コード例 #1
ファイル: bundle_model.py プロジェクト: avinava07/codalab-cli
    def list_worksheets(self, owner_id=None):
        Return a list of row dicts, one per worksheet. These dicts do NOT contain
        ALL worksheet items; this method is meant to make it easy for a user to see
        the currently existing worksheets. Included worksheet items are those that
        define metadata that one will likely want to see in a list view (e.g. title).
        cols_to_select = [cl_worksheet.c.id,
        if owner_id is None:
            # query for public worksheets
            stmt = select(cols_to_select).\
                where(cl_worksheet.c.uuid == cl_group_object_permission.c.object_uuid).\
                where(cl_group_object_permission.c.group_uuid == self.public_group_uuid)
            # query for worksheets owned by owner_id
            cols1 = cols_to_select[:4]
            stmt1 = select(cols1).where(cl_worksheet.c.owner_id == owner_id)
            # query for worksheets visible to owner_id or co-owned by owner_id
            stmt2_groups = select([cl_user_group.c.group_uuid]).\
                where(cl_user_group.c.user_id == owner_id)
            stmt2 = select(cols_to_select).\
                where(cl_worksheet.c.uuid == cl_group_object_permission.c.object_uuid).\
                    cl_group_object_permission.c.group_uuid == self.public_group_uuid)).\
                where(cl_worksheet.c.owner_id != owner_id)
            stmt = union(stmt1, stmt2)

        with self.engine.begin() as connection:
            rows = connection.execute(stmt).fetchall()
            if not rows:
                return []
            uuids = set(row.uuid for row in rows)
            item_rows = connection.execute(
                    cl_worksheet_item.c.type == 'title',
                    cl_worksheet_item.c.type == 'description'))

        row_dicts = [dict(row) for row in sorted(rows, key=lambda item: item['id'])]
        uuid_index_map = {}
        for i in range(0, len(row_dicts)):
            row_dict = row_dicts[i]
            row_dict.update({'items': []})
            uuid_index_map[row_dict['uuid']] = i
        for item_row in item_rows:
            idx = uuid_index_map.get(item_row.worksheet_uuid, -1)
            if idx < 0:
                raise IntegrityError('Got item %s without worksheet' % (item_row,))

        return row_dicts
コード例 #2
ファイル: bundle_model.py プロジェクト: irjudson/codalab-cli
 def get_child_worksheets(self, bundle_uuid):
     Return a list of worksheets that depend on the given bundle.
     with self.engine.begin() as connection:
         rows = connection.execute(cl_worksheet_item.select().where(
           cl_worksheet_item.c.bundle_uuid == bundle_uuid
     uuids = set(row.worksheet_uuid for row in rows)
     return self.batch_get_worksheets(uuid=uuids)
コード例 #3
ファイル: bundle_model.py プロジェクト: abmnv/codalab-cli
    def batch_get_worksheets(self, fetch_items, **kwargs):
        Get a list of worksheets, all of which satisfy the clause given by kwargs.
        base_worksheet_uuid = kwargs.pop('base_worksheet_uuid', None)
        clause = self.make_kwargs_clause(cl_worksheet, kwargs)
        # Handle base_worksheet_uuid specially
        if base_worksheet_uuid:
            clause = and_(clause,
                cl_worksheet_item.c.subworksheet_uuid == cl_worksheet.c.uuid,
                cl_worksheet_item.c.worksheet_uuid == base_worksheet_uuid)

        with self.engine.begin() as connection:
            worksheet_rows = connection.execute(
            if not worksheet_rows:
                if base_worksheet_uuid != None:
                    # We didn't find any results restricting to base_worksheet_uuid,
                    # so do a global search
                    return self.batch_get_worksheets(fetch_items, **kwargs)
                return []
            # Fetch the items of all the worksheets
            if fetch_items:
                uuids = set(row.uuid for row in worksheet_rows)
                item_rows = connection.execute(cl_worksheet_item.select().where(
        # Make a dictionary for each worksheet with both its main row and its items.
        worksheet_values = {row.uuid: dict(row) for row in worksheet_rows}
        if fetch_items:
            for value in worksheet_values.itervalues():
                value['items'] = []
            for item_row in sorted(item_rows, key=item_sort_key):
                if item_row.worksheet_uuid not in worksheet_values:
                    raise IntegrityError('Got item %s without worksheet' % (item_row,))
        return [Worksheet(value) for value in worksheet_values.itervalues()]
コード例 #4
ファイル: bundle_model.py プロジェクト: irjudson/codalab-cli
 def batch_get_worksheets(self, **kwargs):
     Get a list of worksheets, all of which satisfy the clause given by kwargs.
     clause = self.make_kwargs_clause(cl_worksheet, kwargs)
     with self.engine.begin() as connection:
         worksheet_rows = connection.execute(
         if not worksheet_rows:
             return []
         uuids = set(row.uuid for row in worksheet_rows)
         item_rows = connection.execute(cl_worksheet_item.select().where(
     # Make a dictionary for each worksheet with both its main row and its items.
     worksheet_values = {row.uuid: dict(row) for row in worksheet_rows}
     for value in worksheet_values.itervalues():
         value['items'] = []
     for item_row in sorted(item_rows, key=item_sort_key):
         if item_row.worksheet_uuid not in worksheet_values:
             raise IntegrityError('Got item %s without worksheet' % (item_row,))
     return [Worksheet(value) for value in worksheet_values.itervalues()]