def test_to_numeric(self): scales = cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['3']['div']['RdYlBu']) self.assertEqual( scales, [(252, 141, 89), (255, 255, 191), (145, 191, 219)] )
def __plot_tsne_to_visdom(z_embed, classes): import colorlover as cl C = np.array([ list(x) for x in cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['10']['qual']['Paired']) ]).astype(int) for ic in range(10): idx = classes[:, ic] == 1 X = z_embed[idx, :] Y = np.ones_like(X[:, 0]).astype(int) # treat as a single class Ci = np.expand_dims(C[ic], axis=0) # pickup a corresponding color viz_plot(f"z_tsne_for_{ic}", viz.scatter, X, Y, opts=dict(markercolor=Ci, markersize=4, legend=[str(ic)])) X = z_embed Y = np.argmax(classes, axis=1) + 1 viz_plot("z_tsne", viz.scatter, X, Y, opts=dict(width=800, height=800, markercolor=C, markersize=4, legend=[str(x) for x in range(10)]))
def reset_world(self, world): # random properties for agents world.goals = [] n = 10 colors = np.array(cl.to_numeric( cl.scales[str(10)]['div']['RdYlBu'])) / 255 for threat in world.threats: self.generate_random_threat(threat, world) for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents): agent.size = np.random.uniform(0.2, 0.3) agent.pseudo_collision_range = agent.size + 0.1 agent.color = colors[i % n] = colors[i % n] # agent.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-1, +1, world.dim_p) if i % 2 == 0: self.generate_random_pose(agent, world) self.generate_random_goal(agent, world) else: agent.state.p_pos = np.copy(world.agents[i - 1].target.state.p_pos) = np.copy(world.agents[i - 1].state.p_pos) world.goals.append(np.copy( agent.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p) agent.previous_state.p_pos = np.copy(agent.state.p_pos) agent.previous_state.p_vel = np.copy(agent.state.p_vel) agent.state.c = np.zeros(world.dim_c) agent.terminate = False for agent in world.agents: agent.agents_lidar = world.lidar.get_ray_lidar(agent) agent.lidar_memory = [agent.agents_lidar, agent.agents_lidar]
def generate_cluster_colors(num): """Generate a list of colors given number needed. Arguments: num (int): Number of colors needed. n <= 35. Returns: list: strings containing RGB-style strings e.g. rgb(255,255,255). """ # Selects a random colorscale (RGB) depending on number of colors needed if num < 12: c = cl.scales[str(num)]['qual'] c = c[random.choice(list(c))] else: num_rounded = int(math.ceil(num / 10)) * 10 c = cl.to_rgb(cl.interp(cl.scales['12']['qual']['Paired'], num_rounded)) c = cl.to_numeric(sample(c, int(num))) # Converts selected colorscale to HSL, darkens the color if it is too light, # convert it to rgb string and return c_rgb = [] for color in c: hls = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255) if hls[1] < 0.6: # Darkens the color if it is too light (HLS = [0]Hue [1]Lightness [2]Saturation) rgb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hls[0], 0.6, hls[2]) else: rgb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hls[0], hls[1], hls[2]) rgb_str = "rgb(" + str(rgb[0] * 255) + "," + str( rgb[1] * 255) + "," + str(rgb[2] * 255) + ")" c_rgb.append(rgb_str) return c_rgb
def custom_color(sample_to_label, samples_dendro_leaves, color_scale='Spectral'): # Sample label fragmentation sample_to_label = sample_to_label.astype(str).fillna('unkown') label_leaves = [str(sample_to_label[x]) for x in samples_dendro_leaves] uni_labels = list(np.unique(sample_to_label)) uni_len = len(uni_labels) uni_range = range(uni_len) uni_normal = [x/uni_range[-1] for x in uni_range] val_label = pd.Series(uni_range, index=uni_labels) val_set = [val_label[x] for x in label_leaves] colors = cl.scales[str(min(max(uni_len, 3), 11))]['div']['Spectral'] if uni_len > len(colors): if uni_len > 20: colors = cl.to_rgb(cl.interp(colors, 20)) for i in range(uni_len - 20): i = i % 20 colors.append(colors[i]) else: colors = cl.to_rgb(cl.interp(colors, uni_len)) colors_legend = [tuple(map(lambda x:x/255, x)) for x in cl.to_numeric(colors)] c_map_legend = list(zip(uni_range, colors_legend)) c_map = list(zip(uni_normal, colors)) return c_map, c_map_legend, val_set, val_label
def get_continuous_cmap(hex_list, float_list=None, n_bins=256, rgb=False): ''' creates and returns a color map that can be used in heat map figures. If float_list is not provided, colour map graduates linearly between each color in hex_list. If float_list is provided, each color in hex_list is mapped to the respective location in float_list. Parameters ---------- hex_list: list of hex code strings float_list: list of floats between 0 and 1, same length as hex_list. Must start with 0 and end with 1. rgb_list: bool indiciating that input is already in rgb Returns ---------- colour map''' if not rgb: rgb_list = [rgb_to_dec(hex_to_rgb(i)) for i in hex_list] else: hex_list = colorlover.to_numeric(hex_list) rgb_list = [rgb_to_dec(i) for i in hex_list] if float_list: pass else: float_list = list(np.linspace(0, 1, len(rgb_list))) cdict = dict() for num, col in enumerate(['red', 'green', 'blue']): col_list = [[float_list[i], rgb_list[i][num], rgb_list[i][num]] for i in range(len(float_list))] cdict[col] = col_list cmp = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_cmp', segmentdata=cdict, N=n_bins) return cmp
def get_plot_colors(max_colors, color_format="pyplot"): """Generate colors for plotting.""" colors = cl.scales["11"]["qual"]["Paired"] if max_colors > len(colors): colors = cl.to_rgb(cl.interp(colors, max_colors)) if color_format == "pyplot": return [[j / 255.0 for j in c] for c in cl.to_numeric(colors)] return colors
def get_plot_colors(max_colors, color_format='pyplot'): """Generate colors for plotting.""" colors = cl.scales['11']['qual']['Paired'] if max_colors > len(colors): colors = cl.to_rgb(cl.interp(colors, max_colors)) if color_format == 'pyplot': return [[j / 255.0 for j in c] for c in cl.to_numeric(colors)] return colors
def to_color(self, value): if self._max == self._min: return "#fffffff" pct = (value - self._min) / (self._max - self._min) bin_no = max(min(int(pct * self._n), self._n - 1), 0) color = self._scheme[bin_no] r, g, b = colorlover.to_numeric(colorlover.to_rgb([color]))[0] hexval = "#{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}".format(int(r), int(g), int(b)) return hexval
def to_hex(scale): """ Convert an hsl, numeric or rgb color to string hex color. ie, [ "hsl(360,100,100)", "hsl(360,100,100)", "hsl(360,100,100)" ] --> [ "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF" ] """ s_t = cl.scale_type(scale) if s_t == 'hex': return scale elif s_t == 'numeric': return [ '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(map(int, s)) for s in cl.to_numeric(scale) ] elif s_t == 'rgb': return [ '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(map(int, s)) for s in cl.to_numeric(scale) ] elif s_t == 'hsl': return [ '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(map(int, s)) for s in cl.to_numeric(scale) ]
def get_hex_colors(colors="Greys"): """ Creates an array of hex coded colors. :param colors: string color group, Available colors can be found on # :return: array """ hex_colors = [] num_colors = cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['9']['seq'][colors]) for num_color in num_colors: num_color = [int(x) for x in num_color] num_color = '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(num_color) hex_colors.append(num_color) return hex_colors
def color_scale_interp( input_num, max_num, min_num, color_mesh_size=80, hex_mode=True, ): """ """ # | - color_scale_interp # cl.scales["8"]["seq"]["Purples"] black_white_cs = [ 'rgb(0,0,0)', 'rgb(255,255,255)', ] black_red_cs = [ 'rgb(0,0,0)', 'rgb(255,0,0)', ] color_scale_i = black_red_cs color_scale_i = cl.scales["8"]["seq"]["Greys"][::-1] # color_scale_i = cl.scales["8"]["seq"]["Purples"] # color_scale_i = cl.scales['3']['div']['RdYlBu'] color_scale = cl.interp( color_scale_i, color_mesh_size, ) color_scale = cl.to_rgb(color_scale) # Converting RGB string representatino to tuple color_scale = cl.to_numeric(color_scale) input_norm = ((input_num - min_num) / (max_num - min_num)) cs_index = round(input_norm * len(color_scale)) - 1 if cs_index == -1: cs_index = 0 color_out = color_scale[cs_index] if hex_mode: color_out = rgb_to_hex(color_out) return (color_out)
def getpaintedimage(image: np.ndarray, masks: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: '''Paints mask on image Masks are painted in different colours automaticly. Parameters ---------- image: numpy.ndarray The image to be painted. Must be numpy.ndarray of shape (w,h,c) and type np.uint8. masks: numpy.ndarray The mask for painting. Must be numpy.ndarray of shape (w,h,c) and type np.uint8. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A array representing the painted image in format (w,h,c) of type np.uint8 ''' result = image.copy() masklist = tuple(masks[:, :, i] for i in range(masks.shape[2])) num_classes = masks.shape[2] colors = cl.scales[f"{num_classes}"]['qual']['Set3'] labels = np.array(range(1, num_classes + 1)) palette = dict(zip(labels, np.array(cl.to_numeric(colors)))) for i in range(num_classes): mask_layer = masklist[i] color = palette[i + 1] contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask_layer, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if len(contours) > 0: result = cv2.drawContours( image=result, contours=contours, contourIdx=-1, color=color, thickness=2) if mask_layer.sum() > 0: width = image.shape[0] scale = 0.4 cv2.putText( img=result, text=f"{i+1}", org=(int(20 * scale) + (i * 16), int(40 * scale)), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=scale, color=color, thickness=1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) return result
def text_contrast_color(bg_color): """ Decides if text should be black or white based on background luminance :param bg_color: RGB color :return: """ bg_color_numeric = colorlover.to_numeric([bg_color])[0] # Computing luminance p_luminance = (0.299 * bg_color_numeric[0] + 0.587 * bg_color_numeric[1] + 0.114 * bg_color_numeric[2]) / 255; if (p_luminance > 0.6): text_color = 'black' else: text_color = 'white' return text_color
def reset_world(self, world): colors = np.array(cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['5']['div']['RdYlBu'])) / 255 for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents): agent.size = np.random.uniform(0.2, 0.3) agent.pseudo_collision_range = agent.size + 0.1 agent.color = colors[i % 5] = colors[i % 5] self.generate_random_pose(agent) self.generate_random_goal(agent) agent.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p) agent.previous_state.p_pos = np.copy(agent.state.p_pos) agent.previous_state.p_vel = np.copy(agent.state.p_vel) agent.state.c = np.zeros(world.dim_c) agent.terminate = False for agent in world.agents: agent.agents_lidar = world.lidar.get_ray_lidar(agent) agent.lidar_memory = [agent.agents_lidar, agent.agents_lidar]
def _set_progress(self, progress): clear() colors = cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['8']['div']['RdYlGn']) ledNum = int(round((progress / 100) * 7)) for i in range(0, ledNum): self._blinkt_r = int(colors[ledNum][0]) self._blinkt_g = int(colors[ledNum][1]) self._blinkt_b = int(colors[ledNum][2])"Setting " + str(i) + " to " + str(self._blinkt_r) + "," + str(self._blinkt_g) + "," + str(self._blinkt_b)) set_pixel(i, self._blinkt_r, self._blinkt_g, self._blinkt_b, 0.5) show()
def __init__(self, colors): if isinstance(colors, (LinearSegmentedColormap, ListedColormap)): colors = colors else: if not isinstance(colors[0], str): # Consider it an array of rgb/rgba colors = np.atleast_2d(colors).astype(float) if colors.shape[-1] not in [3, 4]: raise ValueError('if floats/ints, colors must have' ' a last dimension of shape 3 or 4') if not ((colors >= 0) * (colors <= 1)).all(): colors = colors / 255. else: if 'rgb' in colors[0]: # Convert strings to numeric first colors = np.array(cl.to_numeric(colors)) / 255. elif '#' in colors[0]: # Assume it's hex and we can just pass pass else: # Try to convert with webcolors colors = _names_to_rgb(colors) colors = pl.blend_palette(colors, as_cmap=True) self.cmap = colors
def interp(scl, r): ''' Replacement for colorlover.interp Interpolate a color scale "scl" to a new one with length "r" Fun usage in IPython notebook: HTML( to_html( to_hsl( interp( cl.scales['11']['qual']['Paired'], 5000 ) ) ) ) ''' c = [] SCL_FI = len(scl) - 1 # final index of color scale # garyfeng: # the following line is buggy. # r = [x * 0.1 for x in range(r)] if isinstance( r, int ) else r r = [x * 1.0 * SCL_FI / r for x in range(r)] if isinstance(r, int) else r # end garyfeng scl = cl.to_numeric(scl) def interp3(fraction, start, end): '''Interpolate between values of 2, 3-member tuples''' def intp(f, s, e): return s + (e - s) * f return tuple([intp(fraction, start[i], end[i]) for i in range(3)]) def rgb_to_hsl(rgb): ''' Adapted from M Bostock's RGB to HSL converter in d3.js ''' r, g, b = float(rgb[0]) / 255.0,\ float(rgb[1]) / 255.0,\ float(rgb[2]) / 255.0 mx = max(r, g, b) mn = min(r, g, b) h = s = l = (mx + mn) / 2 if mx == mn: # achromatic h = 0 s = 0 if l > 0 and l < 1 else h else: d = mx - mn s = d / (mx + mn) if l < 0.5 else d / (2 - mx - mn) if mx == r: h = (g - b) / d + (6 if g < b else 0) elif mx == g: h = (b - r) / d + 2 else: h = r - g / d + 4 return (int(round(h * 60, 4)), int(round(s * 100, 4)), int(round(l * 100, 4))) for i in r: # garyfeng: c_i could be rounded up so scl[c_i+1] will go off range # c_i = int(i*math.floor(SCL_FI)/round(r[-1])) # start color index # c_i = int(math.floor(i*math.floor(SCL_FI)/round(r[-1]))) # start color index # c_i = if c_i < len(scl)-1 else hsl_o c_i = int(math.floor(i)) section_min = math.floor(i) section_max = math.ceil(i) fraction = (i - section_min) # /(section_max-section_min) hsl_o = rgb_to_hsl(scl[c_i]) # convert rgb to hls hsl_f = rgb_to_hsl(scl[c_i + 1]) # section_min = c_i*r[-1]/SCL_FI # section_max = (c_i+1)*(r[-1]/SCL_FI) # fraction = (i-section_min)/(section_max-section_min) hsl = interp3(fraction, hsl_o, hsl_f) c.append('hsl' + str(hsl)) return cl.to_hsl(c)
def visualize_features(filename, user_features, df_train, features): features_map = dict() for ft, flist in features.items(): for f in flist: features_map[f] = ft vals = list() names = list() mean_values = df_train.mean().to_dict() max_values = df_train.max().to_dict() min_values = df_train.min().to_dict() for f, v in user_features.items(): if f in ['uid', 'crash']: continue if np.isnan(v) or np.isinf( v) or v == -1 or max_values[f] == min_values[f] or np.isinf( min_values[f]) or np.isinf(max_values[f]): vals.append(0) else: v1 = (v - min_values[f]) / (max_values[f] - min_values[f]) v2 = (mean_values[f] - min_values[f]) / (max_values[f] - min_values[f]) d = v1 - v2 vals.append(d) names.append('%s-%s' % (features_map[f], f)) gap = (max(vals) - min(vals)) / 6 bins = np.arange(min(vals), max(vals), gap) color_scale = list( cl.to_numeric(cl.scales[str(len(bins) - 1)]['div']['RdYlGn'])) color_scale = [cl2hex(c) for c in color_scale] colors = pd.cut(vals, bins=bins, labels=color_scale) colors = [ c if not isinstance(c, float) else color_scale[3] for c in colors ] fetures_per_plot = 20 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(50, 40)) fontsize = 13 pid = 0 for cid in range(0, 3): for rid in range(0, 7): plt.subplot(3, 7, pid + 1) ifrom = pid * fetures_per_plot ito = pid * fetures_per_plot + fetures_per_plot svals = vals[ifrom:ito] snames = names[ifrom:ito] scolors = colors[ifrom:ito] x = np.arange(len(svals)) plt.barh(x, svals, color=scolors) for i, v, n in zip(x, svals, snames): if v < 0: plt.text(0.01, i, n, fontsize=fontsize) elif v > 0: plt.text(-0.01, i, n, horizontalalignment='right', fontsize=fontsize) elif v == 0: plt.text(0.01, i, n, horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=fontsize) plt.axvline(0, color='k') plt.axis('off') plt.xlim(min(vals), max(vals)) pid += 1 st = fig.suptitle('Final Features', fontsize=fontsize * 10) fig.tight_layout() st.set_y(0.95) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) plt.savefig(filename, format='png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() browser = webbrowser.get('chrome')'file://%s' % filename)
def plotk_static(self, kval, output_dir): """ """ qvalues = self.kvals[kval].qvals"ggplot") numinds = self.number_indv clist = [[i / 255. for i in x] for x in cl.to_numeric(c)] # Update plot width according to the number of samples plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8 * numinds * .03, 2.64) fig = plt.figure() axe = fig.add_subplot(111, xlim=(-.5, numinds - .5), ylim=(0, 1)) for i in range(qvalues.shape[1]): # Get bar color. If K exceeds the 12 colors, generate random color try: clr = clist[i] except IndexError: clr = np.random.rand(3, 1) if i == 0:, qvalues[:, i], facecolor=clr, edgecolor="grey", width=1) former_q = qvalues[:, i] else:, qvalues[:, i], bottom=former_q, facecolor=clr, edgecolor="grey", width=1) former_q = former_q + qvalues[:, i] # Annotate population info if self.pops: pop_lines = list( OrderedDict.fromkeys([x for y in self.pops_xrange for x in y]))[1:-1] for pl in pop_lines: # Add population delimiting lines plt.axvline(x=pl - 0.5, linewidth=1.5, color="black") for p, pos in enumerate(self.pops_xpos): axe.text(pos, -0.05, self.pops[p], rotation=45, va="top", ha="right", fontsize=16, weight="bold") else: for pos in range(self.number_indv): axe.text(pos, -0.05, self.indv[pos], rotation=45, va="top", ha="right", fontsize=10) for axis in ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]: axe.spines[axis].set_linewidth(2) axe.spines[axis].set_color("black") plt.yticks([]) plt.xticks([]) kfile = self.kvals[kval].file_path filename = splitext(basename(kfile))[0] filepath = join(output_dir, filename) plt.savefig("{}.svg".format(filepath), bbox_inches="tight")
def scatter_plot_with_highlighted_clusters(highlighted_cls_names, syl_cls_names, syl_ids, ordination_data, pdf=None, fig=None): """ Plot a scatter plot with all datapoints, those which are highlighted are displayed in colour and bigger size The positions of the datapoints are exactly the same as displayed in Koe's ordination view :param highlighted_cls_names: list of classes to highlight :param syl_cls_names: array of class names corresponding to each datapoint :param syl_ids: array of syllable IDs corresponding to each datapoint :param ordination_data: :param pdf: None to display inline, or instance pf PdfPages to write to a pdf file :return: """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt nCategoricalColours = 11 nClasses = len(highlighted_cls_names) + 1 if nClasses <= nCategoricalColours: # colours = cl.to_numeric(cl.scales[str(nClasses)]['div']['Spectral']) colours = cl.to_numeric(cl.scales[str(nClasses)]['div']['Spectral']) else: colours = cl.to_numeric( cl.interp(cl.scales[str(nCategoricalColours)]['div']['Spectral'], nClasses)) colours = (np.array(colours) / 255.).tolist() # Display clustering: if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 18)) ax = fig.gca() syl_inds_unused = np.ones((len(syl_ids), )) for cls, colour in zip(highlighted_cls_names, colours[1:]): syl_inds = np.where(syl_cls_names == cls) syl_inds_unused[syl_inds] = 0 x = ordination_data[syl_inds, 0] y = ordination_data[syl_inds, 1] c = colour ax.scatter(x=x, y=y, s=100, c=[c], edgecolors=(0, 0, 0), linewidths=1, label=cls, alpha=0.5) syl_inds_unused = np.where(syl_inds_unused == 1) x = ordination_data[syl_inds_unused, 0] y = ordination_data[syl_inds_unused, 1] c = colours[0] ax.scatter(x=x, y=y, s=10, c=[c], linewidths=0, label='other', alpha=0.2) plt.legend(loc=2) if pdf: pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close() else:
def test_to_numeric(self): scales = cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['3']['div']['RdYlBu']) self.assertEqual( scales, [(252.0, 141.0, 89.0), (255.0, 255.0, 191.0), (145.0, 191.0, 219.0)] )
from fivepseq.viz.bokeh_plots import bokeh_transcript_scatter_plot from fivepseq.logic.structures.fivepseq_counts import CountManager, FivePSeqCounts dir_5pseq_human = "/proj/sllstore2017018/lilit/5pseq_human" transcript_assembly = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(dir_5pseq_human, "fivepseq_Hela-rep1", "transcript_assembly.txt"), sep="\t") hela_chx_counts = CountManager.read_counts_as_list( os.path.join(dir_5pseq_human, "fivepseq_HelaCHX-rep1", "counts_FULL_LENGTH.txt")) high_transcripts = pd.read_csv( "/proj/sllstore2017018/lilit/5pseq_human/resources/top1000.transcripts.txt" ) t_ids = transcript_assembly.iloc[:, 0] t_ids = [w.replace("transcript:", "") for w in t_ids] chx_high_ind = [i for i, item in enumerate(t_ids) if item in high_transcripts] bokeh_transcript_scatter_plot( "HelaCHX-rep1", {"HelaCHX-rep1": hela_chx_counts}, transcript_assembly, {"HelaCHX-rep1": cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['9']['qual']['Set3'])[2]}, FivePSeqCounts.TERM, 500, index_filter=chx_high_ind, min_count=0)
return graph minus alone or non-conform nodes ''' import sys sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/fabien/Documents/workspace/github/policosm') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import colorlover as cl from policosm.extractors.roadsGraph import * import policosm.geoNetworks as pocogeo from policosm.functions import * colors = [ (r/255,v/255,b/255) for r,v,b in cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['9']['seq']['Purples'])] edgeWidth=[1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3] def drawRoads(G, edgeColorAttribute='level', edgeColorScale=9, nodeColorAttribute=None, nodeColorScale=None): pos={} for n in G.nodes(): pos[n] = (G.node[n]['longitude'],G.node[n]['latitude']) # nodes nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G,pos,node_size=0,alpha=0.8,color=colors[-1]) # edges for i in range(0,9): selectedEdges = [(u,v) for (u,v,d) in G.edges(data=True) if d['level'] == i] selectedColors = [colors[i] for e in selectedEdges]
def create_raster_plot_combined(trials, align_event, sorting_var='trial_id', x_lim=[-1, 1], show_plot=False, fig_dir=None, store_type=None): sorting_query, mark, label = get_sort_and_marker( align_event, sorting_var) fig = plt.figure(dpi=150, frameon=False, figsize=[10, 5]) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) if len(trials): if sorting_var == 'trial_id': spk_times, trial_ids = (trials & 'event="{}"'.format(align_event)).fetch( 'trial_spike_times', 'trial_id', order_by='trial_id') spk_trial_ids = np.hstack( [[trial_id] * len(spk_time) for trial_id, spk_time in enumerate(spk_times)]) ax.plot(np.hstack(spk_times), spk_trial_ids, 'k.', alpha=0.5, markeredgewidth=0) elif sorting_var == 'contrast': spk_times, trial_contrasts = (trials & 'event="{}"'.format(align_event)).fetch( 'trial_spike_times', 'trial_signed_contrast', order_by='trial_signed_contrast, trial_id') spk_trial_ids = np.hstack( [[trial_id] * len(spk_time) for trial_id, spk_time in enumerate(spk_times)]) ax.plot(np.hstack(spk_times), spk_trial_ids, 'k.', alpha=0.5, markeredgewidth=0) # plot different contrasts as background contrasts, u_inds = np.unique(trial_contrasts, return_index=True) u_inds = list(u_inds) + [len(trial_contrasts)] tick_positions = np.add(u_inds[1:], u_inds[:-1])/2 puor = cl.scales[str(len(contrasts))]['div']['PuOr'] puor = np.divide(cl.to_numeric(puor), 255) for i, ind in enumerate(u_inds[:-1]): ax.fill_between([-1, 1], u_inds[i], u_inds[i+1]-1, color=puor[i], alpha=0.8) fig.add_axes(ax) elif sorting_var == 'feedback type': spk_times, trial_fb_types = (trials & 'event="{}"'.format(align_event)).fetch( 'trial_spike_times', 'trial_feedback_type', order_by='trial_feedback_type, trial_id') spk_trial_ids = np.hstack( [[trial_id] * len(spk_time) for trial_id, spk_time in enumerate(spk_times)]) ax.plot(np.hstack(spk_times), spk_trial_ids, 'k.', alpha=0.5, markeredgewidth=0) # plot different feedback types as background fb_types, u_inds = np.unique(trial_fb_types, return_index=True) u_inds = list(u_inds) + [len(trial_fb_types)] colors = sns.diverging_palette(10, 240, n=len(fb_types)) for i, ind in enumerate(u_inds[:-1]): ax.fill_between([-1, 1], u_inds[i], u_inds[i+1]-1, color=colors[i], alpha=0.5) fig.add_axes(ax) else: spk_times_left, marking_points_left, \ spk_times_right, marking_points_right, \ spk_times_incorrect, marking_points_incorrect = \ get_spike_times_trials( trials, sorting_var, align_event, sorting_query, mark) id_gap = len(trials) * 0 if len(spk_times_incorrect): spk_times_all_incorrect = np.hstack(spk_times_incorrect) id_incorrect = [[i] * len(spike_time) for i, spike_time in enumerate(spk_times_incorrect)] id_incorrect = np.hstack(id_incorrect) ax.plot(spk_times_all_incorrect, id_incorrect, 'r.', alpha=0.5, markeredgewidth=0, label='incorrect trials') ax.plot(marking_points_incorrect, range(len(spk_times_incorrect)), 'r', label=label) else: id_incorrect = [0] if not len(id_incorrect): id_incorrect = [0] if len(spk_times_left): spk_times_all_left = np.hstack(spk_times_left) id_left = [[i + max(id_incorrect) + id_gap] * len(spike_time) for i, spike_time in enumerate(spk_times_left)] id_left = np.hstack(id_left) ax.plot(spk_times_all_left, id_left, 'g.', alpha=0.5, markeredgewidth=0, label='left trials') ax.plot(marking_points_left, np.add(range(len(spk_times_left)), max(id_incorrect) + id_gap), 'g') else: id_left = [max(id_incorrect)] if not len(id_left): id_left = [max(id_incorrect)] if len(spk_times_right): spk_times_all_right = np.hstack(spk_times_right) id_right = [[i + max(id_left) + id_gap] * len(spike_time) for i, spike_time in enumerate(spk_times_right)] id_right = np.hstack(id_right) ax.plot(spk_times_all_right, id_right, 'b.', alpha=0.5, markeredgewidth=0, label='right trials') ax.plot(marking_points_right, np.add(range(len(spk_times_right)), max(id_left) + id_gap), 'b') else: id_right = [max(id_left)] if not len(id_right): id_right = [max(id_left)] ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) # hide the axis ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # set the limits ax.set_xlim(x_lim[0], x_lim[1]) if sorting_var in ('trial_id', 'contrast', 'feedback type'): if len(spk_trial_ids): y_lim = max(spk_trial_ids) * 1.02 else: y_lim = 2 else: y_lim = max(id_right) * 1.02 ax.set_ylim(-2, y_lim) if not show_plot: plt.close(fig) # save the figure with `pad_inches=0` to remove # any padding in the image if fig_dir: store_fig_external(fig, store_type, fig_dir) fig.clear() gc.collect() if sorting_var == 'contrast': return [0, y_lim], label, contrasts, tick_positions else: return [0, y_lim], label else: encoded_string = convert_fig_to_encoded_string(fig) if sorting_var == 'contrast': return encoded_string, [0, y_lim], label, contrasts, tick_positions else: return encoded_string, [0, y_lim], label
class VizPipeline: FILTER_TOP_POPULATED = "populated" FILTER_CANONICAL_TRANSCRIPTS = "canonical" METACOUNTS_TERM = "_metacounts_term" METACOUNTS_START = "_metacounts_start" METACOUNTS_TERM_SCALED = "_metacounts_term_scaled" METACOUNTS_START_SCALED = "_metacounts_start_scaled" TRIANGLE_TERM = "_triangle_term" TRIANGLE_START = "_triangle_start" FRAME_TERM = "_frames_term" FRAME_START = "_frames_start" AMINO_ACID_PAUSES = "_amino_acid_pauses" AMINO_ACID_PAUSES_SCALED = "_amino_acid_pauses_scaled" FFT_TERM = "_fft_term" FFT_START = "_fft_start" count_folders = None title = "fivepseq_plot_canvas" png_dir = None svg_dir = None supplement_dir = "supplement" supplement_png_dir = None supplement_svg_dir = None logger = logging.getLogger(config.FIVEPSEQ_PLOT_LOGGER) fivepseq_counts = None args = None samples = [] meta_count_term_dict = {} meta_count_start_dict = {} count_vector_list_start_dict = {} count_vector_list_term_dict = {} amino_acid_df_dict = {} amino_acid_df_full_dict = {} codon_df_dict = {} codon_basesorted_df_dict = {} frame_count_term_dict = {} frame_count_start_dict = {} frame_stats_df_dict = {} fft_signal_start_dict = {} fft_signal_term_dict = {} loci_meta_counts_dict = {} data_summary_dict = {} transcript_index = None combine = False # do not combine plots until data counts are successfully combined COMBINED = "combined" meta_count_start_combined = pd.DataFrame() meta_count_term_combined = pd.DataFrame() frame_count_START_combined = pd.DataFrame() frame_count_TERM_combined = pd.DataFrame() amino_acid_df_combined = pd.DataFrame() amino_acid_df_full_combined = pd.DataFrame() codon_df_combined = pd.DataFrame() codon_basesorted_df_combined = pd.DataFrame() large_colors_list = (cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['8']['qual']['Paired'][0:6]) + cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['8']['qual']['Set1'][3:5])) # cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['5']['qual']['Set3'])) # large_colors_list = ("#771155", "#AA4488", "#114477", "#4477AA", "#117777", "#44AAAA", # "#777711", "#AAAA44", "#774411", "#AA7744", "#771122", "#AA4455") colors_dict = None combined_color_dict = { COMBINED: cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['9']['qual']['Set3'])[3] } phantomjs_installed = None p_scatter_start = None p_triangle_term = None p_scatter_start_scaled = None p_triangle_term_scaled = None p_triangle_start = None p_aa_heatmap = None p_aa_heatmap_scaled = None p_frame_barplots_term = None p_frame_barplots_start = None p_loci_meta_counts = None p_fft_plot_start = None p_fft_plot_term = None p_scatter_term_combined = None p_scatter_start_combined = None p_scatter_term_scaled_combined = None p_scatter_start_scaled_combined = None p_triangle_term_combined = None p_triangle_start_combined = None p_aa_heatmaps_combined = None # the distance to be used for plotting amino-acid heatmaps dist_for_amino_acid_heatmaps = 20 def __init__(self, args, count_folders=None): """ Initialize vizualization pipeline with arguments contained in args. If count_folders are provided explicitely, those will be used instead of sd and md arguments. :param args: :param count_folders: """ self.args = args self.count_folders = count_folders def run(self): try: self.prepare_output_folders() except Exception as e: err_msg = "Problem with plotting: could not create folders for exporting images: %s" % str( e) self.logger.error(err_msg) raise e try: self.process_count_folders() except Exception as e: err_msg = "Exception while processing input count folders: %s" % str( e) self.logger.error(err_msg) raise e try: self.setup_title() except Exception as e: err_msg = "Exception while setting up title for plot canvas: %s" % str( e) self.logger.error(err_msg) raise e try: self.initialize_data() except Exception as e: err_msg = "Exception while reading data: %s" % str(e) self.logger.error(err_msg) raise e try: self.plot_multiple_samples() except Exception as e: err_msg = "Exception while plotting data: %s" % str(e) self.logger.error(err_msg) raise e try: self.write_supplement() except Exception as e: err_msg = "Exception while writing supplements: %s" % str(e) self.logger.error(err_msg) raise e def process_count_folders(self): """ Read input as sd or md (if count_folders is not provided from within fivepseq) and append the count_folders list in self. Set up output file title. :return: """ if self.count_folders is None: if hasattr(self.args, 'sd') and is not None: if not os.path.isdir( err_msg = "Provided sd %s is not a directory" % self.logger.error(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) self.count_folders.append( elif hasattr(self.args, 'md') and is not None: for d in glob.glob( if os.path.isdir(d): if d[-1] == "/": d = d[0:len(d) - 1] self.count_folders.append(d) if len(self.count_folders) == 0: err_msg = "No count folders provided as input" self.logger.error(err_msg) raise Exception(err_msg) if len(self.count_folders) > 8: "The number of samples exceeds 8 (found %d). Only the first 8 will be plotted" % len(self.count_folders)) self.count_folders = self.count_folders[0:8]"The following folders will be used for plotting") for d in self.count_folders: if os.path.isdir(d):"\t%s" % d) def setup_title(self): if not hasattr(config.args, 't') or config.args.t is None: config.args.t = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname( config.args.b)) + "_" + os.path.basename(config.args.b) config.args.t.replace("_*", "") config.args.t.replace("*", "") self.title = config.args.t def prepare_output_folders(self): if not os.path.exists(self.args.o): try: os.mkdir(self.args.o) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "Output directory %s could not be created: %s" % (self.args.o, str(e))) if self.is_phantomjs_installed(): self.png_dir = os.path.join(self.args.o, "png") if not os.path.exists(self.png_dir): try: os.mkdir(self.png_dir) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "Output directory %s could not be created: %s" % (self.png_dir, str(e))) self.svg_dir = os.path.join(self.args.o, "svg") if not os.path.exists(self.svg_dir): try: os.mkdir(self.svg_dir) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "Output directory %s could not be created: %s" % (self.svg_dir, str(e))) self.supplement_dir = os.path.join(self.args.o, "supplement") if not os.path.exists(self.supplement_dir): try: os.mkdir(self.supplement_dir) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "Output directory %s could not be created: %s" % (self.supplement_dir, str(e))) if self.is_phantomjs_installed(): self.supplement_png_dir = os.path.join(self.supplement_dir, "png") if not os.path.exists(self.supplement_png_dir): try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.supplement_dir, "png")) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "Output directory %s could not be created: %s" % (self.supplement_png_dir, str(e))) self.supplement_svg_dir = os.path.join(self.supplement_dir, "svg") if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.supplement_dir, "svg")): try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.supplement_dir, "svg")) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "Output directory %s could not be created: %s" % (self.supplement_svg_dir, str(e))) def initialize_data(self):"Reading data counts.") for d in self.count_folders: sample = os.path.basename(d) self.samples.append(sample) self.update_dicts(sample, d) self.colors_dict = dict( zip(self.samples, self.large_colors_list[0:len(self.samples)]))"Finished reading data counts.") if len(self.count_folders) > 1: try: self.combine_counts() self.combine = True except Exception as e: err_msg = "Could not combine data counts: %s. Combined plots will not be generated" % str( e) self.logger.warn(err_msg) def update_dicts(self, sample, directory):"reading counts for sample: %s" % sample) fivepseq_out = FivePSeqOut(directory) self.data_summary_dict.update( {sample: self.read_data_summary(fivepseq_out)}) self.meta_count_start_dict.update( {sample: self.read_meta_count_start(fivepseq_out)}) self.meta_count_term_dict.update( {sample: self.read_meta_count_term(fivepseq_out)}) self.frame_count_term_dict.update( {sample: self.read_frame_count_term(fivepseq_out)}) self.frame_count_start_dict.update( {sample: self.read_frame_count_start(fivepseq_out)}) self.frame_stats_df_dict.update( {sample: self.read_frame_stats_df(fivepseq_out)}) self.amino_acid_df_dict.update( {sample: self.read_amino_acid_df(fivepseq_out, full=False)}) self.amino_acid_df_full_dict.update( {sample: self.read_amino_acid_df(fivepseq_out, full=True)}) self.codon_df_dict.update( {sample: self.read_codon_df(fivepseq_out, basesort=False)}) self.codon_basesorted_df_dict.update( {sample: self.read_codon_df(fivepseq_out, basesort=True)}) self.fft_signal_start_dict.update( {sample: self.read_fft_signal_start(fivepseq_out)}) self.fft_signal_term_dict.update( {sample: self.read_fft_signal_term(fivepseq_out)}) self.count_vector_list_start_dict.update( {sample: self.read_count_vector_list_start(fivepseq_out)}) self.count_vector_list_term_dict.update( {sample: self.read_count_vector_list_term(fivepseq_out)}) self.loci_meta_counts_dict.update( {sample: self.read_loci_meta_counts(fivepseq_out)}) if is not None: filter = if filter == self.FILTER_TOP_POPULATED:"Applying filter %s" % filter) self.transcript_index = CountManager.top_populated_count_vector_indices( self.count_vector_list_term_dict.get(sample), self.args.span, 10000) elif filter == self.FILTER_CANONICAL_TRANSCRIPTS:"Applying filter %s" % filter) self.transcript_index = CountManager.canonical_transcript_indices( directory) if self.transcript_index is not None:"Number of filtered transcripts: %d" % len(self.transcript_index)) self.frame_count_term_dict[sample] = self.frame_count_term_dict[ sample].iloc[self.transcript_index, ] self.frame_count_start_dict[sample] = self.frame_count_start_dict[ sample].iloc[self.transcript_index, ] self.frame_stats_df_dict[sample] = None self.count_vector_list_term_dict[sample] = [ self.count_vector_list_term_dict[sample][i] for i in self.transcript_index ] self.count_vector_list_start_dict[sample] = [ self.count_vector_list_start_dict[sample][i] for i in self.transcript_index ] self.meta_count_term_dict[ sample] = CountManager.count_vector_to_df( CountManager.compute_meta_counts( self.count_vector_list_term_dict[sample]), FivePSeqCounts.TERM, self.args.span) self.meta_count_start_dict[ sample] = CountManager.count_vector_to_df( CountManager.compute_meta_counts( self.count_vector_list_start_dict[sample]), FivePSeqCounts.TERM, self.args.span) # TODO amino acids pauses not subsettable def combine_counts(self):"Combining data counts.") for key in self.meta_count_start_dict.keys(): df_start = self.meta_count_start_dict.get(key) df_term = self.meta_count_term_dict.get(key) frame_start = self.frame_count_start_dict.get(key) frame_term = self.frame_count_term_dict.get(key) amino_acid_df = self.amino_acid_df_dict.get(key) amino_acid_df_full = self.amino_acid_df_full_dict.get(key) codon_df = self.codon_df_dict.get(key) codon_basesorted_df = self.codon_basesorted_df_dict.get(key) if len(self.meta_count_start_combined) == 0: self.meta_count_start_combined = df_start.copy() self.meta_count_term_combined = df_term.copy() self.frame_count_START_combined = frame_start.copy() self.frame_count_TERM_combined = frame_term.copy() self.amino_acid_df_combined = amino_acid_df.copy() self.amino_acid_df_full_combined = amino_acid_df_full.copy() self.codon_df_combined = codon_df.copy() self.codon_basesorted_df_combined = codon_basesorted_df.copy() else: self.meta_count_start_combined.C += df_start.C self.meta_count_term_combined.C += df_term.C self.frame_count_START_combined.loc[:, ( 'F0', 'F1', 'F2')] += frame_start.loc[:, ('F0', 'F1', 'F2')] self.frame_count_TERM_combined.loc[:, ( 'F0', 'F1', 'F2')] += frame_term.loc[:, ('F0', 'F1', 'F2')] if amino_acid_df is not None: self.amino_acid_df_combined += amino_acid_df if amino_acid_df_full is not None: self.amino_acid_df_full_combined += amino_acid_df_full if codon_df is not None: self.codon_df_combined += codon_df if codon_basesorted_df is not None: self.codon_basesorted_df_combined += codon_basesorted_df def plot_multiple_samples(self):"Generating plots") self.make_single_sample_plots(self.title) figure_list = [] figure_list += [self.p_scatter_start, self.p_scatter_term] figure_list += [ self.p_scatter_start_scaled, self.p_scatter_term_scaled ] figure_list += [self.p_triangle_term, self.p_triangle_start] figure_list += [self.p_aa_heatmap, None] figure_list += [self.p_aa_heatmap_scaled, None] figure_list += [self.p_frame_barplots_term, None] figure_list += [self.p_frame_barplots_start, None] figure_list += [self.p_fft_plot_start, self.p_fft_plot_term] if self.p_loci_meta_counts is not None: figure_list += [self.p_loci_meta_counts, None] if self.combine: self.make_combined_plots(self.title) figure_list += [ self.p_scatter_start_combined, self.p_scatter_term_combined ] figure_list += [ self.p_scatter_start_scaled_combined, self.p_scatter_term_scaled_combined ] figure_list += [ self.p_triangle_term_combined, self.p_triangle_start_combined ] figure_list += [self.p_aa_heatmaps_combined, None] bokeh_composite(self.title, figure_list, os.path.join(self.args.o, self.title + ".html"), 2) def write_supplement(self): # codon pauses"Generating supplement plots: codon pauses") codon_title = self.title + "_codon_pauses" if self.combine: bokeh_composite( codon_title, [ bokeh_heatmap_grid( codon_title, self.codon_df_dict, scale=False), bokeh_heatmap_grid(codon_title + "_scaled", self.codon_df_dict, scale=True), bokeh_heatmap_grid(codon_title + "_combined", {"combined:": self.codon_df_combined}, scale=False), bokeh_heatmap_grid(codon_title + "_combined_scaled", {"combined:": self.codon_df_combined}, scale=True), bokeh_heatmap_grid(codon_title + "_basesorted", self.codon_basesorted_df_dict, scale=False), bokeh_heatmap_grid(codon_title + "_basesorted_scaled", self.codon_basesorted_df_dict, scale=True), bokeh_heatmap_grid(codon_title + "_basesorted_combined", { "basesored_combined": self.codon_basesorted_df_combined }, scale=False), bokeh_heatmap_grid( codon_title + "_basesorted_combined_scaled", { "basesored_combined": self.codon_basesorted_df_combined }, scale=True) ], os.path.join(self.supplement_dir, codon_title + ".html"), 1) else: bokeh_composite( codon_title, [ bokeh_heatmap_grid( codon_title, self.codon_df_dict, scale=False), bokeh_heatmap_grid(codon_title + "_scaled", self.codon_df_dict, scale=True), bokeh_heatmap_grid(codon_title + "_basesorted", self.codon_basesorted_df_dict, scale=False), bokeh_heatmap_grid(codon_title + "_basesorted_scaled", self.codon_basesorted_df_dict, scale=True) ], os.path.join(self.supplement_dir, codon_title + ".html"), 1) # amino acid scatter-plots "Generating supplement plots: amino acid scatter-plots") aa_scatterplots = [] for aa in Codons.AMINO_ACID_TABLE.keys():"Plotting scatter for %s counts" % aa) aa_count_dict = {} for sample in self.samples: amino_acid_df_full = self.amino_acid_df_full_dict[sample] aa_df = pd.DataFrame( data={ 'D': map(int, amino_acid_df_full.columns), 'C': amino_acid_df_full.loc[aa, :] }) aa_df = aa_df.reset_index(drop=True) aa_count_dict.update({sample: aa_df}) aa_sp = bokeh_scatter_plot(aa, FivePSeqCounts.TERM, aa_count_dict, self.colors_dict, scale=True, png_dir=self.supplement_png_dir, svg_dir=self.supplement_svg_dir) aa_scatterplots.append(aa_sp) if self.combine: aa_df = pd.DataFrame( data={ 'D': map(int, self.amino_acid_df_full_combined.columns), 'C': self.amino_acid_df_full_combined.loc[aa, :] }) aa_df = aa_df.reset_index(drop=True) aa_sp = bokeh_scatter_plot(aa + "_combined", FivePSeqCounts.TERM, {"combined": aa_df}, self.combined_color_dict, scale=True, png_dir=self.supplement_png_dir, svg_dir=self.supplement_svg_dir) aa_scatterplots.append(aa_sp) bokeh_composite( self.title + "_amino_acid_scatterplots", aa_scatterplots, os.path.join(self.supplement_dir, self.title + "_amino_acid_scatterplots.html"), 2) def is_phantomjs_installed(self): if self.phantomjs_installed is not None: return self.phantomjs_installed # prepare some data x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [6, 7, 2, 4, 5] # output to static HTML file # output_file("lines.html") # create a new plot with a title and axis labels p = figure(title="simple line example", x_axis_label='x', y_axis_label='y') # add a line renderer with legend and line thickness p.line(x, y, legend="Temp.", line_width=2) p.output_backend = "svg" try: test_file_name = "fivepseq.phantom.test.svg" export_svgs(p, filename=test_file_name) self.phantomjs_installed = True os.remove(test_file_name) except: self.phantomjs_installed = False # TODO in the future fivepseq should attempt to install phantomjs from the very beginning logging.getLogger(config.FIVEPSEQ_PLOT_LOGGER).warning( "It seems like phantomjs is not installed no your system. " "Files may not be exported in svg and png formats, while html will still be available for viewing." "To install phantomjs, run 'conda install phantomjs selenium pillow'" ) return self.phantomjs_installed def read_meta_count_term(self, fivepseq_out): file = fivepseq_out.get_file_path(FivePSeqOut.META_COUNT_TERM_FILE) try: meta_count_term = CountManager.read_meta_counts(file) except: self.logger.warn( "The file %s not found, plots for this will be skipped." % str(file)) meta_count_term = None return meta_count_term def read_meta_count_start(self, fivepseq_out): file = fivepseq_out.get_file_path(FivePSeqOut.META_COUNT_START_FILE) try: meta_count_start = CountManager.read_meta_counts(file) except: self.logger.warn( "The file %s not found, plots for this will be skipped." % str(file)) meta_count_start = None return meta_count_start def read_amino_acid_df(self, fivepseq_out, full=False): file = fivepseq_out.get_file_path(FivePSeqOut.AMINO_ACID_PAUSES_FILE) try: amino_acid_df = CountManager.read_amino_acid_df(file) if not full: if amino_acid_df.shape[1] > self.dist_for_amino_acid_heatmaps: colrange = map( str, np.arange(-1 * self.dist_for_amino_acid_heatmaps, 0)) amino_acid_df = amino_acid_df.loc[:, colrange] except: self.logger.warn( "The file %s not found, plots for this will be skipped." % str(file)) amino_acid_df = None return amino_acid_df def read_codon_df(self, fivepseq_out, basesort=False): file = fivepseq_out.get_file_path(FivePSeqOut.CODON_PAUSES_FILE) try: codon_df = CountManager.read_amino_acid_df(file) if basesort: sorted_index = [""] * len(codon_df.index) for i in range(len(codon_df.index)): ind = codon_df.index[i] aa = ind.split("_")[0] codon = ind.split("_")[1] sorted_index[i] = codon + "_" + aa codon_df.index = sorted_index codon_df = codon_df.reindex(sorted(sorted_index)) except: self.logger.warn( "The file %s not found, plots for this will be skipped." % str(file)) codon_df = None return codon_df def read_frame_count_term(self, fivepseq_out): file = fivepseq_out.get_file_path(FivePSeqOut.FRAME_COUNTS_TERM_FILE) try: frame_count_term = CountManager.read_frame_counts(file) except: self.logger.warn( "The file %s not found, plots for this will be skipped." % str(file)) frame_count_term = None return frame_count_term def read_frame_count_start(self, fivepseq_out): file = fivepseq_out.get_file_path(FivePSeqOut.FRAME_COUNTS_START_FILE) try: frame_count_start = CountManager.read_frame_counts(file) except: self.logger.warn( "The file %s not found, plots for this will be skipped." % str(file)) frame_count_start = None return frame_count_start def read_frame_stats_df(self, fivepseq_out): file = fivepseq_out.get_file_path(FivePSeqOut.FRAME_STATS_DF_FILE) if os.path.exists(file): frame_stats_df = pd.read_csv(file, sep="\t", header=0, index_col=0) else: frame_stats_df = None return frame_stats_df def read_count_vector_list_term(self, fivepseq_out): file = fivepseq_out.get_file_path(FivePSeqOut.COUNT_TERM_FILE) try: count_vector_list_term = CountManager.read_counts_as_list(file) except: self.logger.warn( "The file %s not found, plots for this will be skipped." % str(file)) count_vector_list_term = None return count_vector_list_term def read_count_vector_list_start(self, fivepseq_out): file = fivepseq_out.get_file_path(FivePSeqOut.COUNT_START_FILE) try: count_vector_list_start = CountManager.read_counts_as_list(file) except: self.logger.warn( "The file %s not found, plots for this will be skipped." % str(file)) count_vector_list_start = None return count_vector_list_start def read_loci_meta_counts(self, fivepseq_out): file = fivepseq_out.get_file_path(FivePSeqOut.LOCI_PAUSES_FILE) loci_meta_counts = None if os.path.exists(file):"Loci count file found") loci_meta_counts = CountManager.read_meta_counts(file) return loci_meta_counts def read_fft_signal_start(self, fivepseq_out): file = fivepseq_out.get_file_path(FivePSeqOut.FFT_SIGNALS_START) try: fft_signals_start = CountManager.read_meta_counts(file) except: self.logger.warn( "The file %s not found, plots for this will be skipped." % str(file)) fft_signals_start = None return fft_signals_start def read_fft_signal_term(self, fivepseq_out): file = fivepseq_out.get_file_path(FivePSeqOut.FFT_SIGNALS_TERM) try: fft_signals_term = CountManager.read_meta_counts(file) except: self.logger.warn( "The file %s not found, plots for this will be skipped." % str(file)) fft_signals_term = None return fft_signals_term def read_data_summary(self, fivepseq_out): file = fivepseq_out.get_file_path(FivePSeqOut.DATA_SUMMARY_FILE) try: data_summary = pd.read_csv(file, sep="\t", header=None, index_col=0) except: self.logger.warn( "The file %s was not found, table will not be generated" % str(file)) data_summary = None return data_summary def make_single_sample_plots(self, title): self.p_scatter_term = bokeh_scatter_plot(title + self.METACOUNTS_TERM, FivePSeqCounts.TERM, self.meta_count_term_dict, self.colors_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_scatter_start = bokeh_scatter_plot(title + self.METACOUNTS_START, FivePSeqCounts.START, self.meta_count_start_dict, self.colors_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_scatter_term_scaled = bokeh_scatter_plot( title + self.METACOUNTS_TERM_SCALED, FivePSeqCounts.TERM, self.meta_count_term_dict, self.colors_dict, scale=True, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_scatter_start_scaled = bokeh_scatter_plot( title + self.METACOUNTS_START_SCALED, FivePSeqCounts.START, self.meta_count_start_dict, self.colors_dict, scale=True, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_triangle_term = bokeh_triangle_plot(title + self.TRIANGLE_TERM, self.frame_count_term_dict, self.colors_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_triangle_start = bokeh_triangle_plot( title + self.TRIANGLE_START, self.frame_count_start_dict, self.colors_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_aa_heatmap = bokeh_heatmap_grid(title + self.AMINO_ACID_PAUSES, self.amino_acid_df_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_aa_heatmap_scaled = bokeh_heatmap_grid( title + self.AMINO_ACID_PAUSES_SCALED, self.amino_acid_df_dict, scale=True, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_frame_barplots_term = bokeh_frame_barplots( title + self.FRAME_TERM, self.frame_count_term_dict, self.frame_stats_df_dict, self.colors_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_frame_barplots_start = bokeh_frame_barplots( title + self.FRAME_START, self.frame_count_start_dict, self.frame_stats_df_dict, self.colors_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_loci_meta_counts = bokeh_scatter_plot( title + "_loci_meta_counts", "loci", self.loci_meta_counts_dict, self.colors_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) # fft plots self.p_fft_plot_start = bokeh_fft_plot(title + self.FFT_START, "start", self.fft_signal_start_dict, self.colors_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_fft_plot_term = bokeh_fft_plot(title + self.FFT_TERM, "term", self.fft_signal_term_dict, self.colors_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) def make_combined_plots(self, title): # Combined plots self.p_scatter_term_combined = bokeh_scatter_plot( title + self.METACOUNTS_TERM + "_combined", FivePSeqCounts.TERM, {"combined": self.meta_count_term_combined}, self.combined_color_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_scatter_start_combined = bokeh_scatter_plot( title + self.METACOUNTS_START + "_combined", FivePSeqCounts.START, {self.COMBINED: self.meta_count_start_combined}, self.combined_color_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) # Combined plots self.p_scatter_term_scaled_combined = bokeh_scatter_plot( title + self.METACOUNTS_TERM_SCALED + "_combined", FivePSeqCounts.TERM, {"combined": self.meta_count_term_combined}, self.combined_color_dict, scale=True, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_scatter_start_scaled_combined = bokeh_scatter_plot( title + self.METACOUNTS_START_SCALED + "_combined", FivePSeqCounts.START, {self.COMBINED: self.meta_count_start_combined}, self.combined_color_dict, scale=True, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_triangle_term_combined = bokeh_triangle_plot( title + self.TRIANGLE_TERM + "_combined", {self.COMBINED: self.frame_count_TERM_combined}, self.combined_color_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_triangle_start_combined = bokeh_triangle_plot( title + self.TRIANGLE_START + "_combined", {self.COMBINED: self.frame_count_START_combined}, self.combined_color_dict, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir) self.p_aa_heatmaps_combined = bokeh_heatmap_grid( title + self.AMINO_ACID_PAUSES + "_combined", {self.COMBINED: self.amino_acid_df_combined}, png_dir=self.png_dir, svg_dir=self.svg_dir)
squashed.head(10) print(f"""The training set now consists of {len(squashed):,} distinct images, for a total of {squashed["Distinct Defect Types"].sum():,} labeled mask instances. Furthermore, we have kept a backup of {len(no_defects):,} images witout defects, in case our model starts producing a lot of false positives and needs more training on a background class.""") """ use a consistent color palette per label throughout the notebook """ import colorlover as cl # see: colors = cl.scales['4']['qual']['Set3'] labels = np.array(range(1, 5)) # combining into a dictionary palette = dict(zip(labels, np.array(cl.to_numeric(colors)))) # we want counts & frequency of the labels classes = data.groupby(by='ClassId', as_index=False) \ .agg({'ImageId':'count'}) \ .rename(columns={'ImageId':'Count'}) classes['Frequency'] = round(classes.Count / classes.Count.sum() * 100, 2) classes['Frequency'] = classes['Frequency'].astype(str) + '%' # plotly for interactive graphs fig = go.Figure(data=go.Bar(orientation='h', x=classes.Count, y=classes.ClassId, hovertext=classes.Frequency, text=classes.Count, textposition='auto',
# Variables CAMERAS = [ "CAM_FRONT", "CAM_BACK", "CAM_FRONT_ZOOMED", "CAM_FRONT_LEFT", "CAM_FRONT_RIGHT", "CAM_BACK_RIGHT", "CAM_BACK_LEFT", ] LIDARS = ["LIDAR_TOP", "LIDAR_FRONT_RIGHT", "LIDAR_FRONT_LEFT"] NAME2COLOR = dict( zip( ["bus", "car", "other_vehicle", "pedestrian", "truck"], cl.to_numeric(cl.scales["5"]["div"]["Spectral"]), )) # Create Lyft object lv5 = LyftDataset(data_path="./data", json_path="./data/train_data", verbose=True) # Load a single scene scene = lv5.scene[0] token_list = get_token_list(scene) INITIAL_TOKEN = scene["first_sample_token"] app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.CYBORG]) server = app.server controls = [
return [rgb_to_hex(item) for item in rgb] algorithms_arranged = ['OPTIMAL', 'RACE', 'CONTROL', 'ONLINE', 'OFFLINE', 'NUCLEAR', 'HBM', 'CALOREE-NP', 'ADAPT-CONTROL', 'ONLINE-ADAPT', 'NUCLEAR-ADAPT', 'HBM-ADAPT'] reds = rgb_to_hex(cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['6']['seq']['Reds'])) reds.reverse() BuPus = rgb_to_hex(cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['6']['seq']['BuPu'])) greens = rgb_to_hex(cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['3']['seq']['Greens'])) # plot eff means_deadline = pd.DataFrame([],columns = algorithms_arranged) for item in deadline: df = pd.DataFrame(All_data['eff'][item], columns = algorithms) means_deadline = means_deadline.append(df.mean(),ignore_index=True) means, errors = means_deadline.mean(), means_deadline.std() fig, ax = plt.subplots(), ax=ax, color = reds+BuPus+greens) # plot latency
def plotk_static(self, kval, output_dir, bw=False, use_ind=False): """ Generates a structure plot in svg format. :param kval: (int) Must match the K value from self.kvals :param output_dir: (string) Path of the plot file :param bw: (bool) If True, plots will be generated with patterns instead of colors to distinguish k groups. :param show_ind: (bool) If True, and if individual labels were provided with the --ind option, use those labels instead of population labels """ numinds = self.number_indv clist = [[i / 255. for i in x] for x in cl.to_numeric(c)] # Update plot width according to the number of samples plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8 * numinds * .03, 2.64) fig = plt.figure() axe = fig.add_subplot(111, xlim=(-.5, numinds - .5), ylim=(0, 1)) # Transforms the qvals matrix when K = 1. If K > 2, use the # original matrix if len(self.kvals[kval].qvals.shape) == 1: # This list comprehension ensures that the shape of the array # is (i, 1), where i is the number of samples qvalues = np.array([[x] for x in self.kvals[kval].qvals]) else: qvalues = self.kvals[kval].qvals counter = 0 for i in range(kval): # Determine color/pattern arguments kwargs = {} # Use colors todistinguish k groups if not bw: # Get bar color. If K exceeds the 12 colors, generate random # color try: clr = clist[counter] counter += 1 except IndexError: counter = 0 clr = clist[counter] kwargs["facecolor"] = clr kwargs["edgecolor"] = "grey" else: grey_rgb = [(float((i + 1)) / (float(qvalues.shape[1]) + 1)) for _ in range(3)] kwargs["facecolor"] = grey_rgb kwargs["edgecolor"] = "white" if i == 0:, qvalues[:, i], width=1, label="K {}".format(i + 1), **kwargs) former_q = qvalues[:, i] else:, qvalues[:, i], bottom=former_q, width=1, label="K {}".format(i + 1), **kwargs) former_q = former_q + qvalues[:, i] # Annotate population info if self.pops: pop_lines = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys( [x for y in self.pops_xrange for x in y]))[1:-1] for pl in pop_lines: # Add population delimiting lines plt.axvline(x=pl - 0.5, linewidth=1.5, color="black") if not use_ind: for p, pos in enumerate(self.pops_xpos): axe.text(pos, -0.05, self.pops[p], rotation=45, va="top", ha="right", fontsize=16, weight="bold") if use_ind or not self.pops: for pos in range(self.number_indv): axe.text(pos, -0.05, self.indv[pos], rotation=45, va="top", ha="right", fontsize=8) for axis in ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]: axe.spines[axis].set_linewidth(2) axe.spines[axis].set_color("black") plt.yticks([]) plt.xticks([]) kfile = self.kvals[kval].file_path filename = splitext(basename(kfile))[0] filepath = join(output_dir, filename) plt.savefig("{}.svg".format(filepath), bbox_inches="tight") # Clear plot object plt.clf() plt.close()
def plot_average_prices(results_dir, output_dir): """Plot average prices under different schemes""" # Prices from different models p_bau = analysis.get_average_prices(results_dir, 'bau_case.pickle', None, 'PRICES', -1) p_rep = analysis.get_average_prices(results_dir, 'rep_case.pickle', 'stage_2_rep', 'PRICES', -1) p_tax = analysis.get_average_prices(results_dir, 'rep_case.pickle', 'stage_1_carbon_tax', 'PRICES', -1) p_price_dev_mppdc = analysis.get_average_prices( results_dir, 'mppdc_price_change_deviation_case.pickle', 'stage_3_price_targeting', 'lamb', 1) p_price_dev_heuristic = analysis.get_average_prices( results_dir, 'heuristic_price_change_deviation_case.pickle', 'stage_3_price_targeting', 'PRICES', -1) # Create figures c = cl.to_numeric( cl.flipper()['qual']['5']['Set1'] ) # ['Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3']) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(p_bau.index.tolist(), p_bau['average_price_real'].tolist(), color=scale_rgb(c[1]), alpha=0.7, linewidth=0.9) ax.plot(p_tax.index.tolist(), p_tax['average_price_real'].tolist(), color=scale_rgb(c[0]), alpha=0.7, linewidth=0.9) ax.plot(p_rep.index.tolist(), p_rep['average_price_real'].tolist(), color=scale_rgb(c[2]), alpha=0.7, linewidth=0.9) ax.plot(p_price_dev_mppdc.index.tolist(), p_price_dev_mppdc['average_price_real'].tolist(), color=scale_rgb(c[3]), alpha=0.7, linewidth=0.9) ax.plot(p_price_dev_heuristic.index.tolist(), p_price_dev_heuristic['average_price_real'].tolist(), color=scale_rgb(c[4]), alpha=0.6, linewidth=0.9) fig.set_size_inches(3, 2.3) ax.set_ylabel('Average price ($/MWh)', fontsize=9, labelpad=-0.1) ax.set_xlabel('Year', fontsize=9) ax.tick_params(labelsize=8) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(5)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(20)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(5)) ax.legend(['BAU', 'Tax', 'REP', 'MPPDC', 'Heuristic'], fontsize=7, ncol=2, frameon=False) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.16, bottom=0.18, top=0.98, right=0.98) fig.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, 'average_prices.png')) fig.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, 'average_prices.pdf'))
import sys sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/fabien/workspace/github/policosm') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch import colorlover as cl from shapely.geometry import Polygon, shape import random from policosm.extractors.roadsGraph import * from policosm.extractors.buildingsPolygons import * import policosm.geoNetworks as pocogeo from policosm.functions import * colors = [(r / 255, v / 255, b / 255) for r, v, b in cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['9']['seq']['Purples'])] edgeWidth = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3] def drawRoadsBuildingsMatplotlib(polygons, G, displayRatio=1.0, edgeColorAttribute='level', edgeColorScale=9, nodeColorAttribute=None, nodeColorScale=None): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) pos = {} for n in G.nodes():
import io from enum import Enum import colorlover as cl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt colors = cl.to_numeric(cl.scales['12']['qual']['Set3']) int_colors = [] for color in colors: int_colors.append((int(color[0]), int(color[1]), int(color[2]))) selected_colors = [] for color in int_colors: selected_colors.append('#%02x%02x%02x' % color) class TimePeriod: def get_value(self): pass def get_label(self): pass class Duration(TimePeriod, Enum): WEEK = ('7', False) MONTH = ('30', False) QUARTER = ('90', False) SEMESTER = ('180', False) YEAR = ('365', False)