def do_encode_payload(self, payload, script_type, encoder, description, execution_type): """ encode a personal payload """ prepared_payload = prepare_single_payload( payload, execution_type, exec_type=script_type, description=description ) required_arguments = ("lhost", "lport", "url") args = {} for argument in required_arguments: args[argument] = raw_input("enter the {} (enter for None): ".format(argument.upper())) encoded = Encoder( prepared_payload, self.cursor, args["lhost"], args["lport"], args["url"], encoder ).encode() return encoded
def get_encoders(is_view_all=False): """ get the possible encoding techniques from the coders directory :return: """ path = "{}/coders".format(CUR_DIR) bad = (".pyc", "") retval = [] for c in os.listdir(path): if not any(b in c for b in bad): retval.append(c.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0]) if is_view_all: from coders import Encoder retval = Encoder(None, None, None, None, None, None, get_encoders=True) return retval
def do_use_payload(self, selected, encoder): """ use a selected payload, encode it, and stash it in a database for future use """ encoders = get_encoders() selected_choice = False if encoder in encoders: choice = encoders.index(encoder) else: print("invalid encoding or no encoding given, defaulting to base64") choice = 0 while not selected_choice: try: technique = encoders[int(choice)] payload_path = FINISH_PATH_TEMPLATE.format(CUR_DIR, selected) payload_data = get_single_payload(payload_path) if payload_data["data"]["information"]["type"].lower() == "dropper": usable_data = {"url": raw_input("enter the URL to connect to: "), "lhost": None, "lport": None} elif payload_data["data"]["information"]["type"].lower() == "enum": usable_data = {"url": raw_input("enter the domain to enumerate: "), "lhost": None, "lport": None} elif payload_data["data"]["information"]["type"].lower() in ("reverse", "bind"): usable_data = { "url": None, "lhost": raw_input("enter the LHOST: "), "lport": raw_input("enter the LPORT: ") } else: usable_data = { "url": None, "lhost": None, "lport": None } encoded = Encoder( payload_data, self.cursor, usable_data["lhost"], usable_data["lport"], usable_data["url"], technique ).encode() selected_choice = True return encoded except TypeError: print("invalid selection") except UnacceptableExecType as e: print(e.message) return None
def single_run_args(conf, cursor): """ parses the configuration file and tells the program what needs to be done """ # fetch the cached payloads out of the database cached_payloads = fetch_cached_payloads(cursor) if conf["graffiti"]["wipeData"]: print("wiping the database and the history files") secure_delete(DATABASE_PATH) history_files = get_history_files(HISTORY_FILES_PATH) for f in history_files: secure_delete(f) print("database and history files wiped") close() if conf["graffiti"]["useTerminal"]: print(BANNER) print( "no arguments have been passed, dropping into terminal type `help/?` to get help, " "all commands that sit inside of `/bin` are available in the terminal" ) available_payloads = get_payload_paths() GraffitiTerminal(cached_payloads, available_payloads, cursor).do_start( conf["graffiti"]["saveCommandHistory"]) exit() if conf["graffiti"]["listAvailablePayloads"]: available_payloads = get_payload_paths() print("total of {} payloads available\n".format( len(available_payloads))) for payload in available_payloads: print(payload) close() if conf["graffiti"]["viewCached"]: print("total of {} payloads present".format(len(cached_payloads))) for cache in cached_payloads: print("\nLanguage: {}\nPayload Type: {}\nPayload: {}".format( cache[-1], cache[-2], str(repr(cache[1])))) close() if conf["graffiti"]["codecToUse"] != "": if conf["graffiti"]["userDefinedPayload"] != "": data = conf["graffiti"]["userDefinedPayload"] if len(data) < 2: print( "must provide at least the payload and the language type" ) close(exit_code=1) else: if len(data) == 4: retval = prepare_single_payload(data[0], data[2], exec_type=data[1], description=data[-1]) elif len(data) == 3: retval = prepare_single_payload(data[0], data[2], exec_type=data[1], description="N/A") else: retval = prepare_single_payload(data[0], "N/A", exec_type=data[1], description="N/A") checks = check_payload(data[0]) if len(checks) != 0: print( "seems you did not provide needed data to prepare your payload, you need to pass {}. " "either pass the data using the host commands, add the data to the payload, " "or remove the data from the payload all together". format(",".join(checks))) close(exit_code=1) else: if str(conf["graffiti"]["codecToUse"]) == "": print("must specify a codec to use") close(exit_code=1) encoded = Encoder( retval, cursor, conf["graffiti"]["userDefinedLhost"], conf["graffiti"]["userDefinedLport"], conf["graffiti"]["userDefinedURL"], conf["graffiti"]["codecToUse"]).encode() print(encoded[0]) close() elif conf["graffiti"]["payloadPathToUse"] != "": useable_payload_paths = get_payload_paths() if conf["graffiti"][ "payloadPathToUse"] in useable_payload_paths: full_path = FINISH_PATH_TEMPLATE.format( CUR_DIR, conf["graffiti"]["payloadPathToUse"]) data_json = get_single_payload(full_path) payload_type = data_json["data"]["information"]["type"] if payload_type == "reverse": if conf["graffiti"]["userDefinedLhost"] == "" or conf[ "graffiti"]["userDefinedLport"] == "": print( "no LHOST or LPORT given, specify and try again" ) close() else: graph_data = (conf["graffiti"]["userDefinedLhost"], conf["graffiti"]["userDefinedLport"], None) elif payload_type == "dropper": if conf["graffiti"]["userDefinedURL"] == "": print( "no URL specified for the dropper, specify one and try again" ) close() else: graph_data = (None, None, conf["graffiti"]["userDefinedURL"]) else: graph_data = (None, None, None) encoded_payload = Encoder( data_json, cursor, graph_data[0], graph_data[1], graph_data[2], conf["graffiti"]["codecToUse"]).encode() if encoded_payload is not None: display_payload(encoded_payload[0], is_xor=True if conf["graffiti"]["codecToUse"].lower() == "xor" else False) else: print("dumping raw encoded payload") display_payload(data_json["data"]["payload"]) close() else: print( "unknown payload path, do you want to make a payload?") close() if conf["graffiti"]["createPayloadFile"] != "": acceptable_operating_systems = [ "windows", "linux", "mac", "unix", "shared" ] if conf["graffiti"]["createPayloadFile"][ -1] in acceptable_operating_systems: target_system_type = conf["graffiti"]["createPayloadFile"][-1] description = conf["graffiti"]["createPayloadFile"][-2] payload_type = conf["graffiti"]["createPayloadFile"][-3] execution_type = conf["graffiti"]["createPayloadFile"][1] usable_payload = conf["graffiti"]["createPayloadFile"][0] data = (description, payload_type, execution_type, usable_payload) json_data = tuple_to_json(data) path = write_to_file(json_data, target_system_type, execution_type, payload_type) database_info = tuple_to_json(data, sort_and_indent=False) insert_payload(database_info, payload_type, execution_type, cursor) print("payload created and stored in {}".format(path)) close() else: print( "please choose an OS from the following and try again: {}". format(",".join(acceptable_operating_systems))) close()