コード例 #1
class Test_StorePlugin(TestCase):
    Tests for the StorePlugin class.

    #: Topics that should be registered
    topics = ('get-store-manager', )

    def before(self):
        Called before every test.
        self.bus = mock.MagicMock()
        self.plugin = Plugin(self.bus)

    def after(self):
        Called after every test.
        self.bus = None
        self.plugin = None

    def test_store_plugin_start(self):
        Verify start() subscribes the proper topics.
        # subscribe should be called a specific number of times
        self.assertEquals(len(self.topics), self.bus.subscribe.call_count)
        # Each subscription should have it's own call to register a callback
        for topic in self.topics:
            self.bus.subscribe.assert_any_call(topic, mock.ANY)

    def test_store_plugin_stop(self):
        Verify stop() unsubscribes the proper topics.
        # unsubscribe should be called a specific number of times
        self.assertEquals(len(self.topics), self.bus.unsubscribe.call_count)
        # Each unsubscription should have it's own call
        # to deregister a callback
        for topic in self.topics:
            self.bus.unsubscribe.assert_any_call(topic, mock.ANY)

    def test_get_store_manager(self):
        Verify get_store_manager returns a store manager.
        manager = self.plugin.get_store_manager()
        self.assertIsInstance(manager, StoreHandlerManager)
コード例 #2
 def before(self):
     Called before every test.
     self.bus = mock.MagicMock()
     self.store_kwargs = {}
     self.plugin = Plugin(self.bus, self.store_kwargs)
コード例 #3
class Test_StorePlugin(TestCase):
    Tests for the StorePlugin class.

    #: Topics that should be registered
    topics = ('store-get', 'store-save', 'store-delete', 'store-list')

    def before(self):
        Called before every test.
        self.bus = mock.MagicMock()
        self.store_kwargs = {}
        self.plugin = Plugin(self.bus, self.store_kwargs)

    def after(self):
        Called after every test.
        self.bus = None
        self.plugin = None

    def test_store_plugin_creation(self):
        Verify that the creation of the plugin works as it should.
        with mock.patch('etcd.Client') as _store:
            # Store should be None
            self.assertEquals(None, self.plugin.store)
            # The Store should not have been called in any way
            self.assertEquals(0, _store().call_count)

    def test_store_plugin__get_store(self):
        Verify _get_store properly obtains a store instance.
        with mock.patch('etcd.Client') as _store:
            store = self.plugin._get_store()
            # We should have a store created with our kwargs
            # The returned stoer should be exactly the same
            self.assertEquals(store, _store())
            self.assertEquals(store, self.plugin.store)

    def test_store_plugin_start(self):
        Verify start() subscribes the proper topics.
        # subscribe should be called a specific number of times
        self.assertEquals(len(self.topics), self.bus.subscribe.call_count)
        # Each subscription should have it's own call to register a callback
        for topic in self.topics:
            self.bus.subscribe.assert_any_call(topic, mock.ANY)

    def test_store_plugin_stop(self):
        Verify stop() unsubscribes the proper topics.
        # unsubscribe should be called a specific number of times
        self.assertEquals(len(self.topics), self.bus.unsubscribe.call_count)
        # Each unsubscription should have it's own call
        # to deregister a callback
        for topic in self.topics:
            self.bus.unsubscribe.assert_any_call(topic, mock.ANY)

    def test_store_save(self):
        Verify store_save handles data properly.
        key = '/test'
        data = "{}"
        with mock.patch('etcd.Client') as _store:
            store = _store()
            expected_result = mock.MagicMock('etcd.EtcdResult')
            expected_result.value = {}
            store.write.return_value = expected_result
            result = self.plugin.store_save(key, data)
            # The store should be called to set the data
            store.write.assert_called_once_with(key, data)
            # The result should be a tuple
            self.assertEquals((expected_result, None), result)

    def test_store_save_error(self):
        Verify store_save handles errors properly.
        key = '/test'
        data = "{}"
        with mock.patch('etcd.Client') as _store:
            store = _store()
            expected_result = Exception()
            store.write.side_effect = expected_result
            result = self.plugin.store_save(key, data)
            # The store should be called to set the data
            store.write.assert_called_once_with(key, data)
            # The result should be a tuple
            self.assertEquals(([], expected_result), result)

    def test_store_get(self):
        Verify store_get returns data properly.
        key = '/test'
        with mock.patch('etcd.Client') as _store:
            store = _store()
            expected_result = mock.MagicMock('etcd.EtcdResult')
            store.get.return_value = expected_result
            result = self.plugin.store_get(key)
            # The store should be called to get the data
            # The result should be a tuple
            self.assertEquals((expected_result, None), result)

    def test_store_get_error(self):
        Verify store_get returns errors properly.
        key = '/test'
        with mock.patch('etcd.Client') as _store:
            store = _store()
            expected_result = Exception()
            store.get.side_effect = expected_result
            result = self.plugin.store_get(key)
            # The store should be called to get the data
            # The result should be a tuple
            self.assertEquals(([], expected_result), result)
コード例 #4
 def before(self):
     Called before every test.
     self.bus = mock.MagicMock()
     self.plugin = Plugin(self.bus)