コード例 #1
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Process
from shutil import copy
from com.abc.lib.series import get_fibo_series

# print(cpu_count())

def copying_job(path, destination):
    # user defined thread
    # IO operation (less of CPU)
    copy(path, destination)

    print('Copying done')

path = '/Users/mehulchopra/Documents/personal/training/ivan-python-core/math_ops.py'
destination = '/Users/mehulchopra/Desktop'

udp = Process(target=copying_job, args=(path, destination))

# CPU operation
n = 1000

)  # ensures that the subprocess is destroyed once its work is done and is not lingering
コード例 #2
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copy
from com.abc.lib.series import get_fibo_series

input_path = input('Enter the full file path from where u want to copy : ')
output_dir = input('Enter the full dir path to which you want to copy : ')

p1 = Path(input_path)
p2 = Path(output_dir)

if not p1.exists():
    print('Please enter the right input path')
    input_name = p1.name
    if p2.exists() and p2.is_dir():
        output_file_path = '{0}/{1}'.format(output_dir, input_name)

        # single threaded fashion
        # sequential execution
        copy(input_path, output_file_path)  # IO operation
        # 10 MB file or more
        # CPU is free (idle)
        print('Copying done!')

        n = 30
        print(get_fibo_series(n))  # CPU operation
        print('Please enter right output dir path')