コード例 #1
ファイル: beambot.py プロジェクト: gitter-badger/BeamBot
def readChat():

    global initTime, activeChat, user_id, websocket, chat_socket

    activeChat = []
    msgLocalID = 0
    goodbye = False
    announce_users = {}

    session = requests.Session()

    activeChat = []
    websocket = yield from websockets.connect(endpoint)

    content = [channel, user_id, authkey]
    yield from messages.sendMsg(websocket, content, is_auth=True)

    while True:

        time_pre_recv = datetime.now().strftime("%M")

        result = yield from websocket.recv()


        if result == None:
            result = json.loads(result)
        except TypeError as e:

        if "event" in result:  # Otherwise it crashes when type = response

            event = result["event"]
            if "username" in result["data"]:
                result_user = result["data"]["username"]
            elif "user_name" in result["data"]:
                result_user = result["data"]["user_name"]

            cur_time = int(datetime.now().strftime("%M"))

            if event == "UserJoin":
                yield from announce.userJoin(result, result_user)

            if event == "UserLeave":
                yield from announce.userLeave(result, result_user)

            elif event == "ChatMessage":

                msg = result["data"]
                msg_id = msg["id"]

                user_roles = msg["user_roles"]
                user_name = msg["user_name"]
                user_id = msg["user_id"]
                user_msg = msg["message"]["message"]
                meta = msg["message"]["meta"]

                print("User:\t\t", user_name, "-", user_id)

                msg_text = ""

                if len(user_msg) > 1:  # There's an emoticon in there
                    for section in user_msg:
                        if section["type"] == "text" and section["data"] != "":
                            msg_text += section["data"]

                        elif section["type"] == "emoticon":  # Emoticon
                            msg_text += section["text"]

                        elif section["type"] == "link":  # Link/URL
                            msg_text += section["text"]

                    # Updated form /me handling - to be released Oct 18-19 by Beam
                    if "meta" in user_msg[0]:  # /me message
                        if "me" in user_msg[0]["meta"]:
                            msg_text += user_msg[0]["message"]

                    elif user_msg[0]["type"] == "text" and user_msg[0]["data"] != "":
                        msg_text += user_msg[0]["data"]

                print("Message:\t", msg_text, end="\n\n")

                if user_name not in activeChat:

                response, goodbye = commands.prepCMD(msg, msgLocalID, websocket, user_name, user_roles, user_id)

                if goodbye:  # If goodbye is set to true, bot is supposed to turn off

                    yield from messages.sendMsg(websocket, response)  # Send the message
                    yield from messages.sendMsg(websocket, "See ya later!")  # Send goodbye msg
                    yield from messages.close(websocket)
                    print("Bot quit", str(datetime.now().strftime("%H.%M.%S")))

                if response == None or response == "":  # Make sure response isn't nothing
                    # ----------------------------------------------------------
                    # Send the message
                    # ----------------------------------------------------------

                    ret_msg = yield from messages.sendMsg(websocket, response)
                    ret_msg = json.loads(ret_msg)  # Convert response to JSON

                    print("ret_msg:\t", ret_msg)
                    print("Response:\t", ret_msg["data"])

                    if "error" in ret_msg:
                        if ret_msg["error"] != None:
                            print("Error:\t", ret_msg["error"])
                            print("Code:\t", ret_msg["id"])
コード例 #2
ファイル: beambot.py プロジェクト: thespacearmyteam/BeamBot
def readChat():

    global initTime, activeChat

    activeChat = []
    msgLocalID = 0

    session = requests.Session()

    if os.path.exists("data/blacklist.p"):
        msgs_acted = pickle.load(open("data/blacklist.p", "rb"))
        msgs_acted = []
        pickle.dump(msgs_acted, open("data/blacklist.p", "wb"))

    activeChat = []

    if os.path.exists("data/bannedUsers.p"):
        bannedUsers = pickle.load(open("data/bannedUsers.p", "rb"))
        bannedUsers = []
        pickle.dump(bannedUsers, open("data/bannedUsers.p", "wb"))

    websocket = yield from websockets.connect(endpoint)

    packet = {"type": "method", "method": "auth", "arguments": [channel, user_id, authkey], "id": 0}

    response = yield from websocket.send(json.dumps(packet))

    while True:

        timeCur = datetime.now().strftime("%S")

        result = yield from websocket.recv()

        if result != None:
            result = json.loads(result)

        print("result:\t", result, "\n")

        if "event" in result:
            if result["event"] == "ChatMessage":

                msg = result["data"]
                msgID = msg["id"]
                userName = msg["user_name"]

                if userName not in activeChat:

                response, goodbye = commands.prepCMD(msg, bannedUsers, msgLocalID, msgs_acted)

                if goodbye:  # If goodbye is set to true, bot is supposed to turn off
                    yield from websocket.send(json.dumps(response))  # Send the message
                    yield from websocket.close()

                if response != None:  # Make sure response isn't nothing
                    # ----------------------------------------------------------
                    # Send the message
                    # ----------------------------------------------------------
                    # Create the packet
                    packet = {"type": "method", "method": "msg", "arguments": [response], "id": msgLocalID}

                    msgLocalID += 1  # Increment the msg number variable

                    yield from websocket.send(json.dumps(packet))  # Send the message
                    ret_msg = yield from websocket.recv()  # Get the response
                    ret_msg = json.loads(ret_msg)  # Convert response to JSON

                    print("ret_msg:\t", ret_msg)

                if msgID not in msgs_acted:  # Don't add duplicates
                    msgs_acted.append(msgID)  # Make sure we don't act on messages again

                    # Dump the list of msgs_acted into the blacklist.p pickle file so we don't act on those
                    # messages again.
                    f = open("data/.blist_temp.p", "wb")
                    pickle.dump(msgs_acted, f)


                    os.rename("data/.blist_temp.p", "data/blacklist.p")