def get_job_table(self, state_filter, limit = 50, offset = 0, cmd_filter = None): limit += 1 data = [] state_filter = state_filter.split('|') if state_filter: for s in state_filter[:]: if s != 'all' and s not in self.all_state: state_filter.remove(s) state_filter = tuple(state_filter) if not state_filter: state_filter = tuple([ 'fail', 'pending', 'running' ]) if 'all' in state_filter: state_filter = tuple([ x for x in self.all_state ]) with db.connection(self): fmt_strs = ', '.join(['%s'] * len(state_filter)) q = 'SELECT * FROM job WHERE job_state IN (' + fmt_strs + ')' if cmd_filter: q += 'AND job_jobname = %s' args = state_filter + (cmd_filter,) + (limit, ) + (offset,) else: args = state_filter + (limit, ) + (offset,) q+= ' ORDER BY job_id DESC LIMIT %s OFFSET %s' #print >> sys.stderr, q % (state_filter + (limit, ) + (offset,)) self.cursor.execute(q, args) data = self.cursor.fetchall() has_next = True if len(data) == limit else False return data[:limit-1], has_next
def add_request(self, jobname, run_cmd, args, max_vmem, cpu_bound = True, force = False): job_id = 0 with db.connection(self): job_id = self._add_request(jobname, run_cmd, args, max_vmem, cpu_bound, force) return job_id
def update_accounting(self): jobs = {} with db.connection(self): q = 'SELECT job_id, sge_jobnumber, sge_hostname FROM accounting WHERE sge_hostname=""' self.cursor.execute(q) for data in self.cursor.fetchall(): jobs[data['sge_jobnumber']] = [ data ] if not len(jobs): return self.search_accounting(jobs) with db.connection(self): fields = [ 'hostname', 'qsub_time', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'failed', 'exit_status', 'ru_utime', 'ru_stime', 'ru_wallclock', 'used_maxvmem' ] set_str = [] for f in fields: set_str.append('sge_%s=%%(%s)s' % (f, f)) set_str = ', '.join(set_str) for sge_jobnumber in jobs: sge_jobnumber = int(sge_jobnumber) # Accounting not found, it'll found in the next run. if len(jobs[sge_jobnumber]) <= 1: continue q = "UPDATE accounting SET " + set_str # We can't let execute() do the quoting for jobnumber, but # sge_jobnumber is forced to int so this code is sql injection # safe. q += ' WHERE sge_jobnumber=%d' % sge_jobnumber # Kludge, execute() don't accept a namedtuple nor an # OrderedDict so convert it explicitly to a dict. d = jobs[sge_jobnumber][1]._asdict() d = dict(zip(d.keys(), d.values())) self.cursor.execute(q, d) job = jobs[sge_jobnumber][0] new_state = 'success' if int(d['failed']) or int(d['exit_status']): new_state = 'fail' q = 'UPDATE job SET job_state=%s WHERE job_id=%s' self.cursor.execute(q, [ new_state, job['job_id'] ])
def pending_request(self, limit = 16, offset = 0): data = [] with db.connection(self): self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM job WHERE job_state='pending' LIMIT %s OFFSET %s", [ limit, offset ]) data = self.cursor.fetchall() return data
def update_db(lang, bookname): import hocr_request db_hocr = hocr_request.DbHocr() with db.connection(db_hocr): path = cache_path(bookname, lang) if os.path.exists(path + 'sha1.sum'): sha1 = read_sha1(path) db_hocr.add_update_row(bookname, lang, sha1) else: print >> sys.stderr, "Can't locate sha1.sum", path
def check_running(self): sge_running = qstat.running_jobs('') if sge_running: with db.connection(self): q = 'SELECT job_id, sge_jobnumber, job_args FROM job WHERE job_state="running"' self.cursor.execute(q) for r in self.cursor.fetchall(): if not r['sge_jobnumber'] in sge_running: self._exec_check(r) return len(sge_running) return None
def exec_request(self, r): sge_job_nr = 0 # This is a bit convoluted but we need it to avoid a race condition: # we set the job as running before starting it so on if this script # run twice in parallel we don't try to start the same job twice. Then # when the job really started or fail to start we update its state # again. As we don't know yet the sge job number, we setup it as zero. # Note this could be done in pending_request() but I prefer to protect # it locally. really_pending = False with db.connection(self): q = 'UPDATE job SET job_state=%s, sge_jobnumber=%s WHERE job_id=%s AND job_state="pending"' if self.cursor.execute(q, [ 'running', 0, r['job_id'] ]): really_pending = True if not really_pending: print >> sys.stderr, "run request for job_id %s cancelled, as it's no longer pending" % r['job_id'] return cmdline_arg = job_cmdline_arg(r, 'job_run_cmd') sge_cmdline = sge_cmdline_arg(r) ls = subprocess.Popen(sge_cmdline + cmdline_arg, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds = True) text = ls.wait() try: sge_job_nr = int('Your job (\d+) ', text).group(1)) new_state = 'running' except: utils.print_traceback("sge failure to exec job: %d" % r['job_id'], text) new_state = 'sge_fail' # Now we can really update the job state, see comment above. with db.connection(self): q = 'UPDATE job SET job_state=%s, sge_jobnumber=%s WHERE job_id=%s' self.cursor.execute(q, [ new_state, sge_job_nr, r['job_id'] ])
def delete(bookname, lang): if type(bookname) == type(u''): bookname = bookname.encode('utf-8') bookname = bookname.replace(' ', '_') path = hocr.cache_path(bookname, lang) sha1 = hocr.read_sha1(path) db_hocr = hocr_request.DbHocr() with db.connection(db_hocr): q = 'delete from hocr where sha1=%s and lang=%s and title=%s' db_hocr.cursor.execute(q, [sha1, lang, bookname]) print db_hocr.cursor.fetchall() if os.path.exists(path + 'sha1.sum'): os.remove(path + 'sha1.sum')
def get_accounting_table(self, limit = 50, offset = 0, job_ids = None): limit += 1 data = [] if not job_ids: job_ids = [] if type(job_ids) != type([]): job_ids = [ job_ids ] with db.connection(self): q = 'SELECT * from accounting ' if job_ids: fmt_strs = ', '.join(['%s'] * len(job_ids)) q += 'WHERE job_id in (' + fmt_strs + ') ' q += 'ORDER BY job_id DESC, sge_jobnumber DESC, sge_hostname LIMIT %s OFFSET %s' self.cursor.execute(q, tuple(job_ids) + (limit, ) + (offset,)) data = self.cursor.fetchall() has_next = True if len(data) == limit else False return data[:limit-1], has_next