コード例 #1
	def updatePacket(self, projectID, ownerID, projectName, projectDescr, isPrivate, projectReaderIDs, projectWriterIDs):

		db = self.db
		cursor = self.cursor

		commHandler = CommentHandler(db, cursor)

		# simple: name and owner
		cursor.execute("UPDATE Packets_tbl SET ownerID=" + `ownerID` + " WHERE packetID=" + `projectID`)
		cursor.execute("UPDATE Packets_tbl SET packetName=" + `projectName` + " WHERE packetID=" + `projectID`)
		# private or public
		# again, convert Boolean values to text; otherwise they're not stored
		if isPrivate == False:
			isPrivate = 'FALSE'
			isPrivate = 'TRUE'
		cursor.execute("UPDATE Packets_tbl SET is_private=" + `isPrivate` + " WHERE packetID=" + `projectID`)

		# description
		packetCommLinkID = commHandler.findCommentLinkID('Packet')
		packetDescr = commHandler.findCommentID(projectDescr, packetCommLinkID)
		cursor.execute("UPDATE Packets_tbl SET packetDescription=" + `packetDescr` + " WHERE packetID=" + `projectID`)

		# members
		self.updateProjectMembers(projectID, projectReaderIDs, 'Reader')
		self.updateProjectMembers(projectID, projectWriterIDs, 'Writer')
コード例 #2
	def insertPacket(self, packet):
		db = self.db
		cursor = self.cursor
		# extract all attributes from 'packet'
		projectID = packet.getNumber()
		# Owner is a User instance.  Get his user ID
		owner = packet.getOwner()
		packetOwner = owner.getUserID()		
		packetName = packet.getName()
		packetDescription = packet.getDescription()	# may be empty
		packetReaders = packet.getReaders()		# list of User instances
		packetWriters = packet.getWriters()
		# Create a Comment table entry for Project description
		commHandler = CommentHandler(db, cursor)

		# select 'Packet' commentLinkID
		packetCommLinkID = commHandler.findCommentLinkID('Packet')
		descrCommID = commHandler.insertComment(packetCommLinkID, packetDescription)

		# Private or public
		#isPrivate = packet.isPrivate()
		# convert Boolean values to text, not stored otherwise
		if packet.isPrivate() == False:
			isPrivate = 'FALSE'
			isPrivate = 'TRUE'
		cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Packets_tbl(packetID, ownerID, packetName, packetDescription, is_private) VALUES(" + `projectID` + ", " + `packetOwner` + ", " + `packetName` + ", " + `descrCommID` + ", " + `isPrivate` + ")")
		packetID = int(db.insert_id())
		self.insertPacketReaders(packetID, packetReaders)
		self.insertPacketWriters(packetID, packetWriters)
		return packetID