コード例 #1
    async def remove_event(self, ctx, *, event_name: str = None):
        """Removes a currently running event.

        :key: The event name to remove.

        :information_source: `+remove event EVENT_NAME`

        :white_check_mark: `+remove event my special event`

        **Required Permissions**
        :warning: Manage Server
        if event_name:
            # Event name provided
            query = """DELETE FROM events
                       WHERE guild_id = $1 
                       AND event_name = $2
                       RETURNING id;
            fetch = await self.bot.pool.fetchrow(query, ctx.guild.id,
            if fetch:
                return await ctx.send(f"{event_name} has been removed.")

        # No event name provided or I didn't understand the name I was given
        query = """SELECT id, event_name, start 
                   FROM events
                   WHERE guild_id = $1 
                   ORDER BY start"""
        fetch = await self.bot.pool.fetch(query, ctx.guild.id)
        if len(fetch) == 0 or not fetch:
            return await ctx.send(
                "I have no events to remove. You should create one... then remove it."
        elif len(fetch) == 1:
            query = "DELETE FROM events WHERE id = $1"
            await ctx.db.execute(query, fetch[0]['id'])
            return await ctx.send(f"{fetch[0]['event_name']} has been removed."

        table = CLYTable()
        fmt = f"Events on {ctx.guild}:\n\n"
        reactions = []
        counter = 0
        for event in fetch:
            days_until = event['start'].date() - datetime.datetime.utcnow(
            table.add_row([counter, days_until.days, event['event_name']])
            counter += 1
            reactions.append(f"{counter}\N{combining enclosing keycap}")
        render = table.events_list()
        fmt += f'{render}\n\nPlease select the reaction that corresponds with the event you would ' \
               f'like to remove.'
        e = discord.Embed(colour=self.bot.colour, description=fmt)
        msg = await ctx.send(embed=e)
        for r in reactions:
            await msg.add_reaction(r)

        def check(r, u):
            return str(
            ) in reactions and u.id == ctx.author.id and r.message.id == msg.id

            r, u = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add',
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await msg.clear_reactions()
            return await ctx.send(
                "We'll just hang on to all the events we have for now.")

        index = reactions.index(str(r))
        query = "DELETE FROM events WHERE id = $1"
        await ctx.db.execute(query, fetch[index]['id'])
        await msg.delete()
        ctx.bot.utils.event_config.invalidate(ctx.bot.utils, ctx.guild.id)
        return await ctx.send(f"{fetch[index]['event_name']} has been removed."
コード例 #2
    async def edit_event(self, ctx, *, event_name: str = None):
        """Edit a variety of settings for the current event.

        :key: Event name

        :information_source: `+edit event EVENT_NAME`

        :white_check_mark: `+edit event Donation Bot Event`

        **Required Permissions**
        :warning: Manage Server
        if event_name:
            query = """SELECT id FROM events 
                       WHERE guild_id = $1 
                       AND event_name = $2"""
            fetch = await self.bot.pool.fetchrow(query, ctx.guild.id, event_name)
            if fetch:
                event_id = fetch['id']
                # ideally this would just display a list of events and let the user pick, but I
                # couldn't figure out the proper sequence of if event_name/if event_id
                return await ctx.send("There is no event on this server with that name. Try `+edit event` "
                                      "to pick from a list of events on this server.")
            # No event name provided or I didn't understand the name I was given
            query = """SELECT id, event_name, start 
                               FROM events
                               WHERE guild_id = $1 
                               ORDER BY start"""
            fetch = await self.bot.pool.fetch(query, ctx.guild.id)
            if len(fetch) == 0 or not fetch:
                return await ctx.send("There are no events currently set up on this server. "
                                      "Try `+add event`")
            elif len(fetch) == 1:
                event_id = fetch[0]['id']
                table = CLYTable()
                fmt = f"Events on {ctx.guild}:\n\n"
                reactions = []
                counter = 0
                for event in fetch:
                    days_until = event['start'].date() - datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()
                    table.add_row([counter, days_until.days, event['event_name']])
                    counter += 1
                    reactions.append(f"{counter}\N{combining enclosing keycap}")
                render = table.events_list()
                fmt += f'{render}\n\nPlease select the reaction that corresponds with the event you would ' \
                       f'like to remove.'
                e = discord.Embed(colour=self.bot.colour,
                msg = await ctx.send(embed=e)
                for r in reactions:
                    await msg.add_reaction(r)

                def check(r, u):
                    return str(r) in reactions and u.id == ctx.author.id and r.message.id == msg.id

                    r, u = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=check, timeout=60.0)
                except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                    await msg.clear_reactions()
                    return await ctx.send("I feel like I'm being ignored. MAybe try again later?")

                index = reactions.index(str(r))
                event_id = fetch[index]['id']

            # Now that we have the event_id, let's edit things
            query = """SELECT event_name, start, finish 
                       FROM events
                       WHERE id = $1"""
            event = await self.bot.pool.fetchrow(query, event_id)

            def check_author(m):
                return m.author == ctx.author

            answer = await ctx.prompt(f"Event Name: **{event['event_name']}**\n"
                                      f"Would you like to edit the event name?")
            if answer:
                    await ctx.send('Please enter the new name for this event.')
                    response = await ctx.bot.wait_for('message', check=check_author, timeout=60.0)
                    new_event_name = response.content
                except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                    new_event_name = event['event_name']
                new_event_name = event['event_name']
            answer = await ctx.prompt(f"Start Date: **{event['start'].date()}\n"
                                      f"Would you like to edit the date?")
            if answer:
                    await ctx.send('Please enter the new start date.  (YYYY-MM-DD)')
                    response = await ctx.bot.wait_for('message', check=check_author, timeout=60.0)
                    new_start_date = await DateConverter().convert(ctx, response.clean_content)
                except (ValueError, commands.BadArgument):
                    await ctx.send('Date must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format. I\'m going to keep '
                                   'the current start date and you can change it later if you like.')
                    new_start_date = event['start'].date()
                except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                    await ctx.send('Seems as though you don\'t really know the answer. I\'m just going '
                                   'to keep the date I have for now.')
                    new_start_date = event['start'].date()
                new_start_date = event['start'].date()
            answer = await ctx.prompt(f"Start Time: **{event['start'].time()}\n"
                                      f"Would you like to edit the time?")
            if answer:
                    await ctx.send('Please enter the new start time. (Please provide HH:MM in UTC)')
                    response = await ctx.bot.wait_for('message', check=check_author, timeout=60.0)
                    hour, minute = map(int, response.content.split(':'))
                    if hour < 13:
                            await ctx.send('And is that AM or PM?')
                            response = await ctx.bot.wait_for('message', check=check_author, timeout=60.0)
                            if response.content.lower() == 'pm':
                                hour += 12
                        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                            if hour < 6:
                                await ctx.send('Well I\'ll just go with PM then.')
                                hour += 12
                                await ctx.send('I\'m going to assume you want AM.')
                    new_start_time = datetime.time(hour, minute)
                except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                    await ctx.send('Time\'s up my friend. Start time will remain the same!')
                    new_start_time = event['start'].time()
                new_start_time = event['start'].time()
            answer = await ctx.prompt(f"End Date: **{event['finish'].date()}\n"
                                      f"Would you like to edit the date?")
            if answer:
                    await ctx.send('Please enter the new end date.  (YYYY-MM-DD)')
                    response = await ctx.bot.wait_for('message', check=check_author, timeout=60.0)
                    new_end_date = await DateConverter().convert(ctx, response.clean_content)
                except (ValueError, commands.BadArgument):
                    await ctx.send('Date must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format. I\'m going to keep '
                                   'the current end date and you can change it later if you like.')
                    new_end_date = event['finish'].date()
                except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                    await ctx.send('Seems as though you don\'t really know the answer. I\'m just going '
                                   'to keep the date I have for now.')
                    new_end_date = event['finish'].date()
                new_end_date = event['finish'].date()
            answer = await ctx.prompt(f"End Time: **{event['finish'].time()}\n"
                                      f"Would you like to edit the time?")
            if answer:
                    await ctx.send('Please enter the new end time. (Please provide HH:MM in UTC)')
                    response = await ctx.bot.wait_for('message', check=check_author, timeout=60.0)
                    hour, minute = map(int, response.content.split(':'))
                    if hour < 13:
                            await ctx.send('And is that AM or PM?')
                            response = await ctx.bot.wait_for('message', check=check_author, timeout=60.0)
                            if response.content.lower() == 'pm':
                                hour += 12
                        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                            if hour < 6:
                                await ctx.send('Well I\'ll just go with PM then.')
                                hour += 12
                                await ctx.send('I\'m going to assume you want AM.')
                    new_end_time = datetime.time(hour, minute)
                except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                    await ctx.send('Time\'s up my friend. Start time will remain the same!')
                    new_end_time = event['finish'].time()
                new_end_time = event['finish'].time()

            # Assemble answers and update db
            new_start = datetime.datetime.combine(new_start_date, new_start_time)
            new_finish = datetime.datetime.combine(new_end_date, new_end_time)
            query = """UPDATE events 
                       SET event_name = $1, start = $2, finish = $3 
                       WHERE id = $4"""
            await ctx.db.execute(query, new_event_name, new_start, new_finish, event_id)

            fmt = (f'**Event Info:**\n\n{new_event_name}\n{new_start.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M")}\n'
                   f'{new_finish.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M")}')
            e = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.green(),
            await ctx.send(embed=e)