コード例 #1
class AdminServletsTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        object_store_creator = ObjectStoreCreator(start_empty=True)
        self._commit_tracker = CommitTracker(object_store_creator)
        for id in _COMMIT_HISTORY_DATA:
            self._commit_tracker.Set('master', id).Get()

    def _ResetCommit(self, commit_name, commit_id):
        return ResetCommitServlet(
            Request.ForTest('%s/%s' % (commit_name, commit_id)),

    def _AssertBadRequest(self, commit_name, commit_id):
        response = self._ResetCommit(commit_name, commit_id)
            response.status, 400,
            'Should have failed to reset to commit %s to %s.' %
            (commit_name, commit_id))

    def _AssertOk(self, commit_name, commit_id):
        response = self._ResetCommit(commit_name, commit_id)
            response.status, 200,
            'Failed to reset commit %s to %s.' % (commit_name, commit_id))

    def testResetCommitServlet(self):
        # Make sure all the valid commits can be used for reset.
        for id in _COMMIT_HISTORY_DATA:
            self._AssertOk('master', id)

        # Non-existent commit should fail to update

        # Commit 'master' should still point to the last valid entry
            self._commit_tracker.Get('master').Get(), _COMMIT_HISTORY_DATA[-1])

        # Reset to a valid commit but older
        self._AssertOk('master', _COMMIT_HISTORY_DATA[0])

        # Commit 'master' should point to the first history entry
            self._commit_tracker.Get('master').Get(), _COMMIT_HISTORY_DATA[0])

        # Add a new entry to the history and validate that it can be used for reset.
        _NEW_ENTRY = '9999999999999999999999999999999999999999'
        self._commit_tracker.Set('master', _NEW_ENTRY).Get()
        self._AssertOk('master', _NEW_ENTRY)

        # Add a bunch (> 50) of entries to ensure that _NEW_ENTRY has been flushed
        # out of the history.
        for i in xrange(0, 20):
            for id in _COMMIT_HISTORY_DATA:
                self._commit_tracker.Set('master', id).Get()

        # Verify that _NEW_ENTRY is no longer valid for reset.
        self._AssertBadRequest('master', _NEW_ENTRY)
コード例 #2
def _UpdateCommitId(commit_name, commit_id):
  '''Sets the commit ID for a named commit. This is the final step performed
  during update. Once all the appropriate datastore entries have been populated
  for a new commit ID, the 'master' commit entry is updated to that ID and the
  frontend will begin serving the new data.

  Note that this requires an access token identifying the main service account
  for the chrome-apps-doc project. VM instances will get this automatically
  from their environment, but if you want to do a local push to prod you will
  need to set the DOCSERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable appropriately.
  commit_tracker = CommitTracker(
  commit_tracker.Set(commit_name, commit_id).Get()
  logging.info('Commit "%s" updated to %s.' % (commit_name, commit_id))
コード例 #3
    def _GetImpl(self):
        path = self._request.path.strip('/')
        parts = self._request.path.split('/', 1)
        source_name = parts[0]
        if len(parts) == 2:
            source_path = parts[1]
            source_path = None

            'starting refresh of %s DataSource %s' %
            (source_name, '' if source_path is None else '[%s]' % source_path))

        if 'commit' in self._request.arguments:
            commit = self._request.arguments['commit']
            _log.warning('No commit given; refreshing from master. '
                         'This is probably NOT what you want.')
            commit = None

        server_instance = self._CreateServerInstance(commit)
        commit_tracker = CommitTracker(server_instance.object_store_creator)
        refresh_tracker = RefreshTracker(server_instance.object_store_creator)

        # If no commit was given, use the ID of the last cached master commit.
        # This allows sources external to the chromium repository to be updated
        # independently from individual refresh cycles.
        if commit is None:
            commit = commit_tracker.Get('master').Get()

        success = True
            if source_name == 'platform_bundle':
                data_source = server_instance.platform_bundle
            elif source_name == 'content_providers':
                data_source = server_instance.content_providers
                data_source = CreateDataSource(source_name, server_instance)

            class_name = data_source.__class__.__name__
            refresh_future = data_source.Refresh(source_path)
            assert isinstance(
                Future), ('%s.Refresh() did not return a Future' % class_name)
            timer = Timer()

                # Mark this (commit, task) pair as completed and then see if this
                # concludes the full cache refresh. The list of tasks required to
                # complete a cache refresh is registered (and keyed on commit ID) by the
                # CronServlet before kicking off all the refresh tasks.
                    path).Then(lambda _: refresh_tracker.GetRefreshComplete(
                        commit)).Then(lambda is_complete: commit_tracker.Set(
                            'master', commit) if is_complete else None).Get())
            except Exception as e:
                _log.error('%s: error %s' %
                           (class_name, traceback.format_exc()))
                success = False
                if IsFileSystemThrottledError(e):
                    return Response.ThrottledError('Throttled')
                _log.info('Refreshing %s took %s' %
                          (class_name, timer.Stop().FormatElapsed()))

            success = False
            # This should never actually happen.
            _log.error('uncaught error: %s' % traceback.format_exc())
            _log.info('finished (%s)', 'success' if success else 'FAILED')
            return (Response.Ok('Success')
                    if success else Response.InternalError('Failure'))