def __init__(self, config_path=r'./config.js'): self.PHASES = [] self.current_phase = 'start' self.__nreload = False self.__pinterval = 0.1 threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self._phIF = None self.CODER = DefaultCoder() with open(config_path, 'r') as f: self.configs = json.load(f)
def __init__(self, config_path=r'./config.js'): with open(config_path, 'r') as f: buf = self.config = json.loads(buf) self.spconfig = self.config['signal_processing'] # 不需要接受marker则不启动marker子线程 if self.spconfig['sp_host_ip'] is None: self.__marker_thread_on = False else: self.__marker_thread_on = True addr = (self.spconfig['sp_host_ip'], self.spconfig['sp_host_port']) #启用临时进程进行时钟同步 subprocess.Popen( 'python %s %i' % (self.spconfig['sp_host_ip'], self.spconfig['sp_host_port'])) time.sleep(1) self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # 建立udp socket self.sock.bind(addr) self.SAVEDATA = False if self.spconfig['save data']: self.SAVEDATA = True self.output_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # 建立udp socket self.output_addr = self.spconfig['result receiver address'] ampclass = {} exec('from %s import EEGamp' % (self.spconfig['amplifier'], ), ampclass) # python3 对exec进行了安全性升级,注意参数的使用 EEGamp = ampclass['EEGamp'] self.amp = EEGamp(self.spconfig['samplingrate'], self.spconfig['eeg channels'], 0.1, **self.spconfig['amplifier params']) threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) # 子线程用于接受trigger 并且子线程随主线程一起结束 self._lock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__marker = {} self.RESULT = "" # 发送结果的编码器 self.CODER = DefaultCoder()
def __init__(self): bciCore.__init__(self, config_path=r'./config.js') self.PHASES = [{ 'name': 'start', 'next': 'prompt', 'duration': 1 }, { 'name': 'prompt', 'next': 'que' }, { 'name': 'que', 'next': 'stop', 'duration': 4 }] self.CODER = DefaultCoder()
class bciCore(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, config_path=r'./config.js'): self.PHASES = [] self.current_phase = 'start' self.__nreload = False self.__pinterval = 0.1 threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self._phIF = None self.CODER = DefaultCoder() with open(config_path, 'r') as f: self.configs = json.load(f) def process(self, result): #在子类中实现,子类如果重载process,将不会修改self.__nreload值,子线程将自动结束 self.__nreload = True def transition(self, phase): #在子类中实现 pass def change_phase(self, phase): self._phIF.change_phase(phase) def write_log(self, m): print('[bciCore][%.4f]%s' % (sysclock(), m)) def __mainloop(self): #主线程接受phase驱动整个程 self.write_log('process started!') self.start() #启动子线程 while True: self.current_phase = self._phIF.next_phase() self.transition(self.current_phase) if self.current_phase == 'stop': # stop phase break self.stop_run() self.write_log('[bciCore] process exit!') time.sleep(1) def run(self): #异步子线程,按照fps定义的节奏定时执行 if self.__nreload: return sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # 建立udp socket addr = self.configs['signal_processing']['result receiver address'][ 0] # 绑定到0号地址 sock.bind(tuple(addr)) sock.setblocking(False) clk = sysclock() while True: c = sysclock() if c - clk >= self.__pinterval: res = None try: buf, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024) res = self.CODER.decode(buf) except socket.error: pass self.process(res) clk += self.__pinterval time.sleep(0.05) def start_run(self): #mainloop self._phIF = phaseInterface(self.PHASES) ph_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=phase_process, args=self._phIF.args) ph_proc.start() self.__mainloop() def stop_run(self): pass
def __init__(self, config_path=r'./config.js'): with open(config_path, 'r') as f: buf = self.config = json.loads(buf) self.spconfig = self.config['signal_processing'] # 不需要接受marker则不启动marker子线程 if self.spconfig['sp_host_ip'] is None: self.__marker_thread_on = False else: self.__marker_thread_on = True addr = (self.spconfig['sp_host_ip'], self.spconfig['sp_host_port']) #启用临时进程进行时钟同步 #客户端进程完成同步获得计算同步参数,以本机时钟为准。因此该进程无需关注是否完成同步 subprocess.Popen( 'python %s %i' % (self.spconfig['sp_host_ip'], self.spconfig['sp_host_port'])) time.sleep(0.1) # sock用于接受marker self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # 建立udp socket self.sock.bind(addr) #用于发送结果 self.output_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # 建立udp socket self.output_addr = self.spconfig['result receiver address'] #放大器模块导入 ampclass = {} exec('from %s import EEGamp' % (self.spconfig['amplifier'], ), ampclass) # python3 对exec进行了安全性升级,注意参数的使用 EEGamp = ampclass['EEGamp'] self.amp = EEGamp(self.spconfig['samplingrate'], self.spconfig['eeg channels'], 0.1, **self.spconfig['amplifier params']) self.__marker = {} self.RESULT = "" self.start_record = False # 用于主线程和marker线程同步,解决start_clk未初始化 # 发送结果的编码器 self.CODER = DefaultCoder() # 数据保存模块初始化 self.stIF = StorageInterface() self.storage_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=storage_pro, args=(self.stIF.args, self.spconfig)) self.storage_proc.start() self.stIF.wait() self._lock = thread.allocate_lock() self.marker_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.thread_fun, args=(), daemon=True) self.running = True
class SigPro(): def __init__(self, config_path=r'./config.js'): with open(config_path, 'r') as f: buf = self.config = json.loads(buf) self.spconfig = self.config['signal_processing'] # 不需要接受marker则不启动marker子线程 if self.spconfig['sp_host_ip'] is None: self.__marker_thread_on = False else: self.__marker_thread_on = True addr = (self.spconfig['sp_host_ip'], self.spconfig['sp_host_port']) #启用临时进程进行时钟同步 #客户端进程完成同步获得计算同步参数,以本机时钟为准。因此该进程无需关注是否完成同步 subprocess.Popen( 'python %s %i' % (self.spconfig['sp_host_ip'], self.spconfig['sp_host_port'])) time.sleep(0.1) # sock用于接受marker self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # 建立udp socket self.sock.bind(addr) #用于发送结果 self.output_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # 建立udp socket self.output_addr = self.spconfig['result receiver address'] #放大器模块导入 ampclass = {} exec('from %s import EEGamp' % (self.spconfig['amplifier'], ), ampclass) # python3 对exec进行了安全性升级,注意参数的使用 EEGamp = ampclass['EEGamp'] self.amp = EEGamp(self.spconfig['samplingrate'], self.spconfig['eeg channels'], 0.1, **self.spconfig['amplifier params']) self.__marker = {} self.RESULT = "" self.start_record = False # 用于主线程和marker线程同步,解决start_clk未初始化 # 发送结果的编码器 self.CODER = DefaultCoder() # 数据保存模块初始化 self.stIF = StorageInterface() self.storage_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=storage_pro, args=(self.stIF.args, self.spconfig)) self.storage_proc.start() self.stIF.wait() self._lock = thread.allocate_lock() self.marker_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.thread_fun, args=(), daemon=True) self.running = True def thread_fun(self): # 子线程,记录marker samplingrate = self.spconfig['samplingrate'] while not self.start_record: pass while self.__marker_thread_on: buf, addr = self.sock.recvfrom(512) buf = bytes.decode(buf, encoding='utf-8') marker = json.loads( buf) # eg. marker: {'mkr1':{'value':[1],'timestamp':[xxxx]}} self._lock.acquire() for key in marker: if key == 'endsigpro': self.__marker_thread_on = False self.running = False break marker[key]['timepoint'] = [ int((x - self.start_clk) * samplingrate) for x in marker[key]['timestamp'] ] if key == 'new-record': self.stIF.new_record() elif key == 'end-record': self.stIF.end_record() else: if key in self.__marker: self.__marker[key]['value'].extend( marker[key]['value']) self.__marker[key]['timepoint'].extend( marker[key]['timepoint']) else: self.__marker[key] = { 'value': marker[key]['value'], 'timepoint': marker[key]['timepoint'] } self._lock.release() def process(self, eeg, marker): ''' return value: 0 doing nothing 1 send result through the framework, to result should be transform to string bufffer and put in to the self.RESULT -1 end the program ps: the predefined marker named 'endsigpro' can end the program within the framework ''' return 0 def ac_once(self, first=False): if first: while True: eeg, clk = if eeg is not None: break time.sleep(0.01) else: eeg, clk = marker = copy(self.__marker) self.__marker = {} # if self.SAVEDATA: self.stIF.write_eeg_to_file(eeg) self.stIF.write_mkr_to_file(marker) r = self.process(eeg, marker) return r, clk def start_run(self): self.marker_thread.start() # 启动子线程,接收marker print('[sigpro module] process started') r, self.start_clk = self.ac_once(first=True) self.start_record = True #告知子线程,启动了数据采集 lsclk = clock() while self.running: clk = clock() if clk - lsclk >= 0.1: r, _ = self.ac_once(first=False) if r == 1: [ self.output_sock.sendto(self.CODER.encode(self.RESULT), tuple(addr)) for addr in self.output_addr ] elif r == -1: break else: pass lsclk += 0.1 time.sleep(0.05) self.amp.close() print('[sigpro module] process exit')
def __init__(self, configs_path='./config.js'): super(SigProApp, self).__init__(configs_path) self.CODER = DefaultCoder()
class SigPro(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, config_path=r'./config.js'): with open(config_path, 'r') as f: buf = self.config = json.loads(buf) self.spconfig = self.config['signal_processing'] # 不需要接受marker则不启动marker子线程 if self.spconfig['sp_host_ip'] is None: self.__marker_thread_on = False else: self.__marker_thread_on = True addr = (self.spconfig['sp_host_ip'], self.spconfig['sp_host_port']) #启用临时进程进行时钟同步 subprocess.Popen( 'python %s %i' % (self.spconfig['sp_host_ip'], self.spconfig['sp_host_port'])) time.sleep(1) self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # 建立udp socket self.sock.bind(addr) self.SAVEDATA = False if self.spconfig['save data']: self.SAVEDATA = True self.output_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # 建立udp socket self.output_addr = self.spconfig['result receiver address'] ampclass = {} exec('from %s import EEGamp' % (self.spconfig['amplifier'], ), ampclass) # python3 对exec进行了安全性升级,注意参数的使用 EEGamp = ampclass['EEGamp'] self.amp = EEGamp(self.spconfig['samplingrate'], self.spconfig['eeg channels'], 0.1, **self.spconfig['amplifier params']) threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) # 子线程用于接受trigger 并且子线程随主线程一起结束 self._lock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__marker = {} self.RESULT = "" # 发送结果的编码器 self.CODER = DefaultCoder() def run(self): # 子线程,记录marker samplingrate = self.spconfig['samplingrate'] while self.__marker_thread_on: buf, addr = self.sock.recvfrom(512) buf = bytes.decode(buf, encoding='utf-8') marker = json.loads( buf) # eg. marker: {'mkr1':{'value':[1],'timestamp':[xxxx]}} self._lock.acquire() for key in marker: marker[key]['timepoint'] = [ int((x - self.start_clk) * samplingrate) for x in marker[key]['timestamp'] ] if key in self.__marker: self.__marker[key]['value'].extend(marker[key]['value']) self.__marker[key]['timepoint'].extend( marker[key]['timepoint']) else: self.__marker[key] = { 'value': marker[key]['value'], 'timepoint': marker[key]['timepoint'] } self._lock.release() def process(self, eeg, marker): ''' return value: 0 doing nothing 1 send result through the framework, to result should be transform to string bufffer and put in to the self.RESULT -1 end the program ps: the predefined marker named 'endprocess' can end the program within the framework ''' return 0 def ac_once(self): eeg, clk = marker = copy(self.__marker) self.__marker = {} if self.SAVEDATA: self.stIF.write_eeg_to_file(eeg) self.stIF.write_mkr_to_file(marker) r = self.process(eeg, marker) return r, clk def start_run(self): self.start() # 启动子线程,接收marker print('[sigpro module] process started') # 数据保存模块初始化 if self.SAVEDATA: self.stIF = StorageInterface() self.storage_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=storage_pro, args=(self.stIF.args, self.spconfig)) self.storage_proc.start() self.stIF.wait() r, self.start_clk = self.ac_once() lsclk = clock() while True: clk = clock() if clk - lsclk >= 0.1: r, _ = self.ac_once() if r == 1: [ self.output_sock.sendto(self.CODER.encode(self.RESULT), tuple(addr)) for addr in self.output_addr ] elif r == -1: if self.SAVEDATA: self.stIF.close() break else: pass lsclk += 0.1 time.sleep(0.05) self.amp.close() print('[sigpro module] process exit')