def untar(fnp, d): """ un pack compressed file, guessing format based on extention """ if fnp.endswith(".tar.gz"): tar =, "r:gz") elif fnp.endswith(".tgz"): tar =, "r:gz") elif fnp.endswith(".tar.bz2"): tar =, "r:bz2") elif fnp.endswith(".tar"): tar =, "r") else: raise Exception("invalid file? " + fnp) print "untarring", CT.boldGreen(fnp), "to", CT.boldBlue(d) tar.extractall(d) tar.close()
def untar(fnp, d): ''' un pack compressed file, guessing format based on extention ''' if fnp.endswith(".tar.gz"): tar =, "r:gz") elif fnp.endswith(".tgz"): tar =, "r:gz") elif fnp.endswith(".tar.bz2"): tar =, "r:bz2") elif fnp.endswith(".tar"): tar =, "r") else: raise Exception("invalid file? " + fnp) print "untarring", CT.boldGreen(fnp), "to", CT.boldBlue(d) tar.extractall(d) tar.close()
def get_file_if_size_diff(url, d): """only download the file if it's needed, not completely fail proof since it is just a size check but fairly likely not to be the same for a difference """ fn = url.split("/")[-1] out_fnp = os.path.join(d, fn) net_file_size = int(urllib.urlopen(url).info()["Content-Length"]) if os.path.exists(out_fnp): fn_size = os.path.getsize(out_fnp) if fn_size == net_file_size: print "skipping download of", CT.boldGreen(fn) return out_fnp else: print "files sizes differed:", "on disk:", fn_size, "from net:", net_file_size print "retrieving", CT.boldGreen(fn), "from", CT.boldBlue(url) urllib.urlretrieve(url, out_fnp) return out_fnp
def get_file_if_size_diff(url, d): '''only download the file if it's needed, not completely fail proof since it is just a size check but fairly likely not to be the same for a difference ''' fn = url.split('/')[-1] out_fnp = os.path.join(d, fn) net_file_size = int(urllib.urlopen(url).info()['Content-Length']) if os.path.exists(out_fnp): fn_size = os.path.getsize(out_fnp) if fn_size == net_file_size: print "skipping download of", CT.boldGreen(fn) return out_fnp else: print "files sizes differed:", "on disk:", fn_size, "from net:", net_file_size print "retrieving", CT.boldGreen(fn), "from", CT.boldBlue(url) urllib.urlretrieve(url, out_fnp) return out_fnp