def fight_finish(): adb = AutoAdb() # 等待战斗结束 timer = Timer() while True: print('\r等待战斗结束 %ds ...' % timer.get_duration(), end='') skip_dialog() time.sleep(3) # 每次循环加一个等待时间,降低cpu占用 if adb.check('temp_images/fight/fight-finish.png'): print(' √ 总耗时: %ds' % timer.get_duration()) break # 战斗结束 fight_result = None ending_loc = Location(adb, None, 1160, 690) while True: if fight_result is None: # 处理新船 new_ship = adb.check('temp_images/fight/new-ship.png') if new_ship: print('发现新船!!') fight_result = True'temp_images/confirm-btn.png') continue # 处理失败 fail_confirm ='temp_images/fight/fail-confirm.png') if fail_confirm: fight_result = False # 战队难以成型时点击确定 adb.wait('temp_images/confirm-btn.png', max_wait_time=3).click() break # 持续点击右下角 # 回到 stage列表页面 或 敌人列表页面 也说明战斗已经结束 if adb.check('temp_images/page/in-stage.png', # stage列表 'temp_images/page/in-enemy.png', # enemy列表 'temp_images/page/in-daily.png'): # 日常任务结束后的界面 fight_result = True break if adb.check('temp_images/page/in-operation.png'): print('误入演习界面,退出。。。') PageUtils.back() continue print('战斗胜利~(~ ̄▽ ̄)~' if fight_result else '战斗失败 >_<') # 战斗结束后可能出现紧急任务提示 # 由于是透明遮罩, 所以无法根据其他元素是否显示而做出反应, 只能等一定的时间 adb.wait('temp_images/confirm-btn.png', max_wait_time=2).click() return fight_result
def fight_stage(stage_temp_list): if stage_temp_list is None or len(stage_temp_list) == 0: print('目标关卡未指定') exit(1) auto_adb = AutoAdb() # 判断是否已经在关卡中 in_enemy = PageUtils.in_enemy_page() if in_enemy: fight_all_enemy() return # 确定进入 timer = Timer() while True: print('\r扫描目标关卡中 ... %ds ' % timer.get_duration(), end='') loc = auto_adb.get_location(*stage_temp_list) if loc is not None: break print('%s √' % loc.temp_rel_path) # 点击关卡图标 confirmed = confirm_stage_team() # 确认队伍 if not confirmed: # 如果队伍确认失败,则重新做一次 fight_stage(stage_temp_list)
def wait(self, temp_rel_path, threshold=threshold, cycle_interval=0, max_wait_time=None, episode=None): timer = Timer() while True: duration = timer.get_duration() print('\r > wait %s ... %ds ' % (temp_rel_path, duration), end='') if max_wait_time is not None and 0 < max_wait_time < duration: print(' ×', flush=True) return Location(self, None, None, None) if episode is not None: try: episode() except Exception as e: print('过程方法执行异常') print(e) loc = self.get_location(temp_rel_path, threshold=threshold) if loc is not None: print(' √', flush=True) return loc if cycle_interval > 0: time.sleep(cycle_interval)
def wait(self, temp_rel_path, threshold=threshold, max_wait_time=None, episode=None): timer = Timer() none_loc = Location(self, None, None, None) while True: duration = timer.get_duration() print('\r > wait %s ... %ds ' % (temp_rel_path, duration), end='') if max_wait_time is not None and 0 < max_wait_time < duration: print(' ×', flush=True) return none_loc if episode is not None: try: res = episode() if res is not None and not res: return none_loc except Exception as e: print('过程方法执行异常') print(e) loc = self.get_location(temp_rel_path, threshold=threshold) if loc is not None: print(' √', flush=True) return loc
def wind_up_stage_fight(): timer = Timer() while PageUtils.in_fight_page(): print('\r战斗中。。。 %ds ' % timer.get_duration(), end='') time.sleep(5) if PageUtils.in_enemy_page(): print('进行关卡收尾。。。') fight_all_enemy() return True return False
def confirm_stage_team(): adb = AutoAdb() timer = Timer() while True: print('\r确认关卡队伍中。。。 %ds ' % timer.get_duration(), end='') # 如果已经进入敌人列表界面,则跳出循环 if PageUtils.in_enemy_page(): print(' √') fight_all_enemy() # 战斗 return True button_list = [ 'temp_images/stage/immediate-start.png', # 立刻前往 'temp_images/stage/weigh-anchor.png', # 出击按钮 'temp_images/fight/fight-confirm.png' # 特殊关卡会提示更多 ] button_loc = adb.get_location(*button_list) if button_loc is not None: port_full = PortUtils.check_port_full() if port_full: return False
def fight_stage(stage_temp_list): if stage_temp_list is None or len(stage_temp_list) == 0: print('目标关卡未指定') exit(1) auto_adb = AutoAdb() # 判断是否已经在关卡中 wind_up_stage_fight() # 确定进入 timer = Timer() while True: print('\r扫描目标关卡中 ... %ds ' % timer.get_duration(), end='') loc = auto_adb.get_location(*stage_temp_list) if loc is not None: break print('%s √' % loc.temp_rel_path) # 点击关卡图标 confirm_result = confirm_stage_team() # 确认队伍, 战斗 if confirm_result is None: # 如果关卡进入失败, 则重新尝试 print('关卡进入失败, 重新尝试...') fight_stage(stage_temp_list) return confirm_result