コード例 #1
def printCalendar():
    now = datetime.now()
    print(colors.CLEAR, colors.at(4, 1))
    print(" M   Tu  W   Th  F   Sa  Su")
    printMonth(now.year, now.month, row=6)

    (days, workdays) = countWorkDays(datetime(2020, 6, 20))
    print(f"    {colors.RED}{days} {colors.GREEN}days to summer!")
    print(f"    {colors.RED}{workdays} {colors.GREEN}workdays to summer!")
    print(colors.NORMAL, end="")
コード例 #2
def printDay(date, row):
    print(colors.at(row, 2 + (4 * date.weekday())), end="")
    if date.day == now.day:
        print(colors.YELLOW, end="")
    elif isHoliday(date):
        print(colors.PURPLE, end="")
    elif isWeekend(date):
        print(colors.RED, end="")
        print(colors.WHITE, end="")
コード例 #3
def box(row, col, width, height):
    width = width - 2 # Subtract 2 for the left and right sides
    end = row + height-1
    print colors.at(row, col) + u'\u2554' + u'\u2550'*width + u'\u2557'
    for i in range(row+1, end):
        print colors.at(i, col) + u'\u2551' + " "*width + u'\u2551'
    print colors.at(end, col) + u'\u255A' + u'\u2550'*width + u'\u255D'
コード例 #4
def box(row, col, width, height):
    width = width - 2  # Subtract 2 for the left and right sides
    end = row + height - 1
    print colors.at(row, col) + u'\u2554' + u'\u2550' * width + u'\u2557'
    for i in range(row + 1, end):
        print colors.at(i, col) + u'\u2551' + " " * width + u'\u2551'
    print colors.at(end, col) + u'\u255A' + u'\u2550' * width + u'\u255D'
コード例 #5
def printClock():
    now = datetime.now()

    print(colors.at(1, 1))

    hour = now.hour % 12
    minute = now.minute
    ampm = "am" if now.hour < 12 else "pm"
    clock_face = now.strftime(f" It is {hour}:{minute} o'clock in the {ampm} ")
    month_face = f"{now.day} {month(now)} {now.year}"
コード例 #6
def showTime(now):
    print colors.GREEN
    box(9, 10, 4, 3)
    print colors.RED
    print(colors.at(10, 11) + str(now.hour % 12))

    print colors.GREEN
    box(9, 13, 4, 3)
    print colors.RED
    print(colors.at(10, 14) + str(now.minute))

    print colors.GREEN
    box(9, 16, 4, 3)
    print colors.RED
    print(colors.at(10, 17) + str(now.second))

    print colors.GREEN
    box(9, 19, 4, 3)
    print colors.RED

    meridian = "AM"
    if now.hour > 12:
        meridian = "PM"
    print(colors.at(10, 20) + meridian)
コード例 #7
def showTime(now):
    print colors.GREEN
    box(9, 10, 4, 3)
    print colors.RED
    print(colors.at(10, 11) + str(now.hour % 12))

    print colors.GREEN
    box(9, 13, 4, 3)
    print colors.RED
    print(colors.at(10, 14) + str(now.minute))

    print colors.GREEN
    box(9, 16, 4, 3)
    print colors.RED
    print(colors.at(10, 17) + str(now.second))

    print colors.GREEN
    box(9, 19, 4, 3)
    print colors.RED

    meridian = "AM"
    if now.hour > 12:
        meridian = "PM"
    print(colors.at(10, 20) + meridian)
コード例 #8
def showDay(now):
    print colors.GREEN
    box(6, 10, 21, 3)
    print colors.BLUE
    print(colors.at(7, 11) + formatDate(now))
コード例 #9
# A few imports. Math for pow, random for randint,
# colors for ANSII Terminal things, time to sleep.
import math
import random
import colors
import time

# An 8 frame animation
for i in range(1, 9):
    # Clear the screen
    print colors.CLS
    # Hi
    #   Lo
    # scrolls down the marquee
    print colors.at(i, 38), colors.GREEN, "Hi"
    print colors.at(i+1, 40), colors.RED, "Lo"
    # Half-second delay in each frame

# Reset the colors
print colors.NORMAL

# Print the instructions, one line at a time, after the last line of
# the intro scroll, aligned right.
print colors.BOLD
print "This is the game of HiLo"
print colors.NORMAL
print "You will have 6 tries to guess the amount of money in the"
print "HiLo jackpot. If you guess the right amount, you win all"
print "the money in jackpot. However, if you lose, you lose all"
コード例 #10
import colors

print colors.at(8, 10)
print "Foo"
コード例 #11
def print_clock(when):
    clock_face = when.strftime("%a, %B %d of the year %Y at %I:%M:%S%p")
    print(colors.at(5, 5) + clock_face)
コード例 #12
def title():
    print colors.CLS
    print colors.at(8, 20) + "Lander!"
コード例 #13
def title():
    print colors.CLS
    print colors.at(8, 20) + "Lander!"

def instructions():
    print "This is a simulation of an Apollo Lunar"
    print "landing capsule.\n\n"
    print "The on-board computer has failed, so you"
    print "have to land the capsule manually.\n"
    print "Set the burn rate of the retro rockets"
    print "to any value between 0 (free fall) and 200"
    print "(maximum thrust) pounds per second. Set a new"
    print "burn rate every 10 seconds.\n"
    print "Capsule weight is 32,500 lbs; fuel weight 16,500 lbs"
    print "\n\n\nGood luck!\n\n\n"

fuel = 0

def play():
    print fuel

print colors.CLS
print colors.at(5, 1)
コード例 #14
# A few imports. Math for pow, random for randint,
# colors for ANSII Terminal things, time to sleep.
import math
import random
import colors
import time

# An 8 frame animation
for i in range(1, 9):
    # Clear the screen
    # Hi
    #   Lo
    # scrolls down the marquee
    print(colors.at(i, 28), colors.GREEN, "Hi")
    print(colors.at(i + 1, 30), colors.RED, "Lo")
    # Half-second delay in each frame

# Reset the colors

# Print the instructions, one line at a time, after the last line of
# the intro scroll, aligned right.
print("This is the game of HiLo")
print("You will have 6 tries to guess the amount of money in the")
print("HiLo jackpot. If you guess the right amount, you win all")
print("the money in jackpot. However, if you lose, you lose all")
コード例 #15
def showDay(now):
    print colors.GREEN
    box(6, 10, 21, 3)
    print colors.BLUE
    print(colors.at(7, 11) + formatDate(now))