コード例 #1
ファイル: test_prio2.py プロジェクト: mkreider/cocotb2
def datagen(dut, wbm, messages):
    reslist = []
    idleGenWord     = genw.random_data(0, 5)    
    idleGenCyc      = genw.random_data(1, 10)
    idleGenBlock    = genw.random_data(1, 10)
    cntGenX1000     = genw.incrementing_data(0x1000, 0x1000)
    cntGen          = genw.incrementing_data(1, 1)
    adrGen          = genw.incrementing_data()
    #tsGen           = genw.random_data(0, 50, 64)
    tsGen           = genw.incrementing_data(1)
    clkedge = RisingEdge(dut.clk)
    global cnt_send
    for i in range(0, messages):
        opQ = Queue.Queue(8)
        ts = tsGen.next()
        opQ.put(WBO(adrGen.next(), ts >> 32,          idleGenWord.next()))
        opQ.put(WBO(adrGen.next(), ts & 0xffffffff,   idleGenWord.next()))
        n = cntGenX1000.next()
        opQ.put(WBO(adrGen.next(), n + cntGen.next(), idleGenWord.next()))
        opQ.put(WBO(adrGen.next(), n + cntGen.next(), idleGenWord.next()))
        opQ.put(WBO(adrGen.next(), n + cntGen.next(), idleGenWord.next()))
        opQ.put(WBO(adrGen.next(), n + cntGen.next(), idleGenWord.next()))
        opQ.put(WBO(adrGen.next(), n + cntGen.next(), idleGenWord.next()))
        opQ.put(WBO(adrGen.next(), n + cntGen.next(), idleGenWord.next()))
        while not opQ.empty():
            dowords = random.randint(1, 8)
            cycle = []
            for i in range(dowords):
                if not opQ.empty():
                    cnt_send += 1
            tmp = yield wbm.send_cycle(cycle)
            #wait a couple of clockcycle before next wb cycle
            for i in range(idleGenCyc.next()):
                yield clkedge
        #wait a couple of clockcycle before next block
        for i in range(idleGenBlock.next()):
            yield clkedge 
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_wb_loopback.py プロジェクト: mkreider/cocotb2
def test_wb_looback(dut):
    clkref_period = 8
    clksys_period = 16
#    """Example of a test using TUN/TAP over WB."""
    cocotb.fork(Clock(dut.clk, clkref_period).start())
    cocotb.fork(Clock(dut.clk2, clksys_period).start())
    # Reset the DUT
    dut.log.debug("Resetting DUT")
    dut.reset_n <= 0
    dut.reset_n2 <= 0
    yield Timer(50*clksys_period)
    dut.log.debug("Out of reset")

    tsGen           = genw.random_data(0, 1000, 64)
    idleGenWord     = genw.random_data(0, 5)
    replyWaitGen     = genw.random_data(1, 10)
    idleGenBlock    = genw.random_data(0, 50)
    stallGen        = genb.bit_toggler(genw.random_data(1, 10), genw.random_data(1, 10))
    cntGenX1000     = genw.incrementing_data(0x1000)
    cntGen          = genw.incrementing_data(1)
    stdExp          = WBR(True, None, 6, 5, 5)    
    datGen          = genw.incrementing_data(1)
    errGen          = genb.bit_toggler(genw.random_data(0, 1), genw.random_data(1, 10))
    adrGen          = genw.random_data(0, 50)
    datwrGen        = genw.random_data()
    wordRepeatGen   = genw.random_data(1, 50)
    weGen           = genw.random_data(0, 1)
    output = rec(dut)
    wbm  = WishboneMaster(dut, "wbm", dut.clk)
    wbs  = WishboneSlave(entity=dut, name="wbmo", clock=dut.clk, callback=output.receive, errgen=None, datgen=datGen, stallwaitgen=stallGen, replywaitgen=replyWaitGen)
    oplist = []
    explist = []
    reslist = []  
    #oplist.append([WBO(0x0, 0xDEADBEEF, 123)])    
#    for i in range(1, 3):
#        tmpOplist = []
#        tmpExplist = []
#        ts = tsGen.next()
#        tmpOplist.append(WBO(0x0, ts >> 32,          idleGenWord.next()))
#        tmpExplist.append(stdExp)
#        tmpOplist.append(WBO(0x0, ts & 0xffffffff,   idleGenWord.next()))
#        tmpOplist.append(WBO(0x0, None,   idleGenWord.next()))
#        tmpExplist.append(stdExp)
#        n = cntGenX1000.next()
#        tmpOplist.append(WBO(0x0, n + cntGen.next(), idleGenWord.next()))
#        tmpExplist.append(stdExp)
#        tmpOplist.append(WBO(0x0, n + cntGen.next(), idleGenWord.next()))
#        tmpExplist.append(stdExp)
#        tmpOplist.append(WBO(0x0, n + cntGen.next(), idleGenWord.next()))
#        tmpExplist.append(stdExp)
#        tmpOplist.append(WBO(0x0, n + cntGen.next(), idleGenWord.next()))
#        tmpExplist.append(stdExp)
#        tmpOplist.append(WBO(0x0, n + cntGen.next(), idleGenWord.next()))
#        tmpExplist.append(stdExp)
#        tmpOplist.append(WBO(0x0, None, idleGenBlock.next()))
#        tmpExplist.append(stdExp)
#        oplist += [tmpOplist]
#        explist.append(tmpExplist)
    for i in range(0, 10):
        tmpOplist = []
        words = wordRepeatGen.next()        
        for i in range(0, words):        
            dat = None        
            if weGen.next():
                dat = datwrGen.next()
            tmpOplist.append(WBO(adrGen.next()*4, dat, idleGenWord.next()))
        oplist += [tmpOplist]    
    for cycle in oplist:
        tmp = yield wbm.send_cycle(cycle)
    dut.log.info("***** Master - Received Replies:")
    cyccnt = 0    
    for cycle in reslist:
        dut.log.info("WBM Cycle #%3u, %3u Ops" % (cyccnt,len(cycle)))
        cyccnt += 1
        cnt = 0
        for res in cycle:
            dat = "      None"
            if res.dat is not None:
                dat = "0x%08x" % res.dat

            ackerr = "ERR"                
            if res.ack:
                ackerr = "ACK"
            dut.log.debug("#%3u ACK/ERR: %s RD: %s IDLW: %3u STLW: %3u ACKW: %3u" % (cnt, ackerr, dat, res.waitidle, res.waitstall, res.waitack))
            cnt += 1
#    yield RisingEdge(dut.clk)
    #cocotb.fork(lifesign(dut, 5000000))    

  #  L = []
   # thread.start_new_thread(input_thread, (L,))
  #  print "Press Any key to close"
  #  while True:
  #     if L: 
  #        print L
  #        break
  #     yield RisingEdge(dut.clk2)

    print "DONE *****"