def grab_douban(): """从豆瓣抓取数据""" SLEEP_TIME = 11 # 计数器文件 counter_file = open(join(_basedir, 'counter.txt'), 'r+') counter = int(counter_file.readline()) or 1 # 索引文件 index_file = open(join(_basedir, 'records.txt'), 'r') douban_api_url_base = '' line = 1 while (True): if line == counter: break index_file.readline() line += 1 for line in iter(index_file.readline, b''): # 从Amazon获取isbn13 re_isbn13 = '.*(978\d{10}).*' req = requests.get(line) if req.status_code != counter += 1 continue html_amazon = req.text m =, html_amazon) if m is None: counter += 1 continue else: isbn13 = book = Book.query.filter_by(isbn13=isbn13).first() if book is not None: counter += 1 continue douban_api_url = douban_api_url_base + isbn13 print douban_api_url req = requests.get(douban_api_url) if req.status_code != counter += 1 continue data = req.json() if 'code' in data and data['code'] == 6000: counter += 1 continue isbn = data['isbn13'] title = data['title'] subtitle = data['subtitle'] orititle = data['origin_title'] author = data['author'] translator = data['translator'] publisher = data['publisher'] pubdate = data['pubdate'] price = data['price'] binding = data['binding'] pages = data['pages'] author_intro = data['author_intro'] summary = data['summary'] book = Book(isbn, title, author, publisher, price, subtitle, orititle, translator, pubdate=pubdate, pages=pages, binding=binding) book.extra = BookExtra(summary, author_intro) try: except ValueError: counter += 1 continue # 抓取封面 img_src = data['images']['large'].replace('\\', '') img = requests.get(img_src) if img.status_code == book.save_cover( counter += 1 counter_file.write(str(counter) + '\n') time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME) counter_file.close() index_file.close() return 'Done!'
def grab(): # 计数器文件 counter_file = open(join(_basedir, 'counter.txt'), 'r+') counter = int(counter_file.readline()) or 1 # 索引文件 index_file = open(join(_basedir, 'records.txt'), 'r') line = 1 while (True): if line == counter: break index_file.readline() line += 1 for line in iter(index_file.readline, b''): # retrieve the isbn13 number re_isbn13 = '.*(978\d{10}).*' try: amazon_doc = urlopen(line).read() m =, amazon_doc) if m is None: continue else: isbn13 = except URLError: print URLError continue # get html doc url = '' % isbn13 print url try: html_doc = urlopen(url).read() except URLError: print URLError continue soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html5lib') title = soup.find('div', class_='PostHead').string.strip() content = soup.find('div', class_='PostContent').prettify() author = str2list(_get_attr('author', content)) publisher = _get_attr('publisher', content) pages = _get_attr('pages', content) language = _get_attr('language', content, re.M) binding = _get_attr('binding', content) price, currency = _get_attr('price', content).split(' ') book = Book(isbn13, title, author, publisher, price, pages=pages) book.set_language(language) book.set_binding(binding) book.set_currency(currency) intro = soup.find('div', class_='div') if intro.font is not None: intro.font.extract() intro = safe_html(intro.prettify()) if intro[-3:] == u'海报:': intro = intro[:-3].strip() book.extra = BookExtra(intro) break # update counter and the counter file counter += 1 counter_file.write(str(counter) + '\n') # end for counter_file.close() index_file.close()