コード例 #1
    def run(self):
        Start the update process. Values are calculated from torso joint state. Therefore the actual torso jointstate copied to the output file

        attributes2update = {}
        torso, arm = self.ts.calc_references(self.debug)
        if not torso is None:
            (X, Y, Z) = torso
            attributes2update["def_torso_lower_neck_tilt_ref"] = X
            attributes2update["def_torso_pan_ref"] = Y
            attributes2update["def_torso_upper_neck_tilt_ref"] = Z

        if not arm is None:
            (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) = arm
            attributes2update["arm_1_ref"] = a1
            attributes2update["arm_2_ref"] = a2
            attributes2update["arm_3_ref"] = a3
            attributes2update["arm_4_ref"] = a4
            attributes2update["arm_5_ref"] = a5
            attributes2update["arm_6_ref"] = a6
            attributes2update["arm_7_ref"] = a7
        if self.debug:
            print attributes2update
        # update calibration xml based on attributes2update dict
        urdf_updater = calibration_urdf_updater.CalibrationUrdfUpdater(
            self.file_urdf_in, self.file_urdf_out, True)
コード例 #2
    def test_update_one_param_string(self):
        # define params to update
        attributes2update = {'a': "1.0"}

        # do update
        updater = calibration_urdf_updater.CalibrationUrdfUpdater(
            FILE_IN, FILE_OUT1)

        # compare with correct results
        self.assertTrue(self._cmp_files(FILE_OUT1, FILE_OUT_RES1))
コード例 #3
    def test_update_all_params(self):
        # define params to update
        attributes2update = {'a': 1.0}
        attributes2update = {'b': 2.0}
        attributes2update = {'c': 3.0}

        # do update
        updater = calibration_urdf_updater.CalibrationUrdfUpdater(
            FILE_IN, FILE_OUT2)

        # compare with correct results
        self.assertTrue(self._cmp_files(FILE_OUT2, FILE_OUT_RES2))
コード例 #4
    def run(self):
        Start the update process. Values are read from yaml files and are preprocessed for 
        writing to xml
        # load yaml files
        print "--> loading calibrated system from '%s'" % self.file_yaml_calib_system
        calib_system = yaml.load(file(self.file_yaml_calib_system))
        print "--> loading initial system from '%s'" % self.file_yaml_init_system
        initial_system = yaml.load(file(self.file_yaml_init_system))

        attributes2update = {}

        # process transforms
        for tf_name in self.tfs2update.keys():
            prefix = self.tfs2update[tf_name]
            (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw) = self._convert_transform(

            # add to attributes2update dict as "attribute name -> new_value" entries
            attributes2update[prefix + "x"] = round(x, 10)
            attributes2update[prefix + "y"] = round(y, 10)
            attributes2update[prefix + "z"] = round(z, 10)
            attributes2update[prefix + "roll"] = round(roll, 10)
            attributes2update[prefix + "pitch"] = round(pitch, 10)
            attributes2update[prefix + "yaw"] = round(yaw, 10)

        # process dh chains
        for chain in self.chains2update:
            segments = self.chains2update[chain]
            for id in range(len(segments)):
                # process segment with id
                segment = segments[id]

                # process segment of chain
                initial_value = initial_system["dh_chains"][chain]["dh"][id][
                    0]  # get initial theta value of segment for current chain
                calib_value = calib_system["dh_chains"][chain]["dh"][id][
                    0]  # get calibr. theta value of segment for current chain
                new_value = float(calib_value) - float(eval(
                new_value = round(new_value, 10)

                # add to attributes2update dict as "attribute name -> new_value" entries
                attributes2update[segment] = new_value

        # update calibration xml based on attributes2update dict
        urdf_updater = calibration_urdf_updater.CalibrationUrdfUpdater(
            self.file_urdf_in, self.file_urdf_out, self.debug)