class fineMonkeyRunner: ''' ############################# finemonkeyrunner class ############################# ''' def __init__(self, emulatorname, switch=PHONE_EMULATOR_SWITCH): device = self.waitforconnection(waitForConnectionTime, emulatorname) self.debug( "__int__: creating the finemonkeyrunner object with emulatorname %s" % emulatorname) # use EasyMonkeyDevice and MonkeyDevice self.easydevice = EasyMonkeyDevice(device) self.device = device # presskey type self.DOWN = self.device.DOWN self.UP = self.device.UP self.DOWN_AND_UP = self.device.DOWN_AND_UP self.switch = switch self.debug('created the fineEasyDevice') self.viewlist = [] def debug(self, debuginfo): if DEBUG: print '[%s] DEBUG: %s ' % (, debuginfo) def info(self, info): if INFO: print '[%s] Info: %s ' % (, info) def error(self, error): if ERROR: print '[%s] ERROR: %s ' % (, error) def sleep(self, seconds): self.debug('sleeping %f seconds' % seconds) mr.sleep(seconds) def installapp(self, apppath): try: self.device.installPackage(apppath) except: self.error("Install app Fail ") def remove(self, packagename): try: self.device.removePackage(packagename) except: self.error("Uninstall app Fail ") '''建立device连接''' def waitforconnection(self, waitForConnectionTime, emulatorname): try: self.debug("waitforconnectiontime:Success") return mr.waitForConnection(waitForConnectionTime, emulatorname) except: self.error("waitForConnection error") sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() return None ''' 启动应用的activity''' def startactivity(self, activity): try: self.debug("starting the activity... %s" % activity) self.easydevice.startActivity(component=activity) except: self.error("starting the activity %s error" % activity) sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() return False '''指定的id元素是否存在''' def isexist(self, id): self.debug('check the id is exist or not') try: if (self.easydevice.exists(self.getviewbyid(id))): return True else: self.debug( 'isexist: %s this id does not exists,will try check again' % id) self.sleep(1) except: # self.debug('isexist: the %dst time check id (%s) existing error , , will retry ' % (tmp, id)) self.sleep(1) return False '''对某一个键按多次''' def presskey(self, key, times, type): #'KEYCODE_ENTER', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) for i in range(times):, type) self.sleep(1) '''根据ID长按''' def longpressbyid(self, id, x=0, y=0): self.debug('calling longpressbyid function') hierarchyviewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() view = hierarchyviewer.findViewById(id) point = hierarchyviewer.getAbsoluteCenterOfView(view) item_btn_x = point.x + x item_btn_y = point.y + y self.device.touch(item_btn_x, item_btn_y, self.DOWN) self.sleep(1) self.device.touch(item_btn_x, item_btn_y, self.UP) return True '''根据view长按''' def longpressbyview(self, view, x=0, y=0): self.debug('calling longpressbyview function') hierarchyviewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() point = hierarchyviewer.getAbsoluteCenterOfView(view) item_btn_x = point.x + x item_btn_y = point.y + y self.device.touch(item_btn_x, item_btn_y, self.DOWN) self.sleep(1) self.device.touch(item_btn_x, item_btn_y, self.UP) return True '''获view的信息--p''' def getviewinfo_text(self, view): # text = view.namedProperties.get('text:mText').value.encode('utf8') try: textproperty = view.namedProperties.get("text:mText").value.encode( 'utf8') except: self.debug('%s has not text:mText Property!' % str(view)) else: #self.debug('The text is %s ' % textproperty) return textproperty '''--p''' def getviewinfo_height(self, view): height = view.namedProperties.get('layout:getHeight()').value.encode( 'utf8') return height '''--p''' def getviewinfo_width(self, view): width = view.namedProperties.get('layout:getWidth()').value.encode( 'utf8') return width '''--p''' def getviewinfo_mleft(self, view): mleft = view.namedProperties.get('layout:mLeft').value.encode('utf8') return mleft '''-p''' def getviewinfo_mtop(self, view): mtop = view.namedProperties.get('layout:mTop').value.encode('utf8') '''--p''' def getviewinfo_mid(self, view): mid = view.namedProperties.get('mID').value #.encode('utf8') return mid '''--p''' def getviewinfo_visible(self, view): visible = view.namedProperties.get('getVisibility()').value.encode( 'utf8') if visible == 'VISIBLE': self.debug('visible') return True else: return False '''--p''' def getviewinfo_xy(self, view): hierarchyviewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() point = hierarchyviewer.getAbsoluteCenterOfView(view) return point.x, point.y '''获取文本根据id''' def gettextbyid(self, id): if self.isexist(id): view = self.getviewbyid(id) viewtext = self.getviewinfo_text(view) return viewtext else: self.error('Not look for the element or it has a error!') return False '''获取view根据id --p''' def getviewbyID(self, id): starttime = time.time() print starttime hierarchyviewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() view = hierarchyviewer.findViewById(id) endtime = time.time() self.debug('Elapsed Iime:%f' % (endtime - starttime)) return view '''获取view根据id --p''' def getviewbyid(self, id): self.debug('calling getviewbyid function by the id (%s)' % id) for tmp in range(repeatTimesOnError): try: return except: self.debug( 'getviewbyid: the %dst time error by id (%s) , will retry ' % (tmp, id)) mr.sleep(1) continue self.error( 'getviewbyid: sorry , still can\'t get the view by this id (%s). please check the view ' % id) sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() return None '''根据层级结构来获取view,childseq表示层级的元组(1,1,0,0,2)---p''' def getchildviewbylayer(self, parentid, childseq): self.debug('calling getchildviewbylayer function') hierarchyviewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() childview = "hierarchyviewer.findViewById('" + parentid + "')" for index in childseq: childview += ('.children[' + str(index) + ']') #print childview try: eval(childview) except: self.debug('No find the view and please check childseq') else: return eval(childview) '''--p''' '''根据id返回该元素的一个x,y,h,w的元组''' def getelementinfo_locate(self, id): xyhw = self.easydevice.locate( return xyhw '''根据view获取类名---p''' def getviewinfo_classname(self, view): #,view self.debug('calling traversalViewnode:%s ' % str(view)) tmp = str(view).split('.') classname = tmp[-1].split('@')[0] return classname '''type:1是代表classname,type:2代表是id type:3代表是text ---p''' def traversalviewsametype(self, viewnode, name, type): # self.debug('calling traversalViewnode:%s '%str(viewnode)) #tmplist = [] for eachitem in range(len(viewnode.children)): tmpclassname = viewnode.children[eachitem] controls = 'TextView' in str(tmpclassname) or 'EditText' in str( tmpclassname) or 'tButton' in str(tmpclassname) if len(viewnode.children[eachitem].children) != 0: if type == 1 and (name in str(tmpclassname)): self.viewlist.append(viewnode.children[eachitem]) if type == 2 and self.getviewinfo_mid( viewnode.children[eachitem]) == name: self.viewlist.append(viewnode.children[eachitem]) if type == 3 and controls and self.getviewinfo_text( viewnode.children[eachitem]) == name: self.viewlist.append(viewnode.children[eachitem]) self.traversalviewsametype(viewnode.children[eachitem], name, type) # self.debug(result) else: if type == 1 and (name in str(tmpclassname)): self.viewlist.append(viewnode.children[eachitem]) if type == 2 and self.getviewinfo_mid( viewnode.children[eachitem]) == name: self.viewlist.append(viewnode.children[eachitem]) if type == 3 and controls and self.getviewinfo_text( viewnode.children[eachitem]) == name: self.viewlist.append(viewnode.children[eachitem]) '''获取指定id元素下的相同id的view对象列表 --p''' def getviewssameid(self, parentid, id): self.debug('calling getviewssameid function...') self.viewlist = [] starttime = time.time() hierarchyviewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() viewnode = hierarchyviewer.findViewById(parentid) self.traversalviewsametype(viewnode, id, 2) endtime = time.time() self.debug('Elapsed Iime:%f' % (endtime - starttime)) return self.viewlist #pass '''获取指定id元素下的相同classname的view对象列表 --p''' def getviewssameclassname(self, parentid, classname): self.debug('calling getviewssameclassname function...') self.viewlist = [] starttime = time.time() hierarchyviewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() viewnode = hierarchyviewer.findViewById(parentid) self.traversalviewsametype(viewnode, classname, 1) endtime = time.time() self.debug('Elapsed Iime:%f' % (endtime - starttime)) return self.viewlist '''获取子views根据父view ---p''' def getchildviewsbyparentview(self, parentview): self.debug('calling getchildviewsbyparentview function...') viewlists = [] if len(parentview.children) != 0: for i in range(len(parentview.children)): viewlists.append(parentview.children[i]) return viewlists else: self.debug('%s has not children view' % str(parentview)) '''获取子view的数量 ---p''' def getchilrenlength(self, parentview): self.debug('calling getchilrenlength function...') return len(parentview.children) '''获取指定id元素下的相同文本的view对象列表 ---p''' def getviewssametext(self, parentid, text): self.debug('calling getviewssametext function...') self.viewlist = [] starttime = time.time() hierarchyviewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() viewnode = hierarchyviewer.findViewById(parentid) self.traversalviewsametype(viewnode, text, 3) endtime = time.time() self.debug('Elapsed Iime:%f' % (endtime - starttime)) return self.viewlist '''拖拽屏幕 ---p''' def dragscreen(self, start, end, duration, steps): self.debug('calling dragscreen function...') md.drag(start, end, duration, steps) '''在指定的id上输入文字--p''' def typebyid(self, id, content): self.debug('device input the %s by id' % content) self.easydevice.type(, content) '''在当前焦点输入文字--p''' def type(self, content): self.debug('device input the %s' % content) self.device.type(content) '''点击元素根据view 对话框除外 ---p''' def clickelementbyview(self, view, x=0, y=0): self.debug('calling clickelementbyview function') for tmp in range(repeatTimesOnError): try: hierarchyviewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() point = hierarchyviewer.getAbsoluteCenterOfView(view) item_btn_x = point.x + x item_btn_y = point.y + y # print item_btn_x, item_btn_y self.debug('Click Position:x = %d ,y = %d' % (item_btn_x, item_btn_y)) self.device.touch(item_btn_x, item_btn_y, self.DOWN_AND_UP) return True except: self.debug( 'clickelementbyview: the %dst time click error , not found the view , will retry ' % tmp) if (tmp > 1 & DEBUG): self.debug('Please wait to click the view') mr.sleep(1) continue self.error( 'clickelementbyview: sorry , still can\'t click view. please check the view is exist or not , or increase the repeat times variable?' ) sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() return False '''点击对话框中的view''' def clickdialogelementbyview(self, view): self.debug('calling clickdialogelementbyview function') hierarchyviewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() width = self.device.getProperty("display.width") height = self.device.getProperty("display.height") point = hierarchyviewer.getAbsoluteCenterOfView(view) p = view rootview = view while p != None: rootview = p p = p.parent x = (int(width) - int(rootview.width)) / 2 + point.x y = (int(height) - int(rootview.height)) / 2 + point.y self.debug('Position:x= %d ; y=%d' % (x, y)) self.device.touch(x, y, self.DOWN_AND_UP) #print "clicked view" def clickbyviewondialog(self): pass '''根据文本点击元素,由于根据文本获取的是相同文本的view列表,默认使用第一个view, 可以根据实际情况再调整,num代表view列表中的序号,默认0 非对话框 ---P''' def clickbytext(self, parentid, text, num=0): self.debug('calling clickbytext function') viewlist = self.getviewssametext(parentid, text) if viewlist != []: self.clickelementbyview(viewlist[num]) return True else: self.debug('No find the view, please check') return None '''根据id点击元素 ---p''' def clickbyid(self, id, type): self.debug('calling clickbyid function') for tmp in range(repeatTimesOnError): try: self.easydevice.touch(, type) return True except: self.debug( 'clickbyid: the %dst time click error by this id (%s) , not found the view , will retry ' % (tmp, id)) if (tmp > 1 & DEBUG): self.debug('Please wait to click the view') mr.sleep(1) continue self.error( 'clickbyid: sorry , still can\'t click view. please check the view is exist or not , or increase the repeat times variable?' ) sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() return False '''根据point点击元素 ---p''' def clickpoint(self, x, y, type): self.debug('calling click the point ') for tmp in range(repeatTimesOnError): try: self.device.touch(x, y, type) return True except: self.debug( 'clickpoint: %d time click point error , will retry ' % tmp) mr.sleep(1) continue self.error( 'clickpoint: sorry , still can\'t click point. please check the view is exist or not , or increase the repeat times variable?' ) sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() return False '''判断给定的id元素是否是选中状态---p''' def isfocused(self, id): self.debug('checking the view is focused or not') # hierarchyViewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() # print hierarchyViewer.findViewById(id).hasFocus for tmp in range(repeatTimesOnError): try: hierarchyViewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() return hierarchyViewer.findViewById(id).hasFocus except: self.debug( 'isfocused: the %dst time check focus error , will retry ' % tmp) mr.sleep(1) continue self.error('isfocused: error occured') sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() return False '''获取指定的view文本 getviewinfo_text已经存在 def gettextbyview(self, view): # if view != None: # return (view.namedProperties.get('text:mText').value.encode('utf8')) textProperty = view.namedProperties.get("text:mText") if textProperty==None: self.debug('No text property on node') textProperty = view.namedProperties.get("mText") if textProperty == None: self.debug('No text property on node') return textProperty.value.encode('utf8') ''' '''清除编辑框的文本 ---P''' def cleartextbyid(self, id): self.debug('calling cleartextbyid function by the id (%s)' % id) if self.isexist(id): if not self.isfocused(id): self.clickbyid(id, self.DOWN_AND_UP) textview = self.getviewbyID(id) rangenumber = len(self.getviewinfo_text(textview)) for x in range(rangenumber):'KEYCODE_DEL', self.DOWN_AND_UP) for x in range(rangenumber):'KEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL', self.DOWN_AND_UP) self.debug('cleartextbyid: cleared the text in id (%s)' % id) return True self.error('cleartextbyid: sorry ,the id (%s) is not exist ' % id) sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() return False '''根据id输入文本框内容 ---p''' def inputtextbyid(self, id, text): self.debug('calling inputtextbyid function by the id (%s)' % id) self.clickbyid(id, self.DOWN_AND_UP) if self.isfocused(id): self.type(text) else: self.debug('No Selected the element by id,Please check') if self.switch == 'E': self.debug('This is an emulator') else: self.presskey('KEYCODE_BACK', self.DOWN_AND_UP, 1) # 如果是真机需要打开语句,模拟器需关闭 # self.pressKey('KEYCODE_BACK', self.DOWN_AND_UP, 1) # mr.sleep(1) return True '''根据当前界面上的任意id获取rootview ---p''' def getcurrentrootview(self, id): self.debug('calling getcurrentrootview function by the id (%s)' % id) hierarchyviewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() currentview = hierarchyviewer.findViewById(id) p = currentview rootview = currentview while p != None: rootview = p p = p.parent return rootview '''遍历viewnode节点,type=1是完全匹配type=0是包含关系''' def traversalviewnode(self, viewnode, text, type): # self.debug('calling traversalViewnode:%s '%str(viewnode)) tmplist = [] for eachitem in range(len(viewnode.children)): viewnodestr = str(viewnode.children[eachitem]) if len(viewnode.children[eachitem].children) != 0: result = self.traversalviewnode(viewnode.children[eachitem], text, type) if result: return self.traversalviewnode(viewnode.children[eachitem], text, type) else: if 'TextView' in viewnodestr or 'EditText' in viewnodestr or 'tButton' in viewnodestr: viewnodetext = self.getviewinfo_text( viewnode.children[eachitem] ) #viewnode.children[eachitem].namedProperties.get('text:mText').value.encode('utf8') if type == 1 and viewnodetext == text: # self.debug('1 Find the text:%s ' % viewnodetext) tmplist.append('P') return True elif type == 0 and (text in viewnodetext): # self.debug('0 Find the text: %s ' % viewnodetext) tmplist.append('P') return True else: tmplist.append('F') '''该元素内的文本是否包含指定的文本 ---p''' def elementshouldcontaintext(self, id, text, type): self.debug('calling elementshouldcontaintext function by the id (%s)' % id) # 获取指定元id元素的viewnode starttime = time.time() hierarchyviewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() viewnode = hierarchyviewer.findViewById(id) result = self.traversalviewnode(viewnode, text, type) endtime = time.time() #print result if result: self.debug('Elapsed Iime:%f' % (endtime - starttime)) return True else: self.debug('Elapsed Iime:%f' % (endtime - starttime)) return False '''当前界面的文本是否包含指定的文本 ---p''' def pageshouldcontaintext(self, id, text, type): # 获取指定元id元素的rootview self.debug('calling pageshouldcontaintext function by the id (%s)' % id) starttime = time.time() viewnode = self.getcurrentrootview(id) result = self.traversalviewnode(viewnode, text, type) endtime = time.time() #print result if result: self.debug('Elapsed Iime:%f' % (endtime - starttime)) return True else: self.debug('Elapsed Iime:%f' % (endtime - starttime)) return False '''判断id的元素文本是否相等---p''' def equaltextbyid(self, id, text): self.debug('calling equaltextbyid function by the id (%s)' % id) if self.isexist(id): view = self.getviewbyID(id) viewtext = self.getviewinfo_text(view) if text == viewtext: #self.debug('----Pass----') return True else: #self.debug('----Fail----') return False '''判断view的元素文本是否相等---p''' def equaltextbyview(self, view, text): self.debug('calling equaltextbyview function by the id (%s)' % str(view)) viewtext = self.getviewinfo_text(view) if text == viewtext: return True else: return False '''判断activity是否与预期的相同 def assertcurrentactivity(self,currentactivity): starttime = time.time() self.debug('calling assertcurrentactivity function ') try: activity ='dumpsys activity | findstr "mFocusedActivity"') #adb shell except IOError: # print '获取当前activity失败' self.debug('获取当前activity失败') else: print activity tmp = activity.split(' ') activity = tmp[3] self.debug('activity : %s' % activity) if activity == currentactivity: endtime = time.time() times = endtime - starttime self.debug('Execute time is %d' % times) return True else: return False ''' '''等待期望的activity出现,默认时间20秒 ---p''' def waitforactivity(self, waitactivity, repeatTimesOnError=20): for tmp in range(repeatTimesOnError): if self.assertfocusedwindowmame(waitactivity): return True else: self.debug( 'waitforactivity: %s this waitactivity does not exists,will try check again' % waitactivity) mr.sleep(1) continue '''判断activity是否相等 --p''' def assertfocusedwindowmame(self, expectactivity): starttime = time.time() #hierarchyviewer = self.device.getHierarchyViewer() winId = self.easydevice.getFocusedWindowId() if winId == expectactivity: self.debug('%s is correct' % winId) #.encode('utf-8') endtime = time.time() times = endtime - starttime self.debug('Execute time is %d' % times) return True #print winId.encode('utf-8') else: self.debug('%s is wrong' % winId) return False '''--p''' '''Force to stop the App''' def forcestopapp(self, packagename): self.debug('calling forcestopapp function ') try: activity ='am force-stop %s' % packagename) return True except IOError: self.debug('force stop the app')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # coding:utf-8 import sys from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice, MonkeyImage from import EasyMonkeyDevice from import By import subprocess device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection(10.0, "") easyDevice = EasyMonkeyDevice(device) if True == easyDevice.visible('id/button1')): print "find" easyDevice.touch('id/button2'), MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) print easyDevice.locate('id/button2')) MonkeyRunner.sleep(2)
print '---- start Calculator App' device.startActivity('') print '---- calculator 3*8 with press method''KEYCODE_3', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP)'KEYCODE_NUMPAD_MULTIPLY', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP)'KEYCODE_8', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP)'KEYCODE_EQUALS', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) easy = EasyMonkeyDevice(device) image = device.takeSnapshot() subimage = image.getSubImage(easy.locate('id/display'))) print '---- calculator 4*6 with touch method' easy.touch('id/digit4'), MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) easy.touch('id/mul'), MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) easy.touch('id/digit6'), MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) easy.touch('id/equal'), MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) image2 = device.takeSnapshot() subimage2 = image2.getSubImage(easy.locate('id/display'))) if (subimage2.sameAs(subimage, 0.8)): print '[PASS] the result of 3*8 and 4*6 is equal!' else: print '[Fail] the result of 3*8 and 4*6 is not equal!'