
         _) = calibrator.calibrate_monocular_camera(self.alpha)
        print "==> successfully calibrated, reprojection RMS (in pixels):", rms

        # create CalibrationData object with results
        camera_info = CalibrationData(self.camera_name, self.frame_id, w, h)
        camera_info.camera_matrix = camera_matrix
        camera_info.distortion_coefficients = dist_coeffs
        camera_info.projection_matrix = projection_matrix
        camera_info.dist_coeffs = dist_coeffs

        # save results
        print "==> saved results to:", self.output_file

        # verbose mode
        if self.verbose:
            print "--> results:"
            print "camera matrix:\n", camera_matrix
            print "distortion coefficients:\n", dist_coeffs
            print "projection matrix:\n", projection_matrix
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self):
        Initializes storage, gets parameters from parameter server and logs to rosinfo
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # set up Checkerboard and CheckerboardDetector
        self.board = Checkerboard((9, 6), 0.03)
        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(self.board)
        self.counter = 0

        # Get params from ros parameter server or use default
        self.cams = rospy.get_param("~cameras")
        self.camera = [self.cams["reference"]["topic"]]
        for cam in self.cams["further"]:
        self.numCams = len(self.camera)

        # Init images
        self.image = []
        self.image_received = [False] * self.numCams
        for id in range(self.numCams):

        # Subscribe to images
        self.imageSub = []
        for id in range(self.numCams):
                self.camera[id], Image, self._imageCallback, id))

        # Wait for image messages
        for id in range(self.numCams):
            rospy.wait_for_message(self.camera[id], Image, 5)
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self):
        Configures the calibration node
        Reads configuration from parameter server or uses default values
        print "==> started " + NODE

        # get parameter from parameter server or set defaults
        self.pattern_size = rospy.get_param('~pattern_size', "9x6")
        self.square_size = rospy.get_param('~square_size', 0.03)

        self.alpha = rospy.get_param('~alpha', 0.0)
        self.verbose = rospy.get_param('~verbose', True)

        self.save_result = rospy.get_param('~save_result', False)

        # split pattern_size string into tuple, e.g '9x6' -> tuple(9,6)
        self.pattern_size = tuple((int(self.pattern_size.split(
            "x")[0]), int(self.pattern_size.split("x")[1])))

        self.camera_info = CameraInfo()
        self.camera_info_received = False
        self.latest_image = Image()
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # set up Checkerboard and CheckerboardDetector
        self.board = Checkerboard(self.pattern_size, self.square_size)
        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(self.board)

        self.sss = simple_script_server()
        self.ts = TorsoState()
コード例 #8
    def get_corners(self):

        # --------------------
        # receive images
        # -----------------
        for v in self._images_received:
            self._images_received[v] = False

        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        while (not all(self._images_received.values())
               or not all(self.transformations.values())):
            # print warning every 2 seconds if one of the messages is still
            # missing...
            if start_time + rospy.Duration(2.0) < rospy.Time.now():
                for name, v in self._images_received.iteritems():
                    if not v:
                        print "--> still waiting for sample from %s" % name
                for name, v in self._transformations_received.iteritems():
                    if not v:
                        print "--> still waiting for sample from %s" % name
                start_time = rospy.Time.now()

        # set up checkerboard and checkerboard detector
        checkerboard = Checkerboard(pattern_size, square_size)
        checkerboard_detector = CheckerboardDetector(checkerboard)

        # detect cb
        for camera, image in self._images.iteritems():
            image = image["image"]
            cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image, "mono8")
            #imagecv = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)
            self._images[camera]['corners'] = None
                corners = checkerboard_detector.detect_image_points(
                    cvImage, is_grayscale=True)
                rospy.logwarn("No calibration pattern found for: '%s'" %
                print "cb found: %s" % camera
                #img_points = []
                #for (x, y) in corners.reshape(-1, 2):
                #    img_points.append(ImagePoint(x, y))
                self._images[camera]['corners'] = corners

        return self._images
コード例 #9
    def test_detect_image_points_color_image(self):
        # create Checkerboard instance and read image
        c = Checkerboard((9, 6), 0.03)
        image = cv2.imread(CHECKERBOARD_IMAGE, 0)

        # create CheckerboardDetector instance and detect image points
        cd = CheckerboardDetector(c)
        points = cd.detect_image_points(image, True)

        #dump = {'points': points.flatten().tolist()}
        #yaml.dump(dump, open(CHECKERBOARD_IMAGE_EXPECTED_POINTS_YAML, "w"))

        # load expected points
        points_expected = yaml.load(
コード例 #10
    def __init__(self):
        Initializes storage, gets parameters from parameter server and logs to rosinfo
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # set up Checkerboard and CheckerboardDetector
        self.board = Checkerboard(
            (9, 6), 0.03)  ### Take the parameters from the parameter server
        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(self.board)
        self.counter = 0

        # Get params from ros parameter server or use default
        self.cams = rospy.get_param("~cameras")
        self.camera = [self.cams["reference"]["topic"]]
        if self.cams.has_key("further"):
            rospy.loginfo("FURTHER cameras specified")
            for cam in self.cams["further"]:
            rospy.logwarn("No FURTHER cameras specified")
        self.numCams = len(self.camera)

        # Init images
        self.image = []
        self.image_received = [False] * self.numCams
        for id in range(self.numCams):
            )  # wait for a message from each camera this ensures that all cameras are working

        # Subscribe to images
        self.imageSub = []
        for id in range(self.numCams):
                rospy.Subscriber(self.camera[id], Image, self._imageCallback,

        # Wait for image messages
        for id in range(self.numCams):
            print "now checking for incoming frames on the %s topic" % self.camera[
            #             pdb.set_trace()
            rospy.wait_for_message(self.camera[id], Image, 5)
コード例 #11
    def test_calculate_object_pose(self):
        # create Checkerboard instance and read image
        c = Checkerboard((9, 6), 0.03)
        image = cv2.imread(CHECKERBOARD_IMAGE, 0)
        # create CheckerboardDetector instance and detect object pose 
        # (only dummy matrices, does not correspond to real camera used)
        cd = CheckerboardDetector(c)
        camera_matrix   = np.matrix([1200, 0, 600, 0, 1200, 600, 0, 0, 1], dtype=np.float32).reshape((3,3))
        dist_coeffs     = np.matrix([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float32).reshape((1,5))
        (rvec, tvec) = cd.calculate_object_pose(image, camera_matrix, dist_coeffs, True)
        rvec_expected = np.matrix([[0.99905897,  0.035207,   -0.02533079],
                                   [-0.0208742,   0.90224111,  0.43072642],
                                   [ 0.03801906, -0.42979234,  0.90212699]])
        tvec_expected = np.matrix([[-0.03181351], [-0.13593217], [ 0.7021291]])

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rvec_expected, rvec))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(tvec_expected, tvec))
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self):
        Configures the calibration node
        Reads configuration from parameter server or uses default values

        # get parameter from parameter server or set defaults
        self.pattern_size = rospy.get_param('~pattern_size', "9x6")
        self.square_size = rospy.get_param('~square_size', 0.03)

        self.alpha = rospy.get_param('~alpha', 0.0)
        self.verbose = rospy.get_param('~verbose', True)

        self.save_result = rospy.get_param('~save_result', False)

        # split pattern_size string into tuple, e.g '9x6' -> tuple(9,6)
        self.pattern_size = tuple((int(self.pattern_size.split(
            "x")[0]), int(self.pattern_size.split("x")[1])))

        self.camera_info = CameraInfo()
        self.camera_info_received = False
        self.latest_image = Image()
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # set up Checkerboard and CheckerboardDetector
        self.board = Checkerboard(self.pattern_size, self.square_size)
        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(self.board)

        self.sss = simple_script_server()

	topic_name = '/stereo/left/'
        # subscribe to /cam3d/rgb/camera_info for camera_matrix and distortion coefficients
	rospy.Subscriber(topic_name + 'camera_info', CameraInfo,
        # subscribe to /cam3d/rgb/image_raw for image data
            topic_name + 'image_color', Image, self.__image_raw_callback__)

        # wait until camera informations are recieved.
        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        while not (self.camera_info_received or rospy.is_shutdown()):
            if start_time + rospy.Duration(2.0) < rospy.Time.now():
                # print warning every 2 seconds if the message is stil missing
                print "--> still waiting for /cam3d/rgb/camera_info"
                start_time = rospy.Time.now()

        # convert camera matrix an distortion coefficients and store them
        camera_matrix = self.camera_info.K
        cm = np.asarray(camera_matrix)
        self.cm = np.reshape(cm, (3, 3))
        dist_coeffs = self.camera_info.D
        self.dc = np.asarray(dist_coeffs)
        self.frame = self.camera_info.header.frame_id
コード例 #13
    def test_calculate_object_pose(self):
        # create Checkerboard instance and read image
        c = Checkerboard((9, 6), 0.03)
        image = cv2.imread(CHECKERBOARD_IMAGE, 0)

        # create CheckerboardDetector instance and detect object pose
        # (only dummy matrices, does not correspond to real camera used)
        cd = CheckerboardDetector(c)
        camera_matrix = np.matrix([1200, 0, 600, 0, 1200, 600, 0, 0, 1],
                                  dtype=np.float32).reshape((3, 3))
        dist_coeffs = np.matrix([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float32).reshape(
            (1, 5))
        (rvec, tvec) = cd.calculate_object_pose(image, camera_matrix,
                                                dist_coeffs, True)

        rvec_expected = np.matrix([[0.99905897, 0.035207, -0.02533079],
                                   [-0.0208742, 0.90224111, 0.43072642],
                                   [0.03801906, -0.42979234, 0.90212699]])
        tvec_expected = np.matrix([[-0.03181351], [-0.13593217], [0.7021291]])

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rvec_expected, rvec))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(tvec_expected, tvec))
コード例 #14
    def run_stereo_calibration(self):
        Runs the calibration
        # set up Checkerboard, CheckerboardDetector and MonoCalibrator
        board = Checkerboard(self.pattern_size, self.square_size)
        detector = CheckerboardDetector(board)
        calibrator = StereoCalibrator(board, detector, self.folder,
                                      self.image_prefix_l, self.image_prefix_r)

        # run calibration
        ((rms_l, rms_r, rms_stereo), camera_matrix_l, dist_coeffs_l,
         rectification_matrix_l, projection_matrix_l, camera_matrix_r,
         dist_coeffs_r, rectification_matrix_r, projection_matrix_r, (h, w), R,
         T) = calibrator.calibrate_stereo_camera(self.alpha)
        print "==> successfully calibrated, stereo reprojection RMS (in pixels):", rms_stereo

        # create CalibrationData object with results
        camera_info_l = CalibrationData(self.camera_name_l, self.frame_id_l, w,
        camera_info_l.camera_matrix = camera_matrix_l
        camera_info_l.rectification_matrix = rectification_matrix_l
        camera_info_l.projection_matrix = projection_matrix_l
        camera_info_l.distortion_coefficients = dist_coeffs_l

        camera_info_r = CalibrationData(self.camera_name_r, self.frame_id_r, w,
        camera_info_r.camera_matrix = camera_matrix_r
        camera_info_r.rectification_matrix = rectification_matrix_r
        camera_info_r.projection_matrix = projection_matrix_r
        camera_info_r.distortion_coefficients = dist_coeffs_r

        # save results
        print "==> saved left results to:", self.output_file_l

        print "==> saved right results to:", self.output_file_r

        # convert baseline (invert transfrom as T and R bring right frame into left
        # and we need transform from left to right for urdf!)
        M = np.matrix(np.vstack((np.hstack(
            (R, T)), [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])))  # 4x4 homogeneous matrix
        M_inv = M.I
        T_inv = np.array(M_inv[:3,
                               3]).flatten().tolist()  # T as list (x, y, z)
        R_inv = list(tf.transformations.euler_from_matrix(
            M_inv[:3, :3]))  # convert R to (roll, pitch, yaw)

        # save baseline
        if (self.calibration_urdf_in != ""
                and self.calibration_urdf_out != ""):
            attributes2update = {
                self.baseline_prop_prefix + 'x': T_inv[0],
                self.baseline_prop_prefix + 'y': T_inv[1],
                self.baseline_prop_prefix + 'z': T_inv[2],
                self.baseline_prop_prefix + 'roll': R_inv[0],
                self.baseline_prop_prefix + 'pitch': R_inv[1],
                self.baseline_prop_prefix + 'yaw': R_inv[2]
            urdf_updater = CalibrationUrdfUpdater(self.calibration_urdf_in,
            print "==> updated baseline in:", self.calibration_urdf_out
            print "==> NOT saving baseline to urdf file! Parameters 'calibration_urdf_in' and/or 'calibration_urdf_out' are empty..."

        # verbose mode
        if self.verbose:
            print "--> results:"
            print "left\n----"
            print "rms left monocular calibration:", rms_l
            print "camera matrix:\n", camera_matrix_l
            print "distortion coefficients:\n", dist_coeffs_l
            print "rectification matrix:\n", rectification_matrix_l
            print "projection matrix:\n", projection_matrix_l
            print "right\n-----"
            print "rms right monocular calibration:", rms_r
            print "camera matrix:\n", camera_matrix_r
            print "distortion coefficients:\n", dist_coeffs_r
            print "rectification matrix:\n", rectification_matrix_r
            print "projection matrix:\n", projection_matrix_r
            print "baseline (transform from left to right camera)\n--------"
            print "R (in rpy):\n", R_inv
            print "T (in xyz):\n", T_inv
コード例 #15
class Cb_marker_publish():
    def __init__(self):
        pattern = rospy.get_param('~calibration_pattern')
        self.cameras = rospy.get_param('~cameras')
        pattern_string = pattern["pattern_size"].split("x")
        pattern_size = (int(pattern_string[0]), int(pattern_string[1]))
        cb = Checkerboard(pattern_size, pattern["square_size"])

        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(cb)

        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        self.pub = rospy.Publisher("cb_detections", MarkerArray)
        self.topics = [self.cameras["reference"]["topic"]]
        for camera in self.cameras["further"]:

        self.info_topics = [
            t.replace("image_raw", "camera_info") for t in self.topics
        self.info_topics = [
            t.replace("image_color", "camera_info") for t in self.info_topics
        print self.topics
        print self.info_topics

        self.images = dict.fromkeys(self.topics)
        self.camera_infos = dict.fromkeys(self.topics)
        self.colors = [ColorRGBA() for i in range(len(self.topics))]
        hue_values = np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.topics) + 1)
        for c, hue, topic in zip(self.colors, hue_values, self.topics):
            c.a = 1
            (c.r, c.g, c.b) = hsv_to_rgb(hue, 1, 1)
            print "Listening to: %s - Color RGB: (%d, %d, %d)" % (
                topic, c.r * 255, c.g * 255, c.b * 255)

        self.points = []
        for point in cb.get_pattern_points():
            p = Point()
            p.x = point[0]
            p.y = point[1]
            p.z = point[2]

        for topic, info_topic in zip(self.topics, self.info_topics):
            rospy.Subscriber(topic, Image, self.callback_image, topic)
            rospy.Subscriber(info_topic, CameraInfo, self.callback_info, topic)

    def callback_image(self, data, topic):
        self.images[topic] = data

    def callback_info(self, data, topic):
        self.camera_infos[topic] = data

    def get_pose(self, topic):
        image = self.images[topic]
        cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(image, 'rgb8')
        img_raw = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)

        camera_matrix = np.matrix(
            np.reshape(self.camera_infos[topic].K, (3, 3)))
        dist_coeffs = np.matrix(self.camera_infos[topic].D)
        return self.detector.calculate_object_pose(img_raw, camera_matrix,
                                                   dist_coeffs, False)

    def run(self):
        rate = rospy.Rate(10)
        br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
        print "Everything up and running"

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            # put code here
            msgs = MarkerArray()
            for topic in self.topics:
                # pick color as defined before
                c = self.colors[self.topics.index(topic)]
                if self.images[topic] is None:

                    # compute pose of detected pattern

                    p = self.get_pose(topic)
                except CheckerboardDetector.NoPatternFoundException:
                    rospy.logwarn("No pattern found on topic: '%s'" % topic)
                    rmat = np.array(p[0])
                    rmat = np.append(rmat, [[0, 0, 0]], 0)
                    rmat = np.append(rmat, [[0], [0], [0], [1]], 1)
                    q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(rmat)
                    msg = Marker()
                    msg.type = Marker.SPHERE_LIST
                    msg.header.frame_id = self.camera_infos[
                    msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time()
                    msg.id = self.topics.index(topic)

                    msg.pose.position.x = p[1][0]
                    msg.pose.position.y = p[1][1]
                    msg.pose.position.z = p[1][2]
                    msg.pose.orientation.x = q[0]
                    msg.pose.orientation.y = q[1]
                    msg.pose.orientation.z = q[2]
                    msg.pose.orientation.w = q[3]
                    msg.scale.x = 0.01
                    msg.scale.y = 0.01
                    msg.scale.z = 0.01
                    msg.color = c
                    msg.points = self.points
                    br.sendTransform(p[1], q, rospy.Time.now(), "cb",

コード例 #16
class VisibilityCheckerNode():
    @summary: Captures Images from one or more cameras (Image message topics) to files.

    Number of cameras, output folder and file names are configurable via ROS parameters.
    After startup call "~capture_images" ROS service to save images of all
    cameras to output folder.

    def __init__(self):
        Initializes storage, gets parameters from parameter server and logs to rosinfo
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # set up Checkerboard and CheckerboardDetector
        self.board = Checkerboard((9, 6), 0.03)
        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(self.board)
        self.counter = 0

        # Get params from ros parameter server or use default
        self.cams = rospy.get_param("~cameras")
        self.camera = [self.cams["reference"]["topic"]]
        for cam in self.cams["further"]:
        self.numCams = len(self.camera)

        # Init images
        self.image = []
        self.image_received = [False] * self.numCams
        for id in range(self.numCams):

        # Subscribe to images
        self.imageSub = []
        for id in range(self.numCams):
                self.camera[id], Image, self._imageCallback, id))

        # Wait for image messages
        for id in range(self.numCams):
            rospy.wait_for_message(self.camera[id], Image, 5)

    def _imageCallback(self, data, id):
        Copy image message to local storage

        @param data: Currently received image message
        @type  data: ROS Image() message
        @param id: Id of camera from which the image was received
        @type  id: integer
        #print "cb executed"
        self.image[id] = data
        self.image_received[id] = True

    def _checkHandle(self, req):
        Service handle for "Capture" Service
        Grabs images, converts them and saves them to files

        @param req: service request
        @type  req: CaptureRequest() message

        @return: CaptureResponse() message
        self.image_received = [False] * self.numCams
        visible = []
        while not all(self.image_received):
            print "waiting for images"
        if all(self.image_received):
            print "=== ALL IMAGES RECEIVED ==="
        self.images_received = [False] * self.numCams
        for id in range(self.numCams):
            image = self.image[id]

            cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(image, 'rgb8')
            img_raw = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)
                img_raw, False, True) is not None)
            # grab image messages
        #print '%s checkerboards found --> return %s'%(sum(visible),all(visible))
        response = VisibleResponse()
        response.every = False
        response.master = False

        if all(visible):
            response.every = True
            response.master = True

        elif visible[0]:
            response.master = True
        return response

    def run(self):
        # Start service
        srv = rospy.Service(
            '/image_capture/visibility_check', Visible, self._checkHandle)
        rospy.loginfo("service '/image_capture/visibility_check' started, waiting for requests...")
コード例 #17
class VisibilityCheckerNode():
    @summary: Captures Images from one or more cameras (Image message topics) to files.

    Number of cameras, output folder and file names are configurable via ROS parameters.
    After startup call "~capture_images" ROS service to save images of all
    cameras to output folder.

    def __init__(self):
        Initializes storage, gets parameters from parameter server and logs to rosinfo
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # set up Checkerboard and CheckerboardDetector
        self.board = Checkerboard((9, 6), 0.03)
        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(self.board)
        self.counter = 0

        # Get params from ros parameter server or use default
        self.cams = rospy.get_param("~cameras")
        self.camera = [self.cams["reference"]["topic"]]
        if self.cams.has_key("further"):
            rospy.loginfo("FURTHER cameras specified")
            for cam in self.cams["further"]:
            rospy.logwarn("No FURTHER cameras specified")
        self.numCams = len(self.camera)

        # Init images
        self.image = []
        self.image_received = [False] * self.numCams
        for id in range(self.numCams):

        # Subscribe to images
        self.imageSub = []
        for id in range(self.numCams):
                self.camera[id], Image, self._imageCallback, id))

        # Wait for image messages
        for id in range(self.numCams):
            rospy.wait_for_message(self.camera[id], Image, 5)

    def _imageCallback(self, data, id):
        Copy image message to local storage

        @param data: Currently received image message
        @type  data: ROS Image() message
        @param id: Id of camera from which the image was received
        @type  id: integer
        #print "cb executed"
        self.image[id] = data
        self.image_received[id] = True

    def _checkHandle(self, req):
        Service handle for "Capture" Service
        Grabs images, converts them and saves them to files

        @param req: service request
        @type  req: CaptureRequest() message

        @return: CaptureResponse() message
        self.image_received = [False] * self.numCams
        visible = []
        while not all(self.image_received):
            print "waiting for images"
        if all(self.image_received):
            print "=== ALL IMAGES RECEIVED ==="
        self.images_received = [False] * self.numCams
        for id in range(self.numCams):
            image = self.image[id]

            cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(image, 'rgb8')
            img_raw = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)
                self.detector.detect_image_points( img_raw, False, True)
            except self.detector.NoPatternFoundException:
                rospy.logwarn("No cb found")
            # grab image messages
        #print '%s checkerboards found --> return %s'%(sum(visible),all(visible))
        response = VisibleResponse()
        response.every = False
        response.master = False

        if all(visible):
            response.every = True
            response.master = True

        #elif visible[0]:
        #   response.master = True
        return response

    def run(self):
        # Start service
        srv = rospy.Service(
            '/image_capture/visibility_check', Visible, self._checkHandle)
        rospy.loginfo("service '/image_capture/visibility_check' started, waiting for requests...")
コード例 #18
    def _capture_and_pub(self, sample_id, target_id, chain_id, pattern_size,
        Main capturing function. Gets a set of recent messages for all needed topics.
        Processes messages and creates RobotMeasuerment message which is published.
        @param sample_id: Sample identifier (e.g. sample01)
        @type  sample_id: string
        @param target_id: Name of checkerboard (e.g. cb_9x6)
        @type  target_id: string
        @param chain_id: Name of dh chain to which checkerboard is attached (e.g. arm_chain)
        @type  chain_id: string
        @param pattern_size: Size of checkerboard pattern as defined by opencv (e.g. (9, 6))
        @type  pattern_size: tuple(x, y)
        @param square_size: Size of checkerboard sqaures (im m)
        @type  square_size: float
        # capture measurements
        # --------------------
        self._left_received = False
        self._right_received = False
        self._kinect_rgb_received = False
        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        while (not self._left_received or not self._right_received
               or not self._kinect_rgb_received):
            # print warning every 2 seconds if one of the messages is still missing...
            if start_time + rospy.Duration(2.0) < rospy.Time.now():
                if not self._left_received:
                    print "--> still waiting for sample from left"
                if not self._right_received:
                    print "--> still waiting for sample from right"
                if not self._kinect_rgb_received:
                    print "--> still waiting for sample from kinect"
                start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        latest_left = self._left
        latest_right = self._right
        latest_kinect_rgb = self._kinect_rgb

        self._torso_joint_msg_received = False
        self._arm_joint_msg_received = False
        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        while (not self._torso_joint_msg_received
               or not self._arm_joint_msg_received):
            # print warning every 2 seconds if one of the messages is still missing...
            if start_time + rospy.Duration(2.0) < rospy.Time.now():
                if not self._torso_joint_msg_received:
                    print "--> still waiting for torso joint states"
                if not self._arm_joint_msg_received:
                    print "--> still waiting for srm joint states"
                start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        latest_torso = self._torso_joint_msg
        latest_arm = self._arm_joint_msg

        # set up checkerboard and checkerboard detector
        # ---------------------------------------------
        checkerboard = Checkerboard(pattern_size, square_size)
        checkerboard_detector = CheckerboardDetector(checkerboard)

        # detect cb left
        # --------------
        cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(latest_left["image_rect"], "mono8")
        image = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)

        corners = checkerboard_detector.detect_image_points(image,
        if corners != None:
            print "cb found: left"
            img_points_left = []
            for (x, y) in corners.reshape(-1, 2):
                img_points_left.append(ImagePoint(x, y))
            # cb not found
            return False

        # create camera msg left
        # ----------------------
        cam_msg_left = CameraMeasurement()
        cam_msg_left.camera_id = "left"
        cam_msg_left.header.stamp = latest_left["camera_info"].header.stamp
        cam_msg_left.cam_info = latest_left["camera_info"]
        cam_msg_left.image_points = img_points_left
        cam_msg_left.verbose = False
        #cam_ms_leftg.image        = latest_left["image_color"]
        #cam_msg_left.image_rect   = latest_left["image_rect"]
        #cam_msg_left.features    = # Not implemented here

        # detect cb right
        # --------------
        cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(latest_right["image_rect"], "mono8")
        image = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)

        corners = checkerboard_detector.detect_image_points(image,
        if corners != None:
            print "cb found: right"
            img_points_right = []
            for (x, y) in corners.reshape(-1, 2):
                img_points_right.append(ImagePoint(x, y))
            # cb not found
            return False

        # create camera msg right
        # -----------------------
        cam_msg_right = CameraMeasurement()
        cam_msg_right.camera_id = "right"
        cam_msg_right.header.stamp = latest_right["camera_info"].header.stamp
        cam_msg_right.cam_info = latest_right["camera_info"]
        cam_msg_right.image_points = img_points_right
        cam_msg_right.verbose = False
        #cam_msg_right.image        = latest_right["image_color"]
        #cam_msg_right.image_rect   = latest_right["image_rect"]
        #cam_msg_right.features    = # Not implemented here

        # detect cb kinect_rgb
        # --------------------
        cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(latest_kinect_rgb["image_color"],
        image = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)

        corners = checkerboard_detector.detect_image_points(image,
        if corners != None:
            print "cb found: kinect_rgb"
            img_points_kinect_rgb = []
            for (x, y) in corners.reshape(-1, 2):
                img_points_kinect_rgb.append(ImagePoint(x, y))
            # cb not found
            return False

        # create camera msg kinect_rgb
        # ----------------------------
        cam_msg_kinect_rgb = CameraMeasurement()
        cam_msg_kinect_rgb.camera_id = "kinect_rgb"
        cam_msg_kinect_rgb.header.stamp = latest_kinect_rgb[
        cam_msg_kinect_rgb.cam_info = latest_kinect_rgb["camera_info"]
        cam_msg_kinect_rgb.image_points = img_points_kinect_rgb
        cam_msg_kinect_rgb.verbose = False
        #cam_ms_kinect_rgbg.image        = latest_kinect_rgb["image_color"]
        #cam_msg_kinect_rgb.image_rect   = latest_kinect_rgb["image_rect"]
        #cam_msg_kinect_rgb.features    = # Not implemented here

        # create torso_chain msg
        # ----------------------
        torso_chain_msg = ChainMeasurement()
        torso_chain_msg.header = latest_torso.header
        torso_chain_msg.chain_id = "torso_chain"
        torso_chain_msg.chain_state = latest_torso

        # create arm_chain msg
        # --------------------
        arm_chain_msg = ChainMeasurement()
        arm_chain_msg.header = latest_arm.header
        arm_chain_msg.chain_id = "arm_chain"
        arm_chain_msg.chain_state = latest_arm

        # DEBUG publish pic
        # -----------------

        # create robot measurement msg and publish
        # -----------------
        robot_msg = RobotMeasurement()
        robot_msg.sample_id = sample_id
        robot_msg.target_id = target_id
        robot_msg.chain_id = chain_id
        robot_msg.M_cam = [cam_msg_left, cam_msg_right, cam_msg_kinect_rgb]
        robot_msg.M_chain = [torso_chain_msg, arm_chain_msg]

        return True
コード例 #19
class Detection():
    def __init__(self):
        Configures the calibration node
        Reads configuration from parameter server or uses default values

        # get parameter from parameter server or set defaults
        self.pattern_size = rospy.get_param('~pattern_size', "9x6")
        self.square_size = rospy.get_param('~square_size', 0.03)

        self.alpha = rospy.get_param('~alpha', 0.0)
        self.verbose = rospy.get_param('~verbose', True)

        self.save_result = rospy.get_param('~save_result', False)

        # split pattern_size string into tuple, e.g '9x6' -> tuple(9,6)
        self.pattern_size = tuple((int(self.pattern_size.split("x")[0]),

        self.camera_info = CameraInfo()
        self.camera_info_received = False
        self.latest_image = Image()
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # set up Checkerboard and CheckerboardDetector
        self.board = Checkerboard(self.pattern_size, self.square_size)
        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(self.board)

        self.sss = simple_script_server()

        topic_name = '/stereo/left/'
        # subscribe to /cam3d/rgb/camera_info for camera_matrix and distortion coefficients
        rospy.Subscriber(topic_name + 'camera_info', CameraInfo,
        # subscribe to /cam3d/rgb/image_raw for image data
        rospy.Subscriber(topic_name + 'image_color', Image,

        # wait until camera informations are recieved.
        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        while not (self.camera_info_received or rospy.is_shutdown()):
            if start_time + rospy.Duration(2.0) < rospy.Time.now():
                # print warning every 2 seconds if the message is stil missing
                print "--> still waiting for /cam3d/rgb/camera_info"
                start_time = rospy.Time.now()

        # convert camera matrix an distortion coefficients and store them
        camera_matrix = self.camera_info.K
        cm = np.asarray(camera_matrix)
        self.cm = np.reshape(cm, (3, 3))
        dist_coeffs = self.camera_info.D
        self.dc = np.asarray(dist_coeffs)
        self.frame = self.camera_info.header.frame_id

        # initialize torso for movement
    def __camera_info_callback__(self, data):
        executed on new message in /cam3d/rgb/camera_info
        stores received data
        self.camera_info = data
        self.camera_info_received = True

    def __image_raw_callback__(self, data):
        executed on new message in /cam3d/rgb/image_raw
        stores newest image
        self.latest_image = data

    def get_position(self):
        returns the Y value in subpixel accuracy for the center of the recognized checkerboard
        r = rospy.Rate(10)  # Hz
        while rospy.Time.now(
        ) - self.latest_image.header.stamp > rospy.Duration(
                1) and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            print 'no image received'
            print rospy.Time.now(), self.latest_image.header.stamp
        cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(self.latest_image, "mono8")
        image_raw = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)
        #image_processed = cv2.undistort(image_raw, self.cm, self.dc)

         tvec) = self.detector.calculate_object_pose(image_raw, self.cm,
                                                     self.dc, True)
        #print tvec[1]

        return (rmat, tvec), self.latest_image.header.frame_id
コード例 #20
    def _capture_and_pub(self, sample_id, target_id, chain_id, pattern_size, square_size):
        Main capturing function. Gets a set of recent messages for all needed topics.
        Processes messages and creates RobotMeasuerment message which is published.
        @param sample_id: Sample identifier (e.g. sample01)
        @type  sample_id: string
        @param target_id: Name of checkerboard (e.g. cb_9x6)
        @type  target_id: string
        @param chain_id: Name of dh chain to which checkerboard is attached (e.g. arm_chain)
        @type  chain_id: string
        @param pattern_size: Size of checkerboard pattern as defined by opencv (e.g. (9, 6))
        @type  pattern_size: tuple(x, y)
        @param square_size: Size of checkerboard sqaures (im m)
        @type  square_size: float
        # capture measurements
        # --------------------
        self._left_received = False
        self._right_received = False
        self._kinect_rgb_received = False
        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        while (not self._left_received or not self._right_received or not self._kinect_rgb_received):
            # print warning every 2 seconds if one of the messages is still missing...
            if start_time + rospy.Duration(2.0) < rospy.Time.now():
                if not self._left_received: print "--> still waiting for sample from left"
                if not self._right_received: print "--> still waiting for sample from right"
                if not self._kinect_rgb_received: print "--> still waiting for sample from kinect"
                start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        latest_left = self._left
        latest_right = self._right
        latest_kinect_rgb = self._kinect_rgb
        self._torso_joint_msg_received = False
        self._arm_joint_msg_received = False
        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        while (not self._torso_joint_msg_received or not self._arm_joint_msg_received):
            # print warning every 2 seconds if one of the messages is still missing...
            if start_time + rospy.Duration(2.0) < rospy.Time.now():
                if not self._torso_joint_msg_received: print "--> still waiting for torso joint states"
                if not self._arm_joint_msg_received: print "--> still waiting for srm joint states"
                start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        latest_torso = self._torso_joint_msg
        latest_arm = self._arm_joint_msg
        # set up checkerboard and checkerboard detector
        # ---------------------------------------------
        checkerboard = Checkerboard(pattern_size, square_size)
        checkerboard_detector = CheckerboardDetector(checkerboard)
        # detect cb left
        # --------------
        cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(latest_left["image_rect"], "mono8")
        image = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)
        corners = checkerboard_detector.detect_image_points(image, is_grayscale=True)
        if corners != None:
            print "cb found: left"
            img_points_left = []
            for (x, y) in corners.reshape(-1, 2):
                img_points_left.append(ImagePoint(x, y))
            # cb not found
            return False
        # create camera msg left
        # ----------------------
        cam_msg_left = CameraMeasurement()
        cam_msg_left.camera_id = "left"
        cam_msg_left.header.stamp = latest_left["camera_info"].header.stamp
        cam_msg_left.cam_info     = latest_left["camera_info"]
        cam_msg_left.image_points = img_points_left
        cam_msg_left.verbose      = False
        #cam_ms_leftg.image        = latest_left["image_color"]
        #cam_msg_left.image_rect   = latest_left["image_rect"]
        #cam_msg_left.features    = # Not implemented here
        # detect cb right
        # --------------
        cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(latest_right["image_rect"], "mono8")
        image = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)
        corners = checkerboard_detector.detect_image_points(image, is_grayscale=True)
        if corners != None:
            print "cb found: right"
            img_points_right = []
            for (x, y) in corners.reshape(-1, 2):
                img_points_right.append(ImagePoint(x, y))
            # cb not found
            return False
        # create camera msg right
        # -----------------------
        cam_msg_right = CameraMeasurement()
        cam_msg_right.camera_id = "right"
        cam_msg_right.header.stamp = latest_right["camera_info"].header.stamp
        cam_msg_right.cam_info     = latest_right["camera_info"]
        cam_msg_right.image_points = img_points_right
        cam_msg_right.verbose      = False
        #cam_msg_right.image        = latest_right["image_color"]
        #cam_msg_right.image_rect   = latest_right["image_rect"]
        #cam_msg_right.features    = # Not implemented here

        # detect cb kinect_rgb
        # --------------------
        cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(latest_kinect_rgb["image_color"], "mono8")
        image = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)
        corners = checkerboard_detector.detect_image_points(image, is_grayscale=True)
        if corners != None:
            print "cb found: kinect_rgb"
            img_points_kinect_rgb = []
            for (x, y) in corners.reshape(-1, 2):
                img_points_kinect_rgb.append(ImagePoint(x, y))
            # cb not found
            return False
        # create camera msg kinect_rgb
        # ----------------------------
        cam_msg_kinect_rgb = CameraMeasurement()
        cam_msg_kinect_rgb.camera_id = "kinect_rgb"
        cam_msg_kinect_rgb.header.stamp = latest_kinect_rgb["camera_info"].header.stamp
        cam_msg_kinect_rgb.cam_info     = latest_kinect_rgb["camera_info"]
        cam_msg_kinect_rgb.image_points = img_points_kinect_rgb
        cam_msg_kinect_rgb.verbose      = False
        #cam_ms_kinect_rgbg.image        = latest_kinect_rgb["image_color"]
        #cam_msg_kinect_rgb.image_rect   = latest_kinect_rgb["image_rect"]
        #cam_msg_kinect_rgb.features    = # Not implemented here
        # create torso_chain msg
        # ----------------------
        torso_chain_msg = ChainMeasurement()
        torso_chain_msg.header = latest_torso.header
        torso_chain_msg.chain_id = "torso_chain"
        torso_chain_msg.chain_state = latest_torso
        # create arm_chain msg
        # --------------------
        arm_chain_msg = ChainMeasurement()
        arm_chain_msg.header = latest_arm.header
        arm_chain_msg.chain_id = "arm_chain"
        arm_chain_msg.chain_state = latest_arm
        # DEBUG publish pic
        # -----------------
        # create robot measurement msg and publish
        # -----------------
        robot_msg = RobotMeasurement()
        robot_msg.sample_id = sample_id
        robot_msg.target_id = target_id
        robot_msg.chain_id = chain_id
        robot_msg.M_cam = [cam_msg_left, cam_msg_right, cam_msg_kinect_rgb]
        robot_msg.M_chain = [torso_chain_msg, arm_chain_msg]
        return True
コード例 #21
    def _capture_and_pub(self, sample_id, target_id, chain_id, pattern_size, square_size):
        Main capturing function. Gets a set of recent messages for all needed topics.
        Processes messages and creates RobotMeasuerment message which is published.

        @param sample_id: Sample identifier (e.g. sample01)
        @type  sample_id: string

        @param target_id: Name of checkerboard (e.g. cb_9x6)
        @type  target_id: string

        @param chain_id: Name of dh chain to which checkerboard is attached (e.g. arm_chain)
        @type  chain_id: string

        @param pattern_size: Size of checkerboard pattern as defined by opencv (e.g. (9, 6))
        @type  pattern_size: tuple(x, y)

        @param square_size: Size of checkerboard sqaures (im m)
        @type  square_size: float
        # capture measurements
        # --------------------
        self._left_received = False
        self._right_received = False
        self._kinect_rgb_received = False
        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        while (not self._left_received):
            # print warning every 2 seconds if one of the messages is still missing...
            if start_time + rospy.Duration(2.0) < rospy.Time.now():
                if not self._left_received:
                    print "--> still waiting for sample from left"
                start_time = rospy.Time.now()
	print "got sample"
        latest_left = self._left

        self._torso_joint_msg_received = False
        self._arm_joint_msg_received = False
        # set up checkerboard and checkerboard detector
        # ---------------------------------------------
        checkerboard = Checkerboard(pattern_size, square_size)
        checkerboard_detector = CheckerboardDetector(checkerboard)

        # detect cb left
        # --------------
        cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(latest_left["image"], "mono8")
        image = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)

        corners = checkerboard_detector.detect_image_points(
            image, is_grayscale=True)
        if corners is not None:
            print "cb found: left"
            img_points_left = []
            for (x, y) in corners.reshape(-1, 2):
                img_points_left.append(ImagePoint(x, y))
            # cb not found
            return False

        # create camera msg left
        # ----------------------
        cam_msg_left = CameraMeasurement()
        cam_msg_left.camera_id = "left"
        cam_msg_left.header.stamp = latest_left["image"].header.stamp
        #cam_msg_left.cam_info = latest_left["camera_info"]
        cam_msg_left.image_points = img_points_left
        cam_msg_left.verbose = False
        #cam_ms_leftg.image        = latest_left["image_color"]
        #cam_msg_left.image_rect   = latest_left["image_rect"]
        #cam_msg_left.features    = # Not implemented here

        # create chain msgs
        # ----------------------
        transformations = []
        print self.transformations
        for (key, links) in self.transformations.iteritems():
            chain_msg = ChainMeasurement()
            chain_msg.chain_id = key
            while not rospy.is_shutdown():
                        trans, rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform(links[0], links[1],
                except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException):
		    print "error looking up transformation from ", links[0], " to ", links[1]
            chain_msg.translation = trans
            chain_msg.rotation = rot
        # DEBUG publish pic
        # -----------------

        # create robot measurement msg and publish
        # -----------------
        robot_msg = RobotMeasurement()
        robot_msg.sample_id = sample_id
        robot_msg.target_id = target_id
        robot_msg.chain_id = chain_id
        robot_msg.M_cam = [cam_msg_left]
        robot_msg.M_chain = transformations

        return True
コード例 #22
class Detection():

    def __init__(self):
        Configures the calibration node
        Reads configuration from parameter server or uses default values

        # get parameter from parameter server or set defaults
        self.pattern_size = rospy.get_param('~pattern_size', "9x6")
        self.square_size = rospy.get_param('~square_size', 0.03)

        self.alpha = rospy.get_param('~alpha', 0.0)
        self.verbose = rospy.get_param('~verbose', True)

        self.save_result = rospy.get_param('~save_result', False)

        # split pattern_size string into tuple, e.g '9x6' -> tuple(9,6)
        self.pattern_size = tuple((int(self.pattern_size.split(
            "x")[0]), int(self.pattern_size.split("x")[1])))

        self.camera_info = CameraInfo()
        self.camera_info_received = False
        self.latest_image = Image()
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # set up Checkerboard and CheckerboardDetector
        self.board = Checkerboard(self.pattern_size, self.square_size)
        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(self.board)

        self.sss = simple_script_server()

	topic_name = '/stereo/left/'
        # subscribe to /cam3d/rgb/camera_info for camera_matrix and distortion coefficients
	rospy.Subscriber(topic_name + 'camera_info', CameraInfo,
        # subscribe to /cam3d/rgb/image_raw for image data
            topic_name + 'image_color', Image, self.__image_raw_callback__)

        # wait until camera informations are recieved.
        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        while not (self.camera_info_received or rospy.is_shutdown()):
            if start_time + rospy.Duration(2.0) < rospy.Time.now():
                # print warning every 2 seconds if the message is stil missing
                print "--> still waiting for /cam3d/rgb/camera_info"
                start_time = rospy.Time.now()

        # convert camera matrix an distortion coefficients and store them
        camera_matrix = self.camera_info.K
        cm = np.asarray(camera_matrix)
        self.cm = np.reshape(cm, (3, 3))
        dist_coeffs = self.camera_info.D
        self.dc = np.asarray(dist_coeffs)
        self.frame = self.camera_info.header.frame_id

        # initialize torso for movement
    def __camera_info_callback__(self, data):
        executed on new message in /cam3d/rgb/camera_info
        stores received data
        self.camera_info = data
        self.camera_info_received = True

    def __image_raw_callback__(self, data):
        executed on new message in /cam3d/rgb/image_raw
        stores newest image
        self.latest_image = data

    def get_position(self):
        returns the Y value in subpixel accuracy for the center of the recognized checkerboard
        r = rospy.Rate(10)  # Hz
        while rospy.Time.now() - self.latest_image.header.stamp > rospy.Duration(1) and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            print 'no image received'
            print rospy.Time.now(), self.latest_image.header.stamp
        cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(self.latest_image, "mono8")
        image_raw = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)
        #image_processed = cv2.undistort(image_raw, self.cm, self.dc)

        (rmat, tvec) = self.detector.calculate_object_pose(image_raw, self.cm, self.dc, True)
        #print tvec[1]

        return (rmat, tvec), self.latest_image.header.frame_id
コード例 #23
    def run_stereo_calibration(self):
        Runs the calibration
        # set up Checkerboard, CheckerboardDetector and MonoCalibrator
        board = Checkerboard(self.pattern_size, self.pattern["square_size"])
        detector = CheckerboardDetector(board)
        attributes2update = {}
        output = ""
        camera_ref_saved = False;
        for image_prefix_dep,\
                is_part_of_stereo_system in zip(self.image_prefixes_dep,
            if image_prefix_dep is not None:
                print "Calibrating %s: \n\t Frame: %s \n\t Output File: %s \n\t Baseline Prefix: %s"%(camera_name_dep,frame_id_dep,output_file_dep, baseline_prop_prefix)
                output += self.camera_name_ref +" -> " + camera_name_dep + ": \n"
                calibrator = StereoCalibrator(board, detector, self.folder,
                                              self.image_prefix_ref, image_prefix_dep)

                # run calibration for stereo pair
                    (rms_ref, rms_dep, rms_stereo),
                    camera_matrix_ref, dist_coeffs_ref, rectification_matrix_ref, projection_matrix_ref,
                    camera_matrix_dep, dist_coeffs_dep, rectification_matrix_dep, projection_matrix_dep,
                    ((h_ref, w_ref), (h_dep, w_dep)), R, T) = calibrator.calibrate_stereo_camera(self.alpha)
                output +=  "==> successfully calibrated, stereo reprojection RMS (in pixels): "
                output += str(rms_stereo)
                output += "\n\n"

                # create CalibrationData object with results
                camera_info_ref = CalibrationData(
                    self.camera_name_ref, self.frame_id_ref, w_ref, h_ref)
                camera_info_ref.camera_matrix = camera_matrix_ref
                camera_info_ref.rectification_matrix = rectification_matrix_ref
                camera_info_ref.projection_matrix = projection_matrix_ref
                camera_info_ref.distortion_coefficients = dist_coeffs_ref

                camera_info_dep = CalibrationData(
                    camera_name_dep, frame_id_dep, w_dep, h_dep)
                camera_info_dep.camera_matrix = camera_matrix_dep
                camera_info_dep.rectification_matrix = rectification_matrix_dep
                camera_info_dep.projection_matrix = projection_matrix_dep
                camera_info_dep.distortion_coefficients = dist_coeffs_dep

                if output_file_dep is not None:
                    if not is_part_of_stereo_system:
                        # TODO: compute new projectionmatrix

                        (projection_matrix, _) = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(
                            camera_matrix_dep, dist_coeffs_dep, (w_dep, h_dep),0 )
                        camera_info_dep.projection_matrix = np.array(np.hstack((
                            projection_matrix, np.matrix([0, 0, 0]).reshape(3, 1))))
                        camera_info_dep.rectification_matrix=[1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1]

                    # save results
                    if not camera_ref_saved:
                        print "==> saved left results to:", self.output_file_ref
                        camera_ref_saved = True
                        #output += "==> saved left results to:", self.output_file_ref

                    print "==> saved " + camera_name_dep + " results to:", output_file_dep
                    #output += "==> saved " + camera_name_dep + " results to:", output_file_dep

                # convert baseline (invert transfrom as T and R bring right frame into left
                # and we need transform from left to right for urdf!)

                M = np.matrix(np.vstack((np.hstack(
                    (R, T)), [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])))  # 4x4 homogeneous matrix

                # TODO: tests with real hardware samples
                # compute transformation from reference to parent frame of camera
                # k_u = kinematic_utils()
                # k_u.get_parent(frame_id_dep)
                # M_parent = np.matrix(k_u.get_tf_to_parent(self.frame_id_ref))

                # # resulting transformation
                M_inv = M.I
                # M_result = M_inv * M_parent
                # # urdf specifies origin -> inverse
                # M_inv = M_result.I

                T_inv = np.array(
                    M_inv[:3, 3]).flatten().tolist()  # T as list (x, y, z)
                R_inv = list(tf.transformations.euler_from_matrix(
                    M_inv[:3, :3]))  # convert R to (roll, pitch, yaw)
                baseline_prop_prefix = 'offset_' + baseline_prop_prefix
                attributes2update[baseline_prop_prefix + 'x'] = T_inv[0]
                attributes2update[baseline_prop_prefix + 'y'] = T_inv[1]
                attributes2update[baseline_prop_prefix + 'z'] = T_inv[2]
                attributes2update[baseline_prop_prefix + 'roll'] = R_inv[0]
                attributes2update[baseline_prop_prefix + 'pitch'] = R_inv[1]
                attributes2update[baseline_prop_prefix + 'yaw'] = R_inv[2]

                #verbose mode
                if self.verbose:
                    print "--> results:"
                    print "left\n----"
                    print "rms left monocular calibration:", rms_ref
                    print "camera matrix:\n", camera_matrix_ref
                    print "distortion coefficients:\n", dist_coeffs_ref
                    print "rectification matrix:\n", rectification_matrix_ref
                    print "projection matrix:\n", projection_matrix_ref
                    print "right\n-----"
                    print "rms right monocular calibration:", rms_dep
                    print "camera matrix:\n", camera_matrix_dep
                    print "distortion coefficients:\n", dist_coeffs_dep
                    print "rectification matrix:\n", rectification_matrix_dep
                    print "projection matrix:\n", projection_matrix_dep
                    print "baseline (transform from left to right camera)\n--------"
                    print "R (in rpy):\n", R_inv
                    print "T (in xyz):\n", T_inv
        # save baseline
        if (self.calibration_offset_urdf != "" and self.calibration_default_urdf != ""):
            for p in attributes2update.iteritems():
                print "%s: %s"%p
            urdf_updater = CalibrationUrdfUpdater(self.calibration_offset_urdf,
                                                  debug = self.verbose,
            print "==> updated baseline in:", self.calibration_offset_urdf
            print "==> NOT saving baseline to urdf file! Parameters 'calibration_urdf_in' and/or 'calibration_urdf_out' are empty..."

        print output
コード例 #24
class TorsoCalibration():
    def __init__(self):
        Configures the calibration node
        Reads configuration from parameter server or uses default values
        print "==> started " + NODE

        # get parameter from parameter server or set defaults
        self.pattern_size = rospy.get_param('~pattern_size', "9x6")
        self.square_size = rospy.get_param('~square_size', 0.03)

        self.alpha = rospy.get_param('~alpha', 0.0)
        self.verbose = rospy.get_param('~verbose', True)

        self.save_result = rospy.get_param('~save_result', False)

        # split pattern_size string into tuple, e.g '9x6' -> tuple(9,6)
        self.pattern_size = tuple((int(self.pattern_size.split("x")[0]),

        self.camera_info = CameraInfo()
        self.camera_info_received = False
        self.latest_image = Image()
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # set up Checkerboard and CheckerboardDetector
        self.board = Checkerboard(self.pattern_size, self.square_size)
        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(self.board)

        self.sss = simple_script_server()
        self.ts = TorsoState()

    def __camera_info_callback__(self, data):
        executed on new message in /cam3d/rgb/camera_info
        stores received data
        self.camera_info = data
        self.camera_info_received = True

    def __image_raw_callback__(self, data):
        executed on new message in /cam3d/rgb/image_raw
        stores newest image
        self.latest_image = data

    def run(self):
        Runs the calibration
        print "==> starting torso pitch/height calibration"

        # subscribe to /cam3d/rgb/camera_info for camera_matrix and distortion coefficients
        rospy.Subscriber('/cam3d/rgb/camera_info', CameraInfo,
        # subscribe to /cam3d/rgb/image_raw for image data
        rospy.Subscriber('/cam3d/rgb/image_color', Image,

        # wait until camera informations are recieved.
        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        while not (self.camera_info_received or rospy.is_shutdown()):
            if start_time + rospy.Duration(2.0) < rospy.Time.now():
                # print warning every 2 seconds if the message is stil missing
                print "--> still waiting for /cam3d/rgb/camera_info"
                start_time = rospy.Time.now()

        # convert camera matrix an distortion coefficients and store them
        camera_matrix = self.camera_info.K
        cm = np.asarray(camera_matrix)
        self.cm = np.reshape(cm, (3, 3))
        dist_coeffs = self.camera_info.D
        self.dc = np.asarray(dist_coeffs)

        # initialize torso for movement

        # get initial state of Torso (Upper Tilt Joint and Head Axis Joint horizontal)
        state = list(self.ts.calc_references())
        print state

        # start minimization for getting the upright position of the torso
        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        solution = self.minimize_yvalue(state)
        if self.verbose:
            print 'Elapsed time: ', (rospy.Time.now() - start_time).to_sec()
            print 'Upright forward Position found at %s' % solution
            print 'Seed was ', state
        if self.save_result:
                'roslaunch cob_torso_calibration update_torso_calibration_urdf.launch'

    def get_position(self):
        returns the Y value in subpixel accuracy for the center of the recognized checkerboard
        r = rospy.Rate(10)  # Hz
        while rospy.Time.now(
        ) - self.latest_image.header.stamp > rospy.Duration(
                1) and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            print 'no image received'
            print rospy.Time.now(), self.latest_image.header.stamp
        cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(self.latest_image, "mono8")
        image_raw = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)
        #image_processed = cv2.undistort(image_raw, self.cm, self.dc)

        (rmat, tvec,
         image_points) = self.detector.calculate_object_pose_ransac(
             image_raw, self.cm, self.dc, True)
        #print tvec[1]

        return tvec[0][0], tvec[1][0], tvec[2][0]

    def get_average_position(self, nsec, frequency=15):
        returns the average Y value for the last nsec seconds

        @param nsec: time for samples to be taken
        @type  nsec: integer

        @param frequency: update frequency for image topic
        @type  frequency: integer
        R = rospy.Rate(frequency)
        position_list = []
        for i in range(frequency * nsec):

        #if self.verbose:
        #print np.average(position_list,0)
        return np.average(position_list, 0)

    def minimize_yvalue(self, initial_state, eps=0.005):
        Executive function. Calculates and applies forward rotation.
        Moves torso until the upright position is found

        @param initial_state: initial joint state of torso (usually "Home" position) with leveled head joint
        @type  initial_state: list [joint state lower neck, joint state tilt, joint state upper neck]

        @param eps: minimum accuracy for upright position
        @type  eps: float

        initial_state = np.asarray(initial_state)
        states = []
        step = 0.1
        step_factor = [1, -1]
        state = initial_state
        self.sss.move("torso", [state.tolist()])

        # calculate rotational reference and rotate to center

        states.append([self.get_average_position(10)[1], state])
        while step > eps:

            for factor in step_factor:
                state = initial_state + np.asarray(
                    [factor * step, 0, factor * -step])
                self.sss.move("torso", [state.tolist()])
                states.append([self.get_average_position(10)[1], state])
            if self.verbose:
                states = sorted(states)
            step /= 2
            states = [states[0]]
            initial_state = states[0][1]  # initial state for next iteration

            if self.verbose:
                print '*' * 20
                print initial_state
        self.sss.move("torso", [state.tolist()])
        for i in range(3):
            position = self.get_average_position(10)
            rotational_error = math.atan(position[0] / position[2])
            state -= np.asarray([0, rotational_error, 0])
            self.sss.move("torso", [state.tolist()])
        return state
コード例 #25
    def _capture_and_pub(self, sample_id, target_id, chain_id, pattern_size,
        Main capturing function. Gets a set of recent messages for all needed topics.
        Processes messages and creates RobotMeasuerment message which is published.

        @param sample_id: Sample identifier (e.g. sample01)
        @type  sample_id: string

        @param target_id: Name of checkerboard (e.g. cb_9x6)
        @type  target_id: string

        @param chain_id: Name of dh chain to which checkerboard is attached (e.g. arm_chain)
        @type  chain_id: string

        @param pattern_size: Size of checkerboard pattern as defined by opencv (e.g. (9, 6))
        @type  pattern_size: tuple(x, y)

        @param square_size: Size of checkerboard sqaures (im m)
        @type  square_size: float
        # capture measurements

        # --------------------
        # create robot measurement msg and publish
        # -----------------
        robot_msg = RobotMeasurement()
        robot_msg.sample_id = sample_id
        robot_msg.target_id = target_id
        robot_msg.chain_id = chain_id

        # --------------------
        # receive images
        # -----------------
        for v in self._images_received:
            self._images_received[v] = False
        for v in self.transformations_received:
            self.transformations_received[v] = False
        print self._images_received

        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        while (not all(self._images_received.values())
               or not all(self.transformations.values())):
            # print warning every 2 seconds if one of the messages is still
            # missing...
            if start_time + rospy.Duration(2.0) < rospy.Time.now():
                for name, v in self._images_received.iteritems():
                    if not v:
                        print "--> still waiting for sample from %s" % name
                for name, v in self._transformations_received.iteritems():
                    if not v:
                        print "--> still waiting for sample from %s" % name
            start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        print "got sample"
        #latest_left = self._left

        # set up checkerboard and checkerboard detector
        # ---------------------------------------------
        checkerboard = Checkerboard(pattern_size, square_size)
        checkerboard_detector = CheckerboardDetector(checkerboard)

        # detect cb
        # --------------
        for name, image in self._images.iteritems():
            image = image["image"]
            #print image.header
            cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(image, "mono8")
            imagecv = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)

                corners = checkerboard_detector.detect_image_points(
                    imagecv, is_grayscale=True)
                # cb not found
                rospy.logwarn("No calibration pattern found for: '%s'" % name)
                return False
                print "cb found: %s" % name
                img_points = []
                for (x, y) in corners.reshape(-1, 2):
                    img_points.append(ImagePoint(x, y))

            # create camera msg left
            # ----------------------
            cam_msg = CameraMeasurement()
            cam_msg.camera_id = name
            #print "crash before"
            cam_msg.header.stamp = image.header.stamp
            #print "crash after"
            #cam_msg.cam_info = image["camera_info"]
            cam_msg.image_points = img_points
            cam_msg.verbose = False
            cam_msg.image = image

# print cam_msg.camera_id
#print cam_msg.header
# cam_msg.image_rect   = latest_left["image_rect"]
# cam_msg.features    = # Not implemented here

#DEBUG publish pic

# Fill robot_msg
        robot_msg.M_chain = self.transformations.values()


        return True
コード例 #26
class TorsoCalibration():

    def __init__(self):
        Configures the calibration node
        Reads configuration from parameter server or uses default values
        print "==> started " + NODE

        # get parameter from parameter server or set defaults
        self.pattern_size = rospy.get_param('~pattern_size', "9x6")
        self.square_size = rospy.get_param('~square_size', 0.03)

        self.alpha = rospy.get_param('~alpha', 0.0)
        self.verbose = rospy.get_param('~verbose', True)

        self.save_result = rospy.get_param('~save_result', False)

        # split pattern_size string into tuple, e.g '9x6' -> tuple(9,6)
        self.pattern_size = tuple((int(self.pattern_size.split(
            "x")[0]), int(self.pattern_size.split("x")[1])))

        self.camera_info = CameraInfo()
        self.camera_info_received = False
        self.latest_image = Image()
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        # set up Checkerboard and CheckerboardDetector
        self.board = Checkerboard(self.pattern_size, self.square_size)
        self.detector = CheckerboardDetector(self.board)

        self.sss = simple_script_server()
        self.ts = TorsoState()

    def __camera_info_callback__(self, data):
        executed on new message in /cam3d/rgb/camera_info
        stores received data
        self.camera_info = data
        self.camera_info_received = True

    def __image_raw_callback__(self, data):
        executed on new message in /cam3d/rgb/image_raw
        stores newest image
        self.latest_image = data

    def run(self):
        Runs the calibration
        print "==> starting torso pitch/height calibration"

        # subscribe to /cam3d/rgb/camera_info for camera_matrix and distortion coefficients
        rospy.Subscriber('/cam3d/rgb/camera_info', CameraInfo,
        # subscribe to /cam3d/rgb/image_raw for image data
            '/cam3d/rgb/image_color', Image, self.__image_raw_callback__)

        # wait until camera informations are recieved.
        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        while not (self.camera_info_received or rospy.is_shutdown()):
            if start_time + rospy.Duration(2.0) < rospy.Time.now():
                # print warning every 2 seconds if the message is stil missing
                print "--> still waiting for /cam3d/rgb/camera_info"
                start_time = rospy.Time.now()

        # convert camera matrix an distortion coefficients and store them
        camera_matrix = self.camera_info.K
        cm = np.asarray(camera_matrix)
        self.cm = np.reshape(cm, (3, 3))
        dist_coeffs = self.camera_info.D
        self.dc = np.asarray(dist_coeffs)

        # initialize torso for movement

        # get initial state of Torso (Upper Tilt Joint and Head Axis Joint horizontal)
        state = list(self.ts.calc_references())
        print state

        # start minimization for getting the upright position of the torso
        start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        solution = self.minimize_yvalue(state)
        if self.verbose:
            print 'Elapsed time: ', (rospy.Time.now() - start_time).to_sec()
            print 'Upright forward Position found at %s' % solution
            print 'Seed was ', state
        if self.save_result:
            system('roslaunch cob_torso_calibration update_torso_calibration_urdf.launch')

    def get_position(self):
        returns the Y value in subpixel accuracy for the center of the recognized checkerboard
        r = rospy.Rate(10)  # Hz
        while rospy.Time.now() - self.latest_image.header.stamp > rospy.Duration(1) and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            print 'no image received'
            print rospy.Time.now(), self.latest_image.header.stamp
        cvImage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(self.latest_image, "mono8")
        image_raw = cv2util.cvmat2np(cvImage)
        #image_processed = cv2.undistort(image_raw, self.cm, self.dc)

        (rmat, tvec, image_points) = self.detector.calculate_object_pose_ransac(image_raw, self.cm, self.dc, True)
        #print tvec[1]

        return tvec[0][0], tvec[1][0], tvec[2][0]

    def get_average_position(self, nsec, frequency=15):
        returns the average Y value for the last nsec seconds

        @param nsec: time for samples to be taken
        @type  nsec: integer

        @param frequency: update frequency for image topic
        @type  frequency: integer
        R = rospy.Rate(frequency)
        position_list = []
        for i in range(frequency * nsec):

        #if self.verbose:
            #print np.average(position_list,0)
        return np.average(position_list, 0)

    def minimize_yvalue(self, initial_state, eps=0.005):
        Executive function. Calculates and applies forward rotation.
        Moves torso until the upright position is found

        @param initial_state: initial joint state of torso (usually "Home" position) with leveled head joint
        @type  initial_state: list [joint state lower neck, joint state tilt, joint state upper neck]

        @param eps: minimum accuracy for upright position
        @type  eps: float

        initial_state = np.asarray(initial_state)
        states = []
        step = 0.1
        step_factor = [1, -1]
        state = initial_state
        self.sss.move("torso", [state.tolist()])

        # calculate rotational reference and rotate to center

        states.append([self.get_average_position(10)[1], state])
        while step > eps:

            for factor in step_factor:
                state = initial_state + np.asarray(
                    [factor * step, 0, factor * -step])
                self.sss.move("torso", [state.tolist()])
                states.append([self.get_average_position(10)[1], state])
            if self.verbose:
                states = sorted(states)
            step /= 2
            states = [states[0]]
            initial_state = states[0][1]  # initial state for next iteration

            if self.verbose:
                print '*' * 20
                print initial_state
        self.sss.move("torso", [state.tolist()])
        for i in range(3):
            position = self.get_average_position(10)
            rotational_error = math.atan(position[0] / position[2])
            state -= np.asarray([0, rotational_error, 0])
            self.sss.move("torso", [state.tolist()])
        return state