コード例 #1
ファイル: display.py プロジェクト: zhengzh/crowd-nav
    def do_frame(self,
        if not self.cap.isOpened():
            raise Exception('Video stream closed.')
        if agent == -1:
            agent = self.agent_num
        adex, displayed_agent = self.get_agent_index(agent)

        t_plus_one = None
        t_plus_one2 = None
        frame_num = int(self.cap.get(POS_FRAMES))
        now = int(self.cap.get(POS_MSEC) / 1000)
        _, frame = self.cap.read()

        frame_txt = "{:0>2}:{:0>2}".format(now // 60, now % 60)
        agent_txt = 'Agent: {}'.format(displayed_agent)

        # Check for end of annotations.
        if frame_num >= len(self.frames):
            frame_txt += ' (eof)'
            agent_txt = ''
            frame_txt += ' (' + str(frame_num) + ')'
            t = self.frames[frame_num]
            # There really shouldn't be any empty timesteps but I found some so we'll have to deal with it.
            if t >= 0 and self.timesteps[t]:
                # If we've reached a new timestep, recompute the observations.
                if t != self.last_t:
                    self.last_t = t
                    adex, displayed_agent = self.get_agent_index(agent)
                    agent_txt = 'Agent: {}'.format(displayed_agent)
                    if self.do_predictions:
                        self.predictions = util.make_predictions(
                            t, self.timesteps, self.agents, self.model, agent,
                        # 						self.predictions = util.fake_predictions(t, self.timesteps, self.agents, 10.0)
                        if multi_prediction and past_plan is not None:
                            predictions2 = util.make_predictions(
                                t, self.timesteps, self.agents, self.model,
                                agent, None)
                            if predictions2.plan[adex].shape[0] > 1:
                                t_plus_one2 = predictions2.plan[adex][1]
                        if self.predictions.plan[adex].shape[0] > 1:
                            t_plus_one = self.predictions.plan[adex][1]
                        if with_scores:
                            # 						ped_scores, IGP_scores = util.calc_nav_scores(self.predictions.true_paths, self.predictions.plan)
                            # 						plot_nav_metrics(ped_scores, IGP_scores)
                            pred_errs = util.calc_pred_scores(
                                self.predictions.plan, util.prediction_errors)
                            path_errs = util.calc_pred_scores(
                                self.predictions.plan, util.path_errors)
                            plot_prediction_metrics(pred_errs, path_errs,
                        self.predictions = util.get_past_paths(
                            t, self.timesteps, self.agents)

        # Draw the obstacles.
        frame = np.maximum(frame, cv2.cvtColor(self.obs_map,

        # Draw destinations.
        for d in self.destinations:
            d = np.append(d, 1)
            cv2.circle(frame, util.to_pixels(self.Hinv, d), 5, (0, 255, 0), -1)

        # Inform of frame and agent number.
        pt = (3, frame.shape[0] - 3)
        ll, ur = draw_text(frame, pt, frame_txt)
        if agent_txt:
            pt = (ll[0], ur[1])
            ll, ur = draw_text(frame, pt, agent_txt)

        # Draw pedestrian paths so far.
        if self.draw_past and self.predictions.past:
            for path in self.predictions.past:
                draw_path(frame, path, (192, 192, 192))
            draw_waypoints(frame, self.predictions.past[adex], (255, 211, 176))

        # Draw predictions, if we have them.
        if self.predictions.plan:
            # For each agent, draw...
            peds_to_draw = range(len(
                self.predictions.plan)) if self.draw_all_agents else [adex]

            # The GP samples.
            if self.draw_samples != NO_SAMPLES:
                # What kind of sample are we showing?
                preds = self.predictions.prior if self.draw_samples == PRIOR_SAMPLES else self.predictions.posterior
                # Which sample(s) are we showing?
                if self.draw_all_samples:
                    if preds: samples_to_draw = range(preds[0].shape[1])
                    else: samples_to_draw = []
                    sdex = self.sample_num
                    samples_to_draw = [sdex]
                    pt = (ll[0], ur[1])
                    ll, ur = draw_text(frame, pt,
                                       'Sample: {}'.format(sdex + 1))
                    pt = (ll[0], ur[1])
                        frame, pt, 'Weight: {:.1e}'.format(
                # Now actually draw the sample.
                for ddex in peds_to_draw:
                    for i in samples_to_draw:
                        path = preds[ddex][:, i, :]
                        path = np.column_stack((path, np.ones(path.shape[0])))
                        draw_path(frame, path, (255, 0, 0))

            # The ground truth.
            if self.draw_truth:
                for ddex in peds_to_draw:
                    draw_path(frame, self.predictions.true_paths[ddex],
                              (0, 255, 0))

            # The final prediction.
            if self.draw_plan:
                for ddex in peds_to_draw:
                    draw_path(frame, self.predictions.plan[ddex],
                              (0, 192, 192))
                    if not self.draw_all_agents and past_plan is not None:
                        draw_path(frame, past_plan, (0, 192, 192))
                        draw_waypoints(frame, past_plan, (0, 192, 192))

        cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
        return t_plus_one if t_plus_one2 is None else (t_plus_one, t_plus_one2)
コード例 #2
ファイル: model_testing.py プロジェクト: zhengzh/crowd-nav
def main():
	# Parse command-line arguments.
	args = parse_args()
	Hfile = os.path.join(args.datadir, "H.txt")
	obsfile = os.path.join(args.datadir, "obsmat.txt")

	# Parse homography matrix.
	H = np.loadtxt(Hfile)
	Hinv = np.linalg.inv(H)
	# Parse pedestrian annotations.
	frames, timeframes, timesteps, agents = ewap.parse_annotations(Hinv, obsfile)
	test_sequences = np.array([
		range(2112, 2395),
		range(3648, 3769),
		range(4163, 4374),
		range(6797, 7164),
		range(7301, 7608),
		range(8373, 8620),
		range(8859, 9544),
		range(9603, 10096),
		range(10101, 10528),
		range(11205, 11500),
		range(11835, 12172),
		range(12201, 12382),
	total_t = 0
	for s in test_sequences: total_t += len(s)
	model = models.model16
	print 'Running experiment...'
	num_samples = 5
	iters = 0
	total_samples = 0
	entropies = np.zeros(test_sequences.shape[0])
	for i,timeline in enumerate(test_sequences):
		M = np.zeros((2,2))
		for frame in timeline:
			iters += 1
			t = frames[frame]
			if t == -1: continue
			for _ in range(num_samples):
				predictions = util.make_predictions(t, timesteps, agents, model)
				for a,plan in enumerate(predictions.plan):
					if plan.shape[0] > 1:
						error = predictions.true_paths[a][1,0:2] - plan[1,0:2]
						M += np.outer(error, error)
						total_samples += 1
			print 'frame {}: {:.1%} complete'.format(frame, iters/total_t)
		M /= total_samples
		entropies[i] = 0.5*np.log((2*np.pi*np.e)**2 * np.linalg.det(M))
# 		print 'entropy is', entropy
# 		print 'variance:'
# 		print M
	np.savetxt('experiments/hyperparam-test-194-202-joint-2.txt', entropies)
コード例 #3
ファイル: display.py プロジェクト: ntraft/crowd-nav
	def do_frame(self, agent=-1, past_plan=None, with_scores=True, multi_prediction=False):
		if not self.cap.isOpened():
			raise Exception('Video stream closed.')
		if agent == -1:
			agent = self.agent_num
		adex, displayed_agent = self.get_agent_index(agent)
		t_plus_one = None
		t_plus_one2 = None
		frame_num = int(self.cap.get(POS_FRAMES))
		now = int(self.cap.get(POS_MSEC) / 1000)
		_, frame = self.cap.read()
		frame_txt = "{:0>2}:{:0>2}".format(now//60, now%60)
		agent_txt = 'Agent: {}'.format(displayed_agent)
		# Check for end of annotations.
		if frame_num >= len(self.frames):
			frame_txt += ' (eof)'
			agent_txt = ''
			frame_txt += ' (' + str(frame_num) + ')'
			t = self.frames[frame_num]
			# There really shouldn't be any empty timesteps but I found some so we'll have to deal with it.
			if t >= 0 and self.timesteps[t]:
				# If we've reached a new timestep, recompute the observations.
				if t != self.last_t:
					self.last_t = t
					adex, displayed_agent = self.get_agent_index(agent)
					agent_txt = 'Agent: {}'.format(displayed_agent)
					if self.do_predictions:
						self.predictions = util.make_predictions(t, self.timesteps, self.agents, self.model, agent, past_plan)
# 						self.predictions = util.fake_predictions(t, self.timesteps, self.agents, 10.0)
						if multi_prediction and past_plan is not None:
							predictions2 = util.make_predictions(t, self.timesteps, self.agents, self.model, agent, None)
							if predictions2.plan[adex].shape[0] > 1:
								t_plus_one2 = predictions2.plan[adex][1]
						if self.predictions.plan[adex].shape[0] > 1:
							t_plus_one = self.predictions.plan[adex][1]
						if with_scores:
	# 						ped_scores, IGP_scores = util.calc_nav_scores(self.predictions.true_paths, self.predictions.plan)
	# 						plot_nav_metrics(ped_scores, IGP_scores)
							pred_errs = util.calc_pred_scores(self.predictions.true_paths, self.predictions.plan, util.prediction_errors)
							path_errs = util.calc_pred_scores(self.predictions.true_paths, self.predictions.plan, util.path_errors)
							plot_prediction_metrics(pred_errs, path_errs, self.timesteps[t])
						self.predictions = util.get_past_paths(t, self.timesteps, self.agents)
		# Draw the obstacles.
		frame = np.maximum(frame, cv2.cvtColor(self.obs_map, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR))
		# Draw destinations.
		for d in self.destinations:
			d = np.append(d, 1)
			cv2.circle(frame, util.to_pixels(self.Hinv, d), 5, (0,255,0), -1)
		# Inform of frame and agent number.
		pt = (3, frame.shape[0]-3)
		ll, ur = draw_text(frame, pt, frame_txt)
		if agent_txt:
			pt = (ll[0], ur[1])
			ll, ur = draw_text(frame, pt, agent_txt)
		# Draw pedestrian paths so far.
		if self.draw_past and self.predictions.past:
			for path in self.predictions.past:
				draw_path(frame, path, (192,192,192))
			draw_waypoints(frame, self.predictions.past[adex], (255,211,176))
		# Draw predictions, if we have them.
		if self.predictions.plan:
			# For each agent, draw...
			peds_to_draw = range(len(self.predictions.plan)) if self.draw_all_agents else [adex]
			# The GP samples.
			if self.draw_samples != NO_SAMPLES:
				# What kind of sample are we showing?
				preds = self.predictions.prior if self.draw_samples == PRIOR_SAMPLES else self.predictions.posterior
				# Which sample(s) are we showing?
				if self.draw_all_samples:
					if preds: samples_to_draw = range(preds[0].shape[1])
					else: samples_to_draw = []
					sdex = self.sample_num
					samples_to_draw = [sdex]
					pt = (ll[0], ur[1])
					ll, ur = draw_text(frame, pt, 'Sample: {}'.format(sdex+1))
					pt = (ll[0], ur[1])
					draw_text(frame, pt, 'Weight: {:.1e}'.format(self.predictions.weights[sdex]))
				# Now actually draw the sample.
				for ddex in peds_to_draw:
					for i in samples_to_draw:
						path = preds[ddex][:,i,:]
						path = np.column_stack((path, np.ones(path.shape[0])))
						draw_path(frame, path, (255,0,0))
			# The ground truth.
			if self.draw_truth:
				for ddex in peds_to_draw:
					draw_path(frame, self.predictions.true_paths[ddex], (0,255,0))
			# The final prediction.
			if self.draw_plan:
				for ddex in peds_to_draw:
					draw_path(frame, self.predictions.plan[ddex], (0,192,192))
					if not self.draw_all_agents and past_plan is not None:
							draw_path(frame, past_plan, (0,192,192))
							draw_waypoints(frame, past_plan, (0,192,192))
		cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
		return t_plus_one if t_plus_one2 is None else (t_plus_one, t_plus_one2)