コード例 #1
	def create(self,req,body=None):
		environ = req.environ
		user_id = environ['HTTP_X_USER_ID']'''
		# need to upgrade to use permission engine
		if user_role == 'nuser':
			return "you have no permission to upload service"
			request_body_size = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH',0))
		except ValueError:
		#print fileds
		#print environ["wsgi.input"].read()
		#print self.db_session
		user_id = '123'
		#insert sv_tb table about service information
		sv_id=db.addSvInfo2TB(self.db_session, user_id, fileds)
		#insert service arg information into sv_arg_type_tb table
		db.addSvInputArg2TB(self.db_session, sv_id, fileds)
		db.addSvOutputArg2TB(self.db_session, sv_id, fileds)
		contenttype = environ['CONTENT_TYPE']
		sv_file = fileds['svfile']
		vm_id = fileds['vm_id'].value
		sv_url=self.rmsvMan.addSv2Vm(vm_id,sv_id, sv_file,contenttype)
		db.updatedSvUrl(self.db_session, sv_id, sv_url)
		return 'service upload successfully!!!'
コード例 #2
    def create(self, req, body=None):
        environ = req.environ
		user_id = environ['HTTP_X_USER_ID']'''
        self.db_session = environ['db_session']
        # need to upgrade to use permission engine
		if user_role == 'nuser':
			return "you have no permission to upload service"
            request_body_size = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))
        except ValueError:
            request_body_size = 0
        fileds = cgi.FieldStorage(environ["wsgi.input"], environ=environ)

        #print fileds
        #print environ["wsgi.input"].read()
        #print self.db_session
        user_id = '123'

        #insert sv_tb table about service information
        sv_id = db.addSvInfo2TB(self.db_session, user_id, fileds)

        #insert service arg information into sv_arg_type_tb table

        db.addSvInputArg2TB(self.db_session, sv_id, fileds)

        db.addSvOutputArg2TB(self.db_session, sv_id, fileds)
		contenttype = environ['CONTENT_TYPE']
		sv_file = fileds['svfile']
		vm_id = fileds['vm_id'].value
		sv_url=self.rmsvMan.addSv2Vm(vm_id,sv_id, sv_file,contenttype)
		db.updatedSvUrl(self.db_session, sv_id, sv_url)
        return 'service upload successfully!!!'
コード例 #3
		#print fileds
		#print environ["wsgi.input"].read()
		#print self.db_session
		#insert sv_tb table about service information
			sv_id=db.addSvInfo2TB(self.db_session, user_id,user_name, fileds)
		except HydrogenException,e:
			return e.msg
		#insert service arg information into sv_arg_type_tb table
		db.addSvInputArg2TB(self.db_session, sv_id, fileds)
		db.addSvOutputArg2TB(self.db_session, sv_id, fileds)
		contenttype = environ['CONTENT_TYPE']
		sv_file = fileds['svfile']
		vm_id = fileds['vm_id'].value
		sv_url=self.rmsvMan.addSv2Vm(vm_id,sv_id, sv_file,contenttype)
		db.updatedSvUrl(self.db_session, sv_id, sv_url)
		return 'service upload successfully!!!'
	def delete(self,req,id=None):