コード例 #1
class AnalyticsDownloadPlugin(AnalyticsBaseTrackingPlugin):
    A tracking plugin to track file downloads.

    __call__ = ViewPageTemplateFile('download.pt')

    file_extensions = json_serialize(FILE_EXTENSION_CHOICES)
コード例 #2
 def _getOptions(self):
     Returns a javascript object containing the options for the visualization.
     options = self.options.copy()
     # Set the width of the visualization to the container width if it
     # if not already set.
     if not 'width' in self.options.keys():
         options['width'] = js_literal('container_width')
     if options:
         return json_serialize(options)
     return 'null'
コード例 #3
    def render(self):
        Returns the markup and javascript to create the visualization.

        template_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'visualization.tpl')
        template = Template(open(template_file).read())

        template_vars = {
            'package_name': self.report.viz_type.lower(), 
            'columns': self._getColumns(), 
            'data': json_serialize(self.rows), 
            'chart_type': self.report.viz_type, 
            'id': self.id(),
            'options': self._getOptions()

        return template.substitute(template_vars)