def assert_step_not_match( step: Step, expected_step_func: str, step_registry: StepRegistry ): """Assert that the Step doesn't match a Step Implementation from the Registry""" print( "{} STEP '{}' SHOULD NOT MATCH {}".format(">>"), cf.deepSkyBlue3("{} {}".format(step.keyword, step.text)), cf.deepSkyBlue3(expected_step_func if expected_step_func else "ANY"), ), end=" ", flush=True, ) # match the step text from the config with one from the registry try: matcher.match_step(step, step_registry) except StepImplementationNotFoundError: print(cf.bold_forestGreen("✔")) return True matched_step_func = step.step_impl.func if matched_step_func.__name__ == expected_step_func: print_failure( matched_step_func, [ "Expected Step Text matched {} but it shouldn't".format( expected_step_func ) ], ) return False print(cf.bold_forestGreen("✔")) return True
def write_step(step, step_color_func, indentation=None): """Write a Step with the given color function""" if indentation is None: indentation_level = 2 if isinstance(step.rule, DefaultRule) else 3 indentation = INDENT_STEP * indentation_level step_text = "{step_keyword} {text}".format(step_keyword=step_color_func( step.used_keyword), text=step_color_func(step.text)) print(indentation + step_text, flush=True) if step.doc_string is not None: doc_string_indentation = indentation + INDENT_STEP print(doc_string_indentation + cf.white('"""'), flush=True) print( cf.deepSkyBlue3( textwrap.indent(step.doc_string, doc_string_indentation)), end="", flush=True, ) print(cf.white(doc_string_indentation + '"""'), flush=True) if step.data_table is not None: data_table_indentation = indentation + INDENT_STEP pretty_table = pretty_print_table(step.data_table, cf.white, cf.deepSkyBlue3) print(textwrap.indent(pretty_table, data_table_indentation), flush=True)
def write_tagline(tag, indentation=""): tagline = cf.deepSkyBlue3("@{name}".format( print(indentation + tagline, flush=True)
def write_summary(features): """Write the end report after all Feature Files are ran""" feature_states = [f.state for f in features] features_line = "{} Feature{} ({})".format( len(feature_states), "s" if len(feature_states) != 1 else "", ", ".join("{} {}".format(v, for k, v in Counter(feature_states).items()), ) scenarios = [] rules_scenarios = (rule.scenarios for feature in features for rule in feature.rules) for scenario in itertools.chain(*rules_scenarios): if hasattr(scenario, "examples"): scenarios.extend(scenario.examples) else: scenarios.append(scenario) scenarios_line = "{} Scenario{} ({})".format( len(scenarios), "s" if len(scenarios) != 1 else "", ", ".join("{} {}".format(v, for k, v in Counter(s.state for s in scenarios).items()), ) steps = [s for s in scenarios for s in s.steps] steps_line = "{} Step{} ({})".format( len(steps), "s" if len(steps) != 1 else "", ", ".join("{} {}".format(v, for k, v in Counter(s.state for s in steps).items()), ) print(features_line, flush=True) print(scenarios_line, flush=True) print(steps_line, flush=True) # remind about pending Steps pending_steps = [s for s in steps if s.state is State.PENDING] if pending_steps: pending_step_implementations = {s.step_impl for s in pending_steps} print( "You have {} pending Step Implementation{} affecting {} Step{}:" .format( cf.bold_orange(len(pending_step_implementations)), "s" if len(pending_step_implementations) != 1 else "", cf.bold_orange(len(pending_steps)), "s" if len(pending_steps) != 1 else "", ))) for pending_step_implementation in pending_step_implementations: print("* '{} {}' @ {}:{}".format( cf.bold_orange(pending_step_implementation.keyword), cf.bold_orange(pending_step_implementation.pattern), cf.bold_orange( pending_step_implementation.func.__code__.co_filename), cf.bold_orange(pending_step_implementation.func.__code__. co_firstlineno), ))) print( "Note: This may be the reason for potentially failed Steps!")) total_duration = sum((f.duration() for f in features), timedelta()) timing_information = cf.deepSkyBlue3( "Run {marker} finished within {duration} seconds".format( marker=cf.bold_deepSkyBlue3(world.config.marker), duration=cf.bold_deepSkyBlue3(total_duration.total_seconds()), )) print(timing_information, flush=True)
def assert_step_match( step: Step, expected_step_func: str, expected_step_arguments: List[Dict[str, Any]], step_registry: StepRegistry, ): """Assert that the Step correctly matches in the Registry""" print( "{} STEP '{}' SHOULD MATCH {}".format(">>"), cf.deepSkyBlue3("{} {}".format(step.keyword, step.text)), cf.deepSkyBlue3(expected_step_func), ), end=" ", flush=True, ) # match the step text from the config with one from the registry try: matcher.match_step(step, step_registry) except StepImplementationNotFoundError: print_failure(None, ["Expected Step Text didn't match any Step Implementation"]) return False # check if Step matches the correct Step Implementation Function matched_step_func = step.step_impl.func if matched_step_func.__name__ != expected_step_func: print_failure( matched_step_func, [ "Expected Step Text matched {} instead of {}".format( matched_step_func.__name__, expected_step_func ) ], ) return False # check if the Step has a match with the correct arguments if expected_step_arguments: # merge the Step's keyword and positional arguments into one dict args, kwargs = step.step_impl_match.evaluate() actual_step_arguments = utils.get_func_pos_args_as_kwargs( matched_step_func, args ) actual_step_arguments.update(kwargs) # turn the list of single-item-dicts to a multi-item dict # -> [{1: 2}, {3: 4}] --> {1: 2, 3: 4} # NOTE(TF) for Python 3.5 test reproducibility we need an OrderedDict -.^ expected_step_arguments = OrderedDict( ( argpair for argpairs in expected_step_arguments for argpair in argpairs.items() ) ) errors = assert_step_arguments(actual_step_arguments, expected_step_arguments) if errors: print_failure(matched_step_func, errors) return False print(cf.bold_forestGreen("✔")) return True