コード例 #1
    def retrieve_latest(
        id: Union[int, List[int]] = None,
        external_id: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
        before: Union[int, str, datetime] = None,
    ) -> Union[Datapoints, DatapointsList]:
        """`Get the latest datapoint for one or more time series <https://docs.cognite.com/api/v1/#operation/getLatest>`_

            id (Union[int, List[int]]: Id or list of ids.
            external_id (Union[str, List[str]): External id or list of external ids.
            before: Union[int, str, datetime]: Get latest datapoint before this time.

            Union[Datapoints, DatapointsList]: A Datapoints object containing the requested data, or a list of such objects.


            Getting the latest datapoint in a time series. This method returns a Datapoints object, so the datapoint will
            be the first element::

                >>> from cognite.client import CogniteClient
                >>> c = CogniteClient()
                >>> res = c.datapoints.retrieve_latest(id=1)[0]

            You can also get the first datapoint before a specific time::

                >>> from cognite.client import CogniteClient
                >>> c = CogniteClient()
                >>> res = c.datapoints.retrieve_latest(id=1, before="2d-ago")[0]

            If you need the latest datapoint for multiple time series simply give a list of ids. Note that we are
            using external ids here, but either will work::

                >>> from cognite.client import CogniteClient
                >>> c = CogniteClient()
                >>> res = c.datapoints.retrieve_latest(external_id=["abc", "def"])
                >>> latest_abc = res[0][0]
                >>> latest_def = res[1][0]
        before = cognite.client.utils._time.timestamp_to_ms(before) if before else None
        all_ids = self._process_ids(id, external_id, wrap_ids=True)
        is_single_id = self._is_single_identifier(id, external_id)
        if before:
            for id in all_ids:
                id.update({"before": before})

        tasks = [
            {"url_path": self._RESOURCE_PATH + "/latest", "json": {"items": chunk}}
            for chunk in utils._auxiliary.split_into_chunks(all_ids, self._RETRIEVE_LATEST_LIMIT)
        tasks_summary = utils._concurrency.execute_tasks_concurrently(
            self._post, tasks, max_workers=self._config.max_workers
        if tasks_summary.exceptions:
            raise tasks_summary.exceptions[0]
        res = tasks_summary.joined_results(lambda res: res.json()["items"])
        if is_single_id:
            return Datapoints._load(res[0], cognite_client=self._cognite_client)
        return DatapointsList._load(res, cognite_client=self._cognite_client)
コード例 #2
    def retrieve_latest(
        id: Union[int, List[int]] = None,
        external_id: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
        before: Union[int, str, datetime] = None,
    ) -> Union[Datapoints, DatapointsList]:
        """Get the latest datapoint for one or more time series

            id (Union[int, List[int]]: Id or list of ids.
            external_id (Union[str, List[str]): External id or list of external ids.
            before: Union[int, str, datetime]: Get latest datapoint before this time.

            Union[Datapoints, DatapointsList]: A Datapoints object containing the requested data, or a list of such objects.


            Getting the latest datapoint in a time series. This method returns a Datapoints object, so the datapoint will
            be the first element::

                >>> from cognite.client import CogniteClient
                >>> c = CogniteClient()
                >>> res = c.datapoints.retrieve_latest(id=1)[0]

            You can also get the first datapoint before a specific time::

                >>> from cognite.client import CogniteClient
                >>> c = CogniteClient()
                >>> res = c.datapoints.retrieve_latest(id=1, before="2d-ago")[0]

            If you need the latest datapoint for multiple time series simply give a list of ids. Note that we are
            using external ids here, but either will work::

                >>> from cognite.client import CogniteClient
                >>> c = CogniteClient()
                >>> res = c.datapoints.retrieve_latest(external_id=["abc", "def"])
                >>> latest_abc = res[0][0]
                >>> latest_def = res[1][0]
        before = cognite.client.utils._time.timestamp_to_ms(before) if before else None
        all_ids = self._process_ids(id, external_id, wrap_ids=True)
        is_single_id = self._is_single_identifier(id, external_id)
        if before:
            for id in all_ids:
                id.update({"before": before})

        res = self._post(url_path=self._RESOURCE_PATH + "/latest", json={"items": all_ids}).json()["items"]
        if is_single_id:
            return Datapoints._load(res[0], cognite_client=self._cognite_client)
        return DatapointsList._load(res, cognite_client=self._cognite_client)