コード例 #1
    def __call__(self):
        This method gets called every time the template needs to be rendered
        # This is needed so the actions bar will be shown.
        # the one with the actions, display, add item and workflow drop downs.
        portal_membership = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_membership')
        if not portal_membership.isAnonymousUser():
            alsoProvides(self, IViewView)
        form = self.request.form
        path = '/'.join(self.context.getPhysicalPath())

        # Here we know if the user requested to export the users
        export_persons = form.get('form.button.export_persons', False)

        # This is necessary in case this method gets called and no button was
        # pressed. In that case it will just render the template
        if export_persons:
            # If the export action was requested we provide
            # a download dialog. The export will be done in csv format
            return exportPersons(self.context,

        return self.pt()
コード例 #2
    def __call__(self):
        This method gets called everytime the template needs to be rendered
        # XXX: This should be reviewed and changed to use portal_form_controller

        form = self.request.form

        if self.context.meta_type == 'Group':
            # Means i'm exporting persons from inside a group. I should form
            # the path from my parent
            path = '/'.join(self.context.aq_inner.aq_parent.getPhysicalPath())
            path = '/'.join(self.context.getPhysicalPath())

        # Here we know if the user requested to export the users
        # the organizations or to send mails to them.
        mailto = form.get('form.button.mailto', False)
        export_persons = form.get('form.button.export_persons', False)
        export_organizations = form.get('form.button.export_org', False)
        mailto_group = form.get('form.button.mailto_group', False)
        advanced_persons = form.get('form.button.advanced_persons', False)
        advanced_organizations = form.get('form.button.advanced_organizations',

        # This is necessary in case this method gets called and no button was
        # pressed. In that case it will just render the template
        if mailto or export_persons or export_organizations:
            # In any case we ask for the user selection
            # Now the selections come in a list formed of the id's and the
            # emails, using a space as a separator, so we now separate them

            if not form.has_key('user_selection') and not form.has_key('no_mail'):
                aux = _(u'You need to select at least one person or '
                status = zope.i18n.translate(aux, context=self.request)

                url = self.context.absolute_url() + \
                      '/search_addressbook?error_message=%s' % (status,)
                return self.request.response.redirect(url)
            elif not form.has_key('user_selection') and mailto:
                aux = _(u'You need to select at least one person or '
                         'organization that has an email')
                status = zope.i18n.translate(aux, context=self.request)
                url = self.context.absolute_url() + \
                      '/search_addressbook?error_message=%s' % (status,)

                return self.request.response.redirect(url)
            if form.has_key('user_selection'):
                ids = [i.split(' ')[0] for i in form['user_selection']]
                if form.has_key('no_mail'):
                    if not isinstance(form['no_mail'], list):
                        ids_nomail = [form['no_mail'].strip()]
                        ids_nomail = [i.strip() for i in form['no_mail']]
                    ids = ids + ids_nomail
                mails = [i.split(' ')[1] for i in form['user_selection']]
                if not isinstance(form['no_mail'], list):
                    ids = [form['no_mail'].strip()]                    
                    ids = [i.strip() for i in form['no_mail']]

                mails = []

            self.request.string_emails = ', '.join(mails)

            if export_persons:
                # If the export action was requested we will be using the
                # users selections to first filter and then we provide
                # a download dialog. The export will be done in csv format
                return exportPersons(self.context,

            if export_organizations:
                # If the export action was requested we will be using the
                # users selections to first filter and then we provide
                # a download dialog. The export will be done in csv format
                return exportOrganizations(self.context,
        if mailto_group:
            if not form.has_key('user_selection'):
                aux = _(u'You need to select at least one group')
                status = zope.i18n.translate(aux, context=self.request)
                url = self.context.absolute_url() + \
                      '/search_addressbook?error_message=%s' % (status,)

                return self.request.response.redirect(url)

            resulting_mails = []
            for i in form['user_selection']:
                addresses = i.split(',')
                for i in addresses:
                    if i not in resulting_mails and i != '':
            self.request.string_emails = ', '.join(resulting_mails)

            if self.request.string_emails == '':
                aux = _(u'There are no persons to send an email to')
                status = zope.i18n.translate(aux, context=self.request)

                url = self.context.absolute_url() + \
                      '/search_addressbook?error_message=%s' % (status,)

                return self.request.response.redirect(url)

        if advanced_persons:
            url = self.context.absolute_url() + '/personssearch_view'
            return self.request.response.redirect(url)

        if advanced_organizations:
            url = self.context.absolute_url() + '/organizationssearch_view'
            return self.request.response.redirect(url)
        return self.pt()