コード例 #1
ファイル: mothur.py プロジェクト: cxhernandez/pycogent
    def __call__(self, data=None, remove_tmp=True):
        """Run the application with the specified kwargs on data
            data: anything that can be cast into a string or written out to
                a file. Usually either a list of things or a single string or 
                number. input_handler will be called on this data before it 
                is passed as part of the command-line argument, so by creating
                your own input handlers you can customize what kind of data
                you want your application to accept

            remove_tmp: if True, removes tmp files
        # Process the input data.  Input filepath is stored in
        # self._input_filename
        getattr(self, self.InputHandler)(data)

        if self.SuppressStdout:
            outfile = None
            outfile = open(self.getTmpFilename(self.TmpDir), 'w')
        if self.SuppressStderr:
            errfile = None
            errfile = open(self.getTmpFilename(self.TmpDir), 'w')

        args = [self._command, self._compile_mothur_script()]
        process = Popen(args,
        exit_status = process.wait()
        if not self._accept_exit_status(exit_status):
            raise ApplicationError(
                'Unacceptable application exit status: %s, command: %s' % \
                    (exit_status, args))

        if outfile is not None:
        if errfile is not None:
        result = CommandLineAppResult(outfile,

        # Clean up the input file if one was created
        if remove_tmp:
            if self._input_filename:
                self._input_filename = None

        return result
コード例 #2
    def _train_with_rdp_files(self,
        """Creates a set of training data for the RDP Classifier

            training_seqs_file: A pre-classified set of training
                sequences, in fasta-like format.  Each sequence must
                be labelled with an identifier (no spaces) and an
                assigned lineage (taxa separated by ';'). Example of
                a valid label: ">seq1 ROOT;Ph1;Fam1;G1;"

            taxonomy_file: A File-like object that specifies a
                taxonomic heirarchy. Each line in the file must
                contain a '*'-separated list of the following items:
                Taxon ID, Taxon Name, Parent Taxon ID, Depth, and
                Rank.  IDs should have an integer format.  Example of
                a valid line: "1*Bacteria*0*0*domain"

            model_output_dir: Directory in which to store training data.

            remove_tmp: if True, removes tmp files

        To use the resulting model with the RdpClassifier, set
        '-training_data' to the following path: model_output_dir +
        # Three extra pieces of information are required to create
        # training data.  Unless we want built-in support for
        # versioned training sets, these may be set to sensible
        # defaults.
        training_set_id = '1'
        taxonomy_version = 'version1'
        modification_info = 'cogent'

        # The properties file specifies the names of the files in the
        # training directory.  We use the example properties file
        # directly from the rdp_classifier distribution, which lists
        # the default set of files created by the application.  We
        # must write this file explicitly after generating the
        # training data.
        properties = (
            "# Sample ResourceBundle properties file\n"
            "classifierVersion=Naive Bayesian rRNA Classifier Version 1.0, November 2003\n"

        input_handler = self.InputHandler
        suppress_stdout = self.SuppressStdout
        suppress_stderr = self.SuppressStderr
        if suppress_stdout:
            outfile = FilePath('/dev/null')
            outfile = self.getTmpFilename(self.TmpDir)
        if suppress_stderr:
            errfile = FilePath('/dev/null')
            errfile = FilePath(self.getTmpFilename(self.TmpDir))

        input_handler_function = getattr(self, input_handler)
        taxonomy_filename = input_handler_function(taxonomy_file)
        training_seqs_filename = input_handler_function(training_seqs_file)

        # Build up the command, consisting of a BaseCommand followed
        # by input and output (file) specifications

        # Example from rdp_classifier/sampledata/README:
        # java -Xmx400m -cp rdp_classifier-2.0.jar
        # edu/msu/cme/rdp/classifier/train/ClassifierTraineeMaker
        # mydata/mytaxon.txt mydata/mytrainseq.fasta 1 version1 test
        # mydata
        command = self._commandline_join([
            self.BaseCommand, taxonomy_filename, training_seqs_filename,
            training_set_id, taxonomy_version, modification_info,
            model_output_dir, '>', outfile, '2>', errfile

        if self.HaltExec:
            raise AssertionError, "Halted exec with command:\n" + command
        # The return value of system is a 16-bit number containing the signal
        # number that killed the process, and then the exit status.
        # We only want to keep the exit status so do a right bitwise shift to
        # get rid of the signal number byte
        exit_status = system(command) >> 8

        # Determine if error should be raised due to exit status of
        # appliciation
        if not self._accept_exit_status(exit_status):
            raise ApplicationError, \
             'Unacceptable application exit status: %s, command: %s'\
                % (str(exit_status),command)

        # must write properties file to output directory manually
        properties_fp = path.join(model_output_dir, self.PropertiesFile)
        properties_file = open(properties_fp, 'w')

        # open the stdout and stderr if not being suppressed
        out = None
        if not suppress_stdout:
            out = open(outfile, "r")
        err = None
        if not suppress_stderr:
            err = open(errfile, "r")

        result = CommandLineAppResult(

        # Clean up the input files
        if remove_tmp:

        return result
コード例 #3
    def __call__(self, data=None, remove_tmp=True):
        """Run the application with the specified kwargs on data
            data: anything that can be cast into a string or written out to
                a file. Usually either a list of things or a single string or 
                number. input_handler will be called on this data before it 
                is passed as part of the command-line argument, so by creating
                your own input handlers you can customize what kind of data
                you want your application to accept

            remove_tmp: if True, removes tmp files
        input_handler = self.InputHandler
        suppress_stdout = self.SuppressStdout
        suppress_stderr = self.SuppressStderr
        assignment_fp = FilePath(self.getTmpFilename(self.TmpDir))
        if suppress_stdout:
            outfile = FilePath('/dev/null')
            outfile = FilePath(self.getTmpFilename(self.TmpDir))
        if suppress_stderr:
            errfile = FilePath('/dev/null')
            errfile = FilePath(self.getTmpFilename(self.TmpDir))
        if data is None:
            input_arg = ''
            input_arg = getattr(self, input_handler)(data)

        training_data = self.PositionalParameters['-training-data']

        # Build up the command, consisting of a BaseCommand followed by
        # input and output (file) specifications
        command = self._commandline_join([

        if self.HaltExec:
            raise AssertionError, "Halted exec with command:\n" + command
        # The return value of system is a 16-bit number containing the signal
        # number that killed the process, and then the exit status.
        # We only want to keep the exit status so do a right bitwise shift to
        # get rid of the signal number byte
        exit_status = system(command) >> 8

        # Determine if error should be raised due to exit status of
        # appliciation
        if not self._accept_exit_status(exit_status):
            raise ApplicationError, \
             'Unacceptable application exit status: %s, command: %s'\
                % (str(exit_status),command)

        # open the stdout and stderr if not being suppressed
        out = None
        if not suppress_stdout:
            out = open(outfile, "r")
        err = None
        if not suppress_stderr:
            err = open(errfile, "r")

        result_paths = self._get_result_paths(data)
        result_paths['Assignments'] = ResultPath(assignment_fp)
        result = CommandLineAppResult(out,

        # Clean up the input file if one was created
        if remove_tmp:
            if self._input_filename:
                self._input_filename = None

        return result
コード例 #4
ファイル: dynalign.py プロジェクト: cxhernandez/pycogent
    def __call__(self, data=None):
        """Run the application with the specified kwargs on data

        Overides the __call__ function in util.py becasue of the special
        circumstance surrounding the command line input.
        data: anything that can be cast into a string or written out to
        a file. Usually either a list of things or a single string or 
        number. input_handler will be called on this data before it 
        is passed as part of the command-line argument, so by creating
        your own input handlers you can customize what kind of data
        you want you application to accept
        input_handler = self.InputHandler
        suppress_stdout = self.SuppressStdout
        suppress_stderr = self.SuppressStderr
        if suppress_stdout:
            outfile = '/dev/null'
            outfile = self.getTmpFilename(self.WorkingDir)
        if suppress_stderr:
            errfile = '/dev/null'
            errfile = self.getTmpFilename(self.WorkingDir)
        if data is None:
            input_arg = ''
            input_arg = getattr(self, input_handler)(data)

        # Build up the command, consisting of a BaseCommand followed by
        # input and output (file) specifications
        first, second = self.BaseCommand
        command = self._command_delimiter.join([
            for _f in [first, input_arg, second, '>', outfile, '2>', errfile]
            if _f
        if self.HaltExec:
            raise AssertionError("Halted exec with command:\n" + command)
        # The return value of system is a 16-bit number containing the signal
        # number that killed the process, and then the exit status.
        # We only want to keep the exit status so do a right bitwise shift to
        # get rid of the signal number byte
        exit_status = system(command) >> 8

        # Determine if error should be raised due to exit status of
        # appliciation
        if not self._accept_exit_status(exit_status):
            raise ApplicationError('Unacceptable application exit status: %s, command: %s'\
                % (str(exit_status),command))

        # open the stdout and stderr if not being suppressed
        out = None
        if not suppress_stdout:
            out = open(outfile, "r")
        err = None
        if not suppress_stderr:
            err = open(errfile, "r")

        result =  CommandLineAppResult(out,err,exit_status,\

        # Clean up the input file if one was created
        if self._input_filename:
            for f in self._input_filename:
            self._input_filename = None

        return result
コード例 #5
    def __call__(self,
        """Run the application with the specified kwargs on data
            data: A file nameinput_handler will be called on this data before it 
                is passed as part of the command-line argument, so by creating
                your own input handlers you can customize what kind of data
                you want your application to accept

            remove_tmp: if True, removes tmp files
            returns a dict of CommandLineAppResult objects, one for each machine
            learning model, keyed by the model name
        input_handler = self.InputHandler
        suppress_stdout = self.SuppressStdout
        suppress_stderr = self.SuppressStderr
        if suppress_stdout:
            outfile = devnull
            outfilepath = FilePath(self.getTmpFilename(self.TmpDir))
            outfile = open(outfilepath, 'w')
        if suppress_stderr:
            errfile = devnull
            errfilepath = FilePath(self.getTmpFilename(self.TmpDir))
            errfile = open(errfilepath, 'w')
        predictor_fp = getattr(self, input_handler)(predictor_fp)
        response_fp = getattr(self, input_handler)(response_fp)
        # create random output dir if needed
        if output_dir is None:
            output_dir = mkdtemp(prefix='R_output_')

        rflags = self.RParameters['flags']
        rscript = self._get_R_script_path()
        base_command = self._get_base_command()
        cd_command, base_command = base_command.split(';')
        cd_command += ';'
        R_source_dir = self._get_R_script_dir()

        # Build up the command, consisting of a BaseCommand followed by
        # input and output (file) specifications
        pre_command = 'cat'

        if param_file is None:
            param_file = ''
        command = self._commandline_join(
            [   cd_command, pre_command, '%s |' %(rscript), base_command,
                '--args', R_source_dir, predictor_fp, response_fp, response_name,
                output_dir, ','.join(model_names), param_file\
                #~ ,'>',outfile,'2>', errfile \

        if self.HaltExec:
            raise AssertionError, "Halted exec with command:\n" + command

        # run command, wait for output, get exit status
        proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
        exit_status = proc.returncode

        # Determine if error should be raised due to exit status of
        # appliciation
        if not self._accept_exit_status(exit_status):
            if exit_status == 2:
                raise ApplicationError, \
                    'R library not installed: \n' + \
                    ''.join(open(errfilepath,'r').readlines()) + '\n'
                raise ApplicationError, \
                    'Unacceptable application exit status: %s, command: %s'\
                    % (str(exit_status),command) +\
                    ' Program output: \n\n%s\n'\

        # open the stdout and stderr if not being suppressed
        out = None
        if not suppress_stdout:
            out = open(outfilepath, "r")
        err = None
        if not suppress_stderr:
            err = open(errfilepath, "r")

        result = {}
        for i, model in enumerate(model_names):
            subdir = join(output_dir, model)
            # don't attempt to open the out/err files more than once
            if i == 1:
                out = err = None
            result[model] = CommandLineAppResult(

        # Clean up the input file if one was created
        if remove_tmp:
            if self._input_filename:
                self._input_filename = None

        return result
コード例 #6
    def __call__(self, data=None, remove_tmp=True):
        """Run the application with the specified kwargs on data
            data: anything that can be cast into a string or written out to
                a file. Usually either a list of things or a single string or 
                number. input_handler will be called on this data before it 
                is passed as part of the command-line argument, so by creating
                your own input handlers you can customize what kind of data
                you want your application to accept

            remove_tmp: if True, removes tmp files
        input_handler = self.InputHandler
        suppress_stdout = self.SuppressStdout
        suppress_stderr = self.SuppressStderr
        if suppress_stdout:
            outfile = FilePath('/dev/null')
            outfile = self.getTmpFilename(self.TmpDir)
        if suppress_stderr:
            errfile = FilePath('/dev/null')
            errfile = FilePath(self.getTmpFilename(self.TmpDir))
        if data is None:
            input_arg = ''
            input_arg = getattr(self, input_handler)(data)

        # Build up the command, consisting of a BaseCommand followed by
        # input and output (file) specifications
        command = self._command_delimiter.join([_f for _f in [self.BaseCommand,str(input_arg),'>',str(outfile),'2>',\
                str(errfile)] if _f])
        if self.HaltExec:
            raise AssertionError("Halted exec with command:\n" + command)

        # copy over data files
        nupack_data_dna_src = '/'.join([nupack_data_dir, nupack_data_dna])
        nupack_data_rna_src = '/'.join([nupack_data_dir, nupack_data_rna])
        shutil.copy(nupack_data_dna_src, self.WorkingDir)
        shutil.copy(nupack_data_rna_src, self.WorkingDir)

        # The return value of system is a 16-bit number containing the signal
        # number that killed the process, and then the exit status.
        # We only want to keep the exit status so do a right bitwise shift to
        # get rid of the signal number byte
        # NOTE: we copy the data files to the working directory first
        exit_status = system(command) >> 8

        # remove data files
        nupack_data_dna_dst = ''.join([self.WorkingDir, nupack_data_dna])
        nupack_data_rna_dst = ''.join([self.WorkingDir, nupack_data_rna])

        # Determine if error should be raised due to exit status of
        # appliciation
        if not self._accept_exit_status(exit_status):
            raise ApplicationError('Unacceptable application exit status: %s, command: %s'\
                % (str(exit_status),command))

        # open the stdout and stderr if not being suppressed
        out = None
        if not suppress_stdout:
            out = open(outfile, "r")
        err = None
        if not suppress_stderr:
            err = open(errfile, "r")

        result =  CommandLineAppResult(out,err,exit_status,\

        # Clean up the input file if one was created
        if remove_tmp:
            if self._input_filename:
                self._input_filename = None

        return result