コード例 #1
 def test_add_users_doesnt_add_duplicate_entry(self):
     Tests that calling add_users multiple times before a single call
     to remove_users does not result in the user remaining in the group.
     role = CourseStaffRole(self.course_key)
     assert role.has_user(self.student)
     # Call add_users a second time, then remove just once.
     assert not role.has_user(self.student)
コード例 #2
def assign_staff_role_to_ccx(ccx_locator, user, master_course_id):
    Check if user has ccx_coach role on master course then assign them staff role on ccx only
    if role is not already assigned. Because of this coach can open dashboard from master course
    as well as ccx.
    :param ccx_locator: CCX key
    :param user: User to whom we want to assign role.
    :param master_course_id: Master course key
    coach_role_on_master_course = CourseCcxCoachRole(master_course_id)
    # check if user has coach role on master course
    if coach_role_on_master_course.has_user(user):
        # Check if user has staff role on ccx.
        role = CourseStaffRole(ccx_locator)
        if not role.has_user(user):
            # assign user the staff role on ccx
            with ccx_course(ccx_locator) as course:
                allow_access(course, user, "staff", send_email=False)
コード例 #3
    def test_create_ccx(self, ccx_name='New CCX'):
        Create CCX. Follow redirect to coach dashboard, confirm we see
        the coach dashboard for the new CCX.

        url = reverse(
            kwargs={'course_id': str(self.course.id)})

        response = self.client.post(url, {'name': ccx_name})
        assert response.status_code == 302
        url = response.get('location')
        response = self.client.get(url)
        assert response.status_code == 200

        # Get the ccx_key
        path = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path
        resolver = resolve(path)
        ccx_key = resolver.kwargs['course_id']

        course_key = CourseKey.from_string(ccx_key)

        assert CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(self.coach, course_key)
        assert re.search('id="ccx-schedule"', response.content.decode('utf-8'))

        # check if the max amount of student that can be enrolled has been overridden
        ccx = CustomCourseForEdX.objects.get()
        course_enrollments = get_override_for_ccx(ccx, self.course, 'max_student_enrollments_allowed')
        assert course_enrollments == settings.CCX_MAX_STUDENTS_ALLOWED
        # check if the course display name is properly set
        course_display_name = get_override_for_ccx(ccx, self.course, 'display_name')
        assert course_display_name == ccx_name

        # check if the course display name is properly set in modulestore
        course_display_name = self.mstore.get_course(ccx.locator).display_name
        assert course_display_name == ccx_name

        # assert ccx creator has role=staff
        role = CourseStaffRole(course_key)
        assert role.has_user(self.coach)

        # assert that staff and instructors of master course has staff and instructor roles on ccx
        list_staff_master_course = list_with_level(self.course, 'staff')
        list_instructor_master_course = list_with_level(self.course, 'instructor')

        # assert that forum roles are seeded
        assert are_permissions_roles_seeded(course_key)
        assert has_forum_access(self.coach.username, course_key, FORUM_ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR)

        with ccx_course(course_key) as course_ccx:
            list_staff_ccx_course = list_with_level(course_ccx, 'staff')
            # The "Coach" in the parent course becomes "Staff" on the CCX, so the CCX should have 1 "Staff"
            # user more than the parent course
            assert (len(list_staff_master_course) + 1) == len(list_staff_ccx_course)
            assert list_staff_master_course[0].email in [ccx_staff.email for ccx_staff in list_staff_ccx_course]
            # Make sure the "Coach" on the parent course is "Staff" on the CCX
            assert self.coach in list_staff_ccx_course

            list_instructor_ccx_course = list_with_level(course_ccx, 'instructor')
            assert len(list_instructor_ccx_course) == len(list_instructor_master_course)
            assert list_instructor_ccx_course[0].email == list_instructor_master_course[0].email