コード例 #1
ファイル: ledcontrol.py プロジェクト: CoroBot/Spark_Firmware
def main():
	print menu_header
	# Open the serial port
	# ************************** USER ENTERED PORT ***************************
	port = raw_input("Enter your serial port (EX: COM14)\n>>")
	cobs = cobs_serial(port, 115200, 1)
	# ************************** DEFAULT DEBUG PORT ***************************
	#print "Defaulting port to COM14. Change script if neeeded"
	#cobs = cobs_serial('COM14', 115200, 1) #apparently the port is offset by 1 (so COM14 is 13)
	# *************************** END PORT CONFIG ****************************
	#User Menu
	#Loop until user quits	
	while True:
		option = raw_input(menu)
		sel = option.strip()
		if sel == '6':
		elif sel == '1': #CONTROL LEDS
		elif sel == '2': #READ ADC VALUE
		elif sel == '3': #TEST MOTORS
		elif sel == '4': #CONTROL SERVOS
		elif sel == '5': #READ ULTRASONIC SENSOR
コード例 #2
ファイル: ledcontrol.py プロジェクト: CoroBot/Spark_Firmware
def main():
    print menu_header

    # Open the serial port
    # ************************** USER ENTERED PORT ***************************
    port = raw_input("Enter your serial port (EX: COM14)\n>>")
    cobs = cobs_serial(port, 115200, 1)

    # ************************** DEFAULT DEBUG PORT ***************************
    # print "Defaulting port to COM14. Change script if neeeded"
    # cobs = cobs_serial('COM14', 115200, 1) #apparently the port is offset by 1 (so COM14 is 13)

    # *************************** END PORT CONFIG ****************************

    # User Menu

    # Loop until user quits
    while True:
        option = raw_input(menu)
        sel = option.strip()
        if sel == "6":
        elif sel == "1":  # CONTROL LEDS
        elif sel == "2":  # READ ADC VALUE
        elif sel == "3":  # TEST MOTORS
        elif sel == "4":  # CONTROL SERVOS
        elif sel == "5":  # READ ULTRASONIC SENSOR
コード例 #3
ファイル: psoc4_test.py プロジェクト: CoroBot/Spark_Firmware
def main():
	print menu_header
	# Open the serial port
	# ************************** USER ENTERED PORT ***************************
	port = raw_input("Enter your serial port (EX: COM14)\n>>")
	cobs = cobs_serial(port, 115200, 1)
	# ************************** DEFAULT DEBUG PORT ***************************
	#print "Defaulting port to COM17. Change script if neeeded"
	#cobs = cobs_serial('COM17', 115200, 1)
	# *************************** END PORT CONFIG ****************************
	#User Menu
	#Loop until user quits	
	while True:
		print menu_header

		# ask the user for the motor and command type
		motornum = getNumInRange(0, 5, motor_menu);
		if motornum == -1 or motornum == 0:
		if motornum == 4:
		if motornum == 5:

		type = getNumInRange(0, 7, option_menu)
		if type == -1: 
		# decide how to handle user input
		if type == 7:
		elif type == 0: #DIRECTION
			do_direction(motornum, type, cobs)
		elif type == 1: #SPEED
			do_speed(motornum, type, cobs)
		elif type == 2: #ENCODER
			do_encoder(motornum, type, cobs)
		elif type == 3: #CURRENT
			do_current(motornum, type, cobs)
		elif type == 4: #MODE
			do_mode(motornum, type, cobs)
		elif type == 5: #POWER
			do_power(motornum, type, cobs);
		elif type == 6: #STOP MOTORS
コード例 #4
ファイル: demodoor.py プロジェクト: MetaEmpire/demo_door_kmf
def main(debug = False):
	print header
	# Open the serial port
	# ************************** USER ENTERED PORT ***************************
	#port = raw_input("Enter your serial port (EX: COM14)\n>>")
	#cobs = cobs_serial(port, 115200, 1)
	# ************************** DEFAULT DEBUG PORT ***************************
	print "Defaulting port to COM12. Change script if needed"
	cobs = cobs_serial('COM12', 115200, 1)
	# *************************** END PORT CONFIG ****************************	
	print "Adding hardcoded ID's to whitelist..."
	white1 = 0x0201041B # apparent ID taken from C# code that worked with "observer" code.
								 # (0201041B) in hex = (33621019) in decimal.
	white2 = 0x01010101 # arbitrary second white listed ID
	whitelist = [white1, white2, 10506251] #list of whitelisted ID's
	#print "Whitelisted ID: " + repr(white1)
	print "Whitelist contents: " + repr(list(whitelist))
	#print len(whitelist) #
	print "Building data structures..."
	id_map = {}
	for id in whitelist:
		id_map[id] = [init_rssi_avg, -1000, deque([init_rssi_avg,init_rssi_avg,init_rssi_avg, \
					init_rssi_avg,init_rssi_avg,init_rssi_avg,init_rssi_avg,init_rssi_avg, \
					init_rssi_avg,init_rssi_avg])] #total, average (UNUSED ATM), values (10 total)
	if debug: 
		print id_map
		#below read has a timeout of 1 second?
		retarray = cobs.block_and_return() #this function checks the CRC for us. returns data only, no crc
		if not(retarray == None):
			rssi_number = struct.unpack('b', retarray[rssi_start_byte:rssi_stop_byte])
			id_number = struct.unpack('>L', retarray[id_start_byte:id_stop_byte])
			#if debug:
				#print "Recieved byte array:\n" + repr(retarray)
				#print "ID bytes: " + repr(retarray[id_start_byte:id_stop_byte])
				#print "RSSI bytes: " + repr(retarray[rssi_start_byte:rssi_stop_byte]) + "\n"
			if debug:
				print "\nID number = " + repr(id_number[0])
				print "RSSI number = " + repr(rssi_number[0])
			#if id_number in id_map:   #currently the update_map function implements this behavior
			update_map(id_map, id_number[0], rssi_number[0], cobs, debug)