def removeDictio(dictioName): allDictio.remove(dictioName) clg.debug(allDictio) saveDictio() os.remove("dictionnaries/{}.dct".format(dictioName)) try: os.remove("dictionnaries/readable_{}.rdct".format(dictioName)) except FileNotFoundError: pass
def calcul(self): #Calculate function. with open(filePath, "a") as f: f.write("[{}] : Begining of calculation;\n".format( time.strftime("%A %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S"))) with open(filePath, "a") as f: f.write("[{}] : Calculation of '{}' ^ '{}';\n".format( time.strftime("%A %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S"), self.num.get(), self.exp.get())) #===== Check of number's validity ===== try: self.resu = power(float(self.num.get()), int(self.exp.get())) except ValueError: with open(filePath, "a") as f: f.write("[{}] : ValueError;\n".format( time.strftime("%A %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S"))) try: float(self.num.get()) except ValueError: self.errorNum.pack(side="left") #Display error message with open(filePath, "a") as f: f.write("[{}] : The number is not a number;\n".format( time.strftime("%A %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S"))) else: self.errorNum.pack_forget() try: int(self.exp.get()) except ValueError: self.errorExp.pack(side="left") #Display error message with open(filePath, "a") as f: f.write( "[{}] : The power is not a integer number;\n".format( time.strftime("%A %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S"))) else: self.errorExp.pack_forget() else: self.errorNum.pack_forget() self.errorExp.pack_forget() self.resultLab["text"] = "{} ^ {} = ".format( self.num.get(), self.exp.get()) #Update the text self.resul.set(str(self.resu)) #Display the resultat self.result["width"] = len(str(self.resu)) + 1 with open(filePath, "a") as f: f.write("[{}] : The resultat is {};\n".format( time.strftime("%A %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S"), self.resu)) clg.debug(self.resu) with open(filePath, "a") as f: f.write("[{}] : End of calculation;\n".format( time.strftime("%A %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S")))
def power(num, exposant=2): #The function to calculate the power of a number. """ Function to calculate a power. Requested settings : - The number (num) requisite. - The power (exposant) optionnal, default value : 2 """ if not type(num) == int: num = int(num) out = 1 if exposant > -1: for loop in range(exposant): clg.debug(out) out *= num return out elif exposant < 0: return 1 / power(num, -exposant)
def __init__(self, win): self.dictio = keep.getDictio() clg.debug(self.dictio) self.window = win = tk.Frame(self.window) self.keeps = tk.Frame( self.keepas = tk.Frame( self.generate = tk.Frame(self.window).pack() self.imports = tk.Frame(self.window).pack() self.encryptFrame = tk.Frame(self.window).pack() self.decryptFrame = tk.Frame(self.window).pack() self.title = tk.Label(self.window, text = "KEEP S or AS.\nKey Encryptor Encodage Processus.\nSymetrical or Asymetrical and Symetrical.") self.quitButton = tk.Button(self.window, text = "Quit", command = self.window.quit) self.titleKeeps = tk.Label(self.keeps, text = "\nKEEP Symetrical : ") self.encryptKeepsButton = tk.Button(self.keeps, text = "Encrypt", command = self.encryptS) self.decryptKeepsButton = tk.Button(self.keeps, text = "Decrypt", command = self.decryptS) self.generateButton = tk.Button(self.keeps, text = "Generate dictionnaies", command = self.generateDic) self.importButton = tk.Button(self.keeps, text = "Import dictionnaries", command = self.importDic) self.backButton = tk.Button(self.window, text = "Back to menu", command = self.back) self.eCommunText = tk.StringVar() self.eCommunTextLab = tk.Label(self.encryptFrame, text = "Enter the commun text : ") self.eCommunTextEnt = tk.Entry(self.encryptFrame, textvariable = self.eCommunText, width = 40) self.eEncryptText = tk.StringVar() self.eEncryptTextLab = tk.Label(self.encryptFrame, text = "Enter the text to encrypt : ") self.eEncryptTextEnt = tk.Entry(self.encryptFrame, textvariable = self.eEncryptText, width = 40) self.eDictioLab = tk.LabelFrame(self.encryptFrame, text = "Choose dictionnaries to use : ") self.eDictioToUse = tk.Listbox(self.eDictioLab) for i in self.dictio: self.eDictioToUse.insert("end", i) self.eEncryptTextButton = tk.Button(self.encryptFrame, text = "Encrypt", command = _kTk.encrypt) self.saveInFile = tk.Button(self.encryptFrame, text = "Save the encrypted text in a file", command = _kTk.saveInFile) self.encryptedTextVal = tk.StringVar() self.encryptedTextL = tk.Label(self.encryptFrame, text = "The encrypted text : ") self.encryptedTextLab = tk.Entry(self.encryptFrame, textvariable = self.encryptedTextVal) self.eCopyEncryptedTextButton = tk.Button(self.encryptFrame, text="Copy to clipboard", command=self.copy) self.dCommunText = tk.StringVar() self.dCommunTextLab = tk.Label(self.decryptFrame, text = "Enter the commun text : ") self.dCommunTextEnt = tk.Entry(self.decryptFrame, textvariable = self.dCommunText, width = 40) self.dEncryptText = tk.StringVar() self.dEncryptTextLab = tk.Label(self.decryptFrame, text = "Enter the text to decrypt : ") self.dEncryptTextEnt = tk.Entry(self.decryptFrame, textvariable = self.dEncryptText, width = 40) self.dDictioLab = tk.LabelFrame(self.decryptFrame, text = "Choose dictionnaries to use : ") self.dDictioToUse = tk.Listbox(self.dDictioLab) for i in self.dictio: self.dDictioToUse.insert("end", i) self.decryptTextButton = tk.Button(self.decryptFrame, text = "Decrypt", command = _kTk.decrypt) self.decryptedTextVal = tk.StringVar() self.decryptedTextL = tk.Label(self.decryptFrame, text = "The decrypted text : ") self.decryptedTextLab = tk.Entry(self.decryptFrame, textvariable = self.decryptedTextVal) self.caracFrame = tk.LabelFrame(self.generate, text = "Choose a characters' type.") self.choiceAlpha = tk.StringVar() self.alphanumChoice = tk.Radiobutton(self.caracFrame, text="Alpha-numérique", variable = self.choiceAlpha, value = "ALPHANUM") self.defaultChoice = tk.Radiobutton(self.caracFrame, text="Default choice", variable = self.choiceAlpha, value = "DEFAULT") self.validButton = tk.Button(self.generate, text="Generate", command = _kTk.generate) self.nameDicLab = tk.Label(self.generate, text = "Enter the name of the dictionnaries : ") self.nameDic = tk.StringVar() self.nameDicText = tk.Entry(self.generate, textvariable = self.nameDic, width = 30) self.overwrite = tk.IntVar() self.overwriteCase = tk.Checkbutton(self.generate, text = "Overwrite if dictionnaries' name already taken.", variable = self.overwrite) self.saveReadable = tk.IntVar() self.saveReadableCase = tk.Checkbutton(self.generate, text = "Save dictionnaries also in readable files.", variable = self.saveReadable) self.dictiosFrame = tk.LabelFrame(self.imports, text = "Dictionnaries already imported : ") self.dictioToImport = tk.Listbox(self.dictiosFrame) self.importDictioButton = tk.Button(self.imports, text = "Choose other dictionnaries", command=self._import) self.deleteDictioButton = tk.Button(self.imports, text = "Delete dictionnaries", command=self.delDictio) self.updateDictioButton = tk.Button(self.imports, text = "Update dictionnaries", command=self.updateDictio) for i in self.dictio: self.dictioToImport.insert("end", i) keep.dictios[i] = keep.importDictios(i) clg.debug("Loading {} dictionnaries.\n".format(i)) self.title.pack(side = "top") self.quitButton.pack(side = "top") self.titleKeeps.pack(side = "top") self.encryptKeepsButton.pack(side = "top") self.decryptKeepsButton.pack(side = "top") self.generateButton.pack(side = "top") self.importButton.pack(side = "top")
def generateDictio(overWrite=True, saveReadable=False, dictioName="default", alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA, carac=DEFAULT_CARAC, alphaHash=DEFAULT_ALPHA_HASH): dictio = { "alpha": { "encrypt": {}, "decrypt": {} }, "alphaHash": { "encrypt": {}, "decrypt": {} }, "carac": { "encrypt": {}, "decrypt": {} }, "settings": { "overWrite": overWrite, "saveReadable": saveReadable, "alpha": alpha, "alphaHash": alphaHash, "carac": carac } } clg.debug(dictio.get("settings")) for i in range(len(alpha)): ((dictio.get("alpha")).get("encrypt"))[alpha[i]] = i ((dictio.get("alpha")).get("decrypt"))[i] = alpha[i] for i in range(len(alphaHash)): ((dictio.get("alphaHash")).get("encrypt"))[alphaHash[i]] = i ((dictio.get("alphaHash")).get("decrypt"))[i] = alphaHash[i] for i in range(len(carac)): tmp = rd.choice(carac) ((dictio.get("carac")).get("encrypt"))[tmp] = i ((dictio.get("carac")).get("decrypt"))[i] = tmp carac = carac.replace(tmp, '') dictioNamePath = "dictionnaries/{}." with open(dictioNamePath.format(dictioName).lower() + "dct", "wb") as f: fp = pickle.Pickler(f) fp.dump(dictio) if saveReadable: with open( dictioNamePath.format("readable_" + dictioName).lower() + "rdct", "w") as f: f.write( "Readable dictionnaries of {} dictionnaries.\nAlpha's characters\n\tEncode characters : \n" .format(dictioName)) for i, j in dictio.get("alpha").get("encrypt").items(): f.write("- {} > {} \n".format(i, j)) f.write("\tDecode characters : \n") for i, j in dictio.get("alpha").get("decrypt").items(): f.write("- {} > {} \n".format(i, j)) f.write("Alpha hash's characters\n\tEncode characters : \n".format( dictioName)) for i, j in dictio.get("alphaHash").get("encrypt").items(): f.write("- {} > {} \n".format(i, j)) f.write("\tDecode characters : \n") for i, j in dictio.get("alphaHash").get("decrypt").items(): f.write("- {} > {} \n".format(i, j)) f.write("Carac's characters\n\tEncode characters : \n".format( dictioName)) for i, j in dictio.get("carac").get("encrypt").items(): f.write("- {} > {} \n".format(i, j)) f.write("\tDecode characters : \n") for i, j in dictio.get("carac").get("decrypt").items(): f.write("- {} > {} \n".format(i, j)) allDictio.append(dictioName) saveDictio() return False