コード例 #1
 def add_task(self, task):
     assert (task is not None and task.tasklist_id is not None)
     # Create the str dict (JSON formatted data) for the insert request.
     insert_str_dict = task.to_str_dict()
     # Store the tasklist ID as it will not be wiped out in the process
     # of creating a new task from the service results.
     tasklist_id = task.tasklist_id
     # Submit/execute the insert request and receive the resulting updated
     # task properties.
     if task.parent_id is not None:
         result_str_dict = self.service_proxy.insert(
             tasklist=task.tasklist_id, parent=task.parent_id, 
         result_str_dict = self.service_proxy.insert(
             tasklist=task.tasklist_id, body=insert_str_dict).execute()
     # Re-populate the task with the updated propety information from 
     # Google.
     task = Task.from_str_dict(result_str_dict)
     task.tasklist_id = tasklist_id
     return task
コード例 #2
 def get_tasks_in_tasklist(self, tasklist):     
     Return a dictionary of all tasks belonging to the specified tasklist. 
     Dictionary keys will be entity IDs, values will be the corresponding 
     task instances.
     # Execute the list operation and store the resulting str dict, which 
     # contains an array/list of results stored under an "items" key.
     assert (tasklist is not None and tasklist.entity_id is not None)
     list_results_str_dict = self.service_proxy.list(tasklist=tasklist.entity_id).execute()
     tasks = dict()
     # Check to see if the tasklist has any assigned tasks.
     if list_results_str_dict.has_key(GoogleKeywords.ITEMS):               
         for task_str_dict in list_results_str_dict.get(GoogleKeywords.ITEMS):
             # Create a Task to represent the result captured in the str dict.
             task = Task.from_str_dict(task_str_dict)
             # Set the tasklist id (this property is maintained locally per
             # session, not provided by the Google service.
             task.tasklist_id = tasklist.entity_id
             # Add the resulting Task to the results list.
             tasks[task.entity_id] = task
     return tasks
コード例 #3
 def test_get_tasks_in_tasklist(self):
     tasklist = TaskList()
     tasklist.entity_id = "abclistid"
     list_result_str_dict = {coggrinder.utilities.GoogleKeywords.ITEMS:[]}
     expected_tasks = dict()
     for count in range(1, 4):
         task = Task(entity_id=str(count),
             title="Test Task " + str(count),
             updated_date=datetime(2012, 3, 10, 3, 30, 6),
         expected_tasks[task.entity_id] = task
     # Mock service and request objects.
     mock_service_proxy = mock()
     mock_list_request = mock()        
     # Establish the TaskService and execute the list request.
     task_service = TaskService(mock_service_proxy)
     actual_tasks = task_service.get_tasks_in_tasklist(tasklist)
     self.assertEqual(expected_tasks, actual_tasks) 
コード例 #4
 def get_task(self, tasklist_id, task_id):   
     assert (task_id is not None 
         and tasklist_id is not None)  
     result_str_dict = self.service_proxy.get(tasklist=tasklist_id, 
     task = Task.from_str_dict(result_str_dict)
     return task
コード例 #5
 def test_add_task(self):
     tasklist = TaskList()
     tasklist.entity_id = "tasklistid"        
     expected_task = Task()
     expected_task.entity_id = "abcid"
     expected_task.tasklist_id = tasklist.entity_id
     expected_task.title = "Task title"
     now = datetime.now()
     expected_task_updated_date = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day,
         now.hour, now.minute, now.second)
     expected_task_position = 10456 
     expected_task_status = TaskStatus.NEEDS_ACTION
     result_str_dict = {
         GoogleKeywords.ID: StrConverter().to_str(expected_task.entity_id),
         GoogleKeywords.TITLE: StrConverter().to_str(expected_task.title),
         GoogleKeywords.UPDATED: RFC3339Converter().to_str(expected_task_updated_date),
         GoogleKeywords.POSITION: IntConverter().to_str(expected_task_position),
         GoogleKeywords.STATUS: TaskStatusConverter().to_str(expected_task_status)
     mock_service_proxy = mock()
     mock_insert_request = mock()
     when(mock_service_proxy).insert(tasklist=tasklist.entity_id, body=any(dict)).thenReturn(mock_insert_request)
     task_service = TaskService(mock_service_proxy)
     actual_task = task_service.add_task(expected_task)
     self.assertEqual(expected_task.entity_id, actual_task.entity_id)
     self.assertEqual(expected_task.tasklist_id, actual_task.tasklist_id)
     self.assertEqual(expected_task.title, actual_task.title)
     self.assertEqual(expected_task_updated_date, actual_task.updated_date)
     self.assertEqual(expected_task_position, actual_task.position)
     self.assertEqual(expected_task_status, actual_task.task_status)
コード例 #6
 def update_task(self, task):
     assert (task is not None 
         and task.entity_id is not None 
         and task.tasklist_id is not None)
     # Create a str dict that holds the task's updated properties.
     update_str_dict = task.to_str_dict()
     # Store the tasklist ID temporarily as it will be lost in the Task
     # object as it is re-created with the Google service update response.
     tasklist_id = task.tasklist_id
     # Execute the update operation and capture the resulting str dict, 
     # which contains the up-to-date values for the task properties.
     update_result_str_dict = self.service_proxy.update(
         tasklist=tasklist_id, task=task.entity_id,
     # Replace the Task with a new Task populated with the updated 
     # properties.
     task = Task.from_str_dict(update_result_str_dict)
     task.tasklist_id = tasklist_id
     return task
コード例 #7
 def test_delete_task(self):
     # IDs used to specify which task to delete and get.
     tasklist = TaskList()
     tasklist.entity_id = "tasklistid"
     # Fake an updated update date by capturing a date, adding five minutes,
     # and using that new date as the date source for a str dict that is
     # returned by the fake service proxy?
     existing_updated_date = datetime(2012, 3, 21, 13, 52, 06)
     expected_updated_date = datetime(2012, 3, 21, 13, 57, 06)
     input_task = Task()
     input_task.entity_id = "abcid"
     input_task.tasklist_id = tasklist.entity_id
     input_task.title = "Task title"
     input_task.position = 10456 
     input_task.task_status = TaskStatus.COMPLETED
     input_task.updated_date = existing_updated_date
     expected_task = Task()
     expected_task.entity_id = input_task.entity_id
     expected_task.title = input_task.entity_id
     expected_task.position = input_task.position
     expected_task.task_status = input_task.task_status
     expected_task.updated_date = expected_updated_date
     # Mock service and request objects.
     mock_service_proxy = mock()
     mock_delete_request = mock()
     mock_get_request = mock()
     # Note that this str dict serves as the result of a subsequent get 
     # called on the same task after that task has been deleted. It includes
     # the expected (mock updated) update date.
     get_result_str_dict = {
         GoogleKeywords.ID: StrConverter().to_str(expected_task.entity_id),
         GoogleKeywords.TITLE: StrConverter().to_str(expected_task.title),
         GoogleKeywords.UPDATED: RFC3339Converter().to_str(expected_updated_date),
         GoogleKeywords.POSITION: IntConverter().to_str(expected_task.position),
         GoogleKeywords.STATUS: TaskStatusConverter().to_str(expected_task.task_status),
         GoogleKeywords.DELETED: BooleanConverter().to_str(True)
     # Set up service proxy mock behavior in order to provide the delete
     # method with the necessary backend.
     when(mock_service_proxy).delete(tasklist=tasklist.entity_id, task=input_task.entity_id).thenReturn(mock_delete_request)
     when(mock_service_proxy).get(tasklist=tasklist.entity_id, task=input_task.entity_id).thenReturn(mock_get_request)
     # Create a new TaskService.
     task_service = TaskService(mock_service_proxy)
     # Delete the task, and store the updated results.
     actual_task = task_service.delete_task(input_task)
     # Task should be present and have these updated properties:
     # * update date
     # * deleted
     self.assertEqual(expected_updated_date, actual_task.updated_date)
     self.assertTrue(actual_task.is_deleted, True)