コード例 #1
ファイル: test_guessing_game.py プロジェクト: CogSys/cog-abm
    def test_lexicon_sample_storage_adequacy(self):
        game = DiscriminationGame()

        the_agent = SteelsClassificationAgent()

        iris = datasets.load_iris()
        the_environment = environment.Environment(iris.data, iris.target)

        the_agent.add_sample(1, the_environment)


        category = the_agent.predict(the_environment.get_sample(1))

        word = the_agent.find_word_for_category(category)


        game.learning_after_game(the_agent, 2, the_environment, category, True)

        for _ in range(1000):

        assert_equal(0, the_agent.sample_storage.get_categories_size())
        assert_equal(0, the_agent.lexicon.get_categories_size())
コード例 #2
class TestDiscriminationGame:
    Functions tested in TestDiscriminationGame:
    - interact

    Functions not tested:
    - __init__
    - learning_after_game
    - play
    - sample_from_other_class

    def __init__(self):
        self.agents = None

        digits = datasets.load_digits()
        self.environment = Environment(digits.data, digits.target)

        self.game = DiscriminationGame()

    def setup(self):
        agents = []
        for _ in range(10):
            agent = SteelsAgent()
            agent.set_fitness("DG", DummyFitness())
        self.agents = DummyNetwork(agents)

    def test_interact_long_run(self):
        for _ in range(100):
            self.game.interact(self.agents, self.environment)
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self):
        self.agents = None

        digits = datasets.load_digits()
        self.environment = Environment(digits.data, digits.target)

        self.game = DiscriminationGame()
コード例 #4
class GuessingGame:
    This class implements steels guessing game.

    :param long samples_number: the number of samples shown to agent in one interaction including topic. \
        Value from 2 to infinity.
    :param float good_agent_measure: the threshold which affects generation of new categories. Value from 0 to 1.
    :param string role_model: the way of assign agents to roles.\
        "RANDOM" - both agents has equal chance of becoming speaker. \
        "SPEAKER" - first agent always becomes speaker. \
        "HEARER" - first agent always becomes hearer.

    Guessing game was described in Luc Steels and Tony Belpaeme
    "Coordinating perceptually grounded categories through language: A case study for colour".

    def __init__(self, samples_number=4, good_agent_measure=0.95, role_model="RANDOM"):
        self.samples_number = samples_number
        self.good_agent_measure = good_agent_measure
        self.role_model = role_model

        self.game = DiscriminationGame(samples_number, good_agent_measure)

    def interact(self, agents, environment):
        One turn of interaction in guessing game.

        :param Network agents: source of agents for discrimination game.
        :param Environment environment: source of stimuli for discrimination game.
        agents = agents.get_agents(2)

        # Assigning roles to agents.
        if self.role_model == "RANDOM":
            if random.randint(0, 1):
                speaker = agents[0]
                hearer = agents[1]
                speaker = agents[1]
                hearer = agents[0]
        elif self.role_model == "SPEAKER":
            speaker = agents[0]
            hearer = agents[1]
        elif self.role_model == "HEARER":
            speaker = agents[1]
            hearer = agents[0]
            raise ValueError

        # Choose of topic and other stimuli from environment.
        topic_index, topic, topic_class = environment.get_random_sample()
        other_samples = [
            DiscriminationGame.sample_from_other_class(topic_class, environment) for _ in range(self.samples_number - 1)

        # Speaker is trying to discriminate topic from other samples.
        result, speaker_category = self.game.play_with_given_samples(speaker, topic, other_samples)

        # If speaker can discriminate topic from other_samples.
        if result:
            # Speaker is looking for word that suits topic category.
            word = speaker.find_word_for_category(speaker_category)

            # Hearer is looking for category that suits speaker word.
            hearer_category = hearer.find_category_for_word(word)

            # If hearer finds such category.
            if hearer_category is not None:

                # The other samples and topic are shuffled to avoid position clue.
                all_samples = other_samples + [topic]

                # Hearer trying to guess topic that belongs the most to category.
                guessed_topic = hearer.the_best_sample_for_category(hearer_category, all_samples)

                # If hearer correctly assumed that topic belongs to guesses category the most.
                if np.array_equal(topic, guessed_topic):
                    result = "Success"

                # If hearer didn't assume that topic belongs to guesses category the most.
                    result = "Not matching samples."

            # If hearer doesn't find such category for word.
                result = "Hearer didn't know word."

        # If speaker cannot discriminate topic from other_samples.
            result = "Speaker failed discrimination."

        # Actions taken up depending on game results.
        if result == "Success":

            # Strengthen association between word and category.
            speaker.increase_weight_word_category(word, speaker_category)
            # Strengthen association between word and category.
            hearer.increase_weight_word_category(word, hearer_category)

            # Weaken associations between other categories and word.
            speaker.decrease_weights_for_other_categories(word, speaker_category)
            # Weaken associations between other words and category.
            hearer.decrease_weights_for_other_words(word, hearer_category)

            # Strengthen memory of category.
            speaker.increase_weights_sample_category(topic_index, environment, speaker_category)
            # Strengthen memory of category.
            hearer.increase_weights_sample_category(topic_index, environment, hearer_category)

            speaker.update_fitness_measure("GG", True)
            speaker.update_fitness_measure("DG", True)

            hearer.update_fitness_measure("GG", True)


        elif result == "Speaker failed discrimination.":
            # Speaker learns topic.
            self.game.learning_after_game(speaker, topic_index, environment, speaker_category, False)

            speaker.update_fitness_measure("GG", False)
            speaker.update_fitness_measure("DG", False)
            hearer.update_fitness_measure("GG", False)


        elif result == "Hearer didn't know word.":
            # Hearer plays discrimination game.
            result, hearer_category = self.game.play_with_given_samples(
                hearer, environment.get_sample(topic_index), other_samples
            # If hearer cannot discriminate topic.
            if not result:
                # Hearer learns topic.
                hearer_category, _ = self.game.learning_after_game(
                    hearer, topic_index, environment, hearer_category, result

            # If hearer cannot learn then crash.
            if hearer_category is None:
                raise ValueError

            # Associating the category for topic with word.
            hearer.add_word_to_category(word, hearer_category)

            speaker.update_fitness_measure("GG", False)
            speaker.update_fitness_measure("DG", True)
            hearer.update_fitness_measure("GG", False)
            hearer.update_fitness_measure("DG", result)


        elif result == "Not matching samples.":

            # Weaken association between word and category.
            speaker.decrease_weight_word_category(word, speaker_category)
            # Weaken association between word and category.
            hearer.decrease_weight_word_category(word, hearer_category)

            # Hearer learns topic.
            self.game.learning_after_game(hearer, topic_index, environment, hearer_category, result=False)

            speaker.update_fitness_measure("GG", False)
            speaker.update_fitness_measure("DG", True)
            hearer.update_fitness_measure("GG", False)

            raise ValueError
コード例 #5
    def interact(self, agents, environment):
        One turn of interaction in guessing game.

        :param Network agents: source of agents for discrimination game.
        :param Environment environment: source of stimuli for discrimination game.
        agents = agents.get_agents(2)

        # Assigning roles to agents.
        if self.role_model == "RANDOM":
            if random.randint(0, 1):
                speaker = agents[0]
                hearer = agents[1]
                speaker = agents[1]
                hearer = agents[0]
        elif self.role_model == "SPEAKER":
            speaker = agents[0]
            hearer = agents[1]
        elif self.role_model == "HEARER":
            speaker = agents[1]
            hearer = agents[0]
            raise ValueError

        # Choose of topic and other stimuli from environment.
        topic_index, topic, topic_class = environment.get_random_sample()
        other_samples = [
            DiscriminationGame.sample_from_other_class(topic_class, environment) for _ in range(self.samples_number - 1)

        # Speaker is trying to discriminate topic from other samples.
        result, speaker_category = self.game.play_with_given_samples(speaker, topic, other_samples)

        # If speaker can discriminate topic from other_samples.
        if result:
            # Speaker is looking for word that suits topic category.
            word = speaker.find_word_for_category(speaker_category)

            # Hearer is looking for category that suits speaker word.
            hearer_category = hearer.find_category_for_word(word)

            # If hearer finds such category.
            if hearer_category is not None:

                # The other samples and topic are shuffled to avoid position clue.
                all_samples = other_samples + [topic]

                # Hearer trying to guess topic that belongs the most to category.
                guessed_topic = hearer.the_best_sample_for_category(hearer_category, all_samples)

                # If hearer correctly assumed that topic belongs to guesses category the most.
                if np.array_equal(topic, guessed_topic):
                    result = "Success"

                # If hearer didn't assume that topic belongs to guesses category the most.
                    result = "Not matching samples."

            # If hearer doesn't find such category for word.
                result = "Hearer didn't know word."

        # If speaker cannot discriminate topic from other_samples.
            result = "Speaker failed discrimination."

        # Actions taken up depending on game results.
        if result == "Success":

            # Strengthen association between word and category.
            speaker.increase_weight_word_category(word, speaker_category)
            # Strengthen association between word and category.
            hearer.increase_weight_word_category(word, hearer_category)

            # Weaken associations between other categories and word.
            speaker.decrease_weights_for_other_categories(word, speaker_category)
            # Weaken associations between other words and category.
            hearer.decrease_weights_for_other_words(word, hearer_category)

            # Strengthen memory of category.
            speaker.increase_weights_sample_category(topic_index, environment, speaker_category)
            # Strengthen memory of category.
            hearer.increase_weights_sample_category(topic_index, environment, hearer_category)

            speaker.update_fitness_measure("GG", True)
            speaker.update_fitness_measure("DG", True)

            hearer.update_fitness_measure("GG", True)


        elif result == "Speaker failed discrimination.":
            # Speaker learns topic.
            self.game.learning_after_game(speaker, topic_index, environment, speaker_category, False)

            speaker.update_fitness_measure("GG", False)
            speaker.update_fitness_measure("DG", False)
            hearer.update_fitness_measure("GG", False)


        elif result == "Hearer didn't know word.":
            # Hearer plays discrimination game.
            result, hearer_category = self.game.play_with_given_samples(
                hearer, environment.get_sample(topic_index), other_samples
            # If hearer cannot discriminate topic.
            if not result:
                # Hearer learns topic.
                hearer_category, _ = self.game.learning_after_game(
                    hearer, topic_index, environment, hearer_category, result

            # If hearer cannot learn then crash.
            if hearer_category is None:
                raise ValueError

            # Associating the category for topic with word.
            hearer.add_word_to_category(word, hearer_category)

            speaker.update_fitness_measure("GG", False)
            speaker.update_fitness_measure("DG", True)
            hearer.update_fitness_measure("GG", False)
            hearer.update_fitness_measure("DG", result)


        elif result == "Not matching samples.":

            # Weaken association between word and category.
            speaker.decrease_weight_word_category(word, speaker_category)
            # Weaken association between word and category.
            hearer.decrease_weight_word_category(word, hearer_category)

            # Hearer learns topic.
            self.game.learning_after_game(hearer, topic_index, environment, hearer_category, result=False)

            speaker.update_fitness_measure("GG", False)
            speaker.update_fitness_measure("DG", True)
            hearer.update_fitness_measure("GG", False)

            raise ValueError
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, samples_number=4, good_agent_measure=0.95, role_model="RANDOM"):
        self.samples_number = samples_number
        self.good_agent_measure = good_agent_measure
        self.role_model = role_model

        self.game = DiscriminationGame(samples_number, good_agent_measure)