コード例 #1
def makeInputString(filesToSearch):
    daytofilesmap = defdic(list)
    for afile in filesToSearch:
        yearmonthday = afile[0:8]

    # basepath = "/user/pdhakshi/SIE_DATA/BY_MULTIPARAMS/"
    basepath = "/user/pdhakshi/pigouts/smart_data_2months/"
    outputfilelist = []
    for (aday, filelist) in daytofilesmap.items():
        outputfilelist.append("%s/{%s}.gz/*.gz" % (aday, ",".join(filelist)))

    return basepath + "{" + ",".join(outputfilelist) + "}"
コード例 #2
def parseDateField(parser, dateRange):
  datePeriods = dateRange.split(",")
  days = []
  for period in datePeriods:
    rangevalue = period.split("-")
    if len(rangevalue) == 1:
    elif len(rangevalue) == 2:
      days = days + map (str, range(int(rangevalue[0]), int(rangevalue[1])+1))
      printHelpExit(parser, "Date period has more than one hiphen (-)")

  yearmonthToDayMap= defdic(list)
  for aday in days:
    yearmonth = aday[0:6]

  return yearmonthToDayMap
コード例 #3
def get_bbox_ious(bb_preds, bb_annos, mask, id2mean, thresh=0.5):
    ''' bb_preds = N(?) wise bb prediction tensor
    # import pdb
    # pdb.set_trace()
    bb_preds = var2np(bb_preds)
    bb_annos = var2np(bb_annos)
    # if bb_annos.size == 0:
    #     return {}
    mask = var2np(mask)
    bb_preds = bb_preds.reshape(-1, 4)
    bb_annos = bb_annos.reshape(-1, 4)
    # Must convert BOTH back to normal extent..
    uniques = [u for u in np.unique(mask) if u not in [255]]  # [0, 255]]
    inters = defdic(float)
    unions = defdic(float)
    ious = defdic(list)
    ok_pred = defdic(float)
    total_pred = defdic(float)

    def map_back(arr, meanw, meanh):
        '''Convert back to xy space'''
        arr[:, 2] = np.exp(arr[:, 2])
        arr[:, 3] = np.exp(arr[:, 3])
        arr[:, 0] *= meanw
        arr[:, 1] *= meanh
        arr[:, 2] *= meanw
        arr[:, 3] *= meanh

    if bb_preds.size == 0:
        return inters, unions, ok_pred, total_pred
    for u in uniques:
        inds = mask == u
        cwise_preds = bb_preds[inds]
        cwise_annos = bb_annos[inds]
        uind = str(int(u))
        if roll and uind not in rolling_anno:
            rolling_anno[uind] = _create_xy_list()
            rolling_anno_post[uind] = _create_xy_list()
            rolling_pred[uind] = _create_xy_list()
            rolling_pred_post[uind] = _create_xy_list()
            rolling_iou[uind] = _create_iou_dict()

            for bb_pred, bb_anno in zip(cwise_preds, cwise_annos):
                for xywh, ix in zip(['x', 'y', 'w', 'h'], [0, 1, 2, 3]):
        means = id2mean[u]
        meanh = means['h']
        meanw = means['w']
        map_back(cwise_preds, meanw, meanh)
        map_back(cwise_annos, meanw, meanh)
        for bb_pred, bb_anno in zip(cwise_preds, cwise_annos):
            inters_, unis = get_bbox_iou(bb_pred, bb_anno, True)
            if roll:
                for xywh, ix in zip(['x', 'y', 'w', 'h'], [0, 1, 2, 3]):
                rolling_iou[uind]['inters'] += inters_
                rolling_iou[uind]['union'] += unis
                rolling_iou[uind]['iou'].append(inters_ / unis)
            # tqdm.tqdm.write("Prediction/anno:\n\t{}\n\t{}".format(bb_pred, bb_anno))
            # tqdm.tqdm.write("IOU:\t{}".format(inters_ / unis))
            # tqdm.tqdm.write(
            #     "Rolling: {} ({})".format(
            #         rolling_iou['inters'] / rolling_iou['union'],
            #         np.mean(rolling_iou['iou'])))

            if inters_ > unis:
                import pdb
            inters[u] += inters_
            unions[u] += unis
            iou = inters_ / unis
            if iou > thresh:
                ok_pred[u] += 1
            ok_pred[u] += 0
            total_pred[u] += 1
    if roll:
        with open('valdata/rolling_pred_{}.json'.format(model_name),
                  'w+') as f:
            json.dump(rolling_pred, f)
        with open('valdata/rolling_anno_{}.json'.format(model_name),
                  'w+') as f:
            json.dump(rolling_anno, f)
        with open('valdata/rolling_pred_post_{}.json'.format(model_name),
                  'w+') as f:
            json.dump(rolling_pred_post, f)
        with open('valdata/rolling_anno_post_{}.json'.format(model_name),
                  'w+') as f:
            json.dump(rolling_anno_post, f)
        with open('valdata/rolling_iou_{}.json'.format(model_name), 'w+') as f:
            json.dump(rolling_iou, f)
    return inters, unions, ious, ok_pred, total_pred