コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: jimpick/jaikuengine
def channel_item(request, nick, item=None, format='html'):
  nick = clean.channel(nick)
  view = api.actor_lookup_nick(request.user, nick)

  if not view:
    raise http.Http404()

  stream_ref = api.stream_get_presence(request.user, view.nick)

  entry = '%s/%s' % (stream_ref.key().name(), item)

  entry_ref = api.entry_get(request.user, entry)
  if not entry_ref:
    raise http.Http404()

  handled = common_views.handle_view_action(
      {'entry_add_comment': entry_ref.url(), 
       'entry_remove': view.url(),
       'entry_remove_comment': entry_ref.url(),
       'entry_mark_as_spam': entry_ref.url()
  if handled:
    return handled

  admins = api.channel_get_admins(request.user, channel=view.nick)
  user_is_admin = request.user and request.user.nick in admins

  comments = api.entry_get_comments(request.user, entry)

  actor_nicks = [entry_ref.owner, entry_ref.actor] + [c.actor for c in comments]
  actors = api.actor_get_actors(request.user, actor_nicks)

  # display munge
  entry = display.prep_entry(entry_ref,
                             { stream_ref.key().name(): stream_ref },
  comments = display.prep_comment_list(comments, actors)

  # config for template
  green_top = True
  sidebar_green_top = True

  # rendering
  c = template.RequestContext(request, locals())
  if format == 'html':
    t = loader.get_template('channel/templates/item.html')
    return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))
  elif format == 'json':
    t = loader.get_template('actor/templates/item.json')
    r = http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))
    r['Content-type'] = 'text/javascript'
    return r
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: hfeeki/jaikuengine
def channel_item(request, nick, item=None, format='html'):
  nick = clean.channel(nick)
  view = api.actor_lookup_nick(request.user, nick)

  if not view:
    raise http.Http404()

  stream_ref = api.stream_get_presence(request.user, view.nick)

  entry = '%s/%s' % (stream_ref.key().name(), item)

  entry_ref = api.entry_get(request.user, entry)
  if not entry_ref:
    raise http.Http404()

  handled = common_views.handle_view_action(
      {'entry_add_comment': entry_ref.url(request=request), 
       'entry_remove': view.url(request=request),
       'entry_remove_comment': entry_ref.url(request=request),
       'entry_mark_as_spam': entry_ref.url(request=request)
  if handled:
    return handled

  admins = api.channel_get_admins(request.user, channel=view.nick)
  user_is_admin = request.user and request.user.nick in admins

  comments = api.entry_get_comments(request.user, entry)

  actor_nicks = [entry_ref.owner, entry_ref.actor] + [c.actor for c in comments]
  actors = api.actor_get_actors(request.user, actor_nicks)

  # Creates a copy of actors with lowercase keys (Django #6904: template filter
  # dictsort sorts case sensitive), excluding channels and the currently
  # logged in user.
  participants = {}
  for k, v in actors.iteritems():
    if (v and
        not v.is_channel() and
        not (hasattr(request.user, 'nick') and request.user.nick == v.nick)):
      participants[k.lower()] = v

  # display munge
  entry = display.prep_entry(entry_ref,
                             { stream_ref.key().name(): stream_ref },
  comments = display.prep_comment_list(comments, actors)

  # config for template
  green_top = True
  sidebar_green_top = True

  # rendering
  c = template.RequestContext(request, locals())
  if format == 'html':
    t = loader.get_template('channel/templates/item.html')
    return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))
  elif format == 'json':
    t = loader.get_template('actor/templates/item.json')
    r = http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))
    r['Content-type'] = 'text/javascript'
    return r
コード例 #3
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: webatat/webatat
def actor_item(request, nick=None, item=None, format='html'):
  # The nick passed in the url looks ugly with the escaped @ in it and is
  # generally just shorter if we only use the lead part of the nick
  # however the entire system expects full nicks so we should expand this
  # as soon as possible
  nick = clean.nick(nick)

  # Most pages have the concept of a viewer and an actor being viewed,
  # in all cases the viewer is `request.user` and the actor being viewed
  # should be named `view`
  view = api.actor_lookup_nick(request.user, nick)

  if not view:
    raise exception.UserDoesNotExistError(nick, request.user)

  # With very few exceptions, whenever we are referring to a an
  # instance that is an entity from the datastore we append `_ref`
  # to the variable name to distinguish it from the variable that
  # is simply a string identifier.
  # In the code below `stream_ref` and `entry_ref` are both entity
  # references, while `entry` is simply the string key_name of an entry
  stream_ref = api.stream_get_presence(request.user, view.nick)
  if not stream_ref:
    raise http.Http404()

  if item == 'last':
    entry_ref = api.entry_get_last(request.user, stream_ref.keyname())
    return http.HttpResponseRedirect(entry_ref.url())
    entry = '%s/%s' % (stream_ref.key().name(), item)
    entry_ref = api.entry_get_safe(request.user, entry)

  # Most api calls will return None if the entity being looked up does
  # not exist so we usually want to verify the return values
  if not entry_ref:
    raise http.Http404()

  # When handling user actions the following pattern more or less applies
  # if 'parameter_unique_to_action' in request.(POST|GET|REQUEST):
  #   try:
  #     validate.nonce(request, 'nonce_action')
  #     validate.anything_else_that_is_related_to_ui_rather_than_call()
  #     local_variable = request.(POST|GET|REQUEST).get('request_arg')
  #     # or
  #     params = util.query_dict_to_keywords(request.(POST|GET|REQUEST))
  #     # Our goal is to have most of the logic for any action translate
  #     # directly into an api call on behalf of the requesting user
  #     # such that the api call is responsible for validating all input
  #     # and raising any applicable errors
  #     result = api.some_api_method(request.user,
  #                                  method_variable=local_variable,
  #                                  ...)
  #     # or
  #     result = api.some_api_method(request.user,  **params)
  #     # All actions should issue a redirect with a success message
  #     return util.RedirectFlash('some_url', 'some success message')
  #   except:
  #     exception.handle_exception(request)
  # When an exception occurs we expect the rest of the page to be able
  # to be processed normally as if no action had been taken, the error
  # handling section of the template should display the errors caught
  # by the exception.handle_exception() call

  handled = common_views.handle_view_action(
      {'entry_add_comment': entry_ref.url(request=request),
       'entry_remove': view.url(request=request),
       'entry_remove_comment': entry_ref.url(request=request),
       'entry_mark_as_spam': entry_ref.url(request=request)
  if handled:
    return handled

  comments = api.entry_get_comments(request.user, entry_ref.key().name())

  # To minimize the number of lookups to the datastore once we know
  # all the data we will be displaying on a page we attempt to make
  # a list of all the actors associated with that data so that we can
  # fetch them all at once
  actor_nicks = [entry_ref.owner, entry_ref.actor] + [c.actor for c in comments]
  actors = api.actor_get_actors(request.user, actor_nicks)
  # Creates a copy of actors with lowercase keys (Django #6904: template filter
  # dictsort sorts case sensitive), excluding the currently logged in user.
  participants = {}
  for k, v in actors.iteritems():
    if (v and
        not (hasattr(request.user, 'nick') and request.user.nick == v.nick)):
      participants[k.lower()] = v

  # Due to restrictions on Django's templating language most of the time
  # we will have to take an additional step of preparing all of our data
  # for display, this usually translates to attaching references to
  # actor or stream entities.
  # Functions that handle this preparation should be added to the
  # common.display module
  entry = display.prep_entry(entry_ref,
                             {stream_ref.key().name(): stream_ref}, actors)
  comments = display.prep_comment_list(comments, actors)

  # Additionally, to minimize more logic in the templates some variables
  # can be defined to configure the output, these are usually template specific
  # though some are common variables for anything that inherits from the
  # base templates
  green_top = True
  sidebar_green_top = True

  # The quickest way to make sure we are getting all of the things we care
  # about passed to the template without the temptation of making last minute
  # changes is just to pass `locals()` to the template context
  c = template.RequestContext(request, locals())

  # Ideally this is all that should be necessary to add additional output
  # formats, in practice it is yet to be seen whether additional data
  # preparation will be necessary before outputting in JSON or ATOM formats
  if format == 'html':

    # We always use the full path to the template to prevent naming conflicts
    # and difficult searches.
    t = loader.get_template('actor/templates/item.html')
    return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))

  elif format == 'json':
    t = loader.get_template('actor/templates/item.json')
    return util.HttpJsonResponse(t.render(c), request)
コード例 #4
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: seckyn/jaikuengine
def actor_item(request, nick=None, item=None, format='html'):
    # The nick passed in the url looks ugly with the escaped @ in it and is
    # generally just shorter if we only use the lead part of the nick
    # however the entire system expects full nicks so we should expand this
    # as soon as possible
    nick = clean.nick(nick)

    # Most pages have the concept of a viewer and an actor being viewed,
    # in all cases the viewer is `request.user` and the actor being viewed
    # should be named `view`
    view = api.actor_lookup_nick(request.user, nick)

    if not view:
        raise exception.UserDoesNotExistError(nick, request.user)

    # With very few exceptions, whenever we are referring to a an
    # instance that is an entity from the datastore we append `_ref`
    # to the variable name to distinguish it from the variable that
    # is simply a string identifier.
    # In the code below `stream_ref` and `entry_ref` are both entity
    # references, while `entry` is simply the string key_name of an entry
    stream_ref = api.stream_get_presence(request.user, view.nick)
    if not stream_ref:
        raise http.Http404()

    if item == 'last':
        entry_ref = api.entry_get_last(request.user, stream_ref.keyname())
        return http.HttpResponseRedirect(entry_ref.url())
        entry = '%s/%s' % (stream_ref.key().name(), item)
        entry_ref = api.entry_get_safe(request.user, entry)

    # Most api calls will return None if the entity being looked up does
    # not exist so we usually want to verify the return values
    if not entry_ref:
        raise http.Http404()

    # When handling user actions the following pattern more or less applies
    # if 'parameter_unique_to_action' in request.(POST|GET|REQUEST):
    #   try:
    #     validate.nonce(request, 'nonce_action')
    #     validate.anything_else_that_is_related_to_ui_rather_than_call()
    #     local_variable = request.(POST|GET|REQUEST).get('request_arg')
    #     # or
    #     params = util.query_dict_to_keywords(request.(POST|GET|REQUEST))
    #     # Our goal is to have most of the logic for any action translate
    #     # directly into an api call on behalf of the requesting user
    #     # such that the api call is responsible for validating all input
    #     # and raising any applicable errors
    #     result = api.some_api_method(request.user,
    #                                  method_variable=local_variable,
    #                                  ...)
    #     # or
    #     result = api.some_api_method(request.user,  **params)
    #     # All actions should issue a redirect with a success message
    #     return util.RedirectFlash('some_url', 'some success message')
    #   except:
    #     exception.handle_exception(request)
    # When an exception occurs we expect the rest of the page to be able
    # to be processed normally as if no action had been taken, the error
    # handling section of the template should display the errors caught
    # by the exception.handle_exception() call

    handled = common_views.handle_view_action(
        request, {
            'entry_add_comment': entry_ref.url(request=request),
            'entry_remove': view.url(request=request),
            'entry_remove_comment': entry_ref.url(request=request),
            'entry_mark_as_spam': entry_ref.url(request=request)
    if handled:
        return handled

    comments = api.entry_get_comments(request.user, entry_ref.key().name())

    # To minimize the number of lookups to the datastore once we know
    # all the data we will be displaying on a page we attempt to make
    # a list of all the actors associated with that data so that we can
    # fetch them all at once
    actor_nicks = [entry_ref.owner, entry_ref.actor
                   ] + [c.actor for c in comments]
    actors = api.actor_get_actors(request.user, actor_nicks)

    # Creates a copy of actors with lowercase keys (Django #6904: template filter
    # dictsort sorts case sensitive), excluding the currently logged in user.
    participants = {}
    for k, v in actors.iteritems():
        if (v and not (hasattr(request.user, 'nick')
                       and request.user.nick == v.nick)):
            participants[k.lower()] = v

    # Due to restrictions on Django's templating language most of the time
    # we will have to take an additional step of preparing all of our data
    # for display, this usually translates to attaching references to
    # actor or stream entities.
    # Functions that handle this preparation should be added to the
    # common.display module
    entry = display.prep_entry(entry_ref,
                               {stream_ref.key().name(): stream_ref}, actors)
    comments = display.prep_comment_list(comments, actors)

    # Additionally, to minimize more logic in the templates some variables
    # can be defined to configure the output, these are usually template specific
    # though some are common variables for anything that inherits from the
    # base templates
    green_top = True
    sidebar_green_top = True

    # The quickest way to make sure we are getting all of the things we care
    # about passed to the template without the temptation of making last minute
    # changes is just to pass `locals()` to the template context
    c = template.RequestContext(request, locals())

    # Ideally this is all that should be necessary to add additional output
    # formats, in practice it is yet to be seen whether additional data
    # preparation will be necessary before outputting in JSON or ATOM formats
    if format == 'html':

        # We always use the full path to the template to prevent naming conflicts
        # and difficult searches.
        t = loader.get_template('actor/templates/item.html')
        return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))

    elif format == 'json':
        t = loader.get_template('actor/templates/item.json')
        return util.HttpJsonResponse(t.render(c), request)
コード例 #5
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: zhoujh/jaikuengine
def channel_item(request, nick, item=None, format='html'):
    nick = clean.channel(nick)
    view = api.actor_lookup_nick(request.user, nick)

    if not view:
        raise http.Http404()

    stream_ref = api.stream_get_presence(request.user, view.nick)

    entry = '%s/%s' % (stream_ref.key().name(), item)

    entry_ref = api.entry_get(request.user, entry)
    if not entry_ref:
        raise http.Http404()

    handled = common_views.handle_view_action(
        request, {
            'entry_add_comment': entry_ref.url(request=request),
            'entry_remove': view.url(request=request),
            'entry_remove_comment': entry_ref.url(request=request),
            'entry_mark_as_spam': entry_ref.url(request=request)
    if handled:
        return handled

    admins = api.channel_get_admins(request.user, channel=view.nick)
    user_is_admin = request.user and request.user.nick in admins

    comments = api.entry_get_comments(request.user, entry)

    actor_nicks = [entry_ref.owner, entry_ref.actor
                   ] + [c.actor for c in comments]
    actors = api.actor_get_actors(request.user, actor_nicks)

    # Creates a copy of actors with lowercase keys (Django #6904: template filter
    # dictsort sorts case sensitive), excluding channels and the currently
    # logged in user.
    participants = {}
    for k, v in actors.iteritems():
        if (v and not v.is_channel()
                and not (hasattr(request.user, 'nick')
                         and request.user.nick == v.nick)):
            participants[k.lower()] = v

    # display munge
    entry = display.prep_entry(entry_ref,
                               {stream_ref.key().name(): stream_ref}, actors)
    comments = display.prep_comment_list(comments, actors)

    # config for template
    green_top = True
    sidebar_green_top = True

    # rendering
    c = template.RequestContext(request, locals())
    if format == 'html':
        t = loader.get_template('channel/templates/item.html')
        return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))
    elif format == 'json':
        t = loader.get_template('actor/templates/item.json')
        r = http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))
        r['Content-type'] = 'text/javascript'
        return r