def __init__(self, username=None, api_key=None, **kwargs): """ Accepts keyword arguments for Rackspace username and api key. Optionally, you can omit these keywords and supply an Authentication object using the auth keyword. """ self.connection_args = None self.connection = None self.token = None # handle optional kwargs self.debuglevel = int(kwargs.get('debuglevel', 0)) self.auth = kwargs.get('auth', None) socket.setdefaulttimeout = int(kwargs.get('timeout', 5)) if not self.auth: # If we didn't get an auth object, do authentication authurl = kwargs.get('authurl', default_authurl) if username and api_key and authurl: self.auth = Authentication(username, api_key, authurl) else: # Raise an InvalidArgumentsFault err_msg = "Connection " if not username: err_msg += "- missing username" if not api_key: err_msg += "- missing api_key" if not authurl: err_msg += "- missing authurl" raise ClientErrors.InvalidArgumentsFault(err_msg) self._authenticate()
def __init__(self, userName, apiKey): """ __init__ just makes sure the class's serviceInfo is initialized, once. """ self._serviceInfo = ServiceInfo(self) # Get the computeURL and authToken to use for subsequent queries auth = Authentication(userName, apiKey) computeURL, authToken = auth.authenticate() self._auth = auth self._computeURL = computeURL self._authToken = authToken # defer all of these to be created as needed. self._conn = None self._serverManager = self._imageManager = None self._sharedIpGroupManager = self._flavorManager = None
class Connection(object): """ Manages the connection to the cloud server system. Support class, not to be used directly. @undocumented: http_connect @undocumented: make_request """ def __init__(self, username=None, api_key=None, **kwargs): """ Accepts keyword arguments for Rackspace username and api key. Optionally, you can omit these keywords and supply an Authentication object using the auth keyword. """ self.connection_args = None self.connection = None self.token = None # handle optional kwargs self.debuglevel = int(kwargs.get('debuglevel', 0)) self.auth = kwargs.get('auth', None) socket.setdefaulttimeout = int(kwargs.get('timeout', 5)) if not self.auth: # If we didn't get an auth object, do authentication authurl = kwargs.get('authurl', default_authurl) if username and api_key and authurl: self.auth = Authentication(username, api_key, authurl) else: # Raise an InvalidArgumentsFault err_msg = "Connection " if not username: err_msg += "- missing username" if not api_key: err_msg += "- missing api_key" if not authurl: err_msg += "- missing authurl" raise ClientErrors.InvalidArgumentsFault(err_msg) self._authenticate() def _authenticate(self): """ Authenticate and setup this instance with the values returned. """ (self.url, self.token) = self.auth.authenticate() self.connection_args = parse_url(self.url) self.conn_class = (self.connection_args[3] and HTTPSConnection) or HTTPConnection self.http_connect() def http_connect(self): """ Setup the http connection instance. """ host, port, self.uri, is_ssl = self.connection_args self.connection = self.conn_class(host, port=port) self.connection.set_debuglevel(self.debuglevel) def make_request(self, method, path=[], data='', hdrs=None, params=None, retHeaders=None): """ Given a method (i.e. GET, PUT, POST, DELETE etc), a path, data, header and metadata dicts, and an optional dictionary of query parameters, performs an http request. """ path = '/%s/%s' % (self.uri.rstrip('/'), '/'.join([quote(i) for i in path])) print "connection path: ", path if isinstance(params, dict) and params: query_args = ['%s=%s' \ % (quote(x),quote(str(y))) for (x,y) in params.items()] path = '%s?%s' % (path, '&'.join(query_args)) headers = { 'User-Agent': user_agent, 'X-Auth-Token': self.token } if data and (method in ('POST', 'PUT')): # content type is required for requests with a body headers.update(json_hdrs) if isinstance(hdrs, dict): headers.update(hdrs) dataLen = len(data) if dataLen: headers['Content-Length'] = dataLen def retry_request(): """ Re-connect and re-try a failed request once """ self.http_connect() self.connection.request(method, path, data, headers) return self.connection.getresponse() try: self.connection.request(method, path, data, headers) response = self.connection.getresponse() except HTTPException: # A simple HTTP exception, just retry once response = retry_request() # If our caller needs the headers back, they'll have sent this in # and it must be a list()! if retHeaders: retHeaders.extend(response.getheaders()) raw = # print "status: ", response.status # print "response: ", raw try: responseObj = json.loads(raw) except: responseObj = {"cloudServersFault": "No message, no response obj"} if response.status == 401: self._authenticate() response = retry_request() # if the response is bad, parse and raise the CloudServersFault if 400 <= response.status <= 599: key = responseObj.keys()[0] faultType = "%s%s%s" % (key[0].capitalize(), key[1:], 'Fault') fault = responseObj[key] faultClass = getattr(ClientErrors, faultType) if faultType == 'OverLimitFault': raise faultClass(fault['message'], '', fault['code'], fault['retryAfter']) else: raise faultClass(fault['message'], fault['details'], fault['code']) return responseObj