コード例 #1
ファイル: athenad.py プロジェクト: wushenhui1990/openpilot
def getSimInfo():
  sim_state = android.getprop("gsm.sim.state").split(",")
  network_type = android.getprop("gsm.network.type").split(',')
  mcc_mnc = android.getprop("gsm.sim.operator.numeric") or None

  sim_id = android.parse_service_call_string(['iphonesubinfo', '11'])
  cell_data_state = android.parse_service_call_unpack(['phone', '46'], ">q")
  cell_data_connected = (cell_data_state == 2)

  return {
    'sim_id': sim_id,
    'mcc_mnc': mcc_mnc,
    'network_type': network_type,
    'sim_state': sim_state,
    'data_connected': cell_data_connected
コード例 #2
ファイル: systemd.py プロジェクト: easyeiji/dragonpilot
def confd_thread():
    sm = messaging.SubMaster(['thermal'])
    pm = messaging.PubMaster(['dragonConf'])
    last_dp_msg = None
    last_modified = None
    update_params = False
    frame = 0
    locale = getprop("persist.sys.locale").rstrip('\n')

    last_autoshutdown = False
    last_sec = None
    autoshutdown_frame = 0

    last_charging_ctrl = False
    last_started = False

    dashcam_next_frame = 0
    dashcam_folder_exists = False
    dashcam_mkdir_retry = 0

    # thermal
    started = False
    free_space = 0.
    online = False
    battery_percent = 0.
    overheat = False

    while True:
        start_sec = sec_since_boot()
        if frame % 6 == 0:
            if sm.updated['thermal']:
                started = sm['thermal'].started
                free_space = sm['thermal'].freeSpace
                online = sm['thermal'].usbOnline
                battery_percent = sm['thermal'].batteryPercent
                overheat = sm['thermal'].thermalStatus >= 2

        msg = messaging.new_message('dragonConf')
        if last_dp_msg is not None:
            msg.dragonConf = last_dp_msg
    force update when start status changed
        if last_started != started:
            update_params = True
    we only need to check last_modified every 3 seconds
    if val is modified, we then proceed to read params
        if not update_params and frame % 6 == 0:
                modified = params.get('dp_last_modified',
            except AttributeError:
                modified = str(floor(time.time()))
            if last_modified != modified:
                update_params = True
            last_modified = modified
    push param vals to message
        if update_params:
            for conf in confs:
                conf_type = conf.get('conf_type')
                if 'param' in conf_type and 'struct' in conf_type:
                    update_this_conf = True

                    update_once = conf.get('update_once')
                    if update_once is not None and update_once is True and frame > 0:
                        update_this_conf = False

                    if frame > 0 and update_this_conf:
                        dependencies = conf.get('depends')
                        # if has dependency and the depend param val is not in depend_vals, we dont update that conf val
                        # this should reduce chance of reading all params
                        if dependencies is not None:
                            for dependency in dependencies:
                                if getattr(msg.dragonConf,
                                           ) not in dependency['vals']:
                                    update_this_conf = False

                    if update_this_conf:
                        val = params.get(conf['name'], encoding='utf8')
                        if val is not None:
                            val = val.rstrip('\x00')
                        struct_val = to_struct_val(conf['name'], val)
                        orig_val = struct_val
                        if conf.get('min') is not None:
                            struct_val = max(struct_val, conf.get('min'))
                        if conf.get('max') is not None:
                            struct_val = min(struct_val, conf.get('max'))
                        if orig_val != struct_val:
                            params.put(conf['name'], str(struct_val))
                        setattr(msg.dragonConf, get_struct_name(conf['name']),
    push ip addr every 10 secs to message
        if frame % 20 == 0:
            val = 'N/A'
                result = subprocess.check_output(["ifconfig", "wlan0"],
                val = re.findall(r"inet addr:((\d+\.){3}\d+)", result)[0][0]
            msg.dragonConf.dpIpAddr = val
    push is_updating status every 5 secs to message
        if frame % 10 == 0:
            val = params.get('dp_is_updating', encoding='utf8').rstrip('\x00')
            setattr(msg.dragonConf, get_struct_name('dp_is_updating'),
                    to_struct_val('dp_is_updating', val))
    push once
        if frame == 0:
            setattr(msg.dragonConf, get_struct_name('dp_locale'), locale)
            put_nonblocking('dp_is_updating', '0')
    we can have some logic here
        if msg.dragonConf.dpAssistedLcMinMph > msg.dragonConf.dpAutoLcMinMph:
            msg.dragonConf.dpAutoLcMinMph = msg.dragonConf.dpAssistedLcMinMph
        if msg.dragonConf.dpAtl:
            msg.dragonConf.dpAllowGas = True
            msg.dragonConf.dpDynamicFollow = 0
            msg.dragonConf.dpAccelProfile = 0
            msg.dragonConf.dpGearCheck = False
        if msg.dragonConf.dpAppWaze:
            msg.dragonConf.dpDrivingUi = False
        if not msg.dragonConf.dpDriverMonitor:
            msg.dragonConf.dpUiFace = False

        msg.dragonConf.dpThermalStarted = started
        msg.dragonConf.dpThermalOverheat = overheat
    publish msg
        last_dp_msg = msg.dragonConf
        update_params = False
        pm.send('dragonConf', msg)
    hotspot on boot
    we do it after 30 secs just in case
        if frame == 60 and params.get("dp_hotspot_on_boot") == b'1':
            os.system("service call wifi 37 i32 0 i32 1 &")
        dashcam = msg.dragonConf.dpDashcam
        if frame % 2 == 0 and dashcam:
            while not dashcam_folder_exists and dashcam_mkdir_retry <= 5:
                    if not os.path.exists(DASHCAM_VIDEOS_PATH):
                        dashcam_folder_exists = True
                except OSError:
                dashcam_mkdir_retry += 1
            if dashcam_folder_exists:
                if started:
                    if frame >= dashcam_next_frame - 2:
                        now = datetime.datetime.now()
                        file_name = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
                            "screenrecord --bit-rate %s --time-limit %s %s%s.mp4 &"
                            % (DASHCAM_BIT_RATES, DASHCAM_DURATION,
                               DASHCAM_VIDEOS_PATH, file_name))
                        dashcam_next_frame = frame + DASHCAM_DURATION * 2
                    dashcam_next_frame = 0

                if frame % 120 == 0 and ((free_space < DASHCAM_FREESPACE_LIMIT)
                                         (get_used_spaces() > DASHCAM_KEPT)):
                        files = [
                            f for f in sorted(os.listdir(DASHCAM_VIDEOS_PATH))
                            if os.path.isfile(DASHCAM_VIDEOS_PATH + f)
                        os.system("rm -fr %s &" %
                                  (DASHCAM_VIDEOS_PATH + files[0]))
                    except (IndexError, FileNotFoundError, OSError):
    auto shutdown
        autoshutdown = msg.dragonConf.dpAutoShutdown
        if frame % 20 == 0 and autoshutdown:
            sec = msg.dragonConf.dpAutoShutdownIn * 60 * 2
            if last_autoshutdown != autoshutdown or last_sec != sec or started or online:
                autoshutdown_frame = frame + sec
            if not started and not online and sec > 0 and frame >= autoshutdown_frame:
                os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')
            last_sec = sec
        last_autoshutdown = autoshutdown
    battery ctrl every 30 secs
    PowerMonitor in thermald turns back on every mins
    so lets turn it off more frequent
        charging_ctrl = msg.dragonConf.dpChargingCtrl
        if last_charging_ctrl != charging_ctrl:
        if charging_ctrl and frame % 60 == 0:
            if battery_percent >= msg.dragonConf.dpDischargingAt and get_battery_charging(
            elif battery_percent <= msg.dragonConf.dpChargingAt and not get_battery_charging(
        last_charging_ctrl = charging_ctrl
    make it 2 hz
        last_started = started
        frame += 1
        sleep = 0.5 - (sec_since_boot() - start_sec)
        if sleep > 0:
コード例 #3
ファイル: i18n.py プロジェクト: wavewrangler/dragonpilot-1
import gettext
from common import android
from common.params import put_nonblocking
is_android = android.ANDROID
locale_dir = '/data/openpilot/selfdrive/assets/locales'
supported_language = ['en-US', 'zh-TW', 'zh-CN']
locale = android.getprop("persist.sys.locale") if is_android else 'en-US'

def alerts():
    i18n = gettext.translation('alerts',
    return i18n.gettext
コード例 #4
  {'name': 'dp_toyota_zss', 'default': False, 'type': 'Bool', 'conf_type': ['param']},
  {'name': 'dp_toyota_lowest_cruise_override', 'default': False, 'type': 'Bool', 'depends': [{'name': 'dp_atl', 'vals': [False]}], 'conf_type': ['param', 'struct']},
  {'name': 'dp_toyota_lowest_cruise_override_at', 'default': 44, 'type': 'Float32', 'depends': [{'name': 'dp_toyota_lowest_cruise_override', 'vals': [True]}], 'min': 0, 'max': 255., 'conf_type': ['param', 'struct']},
  {'name': 'dp_toyota_lowest_cruise_override_speed', 'default': 32, 'type': 'Float32', 'depends': [{'name': 'dp_toyota_lowest_cruise_override_speed', 'vals': [True]}], 'min': 0, 'max': 255., 'conf_type': ['param', 'struct']},
  # custom car
  {'name': 'dp_car_selected', 'default': '', 'type': 'Text', 'conf_type': ['param']},
  {'name': 'dp_car_list', 'default': '', 'type': 'Text', 'conf_type': ['param']},
  {'name': 'dp_car_detected', 'default': '', 'type': 'Text', 'conf_type': ['param']},
  {'name': 'dp_ip_addr', 'default': '', 'type': 'Text', 'conf_type': ['struct']},
  {'name': 'dp_full_speed_fan', 'default': False, 'type': 'Bool', 'conf_type': ['param']},
  {'name': 'dp_uno_fan_mode', 'default': False, 'type': 'Bool', 'conf_type': ['param']},
  {'name': 'dp_last_modified', 'default': str(floor(time.time())), 'type': 'Text', 'conf_type': ['param']},
  {'name': 'dp_camera_offset', 'default': 6, 'type': 'Int8', 'min': -255, 'max': 255, 'conf_type': ['param', 'struct']},

  {'name': 'dp_locale', 'default': getprop("persist.sys.locale").rstrip('\n'), 'type': 'Text', 'conf_type': ['param', 'struct'], 'update_once': True},
  {'name': 'dp_disable_relay', 'default': False, 'type': 'Bool', 'conf_type': ['param']},
  {'name': 'dp_charging_ctrl', 'default': False, 'type': 'Bool', 'conf_type': ['param', 'struct']},
  {'name': 'dp_charging_at', 'default': 60, 'type': 'UInt8', 'min': 0, 'max': 100, 'depends': [{'name': 'dp_charging_ctrl', 'vals': [True]}], 'conf_type': ['param', 'struct']},
  {'name': 'dp_discharging_at', 'default': 70, 'type': 'UInt8', 'min': 0, 'max': 100, 'depends': [{'name': 'dp_charging_ctrl', 'vals': [True]}], 'conf_type': ['param', 'struct']},
  {'name': 'dp_reg', 'default': True, 'type': 'Bool', 'conf_type': ['param']},
  {'name': 'dp_is_updating', 'default': False, 'type': 'Bool', 'conf_type': ['param', 'struct']},

  {'name': 'dp_sr_learner', 'default': True, 'type': 'Bool', 'conf_type': ['param']},
  {'name': 'dp_lqr', 'default': False, 'type': 'Bool', 'conf_type': ['param']},
  {'name': 'dp_reset_live_param_on_start', 'default': False, 'type': 'Bool', 'conf_type': ['param']},

  # including thermal data
  {'name': 'dp_thermal_started', 'default': False, 'type': 'Bool', 'conf_type': ['struct']},
  {'name': 'dp_thermal_overheat', 'default': False, 'type': 'Bool', 'conf_type': ['struct']},