コード例 #1
 def _finalizeStructure(self):
     Overrides EditCommand._finalizeStructure. 
     @see: EditCommand.preview_or_finalize_structure
     if self.struct is not None:
         #@TODO 2008-03-19:Should we always do this even when strand sequence
         #is not changed?? Should it waste time in comparing the current 
         #sequence with a previous one? Assigning sequence while leaving the 
         #command will be slow for large files.Need to be optimized if 
         #What if a flag is set in self.propMgr.updateSequence() when it 
         #updates the seq for the second time and we check that here. 
         #Thats  not good if the method gets called multiple times for some 
         #reason other than the user entered sequence. So not doing here. 
         #Better fix would be to check if sequence gets changed (textChanged)
         #in DnaSequence editor class .... Need to be revised
コード例 #2
    def _finalizeStructure(self):
        Overrides EditCommand._finalizeStructure.
        This method also makes sure that the DnaGroup is not empty ..if its
        empty it deletes it.
        @see: dna_model.DnaGroup.isEmpty
        @see: EditCommand.preview_or_finalize_structure
        if self.struct is not None:
            if self.struct.isEmpty():
                #Don't keep empty DnaGroup Fixes bug 2603.

        if self.struct is not None:
            #Make sure that he DnaGroup in the Model Tree is in collapsed state
            #after finalizing the structure.
            #DON'T DO self.struct.open = False in the above conditional
            #because the EditCommand._finalizeStructure may have assigned
            #'None' for 'self.struct'!
            self.struct.open = False
コード例 #3
    def _finalizeStructure(self):
        Overrides EditCommand._finalizeStructure. 
        This method also makes sure that the NanotubeGroup is not empty ..if its 
        empty it deletes it. 
        @see: cnt_model.NanotubeGroup.isEmpty
        @see: EditCommand.preview_or_finalize_structure
        if self.struct is not None:
            if self.struct.isEmpty():
                #Don't keep empty NanotubeGroup Fixes bug 2603.

        if self.struct is not None:
            #Make sure that he NanotubeGroup in the Model Tree is in collapsed state
            #after finalizing the structure.
            #DON'T DO self.struct.open = False in the above conditional
            #because the EditCommand._finalizeStructure may have assigned
            #'None' for 'self.struct'!
            self.struct.open = False
コード例 #4
 def _finalizeStructure(self):
     Finalize the structure. This is a step just before calling Done method.
     to exit out of this command. Subclasses may overide this method
     @see: EditCommand_PM.ok_btn_clicked
     @see: DnaSegment_EditCommand where this method is overridden. 
     #The following can happen in this case: User creates first duplex, 
     #Now clicks inside 3D workspace to define the first point of the 
     #next duplex. Now moves the mouse to draw dna rubberband line. 
     #and then its 'Done' When it does that, it has modified the 
     #'number of base pairs' value in the PM and then it uses that value 
     #to modify self.struct ...which is the first segment user created!
     #In order to avoid this, either self.struct should be set to None after
     #its appended to the segment list (in self.createStructure) 
     #Or it should compute the number of base pairs each time instead of 
     #relying on the corresponding value in the PM. The latter is not 
     #advisable if we support modifying the number of base pairs from the 
     #PM (and hitting preview) while in DnaDuplex command. 
     #In the mean time, I think this solution will always work. 
     if len(self.mouseClickPoints) == 1:
コード例 #5
 def _finalizeStructure(self):
     Finalize the structure. This is a step just before calling Done method.
     to exit out of this command. Subclasses may overide this method
     @see: EditCommand_PM.ok_btn_clicked
     @see: NanotubeSegment_EditCommand where this method is overridden. 
     #The following can happen in this case: User creates first nanotube,
     #Now clicks inside 3D workspace to define the first point of the
     #next nanotube. Now moves the mouse to draw cnt rubberband line.
     #and then its 'Done' When it does that, it has modified the
     #'number of base pairs' value in the PM and then it uses that value
     #to modify self.struct ...which is the first segment user created!
     #In order to avoid this, either self.struct should be set to None after
     #its appended to the segment list (in self.createStructure)
     #Or it should compute the number of base pairs each time instead of
     #relying on the corresponding value in the PM. The latter is not
     #advisable if we support modifying the number of base pairs from the
     #PM (and hitting preview) while in InsertNanotube command.
     #In the mean time, I think this solution will always work.
     if len(self.mouseClickPoints) == 1: