コード例 #1
    def get_bar_graph_datas(self):
        data = []
        today = fields.Datetime.now(self)
        data.append({'label': _('Due'), 'value':0.0, 'type': 'past'})
        day_of_week = int(format_datetime(today, 'e', locale=get_lang(self.env).code))
        first_day_of_week = today + timedelta(days=-day_of_week+1)
        for i in range(-1,4):
            if i==0:
                label = _('This Week')
            elif i==3:
                label = _('Not Due')
                start_week = first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=i*7)
                end_week = start_week + timedelta(days=6)
                if start_week.month == end_week.month:
                    label = str(start_week.day) + '-' + str(end_week.day) + ' ' + format_date(end_week, 'MMM', locale=get_lang(self.env).code)
                    label = format_date(start_week, 'd MMM', locale=get_lang(self.env).code) + '-' + format_date(end_week, 'd MMM', locale=get_lang(self.env).code)
            data.append({'label':label,'value':0.0, 'type': 'past' if i<0 else 'future'})

        # Build SQL query to find amount aggregated by week
        (select_sql_clause, query_args) = self._get_bar_graph_select_query()
        query = ''
        start_date = (first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=-7))
        for i in range(0,6):
            if i == 0:
                query += "("+select_sql_clause+" and invoice_date_due < '"+start_date.strftime(DF)+"')"
            elif i == 5:
                query += " UNION ALL ("+select_sql_clause+" and invoice_date_due >= '"+start_date.strftime(DF)+"')"
                next_date = start_date + timedelta(days=7)
                query += " UNION ALL ("+select_sql_clause+" and invoice_date_due >= '"+start_date.strftime(DF)+"' and invoice_date_due < '"+next_date.strftime(DF)+"')"
                start_date = next_date

        self.env.cr.execute(query, query_args)
        query_results = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
        is_sample_data = True
        for index in range(0, len(query_results)):
            if query_results[index].get('aggr_date') != None:
                is_sample_data = False
                data[index]['value'] = query_results[index].get('total')

        [graph_title, graph_key] = self._graph_title_and_key()

        if is_sample_data:
            for index in range(0, len(query_results)):
                data[index]['type'] = 'o_sample_data'
                # we use unrealistic values for the sample data
                data[index]['value'] = random.randint(0, 20)
                graph_key = _('Sample data')

        return [{'values': data, 'title': graph_title, 'key': graph_key, 'is_sample_data': is_sample_data}]
コード例 #2
    def load(self, name, options):
        lang = options.get('lang', get_lang(self.env).code)
        env = self.env
        if lang != env.context.get('lang'):
            env = env(context=dict(env.context, lang=lang))

        template = env['ir.ui.view'].read_template(name)

        # QWeb's `read_template` will check if one of the first children of
        # what we send to it has a "t-name" attribute having `name` as value
        # to consider it has found it. As it'll never be the case when working
        # with view ids or children view or children primary views, force it here.
        def is_child_view(view_name):
            view_id = self.env['ir.ui.view'].get_view_id(view_name)
            view = self.env['ir.ui.view'].browse(view_id)
            return view.inherit_id is not None

        if isinstance(name, int) or is_child_view(name):
            view = etree.fromstring(template)
            for node in view:
                if node.get('t-name'):
                    node.set('t-name', str(name))
            return view
            return template
コード例 #3
 def _compile_directive_lang(self, el, options):
     lang = el.attrib.pop('t-lang', get_lang(self.env).code)
     if el.get('t-call-options'):
                el.get('t-call-options')[0:-1] + u', "lang": %s}' % lang)
         el.set('t-call-options', u'{"lang": %s}' % lang)
     return self._compile_node(el, options)
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: malakhA/coffice
 def get_formated_date(self, event):
     start_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(event.date_begin).date()
     end_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(event.date_end).date()
     month = babel.dates.get_month_names(
         'abbreviated', locale=get_lang(event.env).code)[start_date.month]
     return ('%s %s%s') % (month, start_date.strftime("%e"),
                           (end_date != start_date and
                            ("-" + end_date.strftime("%e")) or ""))
コード例 #5
    def get_line_graph_datas(self):
        """Computes the data used to display the graph for bank and cash journals in the accounting dashboard"""

        def build_graph_data(date, amount):
            #display date in locale format
            name = format_date(date, 'd LLLL Y', locale=locale)
            short_name = format_date(date, 'd MMM', locale=locale)
            return {'x':short_name,'y': amount, 'name':name}

        BankStatement = self.env['account.bank.statement']
        data = []
        today = datetime.today()
        last_month = today + timedelta(days=-30)
        locale = get_lang(self.env).code

        #starting point of the graph is the last statement
        last_stmt = BankStatement.search([('journal_id', '=', self.id), ('date', '<=', today.strftime(DF))], order='date desc, id desc', limit=1)

        last_balance = last_stmt and last_stmt.balance_end_real or 0
        data.append(build_graph_data(today, last_balance))

        #then we subtract the total amount of bank statement lines per day to get the previous points
        #(graph is drawn backward)
        date = today
        amount = last_balance
        query = """SELECT l.date, sum(l.amount) as amount
                        FROM account_bank_statement_line l
                        RIGHT JOIN account_bank_statement st ON l.statement_id = st.id
                        WHERE st.journal_id = %s
                          AND l.date > %s
                          AND l.date <= %s
                        GROUP BY l.date
                        ORDER BY l.date desc
        self.env.cr.execute(query, (self.id, last_month, today))
        query_result = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
        for val in query_result:
            date = val['date']
            if date != today.strftime(DF):  # make sure the last point in the graph is today
                data[:0] = [build_graph_data(date, amount)]
            amount -= val['amount']

        # make sure the graph starts 1 month ago
        if date.strftime(DF) != last_month.strftime(DF):
            data[:0] = [build_graph_data(last_month, amount)]

        [graph_title, graph_key] = self._graph_title_and_key()
        color = '#875A7B' if 'e' in version else '#7c7bad'

        is_sample_data = not last_stmt and len(query_result) == 0
        if is_sample_data:
            data = []
            for i in range(30, 0, -5):
                current_date = today + timedelta(days=-i)
                data.append(build_graph_data(current_date, random.randint(-5, 15)))

        return [{'values': data, 'title': graph_title, 'key': graph_key, 'area': True, 'color': color, 'is_sample_data': is_sample_data}]
コード例 #6
    def user_lang(self):
        """ user_lang()

        Fetches the res.lang record corresponding to the language code stored
        in the user's context.

        :returns: Model[res.lang]
        return get_lang(self.env)
コード例 #7
 def check_report(self):
     data = {}
     data['ids'] = self.env.context.get('active_ids', [])
     data['model'] = self.env.context.get('active_model', 'ir.ui.menu')
     data['form'] = self.read([
         'date_from', 'date_to', 'journal_ids', 'target_move', 'company_id'
     used_context = self._build_contexts(data)
     data['form']['used_context'] = dict(used_context,
     return self.with_context(discard_logo_check=True)._print_report(data)
コード例 #8
 def _name_search(self,
     if name and operator == '=' and not args:
         # search on the name of the pricelist and its currency, opposite of name_get(),
         # Used by the magic context filter in the product search view.
         query_args = {
             'name': name,
             'limit': limit,
             'lang': get_lang(self.env).code
         query = """SELECT p.id
                    FROM ((
                             SELECT pr.id, pr.name
                             FROM product_pricelist pr JOIN
                                  res_currency cur ON
                                      (pr.currency_id = cur.id)
                             WHERE pr.name || ' (' || cur.name || ')' = %(name)s
                         UNION (
                             SELECT tr.res_id as id, tr.value as name
                             FROM ir_translation tr JOIN
                                  product_pricelist pr ON (
                                     pr.id = tr.res_id AND
                                     tr.type = 'model' AND
                                     tr.name = 'product.pricelist,name' AND
                                     tr.lang = %(lang)s
                                  ) JOIN
                                  res_currency cur ON
                                      (pr.currency_id = cur.id)
                             WHERE tr.value || ' (' || cur.name || ')' = %(name)s
                     ) p
                    ORDER BY p.name"""
         if limit:
             query += " LIMIT %(limit)s"
         self._cr.execute(query, query_args)
         ids = [r[0] for r in self._cr.fetchall()]
         # regular search() to apply ACLs - may limit results below limit in some cases
         pricelist_ids = self._search([('id', 'in', ids)],
         if pricelist_ids:
             return models.lazy_name_get(
     return super(Pricelist, self)._name_search(name,
コード例 #9
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: malakhA/coffice
 def submit_rating(self, token, rate, **kwargs):
     rating = request.env['rating.rating'].sudo().search([('access_token',
                                                           '=', token)])
     if not rating:
         return request.not_found()
     record_sudo = request.env[rating.res_model].sudo().browse(
     lang = rating.partner_id.lang or get_lang(request.env).code
     return request.env['ir.ui.view'].with_context(
             'rating.rating_external_page_view', {
コード例 #10
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: malakhA/coffice
 def open_rating(self, token, rate, **kwargs):
     assert rate in (1, 5, 10), "Incorrect rating"
     rating = request.env['rating.rating'].sudo().search([('access_token',
                                                           '=', token)])
     if not rating:
         return request.not_found()
     rate_names = {
         5: _("not satisfied"),
         1: _("highly dissatisfied"),
         10: _("satisfied")
     rating.write({'rating': rate, 'consumed': True})
     lang = rating.partner_id.lang or get_lang(request.env).code
     return request.env['ir.ui.view'].with_context(
             'rating.rating_external_page_submit', {
                 'rating': rating,
                 'token': token,
                 'rate_name': rate_names[rate],
                 'rate': rate
コード例 #11
 def send_and_print_action(self):
     # Send the mails in the correct language by splitting the ids per lang.
     # This should ideally be fixed in mail_compose_message, so when a fix is made there this whole commit should be reverted.
     # basically self.body (which could be manually edited) extracts self.template_id,
     # which is then not translated for each customer.
     if self.composition_mode == 'mass_mail' and self.template_id:
         active_ids = self.env.context.get('active_ids', self.res_id)
         active_records = self.env[self.model].browse(active_ids)
         langs = active_records.mapped('partner_id.lang')
         default_lang = get_lang(self.env)
         for lang in (set(langs) or [default_lang]):
             active_ids_lang = active_records.filtered(
                 lambda r: r.partner_id.lang == lang).ids
             self_lang = self.with_context(active_ids=active_ids_lang,
     if self.is_print:
         return self._print_document()
     return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
コード例 #12
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: malakhA/coffice
    def nav_list(self, blog=None):
        dom = blog and [('blog_id', '=', blog.id)] or []
        if not request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer'):
            dom += [('post_date', '<=', fields.Datetime.now())]
        groups = request.env['blog.post']._read_group_raw(
            ['name', 'post_date'],
            groupby=["post_date"], orderby="post_date desc")
        for group in groups:
            (r, label) = group['post_date']
            start, end = r.split('/')
            group['post_date'] = label
            group['date_begin'] = start
            group['date_end'] = end

            locale = get_lang(request.env).code
            start = pytz.UTC.localize(fields.Datetime.from_string(start))
            tzinfo = pytz.timezone(request.context.get('tz', 'utc') or 'utc')

            group['month'] = babel.dates.format_datetime(start, format='MMMM', tzinfo=tzinfo, locale=locale)
            group['year'] = babel.dates.format_datetime(start, format='YYYY', tzinfo=tzinfo, locale=locale)

        return OrderedDict((year, [m for m in months]) for year, months in itertools.groupby(groups, lambda g: g['year']))
コード例 #13
    def view(self, db, token, action, id, view='calendar'):
        registry = registry_get(db)
        with registry.cursor() as cr:
            # Since we are in auth=none, create an env with SUPERUSER_ID
            env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
            attendee = env['calendar.attendee'].search([
                ('access_token', '=', token), ('event_id', '=', int(id))
            if not attendee:
                return request.not_found()
            timezone = attendee.partner_id.tz
            lang = attendee.partner_id.lang or get_lang(request.env).code
            event = env['calendar.event'].with_context(tz=timezone,

            # If user is internal and logged, redirect to form view of event
            # otherwise, display the simplifyed web page with event informations
            if request.session.uid and request.env['res.users'].browse(
                return werkzeug.utils.redirect(
                    '/web?db=%s#id=%s&view_type=form&model=calendar.event' %
                    (db, id))

            # NOTE : we don't use request.render() since:
            # - we need a template rendering which is not lazy, to render before cursor closing
            # - we need to display the template in the language of the user (not possible with
            #   request.render())
            response_content = env['ir.ui.view'].with_context(
                    'calendar.invitation_page_anonymous', {
                        'event': event,
                        'attendee': attendee,
            return request.make_response(response_content,
                                         headers=[('Content-Type', 'text/html')
コード例 #14
ファイル: project_overview.py プロジェクト: malakhA/coffice
 def _to_short_month_name(date):
     month_index = fields.Date.from_string(date).month
     return babel.dates.get_month_names('abbreviated',
コード例 #15
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: malakhA/coffice
    def read_progress_bar(self, domain, group_by, progress_bar):
        Gets the data needed for all the kanban column progressbars.
        These are fetched alongside read_group operation.

        :param domain - the domain used in the kanban view to filter records
        :param group_by - the name of the field used to group records into
                        kanban columns
        :param progress_bar - the <progressbar/> declaration attributes
                            (field, colors, sum)
        :return a dictionnary mapping group_by values to dictionnaries mapping
                progress bar field values to the related number of records

        # Workaround to match read_group's infrastructure
        # TO DO in master: harmonize this function and readgroup to allow factorization
        group_by_modifier = group_by.partition(':')[2] or 'month'
        group_by = group_by.partition(':')[0]
        display_date_formats = {
            'day': 'dd MMM yyyy',
            'week': "'W'w YYYY",
            'month': 'MMMM yyyy',
            'quarter': 'QQQ yyyy',
            'year': 'yyyy'}

        records_values = self.search_read(domain or [], [progress_bar['field'], group_by])

        data = {}
        field_type = self._fields[group_by].type
        if field_type == 'selection':
            selection_labels = dict(self.fields_get()[group_by]['selection'])

        for record_values in records_values:
            group_by_value = record_values[group_by]

            # Again, imitating what _read_group_format_result and _read_group_prepare_data do
            if group_by_value and field_type in ['date', 'datetime']:
                locale = get_lang(self.env).code
                group_by_value = fields.Datetime.to_datetime(group_by_value)
                group_by_value = pytz.timezone('UTC').localize(group_by_value)
                tz_info = None
                if field_type == 'datetime' and self._context.get('tz') in pytz.all_timezones:
                    tz_info = self._context.get('tz')
                    group_by_value = babel.dates.format_datetime(
                        group_by_value, format=display_date_formats[group_by_modifier],
                        tzinfo=tz_info, locale=locale)
                    group_by_value = babel.dates.format_date(
                        group_by_value, format=display_date_formats[group_by_modifier],

            if field_type == 'selection':
                group_by_value = selection_labels[group_by_value] \
                    if group_by_value in selection_labels else False

            if type(group_by_value) == tuple:
                group_by_value = group_by_value[1] # FIXME should use technical value (0)

            if group_by_value not in data:
                data[group_by_value] = {}
                for key in progress_bar['colors']:
                    data[group_by_value][key] = 0

            field_value = record_values[progress_bar['field']]
            if field_value in data[group_by_value]:
                data[group_by_value][field_value] += 1

        return data
コード例 #16
 def default_get(self, fields):
     res = super(BaseGengoTranslations, self).default_get(fields)
     res['authorized_credentials'], gengo = self.gengo_authentication()
     if 'lang_id' in fields:
         res['lang_id'] = get_lang(self.env).id
     return res