コード例 #1
ファイル: test_camera_handler.py プロジェクト: mickp/cockpit
    def testSetExposureTime(self):
        callback = unittest.mock.Mock()
        self.args['callbacks'] = {'setExposureTime' : callback}
        camera = cockpit.handlers.camera.CameraHandler(**self.args)

        callback.assert_called_with('mock', 50)
コード例 #2
ファイル: experiment.py プロジェクト: VolkerH/cockpit
 def prepareHandlers(self):
     # Store the pre-experiment altitude.
     self.initialAltitude = cockpit.interfaces.stageMover.getPosition()[-1]
     # Ensure that we're the only ones moving things around.
     # TODO: Handling multiple movers on an axis is broken. Do not proceed if
     # anything but the innermost Z mover is selected. Needs a proper fix.
     if (cockpit.interfaces.stageMover.mover.curHandlerIndex <
             len(depot.getSortedStageMovers()[2]) - 1):
         wx.MessageBox("Wrong axis mover selected.")
         raise Exception("Wrong axis mover selected.")
     # Prepare our position.
     cockpit.interfaces.stageMover.goToZ(self.altBottom, shouldBlock=True)
     self.zStart = cockpit.interfaces.stageMover.getAllPositions()[-1][-1]
     events.publish('prepare for experiment', self)
     # Prepare cameras.
     for camera in self.cameras:
         # We set the expsoure time here. This needs to be set before
         # the action table is generated, since the action table
         # uses camera.getExposureTime to figure out timings.
         exposureTime = float(self.getExposureTimeForCamera(camera))